Realm of Monsters

Chapter 254: The Welcome Party Part 1

Chapter 254: The Welcome Party Part 1

With slow, tired steps Plum walked back home. Her small house was in one of the more affluent neighborhoods of Undergrowth, a perk of being a personal assistant to the lord of a Great House. She had counted herself lucky to have found a job with House Sientia, but now, as she rubbed the bruises on her neck and stared at the cracks in her glasses, she wondered if she had any luck at all.

The night streets of Undergrowth were lit with the fluorescent leaves of the trees hanging above. Which made it difficult for any burglar to sneak into one's home and very easy to spot any intruder trying to climb into a window.

Plum stared at the young woman scaling up the wall of her house like a drunk spider unable to keep a steady grip.

Veronica, what are you doing? Plum asked, annoyed.

Eh!? Veronica screamed in surprise. Her hand slipped off the wall and she fell flat on her ass. Ow she groaned.

Plum looked down at Veronica, disappointment clear in her dour expression, Why are you trying to break into my house?

Its not my fault Veronica rubbed her butt and grimaced. I knocked on the door a dozen times. You didnt answer.

Maybe because I wasnt at my house, she clicked her tongue.

Or because you were sleeping, Veronica smiled knowingly.

So you tried to climb into my window? Plum raised an eyebrow.

Obviously. Im not allowed to use magic until the tourney starts. What else was I supposed to do?

Plum shook her head and sighed, How have you made it this far in life?

My cute charm and gumption! Veronica batted her eyelashes and smiled wide.

So, what is it? Plum crossed her arms.


What did you want to tell me so desperately that you tried to break into my house?

Um arent you going to invite me in first? Have a chat over a cup of tea? Or wine, if you have any that is. Id really prefer a cup of wine right now or something stronger. My butt really hurts. I think I need to lie down. Mind if I crash with you tonight? I dont really wanna walk all the way home.

Not my problem. Talk, quick.

Aw, why do you gotta be so cold?


Veronica groaned, Ugh, fine. She laid down on the grass and stared up at the night sky.

Look, Im not in the mood for your antics, tonight. If youre just gonna lie there all night Im leaving, Plum turned to walk away.

...I met him.

Plum paused and turned her head, Met whom?

The perfect guy, she sighed longingly.

Eh? The perfect what now?

Okay, well maybe not perfect, he did knock out Damian, but he was so handsome. It was like he came out of a fairy tale! You should have seen it, he walked into the alehouse all mysterious, cloak and all. And his smile, heart-wrenching!

I dont think you know what heart-wrenching means

Maybe not, but you dont understand! You didnt see him. He had this panache? It was the confidence he carried himself with, he didnt seem scared of anything! Ive never seen another drow like him. Veronica giggled, Im gonna make him mine, even if its the last thing I do.

And whats this dreamy drows name? Plum smiled, amused.

...I didnt actually get his name, Veronica winced.

Of course you didnt, Plum rolled her eyes. You came all this way to tell me about some guy and you dont even know his name? Good luck scoring a date.

Veronica sat up with a frown, I may not know his name, but I know where to find him.

You stalked him? Veronica, you cant just go around breaking the law wherever you go. Its already bad enough you tried breaking into my house.

No, it wasnt like that, she frowned. Hes from Hollow Shade.

Plums blue eyes lit with interest. Hollow Shade? 

Veronica smiled slyly, Hehe, not just Hollow Shade. Hes part of Hollow Shades tourney team.

Y-you met their tourney team!?

I didnt know it at first. House Noir spread a bunch of misleading rumors about Hollow Shades team this year, so no one really knew whod be coming. Veronica shrugged, Not that it matters, they always come in last place anyway. And yeah, they're the enemy I know. But, isnt that the best kind of love? Forbidden, star-crossed lovers. Its just like the stories!

Plum reached down and gripped Veronicas shoulders tight. I need you to focus. Did you see their entire team? ...Was there a goblin with them? A blue goblin?

Woah, calm down, Veronica leaned back uneasily. I did meet the rest of their team, a bunch of assholes if you ask me. What else can you expect from a city surrounded by a wall of murderous shades, am I right?


