Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 253 Home

'Created for me?' said Liu Wei surprised, 'You mean—'

'I'm the bike under you,' agreed Reaper he revved his engine.

'Then, if you were created for me, why does Li Dai Lu mean so much to you?' asked Liu Wei. It wasn't that he was upset that Reaper was so concerned about the well-being of his woman, he was more curious.

'I was created for you, but I serve her,' replied Reaper just before his voice went through the headsets, interrupting whatever conversation the others were having. "Head to City A. It will take us a while to get there so she can have a good sleep before we need more detailed instructions."

"I can tell you when we get closer where home is," said Liu Wei out loud.

"What about our men?" asked Wang Chao. "They are waiting for us back in City Y."

"Make your decision, but we are going to head to City A. If you want, you can walk back to your men and then meet us there, no matter how long it takes you," interjected the fifth voice with dominance. Wang Chao scoffed at that.

"You think you can force me to walk?" he scorned. As soon as the last word was out of his mouth, the motorcycle under him raised up on its back wheel and hit the gas. Not expecting it, Wang Chao lost his balance and it took him a second to be able to grab the handles so he didn't fall off.

"They are the bikes," said Liu Wei letting the other men know what was going on. "And I can only assume that if that is the case, then the first voice is the truck Li Dai Lu is in right now."

"Pretty smart for a flesh bag," sneered the fifth voice who was clearly the bike that Wang Chao was riding. It was still balancing up on its rear wheel but now weaving back and forth in an attempt to get its driver off.

"Fuck off, Ares," snapped the first voice. "She can feel what he can and it is upsetting her. She needs sleep." By the time the first voice finished his sentence; Ares was back on the concrete and driving properly.

"You could have said something," pouted Ares. "I just didn't like that he put his men before her."

"Understandable," said Reaper. "It is really no contest. But I guess that means we have to take better care of them if she can feel what they do."

Liu Yu Zeng chuckled when he heard the sulking voice over the mic. "So, Wang Chao has Ares. Does anyone else want to introduce themselves?" he asked as he nudged his bike with his heel.

"Ouch! Watch it asshole!" growled the fourth voice.

"Now, now, Lin. Don't you want to introduce yourself?" asked Ares with what appeared to be his typical sneer.

"Lin?" Liu Yu Zeng repeated. "My bike's name is Lin? It seems a bit—"

"My name isn't Lin," grumbled the bike.

"You'll have to forgive him," said the first voice. "He isn't too happy with what the researchers were calling him so we've shortened it to Lin."

"But that's just until I can figure out a better name. I was thinking Wen Shen," came the haughty reply.

"What's your full name?" asked Liu Yu Zeng curious.

There was silence as all 11 individuals involved in the conversation paused for a second. There was a deep sigh, "My name is Chalchiuhtotolin," came the subdued reply.  Once again there was silence from the rest of the males.I think you should take a look at

"That is a bit of a mouth full," said Liu Yu Zeng after a pause. "I think Lin might be easiest to remember."

"Fine, I'll stick with Lin."

"I am Cerberus," came the first voice. "I belong to Li Dai Lu." The way he said it was a direct challenge to the rest of the vehicles and they all loudly protested his statement.

"Remind me where she is now?" Cerberus said smugly. "That's right, with me."

"Lucky bastard," came the second voice.

"And who are you?" asked Chen Zi Han.

"Your bike," came the immediate response, but there wany nothing else after that.

"I mean, what is your name," said Chen Zi Han, refusing to back down. Especially if it was his bike.

"Cronus," came the reply before there was silence.

"So there's Ares, Lin, Cronus, and Cerberus. Am I missing any?" asked Chen Zi Han trying to get everything straight.

"I am on Reaper," added Liu Wei.  There was a grunt coming from Reaper as he acknowledged his name.

"And I can only assume you are the dreaded 'them' that Rip and the scientists were going on about. What makes you so scary?" asked Liu Yu Zeng.  There was a chuckle after his statement from the bikes and trucks.

"You'll find that out later," said Ares in a somewhat joyful mood.

The men were silent. "Did we come to a conclusion about the men?" asked Liu Wei. He wasn't turning around to go get them, but he wanted there to be a clear conclusion just in case Li Dai Lu asked about them.

"We'll leave them there," sighed Wang Chao. He was not willing to leave simply for 100 men. They would find their way back to the other base on their own. Probably. Depends on how smart they were.

"They'll find their way back to Elysian City after a day or so of waiting," said Chen Zi Han unintentionally repeating what Wang Chao was thinking.

"Or at least our men will," smirked Liu Yu Zeng and he took his right hand off of the handlebar to be able to turn around and look at the men behind him. It was that moment where he relaxed his guard that Lin took off at high speed almost causing the man to fall off.

"Fucker," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng as he put his hand back and regained his balance.

"Asshole," replied Lin without missing a beat. 

Liu Wei rolled his eyes at the antics between the two. Hopefully, things will smooth out more in the time it would take them to get to the Ranch. It originally took them almost two months to go from City A to City J, fingers crossed the trip back would take a lot less time.

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