Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 224 An Old School Approach

I could feel the Major General's disbelieving gaze but it only caused me to smile more.

I liked old-school movies, although I guess calling them old-school really depended on your age. But there was one movie in particular that seemed fitting for this scenario… so why not have a little fun?

"Would you have preferred me saying; 'flawless victory'?" I asked as I turned around to face him.

"There are some days where I am assuming that we are speaking the same language, but I have no idea the words that are coming out of your mouth," said Deng Jun Hie with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, but look," I said tilting my head out the window and to our men on the ground. My 'meaningless' words took the edge off and now they were in a better headspace to face the zombies in front of them.

"How did you know?"

I shrugged. "It is how I am sometimes. I will be so far into my own head that I can't see the forest for the trees.  When that happens, I need something so random that my brain is forced to focus on something else."

Deng Jun Hie frowned as he nodded his head in agreement.

"I mean, I could have also yelled; 'those are $500 sunglasses, asshole,' but I didn't." My smile grew more at some of the other quotes and one-liners that would be appropriate for this situation. Maybe I should have had someone make me a couple of steel fans like the princess had. I am sure that it would have added perfectly to the look I was going for.

It might not be too late. I would ask the guys about that when they came back from playing.

"You really are something else," said that man with a shake of his head. "But shouldn't you be down there with them?" he asked.

"Trying to get rid of me? I am crushed. But no, it is better for me to be able to see everything from this vantage point rather than only what is in front of me down there."

I waved my hand and numerous pink and blue flames shot into the sky, floating just above the heads of everyone, ready to set the zombies on fire when called. One thing that I loved about my flames was that they knew what they were supposed to be doing and when. That way I didn't have to direct them at all points in time like a lot of other fire users.

Like I said, I am special.

I saw the first line of the zombies break away and rush to the waiting humans. "Let mortal combat begin," I said with a sad smile as I watched the humans struggling against the 20 zombies. It was a sad scene where almost 500 humans couldn't take down 20 zombies.

I looked around the crowd, searching for my men.  Liu Yu Zeng was standing next to Bai Long Qiang as I had asked him to. His arms were crossed and I could easily tell that he was not happy with the situation, but he was still there.I think you should take a look at

I sent him a hug and a kiss through our link and I knew it had reached him when he looked up at me with that smirk on his face. My man was working and there was nothing hotter to watch.

I turned and looked for Liu Wei next. Finding him in the center of four zombies, I cocked my head to watch. His movements looked like a dance as he weaved in and out of their attacks, touching them lightly only to have them fall down dead at his feet.  That man really had the touch of death. I was impressed. 

I sent one of my purple flames to destroy those zombies before anyone could notice or ask questions. They didn't need to know that our way of fighting was not the same as theirs.

When Liu Wei saw my flame, he looked up at me and nodded his head in thanks. Focusing his attention on the next group of zombies, he continued to dance between them, making the kills look effortless.

"I am almost jealous," said Deng Jun Hie as he came to stand beside me and watched Liu Wei. "What I wouldn't give to have those powers."

"The powers come about because of adversity. You will be surprised how many new users will come about after this," I said with some comfort. Deep down inside I knew that there was no way that he could have the same powers as my men.

Like my flames were unique to me, theirs were unique to them. But what it all meant; I had no idea.

Knowing that Liu Yu Zeng and Liu Wei were both doing well, I started searching for Wang Chao. Mind you, I didn't have to look too hard to find him.

I would like to say that it was because his power to create chaos was what lead me to him, but that was not the case. The reason why I could find him so easily was because he had Yang Meng Yao hanging off of him on one side and Li Shoi Ming on the other.

Because of the two outsiders, Wang Chao was not able to use his manipulation power to turn the zombies on one another. Instead, he was lopping off heads left, right, and center, and then allowing my pink or blue flame to finish the job.

I was fine with how things were going simply because he was not in any danger. But if that should change because of those two? Well, they didn't need to live all that much longer.

I was having the hardest time finding my shadow. I couldn't find him in the thick of the crowd, nor could I find him in the outlying areas.  I leaned forward, trying to find even the briefest glimpse of him.

Me being me, I leaned so far forward that I almost fell out of the lookout tower. If it wasn't for the hand that held me back, I definitely would have been onto my fourth life by now.  "Thanks," I said with a smile, expecting to see Deng Jun Hie holding me by my back, but when I turned, I saw Chen Zi Han instead.

My smile widened as I looked at him, "I guess you can't be my shadow if you aren't always by my side."

He grunted in agreement. "I warned you that I wouldn't be able to let you out of arms reach any time soon. And it is a good thing too," he said as he pulled me back away from the edge.

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