T-there was no goblin with them, I swear.

Are you sure? she asked in a serious tone.

Im pretty sure Id notice a tiny blue dude drinking next to me. Hell, I think anyone would remember meeting a blue goblin.

...Right, I see, Plum sighed and stepped back.

Is that a sigh of disappointment or relief? Veronica asked curiously.

...I dont know, she admitted.

Whos this blue goblin? Ive never seen a blue goblin before. I dont think Ive seen any other kind besides the green ones. Does Hollow Shade have a lot of blue goblins?

Plum sighed weakly, Please just stop.

Veronica held her tongue and looked at her friend worriedly, Are are you okay?

Im fine just tired.

...My dad told me you used to live in Hollow Shade before you came here. But Ive never heard you talk about the City of Shades, not even once Did did something happen back there?

Plum smiled bitterly, Everything, I suppose.

Good or bad?

Good and bad. Plum sat down next to Veronica, Its complicated like that. Thats why I came back here. A fresh start. A simple, clean slate.

That sounds nice, a clean slate I mean, Veronica said wistfully. Everyone here knows me as the genius daughter of House Sientia. They expect so much from me 

So instead you pretend to be the fool, Plum said softly.

At least if Im a fool, it wont look so bad when I fail to achieve greatness, she said faintly. Its like you said, how did I ever manage to get this far? Im not really cut out for any of this.

Plum chuckled.

Whats so funny? Veronica frowned.

Its just, you remind me of someone I once knew. He had this dream of becoming the greatest mage in all the Realm and using that power to destroy anyone in his path.

He sounds crazy.

Maybe he was? Plum mused. But the reality is he set these unrealistic expectations for himself. He was talented, but he wasnt a genius mage like you, and yet he worked harder than anyone I know, always trying to achieve these impossible standards he set for himself. And when he would fail, he blamed himself, over and over again. I saw how it tore him up inside, ate at his psyche little by little 

Plum wrapped her arm around Veronica, So you see, its okay if you want to pretend to be the fool. Dont let the pressures of your family and society dictate your value. Youre great, just the way you are.

You really mean it, Veronica whispered.

Eh, maybe, Plum winked playfully.

Why are you so mean!? Veronica whined.

Im sorry, Im sorry, Plum laughed. Ill make it up to you.

Then come with me to the party tomorrow night!

Huh? What party?

Theyre having a welcome party at the Thorns castle for all the important guests who have come for the tourney. You should come!

Eehh, I dont know about that. Im not really great with crowds

Aw come on, dont leave me to fend against all those aristocrats by myself. Oh! Therell be all sorts of delicious food too!

Delicious food? Plum swallowed.

Cuisine from all over the Realm, made by the greatest chefs in the city. A once in a year experience, Veronica grinned.

...Will I have to talk to anyone while Im there?

Just me, Veronicas grin widened.

...Fine, Plum groaned.

Noice! Veronica fist-pumped the air. Well go shopping for dresses in the morning, she jumped to her feet.

Wait? Dresses!? I take it back, I dont want to go!

Too late, you already said yes! Veronica yelled and ran down the street.


Hollow Shades team of young mages walked into the castles ballroom with large confident strides. Long black dresses of silk wrapped around Freya and Sylvie with an artists touch. Several guests stopped their conversations and drinks and simply stared at the beauties, mesmerized.

Stryg and Callum were dressed in dark black tunics and pants. They wore a pair of ornate white jackets that ended above their knees and had Hollow Shades crest emblazoned on the back. Their attire was finished with a pair of sleek black shoes.

Stryg cursed under his breath and fiddled with his collar.

Stryg, stop it, youre making us look bad, Freya muttered.

Its too fucking tight, Stryg frowned.

Just unbutton the collar, Callum whispered.

Ah, I broke it, Stryg said.

Of course you did, Freya sighed.

At least you have a button, Sylvie fidgeted. This damn dress is too tight.

I think it looks fine, Callum stared above Sylvies tight corset, at her breasts that seemed as if they were about to spill out.

Why do we even have to wear these stupid clothes? Stryg grumbled.

