Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 138: The Death of Miles: The Beginning (2)

Chapter 138: The Death of Miles: The Beginning (2)

Wei Sheng just stood there and waited until the rescue convoy came one after another. The first person she saw was Li Xianzong.

And the first person to rush down from Li Xianzong's car was Choi Hyun.

After Cui Xian got out of the car, he draped the blanket over Wei Sheng, took her into his arms and turned around and shouted at Shao Bingran, "Wei Sheng is okay!"

Shao Bingran and Li Xingyu got off Li Xianzong's car one after another, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Wei Sheng.

The former shook his head helplessly. It was obvious that he was looking for Li Wenmiao and asked her father to bring them when he came. But when he got into the car, Cui Xian looked for a blanket and asked if he had a first aid kit. He was the first to rush out when he got out of the car.

When did he and Wei Sheng get better?

Wei Sheng smiled helplessly, and did not struggle, because she did look a little embarrassed now, her hair was messy, her forehead was green, and the sports car that was hit by the rear of the car was mostly sunken. It is not difficult to imagine what she had just experienced. storm.

In fact, these are all illusions that she created by herself. When drifting around, she didn't plan to turn at all. Instead, she turned around and missed Miles' attack with a 180° flick.

Her move could only force Miles to take the opportunity to make a straight turn, and Wei Sheng got out of the car quickly at that time and shot a bullet at the rear wheel of Miles who was turning.

Myers' car was leaking in a high-speed corner, and almost overturned over the cliff, but got stuck in the cross section of the barrier. This was the next scene.

On the other hand, Wei Sheng slammed his rear car back against the cliff, his head knocked on the steering wheel under recoil force, creating the illusion of a car accident.

"Myers... fell?" Li Xianzong stood up in front of the cliff and looked down for a while before walking up to Wei Sheng with his hands in his hands, and asked solemnly.

Wei Sheng nodded, Li Xianzong's eyes flickered, and he was silent for a while and suddenly laughed, "Good, good! Good death!"

At this time, the cars of Gan Bo and others also arrived one after another. The former stepped out of the car door with a cigarette in a spring breeze, raised his eyebrows to look in the direction of Li Xianzong, opened his mouth and said with joy, "Mr. Li, life and death..."

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly stopped talking, his pupils narrowed and stared at Wei Sheng's figure.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and looked at the green Ford whose rear end hit the cliff, his face sank immediately.

Li Xianzong haha ??said, "Well said, well said! Life and death are life! Everyone has life! Myers stole chickens and eclipsed them, but did not expect to crash down the mountain? Haha! Old Gan, what do you think about this? "

He stared at Gan Bo with a bright smile on his face, so angry that the latter threw his cigarette **** on the ground, without even looking down the mountain, turning back into the car and leaving.

But Mr. Yan never showed up from beginning to end.

Gambo and his party came and went quickly.

And sailing, followed Li Wenmiao in the car behind.

He was earthy, thinking that Wei Sheng was really framed by Miles, but when he saw Wei Sheng standing on the edge of the cliff intact, his whole body suddenly relaxed.

Hearing the comments of the people around him again, he set sail slightly startled.

Dead... Is it Miles?

He only hated that there was a problem with the lens at the moment, and he didn't let himself open his eyes to see the miserable condition of Miles before his death.

Li Wenmiao frowned and looked at Yangfan, with a slightly sour tone, "Hey, you have been watching her for a while, do you want me to help you go over and talk to her?"

Yang Fan would not care about her displeasure, and shook his head, "Thank you Wei Sheng for taking the time to help me." After that, he raised his head to meet Li Xianzong's sharp glance.

"Just ask them to take me home first, don't follow." Yang Fan finished speaking indifferently, and then turned to sit in the car when he came.

As soon as Li Wenmiao was about to follow, Li Xianzong called her back in a deep voice, "Miaomiao, come here, and come back with me later!"

In the end, Li Wenmiao, Wei Sheng, Cui Xian, Shao Bingran, and Li Xingyu crowded together in Li Xianzong's car, and he drove the crowd down the mountain.

Along the way, there may be other people present. Li Xianzong only asked about Wei Sheng's injury and stopped talking.

Wei Sheng was also silent, leaning against the car window and staring at the dark night in the suburbs. It was extremely difficult to pass through the towns and villages on the edge of the city.

"Dad, you will send us to the city in a moment. I want to take Wei Sheng and the others out to play, can it be considered as a celebration for you?" Li Wenmiao suddenly said as he entered the city.

Li Xianzong frowned, "Don't be fooling around, Wei Sheng is very tired today, there are still injuries on his body..."

Li Wenmiao turned to look at Wei Sheng, "Isn't there any injury, Wei Sheng, tell me, do you give me this face?"

"Go if you have wine." Wei Sheng still looked at the night outside the window without turning his face.

It's just that the words made the car quiet.

She was addicted to alcohol in her last life, and after repeated wars, she had to have a good drink until she was drunk.

To say that Jiu Yu Weisheng is really a good thing, it can not only relieve worries but also forget sorrows, and better relieve stress, so as to develop a full body of wine and alcohol.

Just after hearing what Li Wenmiao said, she suddenly realized that since returning to 1998, she had never drunk a drop of wine, and she was really living the life she deserves at this age.

And Li Wenmiao said to go out to play, it's already more than nine o'clock now, what else can you play in the deep night? Naturally drinking.

She suddenly wanted to drink some wine.

"Pretty." Li Wenmiao raised his chin and looked at his father with a provocative look in his eyes.

Seeing Wei Sheng said this, Li Xianzong was naturally not good at objecting, but he just groaned for a while, "I will send you to the wine shop in Qiaonan, it is not particularly messy, and I can rest assured when you go."

Li Xianzong's Di Bar is a Di Bar, and it is one of the few Di Bars in Chaonan City that faces high-end consumers.

Indi Bar has just become popular among the south-facing young people. The general Di Bar is chaotic, and most of the half-drink consumers are young people with better backgrounds and can afford money. My daughter really wants to take her classmates to play , And naturally go there to relieve him.

"The drink is half-good. Our classmates had a birthday party today, and they have asked me to make a reservation at the drink." Li Wenmiao smiled rather superiorly.

Wei Sheng turned his head and glanced at Li Xianzong's back. If it were in his previous life, the fourteen-year-old Wei Sheng had never heard the term Diba at all, and it was impossible to come into contact with it.

And Li Xianzong was relieved to let his daughter take his classmates to play? Although it was his own place, his level of doting with old women is also evident.

Speaking of this, Li Xianzong took out the phone and ordered to go down.

At half past nine in the middle of winter night, when the thin snow on the ground was beginning to melt, several boys and girls got out of Li Xianzong's car and stood in front of the half-drinking door.

After Li Xianzong delivered several people, he drove away.

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