Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 228 A Cast Iron Pan

The Major General just stood there and stared at me. "What? You don't think that it is a good option?" I asked with my head cocked to the side. As much as I was in a rush to make sure that nothing happened to me or mine, I was not going to show that to him. I had the upper hand and it was high time he learned that.

"I just don't see how it is feasible," admitted Deng Jun Hie. "They need someone to be able to lead them and that takes a certain skill set that most do not have." He seemed so convinced of his importance that I almost didn't have the heart to tell him that a monkey could do the job he was so proud of.

"Anyone can run a base," I said. I mean, there were certain levels of success, not to mention that some bases were just plain sketchy, but that was beside the point. "It doesn't take a Major General to figure out how to send people out to gather supplies, or distribute them."

"Still, I am sure that the higher-ups would apricate a military leader as the head of the sanctuaries. It will make it a lot easier for when things go back to normal."

"And at what point in time do unprecedented times become precedented?" I asked. I mean, I had a point. You could only live so long in an abnormal environment before it became normal. That didn't mean that anything had changed or that they went back to normal, just that we got used to it. And humans are nothing if not adaptable.

"What do you mean?" he asked me confused.

"I mean, who is to say that the 'higher-ups' are still alive? Or that they even care what is going on down here. After all, there is not much in terms of communication. Maybe they have even forgotten about you. Did you ever think of that?"  I smiled as I watched his face turn white. Sometimes people need to be hit with a cast iron pan before you are able to knock some sense into them.

"But I guess your virtue only goes so far if you are not willing to sacrifice your life for the masses." I made a tisking sound with my tongue even as my smile grew bigger. Once I saw that he had no reply I stood up. It was time to act.

"I need someone to watch him," I said looking around the room. I couldn't trust his soldiers, and I didn't want one of my men to remain behind to babysit. It really would make life easier if I just killed him. I sighed as I felt a headache coming on.

As much as I believed in Step One, I sometimes found it hard to do it.

"We can keep an eye on him," said Bai Long Qiang as he as his men stepped into the room.  Nodding my head, I took out a gun and shot each one of the 15 soldiers that had followed the Major General into the room.

Sometimes I found Step One hard. Other times? Not so much. I guess that could be counted as progress.

I nodded at the team leader for City D. "Kill him if you need to. There is really no point in keeping him alive if he is going to be a pain in the ass. But no matter what, when this is over, head out to City A."I think you should take a look at

The man nodded as some of his men started to pile up the dead bodies in a corner. Not really caring one way or the other about me killing them point blank.

"I will find you," I promised him. He had an important part to play in the future but he would not become strong enough if he followed me and my men. He had to grow on his own in order to get his happily ever after.

I walked down the stairs and looked at the guardsman that was in charge of opening the gate. "Any time now," I said as he froze, not opening the gate or even moving at the sight of me and my men.

Honestly, I didn't think that we were that scary, but what did I know?

He nodded his head and started cranking the manual knob that would open the gates. Stopping when there was just enough room for a single person to slip through, I nodded to him again in thanks.

Leaving the walls of the Sanctuary, my senses were assaulted with the sounds and smell of carnage.

It wasn't even the smell of blood that was the most prevalent, but rather the smell of human excrement. No one mentioned those smells when they talked about a battlefield, it was

just about the blood. But when a person died… well, they didn't have much control over their bodily functions.

Wrinkling my nose, I looked over at Wang Chao and Liu Yu Zeng on each side of me. "Kill the zombies. Kill the humans, if necessary, but whatever you do, use this as a way of honing your powers," I said as I took out an energy drink from my space. I didn't know if it would give me wings, but hopefully, it had enough sugar to get me through this mess in front of us.

I could feel the flames inside of me dancing, almost as if they were anxious to get out there and fight. But then I remembered. My purple flame seemed to feed on the flames of the zombies, becoming stronger and stronger with each one it consumed.

I titled my head back and forth, stretching my neck and getting out the kinks. Looking at my men, I smiled as I finished my last sip. Throwing my can back into my space, because save the planet and all that, I skipped forward, about to break out into a full sprint as a group of zombies spotted me and my men.

Unfortunately for me, just as I was about to take off, a firm hand came down on my should stopping me dead in my tracks.

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