Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 232 Fuck Things Up

"If I consume souls, does that make me Death?" I ask with more than a little bit of panic and confusion. I mean, I am much more willing to kill people now than in either of my previous lives, but I didn't think that made me Death.

There was a bark of laughter as the cold voice didn't bother to contain its mirth. "Trust me, you are not Death," it reassured me, but I didn't know if it was that much of a reassurance. Not to mention, that laughter was enough to hurt my feelings.

"A reaper?" I asked tentatively. I mean, what else consumed souls if not Death or a Grim Reaper?

"Nope," it said, with a definitive pop on the 'p'. "And you can stop asking. I will not be answering you one way or another. You need to learn and remember, otherwise, this journey will all be for naught."

"Then do you have any suggestions?" I asked as I sat up. Cracking my neck, I called a bottle of water and Tylenol from my space. Hopefully, the painkiller would work fast.

"I have many suggestions," smirked the voice. "I am just not sure if you want to hear them."

"Shoot," I said. I mean, what was the worst that could happen just by listening to suggestions?

"Fine. Suggestion number one? Get laid. It will help increase oxytocin and other mood-boosting hormones, deal with stress, and help you sleep better. Not to mention, it would be fun.  Number two: you are leaving too many stupid people around. Do you really want them to procreate? Stop saving people and start choosing violence instead. Suggestion three: take fewer souls until you get stronger. I mean, take as many zombie souls as you want, but the human ones will give you a hangover. 0/10. Do not recommend."

I scoffed at its suggestions. Did the voice inside my head suggest I get laid more?

How do you know if you have officially gone crazy? Asking for a friend.

"Any other words of wisdom?" I asked as I rubbed my temples.

"Just one," said the voice hesitantly. There was a long pause and I got the impression that the voice was trying to find the right words to say, so I just remained quiet.

"They are yours. They have been since the beginning of time and will continue to be long after the world has stopped spinning. There has never been anyone else for them but you. Even in Liu Yu Zeng's past life, he was waiting for you."

"Then what about what the other voices said about the other women? What about Liu Yu Zeng and his children?"

There was a chuckle at that statement. "Those kids that everyone thought were his? They weren't. He just let the world think it because he had other things to deal with rather than confirming or denying rumors. As for the other women? Every one of them wanted to be the hero of her own story. And the best way to ensure that is to get with the most powerful man around. But not one of them was anything more than a shield."

I let out a tiny sigh. I understood that they had other lives that they had lived and I didn't feel right about penalizing them for living that life, especially when I didn't even exist. But the lump in my throat that I didn't even know I had? Well, that was gone now that I knew that he never had kids.I think you should take a look at

I would like to say that hearing that these destined women now meant absolutely nothing to me, but that wasn't the case. I still refused to leave a loose end around. They would be killed, but now I don't have to worry about the guy's reactions when it happened.

"So, as a recap: 1. Get laid, 2. Stop being so nice, 3. Leave human souls alone," I said as I ticked the numbers off on my fingers.

"Yup," said the icy voice. "Now, your men are about to fuck things up, you better get going."

"Fuck things up how?" I asked completely confused.

"Just go deal with them," said the voice right before I lost consciousness.


"Are you sure about this?" asked Chen Zi Han as he held Li Dai Lu in his arms. He was sitting on the ice throne while they were deciding what to do next.

Bai Long Qiang and his team had already left as soon as they had entered the watch tower. Apparently, they had their own instructions from Princess and they were chomping at the bit to get started on it.

Deng Jun Hie was leaning against one of the walls as he and Wang Chao discussed what was to happen with the base. Liu Yu Zeng was not impressed. He had voted that they kill Deng Jun Hie, but as the other man pointed out, he was already familiar with the running of the base so he was the one that should remain as the head.

Chen Zi Han was more inclined to go with Liu Yu Zeng's suggestion, but that was mostly because he was there the whole time Princess and Deng Jun Hie were talking. Fortunately, for Deng Jun Hie, Wang Chao felt that he should live and since none of the men actually wanted to argue in front of outsiders, they went with his call.

Whether or not Princess would be okay with it was a completely different story. 

"I don't know why you think that you should get so much say in the matter," said Deng Jun Hie as he and Wang Chao were trying to iron out the day-to-day workings on the base.

"I think I have a say because we are the ones that saved you all," said Wang Chao, not really putting the other man in his eyes.

"So you say, but I don't see any proof of that," replied Deng Jun Hie as he raised his chin and pulled back his shoulders.

Liu Yu Zeng scoffed. "I still say we kill him. I mean, is there really a point in keeping him around if he was planning on kidnapping Sweetness just so we would obey him? You do remember that part, right?"

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