Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 226 “I Have Their Queen.”

"Well, I guess if we are talking in idioms, here is one for you: 'You don't cry until you see the coffin'." I said, not at all concerned with the number of guns pointed at me and Chen Zi Han.

I stretched my neck back and forth, working out the kinks, and took a steaming cup of coffee out of my space. Taking a sip, I stared at the man in front of me.

"Has anyone mentioned that you are a bit of an idiot?" I asked him between sips. I really needed the caffeine boost to be able to deal with this level of stupidity.

Major General Deng Jun Hie looked at me offended, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he could form a sentence. "Excuse me?" he demanded with a raise of his eyebrows.

"No, I will not," I replied with a shake of my head.

"You will not what?" asked Deng Jun Hie with a look of confusion on his face.

"Excuse you," I said like it was obvious. Calling out two nanaimo bars, I handed one to Chen Zi Han while I took a bite out of the second one. As soon as that sugar and chocolate hit, I was moaning in delight.

"Could you please speak English?" demanded Deng Jun Hie as he looked at me in frustration.

"Fine. You know that we can easily take out the 3,000 zombies in front of us that are mowing through your men like overgrown weeds. And yet," I said as I held up my hand preventing him from interjecting. "And yet, why do you think that we won't do the same to you?"

"Because I have their queen," he said with a smirk. I really didn't understand the confidence in his voice. I turned to Chen Zi Han as I took a sip of coffee. I could only hope that stupidity wasn't contagious because we might have a problem if that was the case.

"Can you translate?" I had no idea what the man was trying to say, so maybe his sentence needed a cock and balls to be able to understand it.

"He believes that the four of us would have our hands tied with you in his possession, and therefore not able to kill them all," said Chen Zi Han as he licked his fingers clean from the chocolate.

I turned my attention back to the other man. "Is that the case?"

Deng Jun Hie didn't say anything, just maintained his smirk. I guessed that was an answer in and of itself.

"You do understand that you have now made us your enemy, right?" I asked just to be clear.  Deng Jun Hie shrugged his shoulder like he didn't care. But I really don't understand how he could have that much confidence.

"Where is the confidence coming from?" I asked Chen Zi Han. This had to be a guy thing, that was why I couldn't figure it out.

"He doesn't think that I would be willing to kill humans or to watch them be killed," came Wang Chao's voice from the opening of the watch tower. "Isn't that right, Major General?"

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you on the front lines?" demanded Deng Jun Hie, the first crack in his mask appearing.I think you should take a look at

"Why bother? Everyone here is going to die anyways. Whether I do it or the zombies do, there isn't much difference."

"Not strictly accurate," I interjected as Wang Chao started to walk toward where Chen Zi Han and I were. "It would probably be a lot bloodier to let the zombies do it. They don't seem to enjoy giving humans a swift death."

"Neither do I," said Liu Wei as he too walked into the watch tower. It was a good thing that I wasn't claustrophobic because I would probably be having a panic attack right about now. There wasn't even standing room at this point.

Liu Wei smiled at me and gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek before going to stand behind my chair next to Chen Zi Han. Wang Chao stayed standing beside my chair, his back straight and a blank look on his face.

"Anyone want to fill me in?" asked Liu Wei as he took off his glasses to wipe some of the purple and blue splatters off of them.

"He won't let us leave, he will keep me away from you and use me as a leash to keep you four in line, and he thinks that everything is going his way," I said, giving him a brief recap. "Did I miss anything?" I asked as I turned to Deng Jun Hie, but the man was simply staring at Wang Chao and Liu Wei.

Liu Wei raised an eyebrow as he put his glasses back on. "Should I call up Liu Yu Zeng? Get his input on the situation?"

"I vote for blood, guts, and gore," said Liu Yu Zeng as he leaned against the entrance, not bother coming in. My eyes went wide for a moment until I noticed Bai Long Qiang and a few unknown men behind Liu Yu Zeng.

"Did you want to have a vote?" I asked, looking at Bai Long Qiang.

"What are we voting on?"

"If we leave the people to their own fate or help," I said with a  smile on my face. "He is calling for their death," I said as I nodded my head toward my man on the outside.

Bai Long Qiang nodded his head, thinking things through. "Is what you said right?" he asked, his gaze burning into my eyes.

"Yes," I said simply.

"Then we will follow whatever you say," he said with a shrug of his shoulders and took a step back to lean against the stair railing. I smiled in response. There was only one thing in this entire world that that man wanted, and I was the only one to be able to give it to him.

"Have you all gone blind? Do you not see the guns?" demanded Deng Jun Hie as he waved his hand indicating the fully armed soldiers.

"What guns?" I asked with a flick of my wrist. The screaming downstairs was increasing as the humans were forced back from the second wave of 20 zombies. Without my men, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. We would have to come to a decision soon.

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