We represent Hollow Shade, whether we want to or not, people will see us that way, Freya said. Black and white are the colors of our city, best if we act the part, yeah?

Quite right, Cornelius walked in behind them. He was decked in a velvet green jacket and a flamboyant yellow silk tunic. His dark beard and hair had been braided in various golden beads, as was the tradition among wealthy dwarves.

Mr. Rotrusk? Freya asked. I thought you were with the other professors.

Oh, I was supposed to be, Cornelius nodded bleakly. But I was ordered to look after you four on account of what happened yesterday at that fancy alehouse.

So youre here to keep an eye on us? Callum raised an eyebrow.

The correct term is babysit. Cornelius said. While Miss Tauri and the others drink, dance, and socialize with the other refined guests, Ill be here with the children. The horror he moaned.

Were not kids, Stryg glared.

You whacked a guy with a bottle and the rest of you just watched. If that shit aint childish, then Im a goddamn giant, Cornelius rolled his eyes.

Fine, so what now? Freya sighed.

Cornelius laughed, Are you really asking me what to do in a ballroom filled with powerful mages, wealthy merchants, and dignified aristocrats?

Well, Im regretting it now, Freya frowned.

Its simple, darling, Cornelius grinned smugly. You mingle. Except you, Stryg. You try not to talk to anyone or hit anyone with a chalice.

Stryg shook his head, Yeah, this is going to be a long night. Im gonna go get a drink, anyone wanna join me?

Yes, please! Sylvie raised her hand.

Wait, dont split up! Cornelius said.

Uncle? a young woman called out.

Cornelius froze and turned around. His eyes widened at the sight of the dark-haired dwarf woman. Faint freckles covered her cheeks and small nose.

Her brown eyes lit in recognition. She smiled brightly and ran over, It is you!

Cordelia? Cornelius mumbled.

Uncle Cornelius! She slammed into him and wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug. It's been so long! What are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing, he smiled. I can hardly believe my sister let you travel this far from home.

It was for a special occasion, she smirked.

Um, who is this? Freya asked.

Does it really matter? Stryg whispered. Cant we just get a drink?

Oh! Right, ahem, Cornelius cleared his throat. This prodigious young woman is my favorite niece, Cordelia of the Great House of Rotrusk.

Wait a sec, Freya narrowed her eyes.

Callum bowed with a flourish, Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Cordelia. I am Callum of the Great House of Veres.

Hi, a pleasure to make your acquan- Cordelia furrowed her brow. Wait, your clothes. She glanced between Stryg, Callum, Freya, and Sylvie. Hollow Shades colors? Are you Hollow Shades chosen team? She turned to Cornelius, Uncle, youre working for the enemy!?

Enemy is a strong word, were all friends here, Cornelius smiled awkwardly. And Im just here as a temporary teacher. Part of a very lucrative one-time job, you understand, dont you, dear?

No, I really dont, Cordelia crossed her arms angrily. Youd go against your own niece? Your own family!

Id never! Cornelius yelled indignantly.

I knew it, shes a part of Frost Rims team, Freya scowled. Why else would she be here? Look at her dress, its blue and white even! Frost Rim colors.

The enemy? Strygs ears perked up. He suddenly stared at the Frost Rim dwarf with great interest.

I found her! a feminine voice yelled.

Everyone turned at the sound. It was easy to spot the speaker. She stood out among the crowd. Her dark black hair contrasted well with her bright blue skin and pale grey eyes. She stood eight feet tall, towering over all the other guests. Yet it was the large sword she dragged on her back in the middle of the party that gave everyone pause.

Who the hell is that? Freya muttered.

A frost giant? Here? Callum said hesitantly.

Shes a little too short, Sylvie noted. And her ears arent round, they have a bit of a point to them A hybrid?

The frost giant woman pushed through the crowd of gawkers with ease and reached the Hollow Shaders in half a dozen wide steps. She ignored them and looked straight down at Cordelia, Captains been looking for you.

Sorry, Lynn, Cordelia said. I spotted my uncle in the crowd I got so happy I just ran over here. She clicked her tongue, But now Im regretting it.

