Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 203 The Over/Under

"How much is a little over?" asked Wang Chao as he stared at the man in front of him. Truth be told he was glad that the tide was still on time. Li Dai Lu was too stressed about it for this to not be a good thing for them.

Major General Deng Jun Hie just stared at Wang Chao, refusing to answer the question.

"Must be a lot over then," smirked Liu Yu Zeng from where he sat on the couch beside Wang Chao. "Want to do an over/under?" he asked as he turned his attention to where Liu Wei was standing. Liu Wei scoffed at that. "What's the bet then?"

"Who gets to eat next," said Liu Yu Zeng. He was more than a little upset that he had to sit back while Li Dai Lu was laid out in front of him like a buffet. Liu Wei smirked and dragged his thumb just under his bottom lip. "No way in Hell. It was delicious and I will be feasting again as soon as possible."

Liu Yu Zeng snarled half-heartedly at his brother before turning his attention to Wang Chao. The latter rolled his eyes. "No way am I putting a bet on that. Besides, you would lose. The number is 2,800. Give or take."

Deng Jun Hie's face turned pale as he heard the number that Wang Chao just said.

"That seems like more than just a bit more than 2,000. He probably should have gone with under 3,000 because now he looks like an idiot," said Liu Yu Zeng as he rolled his eyes and looked at the man in front of them. He was treading on thin ice as it was after interrupting playtime, and now he was outright lying to them. No one would consider 800 zombies only a little over.

"How did you know that?" asked Deng Jun Hie as he took a seat at the kitchenette island. "Magic," scoffed Wang Chao.

"Why are you here Major General?" asked Liu Wei. It was getting late and he was jealous of Chen Zi Han being able to cuddle with Sweetheart instead of dealing with this guy.

"We need your help," said the man. He sighed and his shoulders completely deflated. "I have no idea how we are going to survive this."

"It's all fun and games until a zombie tide comes," said Liu Yu Zeng nodding his head. "But you realized that we tried to help, and you all laughed in our faces," he continued. "Now, I am one of those people that believe that you only get one chance. If you fuck it up, then that's on you. Fortunately for you, she is much more forgiving than I am."

"She?" asked Deng Jun Hie as he looked around the enclosed space. There were no women here. The other three men didn't say anything. "Okay, look," said Deng Jun Hie taking a deep breath. "We screwed up by not believing you. I don't know how you knew, but you did and I should have listened." It was as close to an apology as they were going to get and they all knew it.

"We have two more delegates coming to the meeting tomorrow from City Q. They are both from their top two teams so they should be able to help us too."

"I thought we all agreed that the meetings were useless seeing as no one could agree on anything," said Liu Wei raising his eyebrow.

"I know. Things will change," said Deng Jun Hie as he stood up and walked towards the door. "But we need your help."

"We will think about it," said Wang Chao nodding his head. He wouldn't make any promises without consulting with Li Dai Lu first. She knew what was going to happen. The rest of them were just winging it and hoping not to die. It would be her call, and they would listen.

Deng Jun Hie nodded his head and left the RV. 

"Anyone else know what just happened?" asked Liu Yu Zeng as he stretched his neck. Rubbing it from behind, he tried to loosen up the tight muscles. It was one thing to know that they were going to be putting themselves in the way of a zombie tide, and it was quite another knowing the numbers involved.

"What just happened was that Sweetheart was right, they are coming. What comes next is up to her," shrugged Liu Wei as he undid his tie and the top few buttons of his shirt. "But no matter what, tomorrow morning is going to come early so I am going to bed."

Without giving the other men a chance to process his statement, Liu Wei strode towards the shut door where Li Dai Lu and Chen Zi Han were sleeping. If he planned it right, he should be able to steal the spot next to her. The other two could figure out their own places to sleep.

Smirking in the darkness, he slipped into the room and into the bed. Plastering his front against her back as she laid half-sprawled against Chen Zi Han, Liu Wei gave her a gentle kiss on her shoulder blade. He met Chen Zi Han's gaze and nodded his head. Everything could wait until the morning.

----I think you should take a look at

I stared down the same hallway that I walked through yesterday and sighed. I mean, it was kind of funny that the carpet squished under my feet from the amount of water that had melted, but there was something off today and I couldn't put my finger on it.

I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, but I had no idea why. I wasn't too worried about the zombie tide. Even if the zombies weren't terrified of me and the guys, we could still take out a huge chunk of them. So that was under control.

Was I stressed about supplies? No… I had enough for now. More would be nice, but that was because more was always better than having us be short anything.

My relationships were good, even better after last night. So that wasn't what was twisting my gut into knots.

FNG was the soldier designated to bring us to the meeting today, and he was walking down the hallway toward the conference room not noticing that none of us were following him. He turned to look at us and then walked back down the hallway, a look of impatience on his face.

"Is there something wrong?" he demanded. He was getting a lot braver now that he was in his own territory, I would give him that. It was stupid, but as least he seemed to have more of a backbone than I had originally given him credit for.

Wang Chao held up his hand. "We know where the room is. We will be there when we are ready. You are dismissed."

"Yes, General," said FNG as he saluted to Wang Chao before he even realized what he was doing. I had to hold back a chuckle, but it was funny.

"Have you figured it out?" asked Wang Chao once FNG left through the stairwell on the other side of the hall.

"Figure out what?" asked Chen Zi Han from where he stood behind me.

"She feels like there is something wrong," said Wang Chao answering his questions so I could continue going through the checklist of things that made me want to puke.

Bad food? Nope, only ate a carrot cake today so that couldn't be it.

Too much coffee? No… guys have limited my coffee and I have only had two large cups this morning instead of my regular 5.

Colin? I mean, I got this feeling when Colin was around. But his men killed him (with a little help) and I burned him to ashes, so it couldn't be him.

What the ever-loving fuck could it be?

"How about we go to the meeting and you can sit down and think about it more," suggested Liu Wei coming to stand in front of me. Looking down in my eyes, he tilted my head back to be able to look at him better. My mind briefly flashed to where his mouth had been last night and I could feel myself start to blush.

He only chuckled. "Such an expressive face," he said as he dragged his glove-covered thumb over my bottom lip. Did he know what those gloves did to me? "I do," he said as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "And I will definitely not leave you wanting in the future." He placed a soft kiss on my lips before he stood up. "We are here, we are not going to leave. Whatever has set you off, we can face together and kill it."

He spoke with all the confidence in the world, and given his nickname of Death, I think he more than deserved it. I smiled at him and nodded my head. I couldn't figure it out here in the hall, I might as well go sit down and go through things again.

Straightening my back, I lifted my chin up and strolled into the conference room with my head held high.

Fake it 'til you make it… right?

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