Purple Romance

Chapter 330: The truth comes out at last

Chapter 330: The truth comes out at last

Looking at the identical rings on their fingers, Paula and Andy smiled at each other satisfactorily. They walked out of the bureau office holding hands as they went to their car.

''We are now officially married'' Andy whispered into her ears as they sat in the car.

''I know, right? If anyone had told me that I would do something this crazy, I wouldn't have believed them. But, since it's with you, I have no regrets''

''You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now that you are my wife, I will protect you and handle all of your affairs. First, let's go and meet your mother. She must be expecting us since you told her we are going over''

''Okay'' Paula sighed and Andy held her hand.

''Don't sigh like an old granny anymore. Whatever happens, we will face them together. Because we are husband and wife'' he and Paula blushed, smiling. She pulled him closer and kissed him before saying.

''You are such a smooth talker. You turn all my worries into nothing. I must have saved the world in my past life to be given such a wonderful man''

''Then, pay me back in kind'' he said suggestively and Paula blushed and turned her face towards the window.

''I didn't hear that'' she said and he chuckled.


Getting down from the car, Paula stared at the familiar yet strange apartment in front of her. Andy got down from the driver's side and went over to her.

''You will do great, trust me''

''What is the worst that can happen?'' Paula turned to him and asked.

''The worst is she not believing you and missing out on a lifetime of not knowing how beautiful of a soul that you are and I seeing that as a blessing to not share you with anyone else. We will make out own family, a family that you will not be the outcast but the sole owner off''

''Right, that is the worst that could happen. Let's go in then''

Paula took the lead and they walked to the door. She knocked on it and Mrs. Emelia opened it. She was surprised to see the two of them.

''Come in'' she said and left the door open for them. Andy allowed Paula to go in first before he entered and closed the door. When they got to the hall, she pointed at the couch, ''sit down. I will bring you water''

''No need for water, please'' Andy replied and Mrs. Emelia looked at him before sitting down across them.

''Mrs. Abdul, this could be considered our first time of meeting, I am Andy Bassey, Paula's boyfriend'' Andy said. He didn't want to drop the bombshell of their marriage to her yet. They had also removed their rings and put them into their pockets before entering.

Mrs. Emelia looked at him and turned her gaze towards Paula and asked, ''why didn't you tell me you were coming with someone else?''

''I didn't want to inform you in case you tell me not to come'' Paula replied.


''Mrs. Emelia, there is a reason why we are here. there is something that Paula wishes to tell you''

''What is it?'' she asked indifferently.

''The truth about what happened, 15 years ago involving your late husband'' Andy replied and Mrs. Emelia furrowed her brows.

''What are you talking about?'' she asked, looking at Paula.

''Mother, I wasn't the one dad tried to save that day'' Paula said to her and she straightened herself.

''What nonsense are you talking about?''

''I came here today to tell you the truth of what happened and I also have evidence. The doctor's report that year'' Paula added and took the report from her side pocket. She straightened the paper that was almost wearing out on the table and her mother pulled it over to her side to look at it.

''Explain this and don't you dare leave anything out of it. I am listening to you'' Mrs. Emelia said with a serious expression.

''Yes, mother'' Paula started narrating the story to her mother. As she did, the woman clenched her fist tightly. Her gaze displayed a lot of emotions as she looked at Paula.

Andy stood up and went over to the open balcony a distance away and was looking at the view of the city. He wanted to give the mother-daughter pair some time alone.

Paula didn't leave anything out and told her mother the exact thing that happened that year. When she finally finished, her mom was looking at her with a complicated gaze. She gasped and sighed, chuckled dryly as she tried to assimilate the information she had just received.

''Why?'' she felt speechless, ''you'' she clutched her fists tightly and stood up from the sofa. Her face turned teary as she looked at Paula and asked, ''did you despised me this much?''


''Don't. Don't mom me. How could you keep something so serious to yourself? Did you think that by doing such a thing, you would be the saviour of the family? On whose account did you keep the truth? Whose asked you to keep such a thing to yourself? Paula, do you know how horrible you make me feel right now? Do you know how I so much why? Why did you decide on something like that alone?''

''I'm sorry, mother. I thought that I thought that everything would be fine as long as Mali was able to get healing''

''So, you decided to be the hero, the saviour of the family, right? Did you even see me as your mother? All these years, did you really think that I hated you? Paula, you are my daughter, how could you be this cruel to me? I was hurt, yes. I was blinded by the pain and my emotions took the better part of me, and I treated you harshly but I couldn't turn back because by the time my pain died, you were already far from me. our relationship was already beyond repair.

''I know. I know I am to be blamed for everything. I know it was stupid of me to come to such a decision, but, mom. Did you ever try to find out what really happened? You were focusing on your own pain that you completely forgot about me. You spent all your time, comforting Mali and attending to her needs while I was left to care for myself''

''You shouldn't have kept the truth away from me all these years''

''I wanted to tell you. all these years I looked for an opportunity to tell you but after being shut down by you for so long, I gave up. I didn't feel like speaking up anymore''

''Then, why are you speaking about it now?''

''Because you and Mali are going overboard. You tried to take what's mine and make it hers. Mali is trying to snatch my husband and I won't stand back and watch her do that''

''Your husband? Since when did that boy become your you you married him?'' Mrs. Emelia asked and gasped as Paula took out the ring and put it back in her finger.

''Yes, we got married today. Since that was the only possible solution to this problem''

''You and Andy are what?'' Mali froze at the hall porch as she asked, looking at Paula's ring finger.

''Andy and I are married, so stop trying to make him notice you. he is a married man now''

''Tsk, how dare you do this me? Have you forgotten how much you owe me? Mom, are you just going to watch her do this to me after what she did to dad?''

''Stop it. Mom knows the truth now. I told her everything about that day'' Paula said to Mali and the latter chuckled.

''What? What did you tell mom?'' her voice quivered as she turned to look at her mother. For the first time, the look Mrs Emelia was giving Mali was something she wasn't used to. It was a distant and unfamiliar gaze. It made her to take a step back subconsciously.

''The truth. I told mom the truth about the one whom dad really saved. All these years, I kept the truth to myself thinking that it was the right thing to do, but I realised how wrong I was. Someone like you, who is used to being selfish and scheming can only think about yourself alone. You don't see anyone else besides yourself''

''You is this how you are going to behave? What right do you have to marry Andy?''

''That's enough. Mali, shut up!!'' Mrs. Emelia shouted at Mali as her gaze sharpened. She had intervened just when Andy was planning to walk over. He stopped in his strides and watched the three women.

''Momom'' Mali's eyes turned watery.

''Did you know consider me as your mother? You knew the truth and still kept it away from me. did you think that the truth was going to stay hidden forever?''

''I I really didn't know, mom. She is lying against me. Paula, why are you suddenly acting like this? Just because your relationship with mother is bad, doesn't mean you should destroy mine with her. Tell mom the truth''

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