Cordelia, Im not your enemy, Cornelius said weakly. I swear to all the gods above Id never betray our family.

So you didnt tell them our secrets? My magical skills? Cordelia asked warily.

Of course not!

Who are you? Stryg asked coldly.

My uncle already told you. Im Cordelia Rotrusk, she snapped.

Not you, Stryg said. Her. He pointed at the frost giant.

Oh, Im uh, Lynn. Im not an aristocrat, she smiled down at him. So you can just call me Lynn.

Thats nice, but I wasnt talking about you, Stryg craned his neck to the side. Im talking about the drow girl behind you who is sending me death glares.

Eh? Lynn turned around and took a step back.

A small drow woman stood silently right behind her. Unlike the rest of the guests, she wore no dress or fancy jacket. Instead, she wore a pair of white leather breeches and a form-fitting black jacket. She was thin, lithe, a small shadow compared to the brawny frost giant. Long grey bangs hovered right above her blue eyes, but it was clear from her posture that she was looking straight at Stryg.

And you are? Stryg smiled icily.

The drow stayed silent and simply kept staring.

Shes like this sometimes, Lynn chuckled apologetically.

Is that right? Stryg flexed his fingers.

This is not the time for a fight, Stryg, Freya warned. Even if there is a creepy chick looking at you.

Agreed, Callum said. Best if we retreat for now. No need to deal with Frost Rimmers tonight. Were at a party, why dont we take it easy, yeah?

I couldnt have said it better myself, Callum, a pale beauty said. A brilliant scarlet dress hugged her sensual curves tight as she strutted towards them. Her crimson eyes glanced playfully around, taking in everyones appearance.

Lynn and Cordelia bowed respectfully to the vampiress. Captain, they said in unison.

Callum nodded stiffly, Kalliste, I didnt expect to see you here.

Oh please, we both know that isnt true, Kalliste smirked. But I must admit, I really didnt expect to see you here. A Veres without the Veres iconic black magic? Here? To compete in the most prestigious tourney in the Ebon Realm? I dont think anyone would believe it.

Kalliste? Freya paled. Kalliste Lilith?

The younger sister of last years tourney champion and the greatest talent of this generation, Cordelia nodded proudly.

Guilty, Kalliste licked her red lips and smiled.

Freya shook her head and laughed, In other words, youre just a girl living in her big sis shadow. How cute.

And you must be the Goldelm child. Cocky as expected, Kalliste said. I was originally going to go easy on you, on account of your familys origin in Frost Rim. But now? Hm, she bared her fangs. Who knows what might happen to that cute little face?

Freya swallowed, but tried to put up a brave expression.

Okay, thats it, Sylvie stepped in between them. First you insult Callum and now you threaten Freya? No one hurts my friends!

My you are a big one, Kalliste looked her up and down. Still smaller than our Lynn. Actually, now that I look at you Are three of you hybrids? Couldnt find any proper mages, huh?

Lynn lowered her head and hid her expression.

You have a hybrid on your own team, but you still insult hybrids? Sylvie growled. I dont care what family you come from, youre just a piece of shit!

Lynn knows where she stands. Its time you learn too, Kalliste said.

Now, lets just all calm down. Save the fighting for the tournament, Cornelius raised his hands.

Wise words, Id hate to get a hybrids blood over my dress, Kalliste said. And I very much doubt Callum would be happy if I hurt one of his friends.

Oh, now you suddenly care what Callum thinks? Sylvie snarled.

Quite the opposite, but its my duty to pretend at the very least, Kalliste smiled.

Huh? Sylvie frowned.

Kalliste glanced at Callum, You didnt tell them? Youre just a crafty little thing arent you, darling?

Please, stop, Callum said weakly.

Whaaaat is she talking about? Sylvie asked suspiciously.

Kalliste wiggled her finger at Callum, This failure of a Veres is my dear fianc, obviously.

Sylvies mouth went slack with shock. She slowly turned to Callum, crazed anger in her scarlet eyes. 

Callum stepped back fearfully, I can explain.

Stryg couldnt help but nudge Freyas arm, And you were all worried Id attack someone.

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