Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1045: The move that shocked the audience (one more)

Chapter 1045: The move that shocked the audience (one more)

The scorching sun is like fire, but it can't compare with the excited and high emotions of the audience. The crowd painted their faces colorfully, with various bracelets hanging on their arms, wearing their favorite team uniforms, and they beat the props in their hands to demonstrate. Some people danced in cheerleading garlands, and some people puffed up their cheeks and played colorful trombones.

Two F1 tanks, one black and one red, galloped away. In the sound of hunting wind brought by that gallop, the roaring engine raised a huge'hum' that seemed to be undulating and turning around. The field roared and shouted.

"280 miles! Overpass at high speed!"

The narrator's voice fell, and the two cars had already achieved a thrilling scene of crossing obstacles at high speed between three walls and two holes! The brake lights did not turn on, indicating that the two cars did not slow down in the process. The commentator exclaimed again, "Before crossing, it is still accelerating. Now what we can see is that the two cars are crossing. After the obstacle, the speed has increased to 300 miles!"

There was a burst of inhalation in the venue, and then people shouted frantically.

If it is said that the narrator’s earlier contest between the king and the king was ridiculed, and felt that this was too high on Sato Yuji’s opponent, then now the two cars are rushing into the picture without falling behind. It's amazing enough.

"Audience friends, the fastest speed in F1 so far is Aris in a practice session of the 1997 Italian Grand Prix, running 350.295! As everyone knows! Because of the different structure of the F1 circuit, it is difficult for the racers to run at the ideal speed. , If the two players plan to make corners at this speed, it means that they will have to bear a weight of 7.5G...Oh! The corners are over! Goodness..."

The reason why F1 cars have never pursued the highest speed is precisely because not only the rules of each section of the field are quite restrictive, but also the load-bearing capacity of the racer itself has its limits, so the race mainly depends on the average speed of the whole game.

People's emotions will not have time to follow the narrator's quick words to adjust, but the situation in the field has undergone a tremendous change.

I saw Sato Yuji's red chariot sprinting forward at the moment of cornering, and it was a distance from the black chariot behind him, and he overtook the first corner? Immediately afterwards, Sato Yuji slammed into the oil after exiting the corner, and the car sprinted forward, about the distance between Tonia's two cars behind!

The audience was startled for a moment, and the two cars went through the corner at the same speed. Normally, unless the corner level is too different, how could they fall such a large distance? But there is no shortage of industry insiders and no shortage of experienced car fans in the field. It can be seen that Tonya's bending technique is perfect.

It was too late to say that it was fast, everything only takes a moment, and it hasn't even had time for people to see too real. The commentator yelled, "Sato Yuji is the first to release the tail airflow!" After the voice fell, everyone was suddenly shocked. It turns out that Sato Yuji released the tail airflow at the first corner, trying to leave his opponent behind!

Sato Yuji's move caused R national car fans to whisper, the crowd exchanged opinions in a mess, and there was only one question, that is, why Sato Yuji was so eager to leave his opponent behind?

But there are two answers, either he has never put his opponent in his eyes, and the purpose of showing his cards in advance is simply to show his contempt.

Either the opponent does have considerable psychological pressure on him, so he chose to take the lead in an attempt to cause a certain degree of psychological pressure on the opponent, or maybe it is not necessarily just to ease the psychological pressure of Sato Yuji himself?

In the eyes of most Sato fans, it is obviously not because of the latter.

That is the former!

Sato Yuji didn't pay attention to his opponent at all.

This is also a precedent in F1 events. Masters play against low-level players first to release the tail airflow to show humility, but there is no contempt in this humility?

R country car fans are boiling again.

Wei Sheng sat in the car at the moment, staring at the red rear of the car in front of him for a moment.

Because the tail airflow is caused by the aerodynamics of the F1 car, it is caused by the downforce during the operation of the car, especially when cornering. That is to say, the power used by Sato Yuji on the first corner is very limited, and because of the need to ensure the car Physical kinetic energy works normally, if you want to release it again, theoretically it takes more than three hours to open.

In actual operation, a game takes more than two hours at most, which means that Sato Yuji will no longer release the air flow in the next game, and this is also the key to why most of the players choose to be at the end. The reason for the release at all times.

In her view, Sato Yuji obviously would not be as arrogant as his fans, even if he despised himself strategically, he should not really despise himself tactically.

Thinking of this, Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows slowly, with an unexplained smile on the corner of his mouth. It seems that Sato Yuji's thoughts in his heart might be the opposite of his cheering crazy car fans. He was afraid or worrying more appropriately. , He was worried about being left behind like Tuodongdao again.

Moreover, driving in the front can take the lead. If the level of the racer is the same, as long as there is no operational error, the advantage of the inner lane and the shortest distance when crossing obstacles will be successful and step by step to move the vehicle behind.

Wei Sheng slammed the steering wheel, followed by Sato Yuji and then turned. She has already begun to slow down to a safe range in this corner. In the same way, Sato Yuji also started to slow down. Under the centrifugal force, the helmet weight of more than 25 kg is constantly bearing, and the F1 racer's helmet is exposed outside the car body, but it is not like driving a closed sports car at will.

And when exiting the corner, the red chariot sprinted forward, and it was only half the distance of Yuriji Sato's body in front!

There was a sudden silence in the court, and then another riot.

The narrator shouted excitedly, "Tonia also released the tail airflow at the second corner! What does she think? Is it anxious to catch up with Sato Yuji? Or is it a counterattack in attitude? Audience friends, this should be this year For the first time, the players will release the tail airflow at the beginning of the game without leaving room!


There was another buzzing in the field, and the complex brows were tightly twisted to Ryuyama Toyama in the early days. At this moment, the eyebrows were gradually stretched because both sides showed their cards, and the result was that Sato Yuji was still half the body ahead.

However, Luo Quankun's complexion became more complicated. He didn't know if Wei Sheng was impulsive or had other plans, but the tail airflow was undoubtedly released at a critical moment in the later period to be more effective, and now it is undoubtedly wasted.

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