Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 194 No Guarantee That The Enemy Of My Enemy Doesn't Want To Eat Me.

I hid in Liu Wei's arms so Liu Yu Zeng couldn't see the smile on my face. "You are evil, Princess, pure and utter evil," laughed Chen Zi Han from where he stood. Liu Yu Zeng was still a bit green around the gills and couldn't speak yet.

"Oh, right! About being evil and all. Have you guys thought whether or not we should rescue the base and the people in it?" I asked, turning back around and looking at the guys.

The four of them shared a look. "I think we will leave that decision up to you," said Wang Chao, taking one for the team. I nodded my head. I mean, I really didn't want to save anyone that treated Wang Chao like that, plus it would be nice to use the zombies as a way of getting rid of Zhao Jia Li. But something told me that that woman was like a bad rash, always coming back when you least expected it.

But the truth was… I was bored. And coming from an introvert, that was saying something.

I thought that this was the life that I wanted to lead, one without constantly fighting for survival, without worrying about where my next meal would come from. But honestly? I was bored out of my mind. I wanted to go out and test out my flames, fight side by side with my men, and maybe, just maybe teach the zombies what it meant to fear something.

If someone was going to be at the top of the fucking food chain, then it might as well be me.

And maybe I would take over the world in my free time, I didn't know for sure, but I was not going to rule it out either.

"Then how about we take the hunt to the zombies instead of waiting with our thumbs up our asses?" I asked as I stood up. The men just looked at me like they didn't think that I would choose that option. But why not? I mean, it wasn't like I was doing it for the good of humanity. I was doing it for me.

"I don't know, I kind of like the idea of that?" said Liu Yu Zeng as he stood up beside me and gave me a kiss on my neck. I shivered at the feeling of his breath against my sensitive skin.

"What idea?" I asked, my eyes closed as I leaned back into his embrace. He just chuckled. "You will find out later, Sweetness. For now, let's go kill some zombies. I'm sure the men could use the workout. Don't want them getting rusty."


Going out and hunting zombies at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse seemed like an easy thing, but it was proving to not be as easy as I originally thought. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would think that the zombies were purposefully hiding from me. But that didn't make sense. There was no way a horde, let alone a tide, would be scared of a little over 100 men.

And yet… there was nothing.

After we had settled on our next move, we quickly gathered all the supplies that the men had gotten into my space and drove out to where the last place the zombies were seen. Well, last place according to the Major General.

But there was nothing there either. So, we thought that maybe we hadn't gone far enough, but we drove for another 30 minutes, and still, not a zombie in sight. Were they taking a union break? I mean, we could see where the spring vegetation had been trampled under their feet, and there were some spots of blue and purple blood from where they must have been cut.

But as far as a living, breathing, zombie? Nothing!

Well, now I was getting a bit ticked.

"Are you sure that this was the place?" I asked for the 100th time as I looked at Wang Chao. We had stopped in the middle of the road to let the men out and try to find signs of the zombies and me and my guys waited by the lead SUV.

"No," said Wang Chao. "The place that I got from the Major General's head was about two miles back that way," he continued as he pointed behind us. Clearly, there were no zombies there. We had driven outside of City Y and into the city limits of City D. (Now, I am apparently more Canadian than I thought, because not only did it confuse the hell out of me that all cities were named after a letter, but they weren't in order either! I could understand that given almost every city in every province had streets named after numbers. But how they got City D beside City Y? Yeah, no clue.)I think you should take a look at

But back to my problem. Or my lack of a problem. We were in a pretty wide-open space that allowed us to see any potential threats easily. I mean, there were warehouses around us that zombies could be hiding in. But the number of zombies that were marching to City Y was in the hundreds. Why would they be hiding?

I motioned for the men to stay where they were and I walked out in front of all the vehicles. Tilting my head back, I let out a long, loud roar. When I stopped, I waited for a few minutes.  When there was no reply, I roared again, trying to make myself as loud as possible.

Still… Nothing.

There really weren't any zombies around.

Not once, in all of the lives that I have lived, in all the books, all the novels, and all the movies, had a zombie ever been scared of a human. I don't know if I should be happy or worried. Because if they weren't scared of me and mine. That meant that they were scared about something else around here. And there was no guarantee that the enemy of my enemy didn't want to eat me.

I turned back around and walked towards the guys, hoping that something was going to attack me when my back was turned. How could I get to the top of the food chain if no one wanted to eat me? I mean, did I not taste good enough? Did I need to bathe in BBQ sauce before they wanted me?

And how screwed up was I in the head that I was trying to come up with different ways of making myself more desirable to zombies?

Grumbling, I stomped into my RV like a 5-year-old having a temper tantrum over her favorite toy being taken away. 

"You know, every other person on this planet would be thrilled not to find any zombies around," said Liu Wei as he followed after me. Wang Chao and Liu Yu Zeng had gone to round up the rest of the men and then we were heading back to the City Y Sanctuary Base. At least I knew that the zombies would show up there.

"Yes, well, we have already established that I am not like every other person. Besides, if I don't become stronger, how am I supposed to take over the world?" I demanded as I flung my body onto the couch, half of me threatening to tumble onto the floor.

"You want to take over the word?" asked Chen Zi Han as he closed the door behind him and started the RV. He had decided that since he was going to be in here anyways, he wasn't going to let anyone else drive me.

"Well, I woke up for the third time today feeling cute and deciding that I needed to take over the world. I mean, what else am I to do with my time?" I asked as I stared up at him.

"Anything else?" suggested Liu Wei with a chuckle. Picking up my head from where it dangled over the side of the couch, he sat down and started playing with my hair.

"Well, I thought I would want to sit back, avoid the zombies at all costs and do nothing but eat sweets, but now, the zombies don't seem as scary as I remember them. Why not take over the world? It's not like I have anything better to do."

"Understood," said Liu Wei as he took out his cell phone from God only knows where. "I will add world domination to the schedule. Any particular time you wanted that completed by?" And this was why the was the world's #1 assistant.

"I'm not in any rush," I said with a wave of my hands as the RV rumbled to life. Heading back to the base was not ideal. Mostly due to politics. But if I wanted to become stronger, I needed to fight. In order to fight, I needed opponents. To get opponents… well, apparently, I had to look really, really hard.

Life was just not easy, I thought as I pulled out another slice of chocolate cake that I had randomly found. Thank God nothing could go bad in my space or else I might have cried. Taking a huge fork full of the decadent dessert I moaned in pleasure.

Yup. Life was really, really hard.

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