Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 238 It’s Hot

Chapter 238  It’s Hot

"There is no blood under the desk," pointed out Liu Yu Zeng as he came to stand beside Chen Zi Han and me. I followed his gaze and saw that he was right. There was no blood under the desk and only a minimal amount on the chair itself.

"Secondary location," said Liu Wei as he adjusted his glasses. I nodded in agreement. "Not to mention the door was locked, which means that the person responsible knew the code?" By the time I had finished the sentence, the statement that I was sure about transformed into a question.

If the dead man had opened the door and let the Ripper in, then that meant that there should be a lot more blood than there currently was and he wasn't threatened by the individual either. But how can he look so relaxed as if he was sleeping?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was completely bewildered. The bottom half of a body being completely ripped off did not speak to a painless death. There would have been more than a lot of pain, especially if the victim was conscious during the whole thing. Which lead to one possibility.

"Could they have been killed first and then ripped apart?" I asked looking at Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han.

"I don't know if the bottom half was ripped or more snapped apart," started Liu Yu Zeng, "But if they were already dead, then what would be the point in doing that to his lower body?"

"To prove a point?" I asked. "But there is a bigger problem than how he died," I said with a big sigh. Next time I was going to listen to my common sense even if it seemed like the more boring option.

"Such as who did it and where they are?" chuckled Wang Chao from where he leaned against the door jam his arms across his chest. His gun was still in his right hand, but unless you were looking for it, you wouldn't notice it at all.

"Yeah," I said with a sigh. "Any ideas?" I asked looking at him.

"If I did, you wouldn't be here right now," said Wang Chao as his upper lip curled into a sneer. I could tell that he wasn't impressed with the situation.

"So, what did Deng Jun Hie think was in this facility?" I asked. I went to sit on the corner of the desk and started to go through some of the papers on the desk.

"It is supposed to be a research and development facility that was responsible for creating new weapons, new technology, and new vehicles," said Wang Chao looking at me. "I saw something in his mind that called to me. I wanted to come here and get it," he admitted.

"Fair," I said with a half smile on my face. There really wasn't much I could say to that. We ended up going to City Y because something was calling me to be there. I couldn't fault Wang Chao for something I, myself, did.

The paperwork in front of me was mostly administration work. Supply orders, requisitions from other bases, that sort of thing. It wasn't going to tell me what had killed him and I don't think he was ripped apart because he ordered too many staples.

Jumping off the desk I walked over to Wang Chao and placed my two hands on his forearms. "It's the five of us against the world," I said. "No matter what we face here, we face it together." Going onto tiptoes, I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I walked into the hallway.

There was something tickling me in the back of my mind about the ripped victim, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember it right at the moment. I am sure it would come to be at the worst possible time, but what could you do?

The boys followed me out and Liu Wei closed the door behind himself. A soft beep and the lock was re-engaged. We walked down the hall, noticing a distinct lack of people and a lack of doors. to be honest.

But the hallway seemed endless and there was only one way to go. There were no forks in the path, just a straight line. So just how big was this facility? I mean, the office wasn't that big, does that mean that the facility itself was long but narrow? Like a skinny rectangle?

I shook my head in confusion just as I came to the second door in the hallway. Remembering what was behind door number one, I was a bit more cautious when it came to door number two.

Nodding to Wang Chao, he typed in the password into the keypad on the right side of the door. This time the door slid open almost like a pocket door… or a door on a spaceship. You know what I mean.

Chen Zi Han stepped forward first and quickly stepped aside for the rest of us to enter. This room was huge, and I mean like easily four times the size of my apartment back in City A. It was clearly a lounge for the employees as it was decorated in neutral tones with several couches and oversized chairs scattered around three-quarters of the room with tables and chairs off to the other side. One whole wall plus a bit of the back wall was a dedicated kitchen with gas stoves, working fridges, fruit bowls, and even boxes of cereal lined up all in order.

I walked over to the kitchen and went straight to the high-tech coffee machine. It was something that would not be out of place in a coffee shop it was so big with all the bells and whistles. There was a single cup of espresso still on the counter in front of the machine. Wrapping my hands around the cup I quickly put it back down.

"It's hot," I said. Apparently, the mysteries of this place were multiplying and I was not liking that at all.

Hopefully whatever had called Wang Chao here was worth it and it wouldn't lead to our deaths.

Because that would suck.


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