Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 244 The Muffin Man

Popping out of my space with the guy's jackets in my arms, I held each one out to them. "How about we change out of the military-style jackets and into these ones?" I asked in my most angelic voice. I mean, if I ended up drooling over the guys in these things then that was completely on me.

Looking at me confused, they each grabbed their jacket and shrugged out of the camo one. Flicking my wrist, I threw them into my space for them to wear later. But oh, these jackets, they were what wet dreams were made of.

Each one was pure perfection in that they fit like a glove over their muscles and tapered in at their waist creating that 'V' shape that made my lady bits tingle. Coupled with three of the guys wearing gloves and I didn't know if I could take another step forward.

Maybe I should get Wang Chao a pair of leather gloves too… just to complete the look of course.

Speak of the Devil… Wang Chao cleared his throat and brought my attention away from the jackets and back to the bloody hallway.  "Want to tell us why?" he asked with a smirk.

"Because it makes you look hot and I want to climb all four of you like a tree?" I suggested with an innocent grin on my face. I mean, I was sure my horns were sticking up, but that was only to hold up my halo.

The four guys smirked at my response and Liu Yu Zeng took a step forward to grab me around my waist. "What a coincidence," he purred. "I want to be climbed like a tree."

I chuckled and pulled him down for a kiss that caused my toes to curl and my underwear to become uncomfortable.

"I hate to interrupt," said Wang Chao sounding anything but apologetic. "But I think we have a few things to take care of before you are climbing anyone."

"Yes, yes," I grumbled as Liu Yu Zeng started to pull away from our kiss. "And about the jackets. I am going with the assumption that if the Ripper was a prisoner here, then he might be a bit upset with anything that reminds him of his guards. You know, military fatigues, white coats, that sort of thing."

Stepping out from Liu Yu Zeng's arms, I wrinkled my nose as yet another drop of blood from the ceiling hit me on my cheek. "Never was good about cleaning up after himself," I grumbled under my breath, making sure I spoke low enough that the guys couldn't hear me.

"What was that, Sweetness?" asked Liu Yu Zeng as his thumb swiped at the drop of blood.

"I was just complaining about how killers never seem to be able to clean up after themselves. Like really, who wants to walk in puddles of blood!?"

The guys just smiled and I turned around to head in the direction of the drag marks. Normally I would highly recommend not doing this. If you ever see bloody drag marks on the ground, please make sure that you run in the opposite direction. Just a friendly public service announcement.

I jumped over a few of the larger puddles, the men following close behind me. I honestly had no idea where I was going. In fact, it probably should have been Wang Chao leading the way, but I figured if Ripper was still around, it would most likely go over better for him to see me first. I mean, I was as far away from military-looking as you could get.I think you should take a look at

There were no doors along this corridor, simply white walls with bloody handprints, splatter marks, and floors with bloody footprints. I really didn't understand what the designer was thinking when they had this place built. Then again, if it managed to survive the EMP then maybe the guy wasn't so crazy after all.

"I don't think it is a good thing for Little Red Riding Hood to be following breadcrumbs in the woods," came a disembodied voice. I looked around, but I couldn't see anyone.

The men, not being as calm or relaxed as I was… go figure… took out their guns and formed a circle around me. "You don't really listen well, do you?" I said as I looked at Chen Zi Han and Wang Chao. "Be dears and put them away."

The men looked at me and then, with a stiff nod, put their guns back in the hoisters. "Now, if you can't keep them in there, I will have to take them away," I said with a smirk as I patted Wang Chao's chest. Stepping around my men, I looked up at the cameras that were lining the hallway.

I guess the blood had claimed all my attention if I hadn't noticed them before. "It was Hansel and Gretel that followed the breadcrumbs," I said as I raised my voice, my eyes never wavering from the nearest camera. "It was Little Red Riding Hood that was almost eaten by the Big Bad Wolf."

"Then does that make me the Big Bad Wolf?" came the accented voice I remembered so well. It was definitely the signature accent of Country E and made him sound so prim and proper. That was until you saw him.

"The woodsman chopped the Big Bad Wolf into bits and took Little Red Riding Hood for himself. You sure you want to be the wolf?" I asked as I titled my head from one side to another. I really needed to get better sleep at night. My neck was freaking stiff.

"If I am the woodsman, does that mean I get to keep Little Red?" came the amused voice over the facilities speakers. I could only assume that there were mics all throughout the halls if he could hear what I was saying. No one could read lips that well.

"Even if you kept me, you would be begging the woodsman to come take me away after a few hours," I chuckled. "But here is a question for you. Do you know the muffin man?"

"The muffin man?"

"The muffin man!"

"Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane."

"Then who is the muffin man?" I asked with a smile and my head cocked to the side.

"I am."

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