Purple Romance

Chapter 32: Is she pretty?.... Very pretty!!!

Chapter 32: Is she pretty?.... Very pretty!!!

Ad-Din went back to his quarters after the Kash family left. Calia was sitting in his hall playing with his tablet when he got out after taking his bath.

His mother rushed into the hall and pulled Ad-Din to the sofa and sat in the middle between him and Calia.

''Put this aside and let me ask you two some questions''. Mona Lisa Sun said and Ad-Din shook his head. Sometimes his mother acted like a child.

''Aunt, what do you want to know? About sister in law?'' Calia asked and smirked.

''Yes. Tell me, how is she like? Is she pretty?'' Mona Lisa asked.

''En, very pretty. You should see her. She is very pretty. Aunt, your son has good taste''. Calia said.

''That's a given. He is my son after all''. Mona Lisa said proudly and looked at her son.

''Mom, did you come here to ask me that?'' Ad-Din asked his mother.

''Oh, I came here to ask you that. Can't I? I had to even find out that my son had a girlfriend from an outsider. Do you know how that makes me feel? You don't even tell me anything anymore. Traitor, psst''. Mona Lisa pouted like a displeased kid.

''Mom, I was planning to tell you, I just didn't get the right timing''. Ad-Din sat across them as he spoke.

''Is that so? Then, tell me about her. How is she like? Does she treat you well?''

''Aunt, let me tell you everything. I was their matchmaker. It is all thanks to me that your son has a girlfriend now''. Calia said and held Mona Lisa's hand.

''Okay. Tell me everything. Ad-Din will definitely not tell me the details I am looking for''.

Ad-Din shook his head as he watched the them talk about him as if he weren't even present. He smiled looking at his mother's curious gaze fixed on Calia


Karen hid behind her mother as soon as they arrived at their house. She was extremely scared of what her father would do to her.

''You are leaving for Badmos tomorrow. I don't want you to stay here anymore''. Mr. Kash who was vexed said to his daughter.

''Dad. I don't want to go to Badmos''. Karen screamed.

''Say that again?'' Mr. Kash tried to hit her.

''Darling, is okay. She is a kid who just made a mistake. Can you be lenient with her? She is still young''. Janet Kash said.

''She is still young yet she knows how to destroy another person's life? Because of her I couldn't even lift my head. She totally got me fooled. She is not innocent in this matter. If she hadn't provoked that boy we wouldn't be facing all of these. To think I couldn't even lift my head up in front of the Denarius family because of you''.

''This is not entirely Karen's fault. That boy played with her feelings. He clearly knew about our daughter's feelings yet he played innocent. How could he pick an old woman over my daughter? He even wants my precious child to go and apologise to that English teacher''. Mrs. Janet Kash said lividly.

''She is going to the hospital to apologise to that woman whether she likes it or not. If that could make that boy to stop targeting my company, then she will have to do it''.

''I am never going to apologise to that bitch. She snatched Ad-Din away from me. What right does she have to demand an apology from me?'' Karen screamed and ran into her room.

''Did you see that? Do you see how your pampering have made her? She doesn't even know what she has done wrong? How could such a child even exist?''

Mr. Kash harrumphed angrily and sat down. Today he received so much humiliation because of his blind trust in his daughter.

Mrs. Janet Kash stood in front of her husband uncomfortably before running of to check up on her daughter. Mrs Janet Kash pitied her daughter and wanted to console her. To her, her precious daughter was the victim and the one wronged.


The next day.

Maria was getting ready to leave the hospital when she heard the door open and she turned and saw an older woman with Ad-Din and Calia.

''Miss Lee'' Calia ran and hugged Maria before saying ''we came to see how you are doing?''

Maria smiled and looked at the woman who resembled Ad-Din so much and blushed.

''Maria, here. Meet my mother. Mom, this is Maria, my girlfriend''. Ad-Din did the introduction and turned to look at his mother.

Mona Lisa looked at Maria for a while before bloating out.

''Isn't it a crime to be this beautiful? Your chocolate skin is glistering and smooth''

After saying that she walked to Maria and touched her face and hands while looking at her body stature adding ''do you want to be a model? I've always admired women with black skin but why are you even more beautiful than most of the models that wear my clothes?''

''Huh?'' Maria was confused and didn't actually know what Mona Lisa was talking about.

Ad-Din and Calia weren't the least surprised because they knew Mona Lisa's obsession over people with smooth skin. She was a famous fashion designer. She had designed and sewed a lot of clothes for the runway and owns a clothing line which was called Mona Lisa Freestyle in Cosmos and Britain.

Mona Lisa Sun was a versatile woman who was also free minded and open hence a lot of the younger generation loved her.

''Mom, mom, don't scare Maria'' seeing how his mother's obsession was taking over her, Ad-Din reminded her.

Mona Lisa came back to her senses and smiled awkwardly saying ''dear, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?''

''No, aunt. Is fine''. Maria said. Mona Lisa held Maria's hand and sat back on the bed with her.

''Let me ask you just one question?'' Maria nodded her head and the woman continued ''do you love my son?''

''Yes, I love Ad-Din a lot'' Maria answered honestly.

''Good. Then, treat him well. You are my son's first girlfriend. He is my precious son and I know you are also someone's precious daughter. Now, since you are both precious, I want you to treat each other well, en? Don't be bothered by what anyone says. Who cares about age these days? They are just numbers. Besides, you are so pretty, even I would have fallen for you and brought you to my son if I had seen you first''.

''Aunt, are you serious?'' Calia asked.

''That's a giving but, I would have turned her into a model first. Say, do you want to be a model?'' Mona Lisa asked.

''Mom, how can you ask my girlfriend to be a model? I won't allow her to wear clothes and other men will look at her''. Ad-Din said displeasingly making the three women to laugh.

''Aunt, if I ever have a change of heart, I will consider your offer. Right now, I just love to teach''. Maria said.

''Do think about it. This boy, he has no choice but to agree if you ever want to be a model'' Mona Lisa said.

Maria and Ad-Din looked at each other and smiled before she turned and looked at his mother.

Maria couldn't even remember her own mother's face anymore because it had been so long. It has been so long since she felt the comfort of a mother that Mona Lisa was giving her. Apart from her aunt and Lexis' mother, no one had given her so much love and attention. It made Maria's eyes to swell up and she couldn't help but bust into sobs.

Her sudden outburst startled everyone and they looked at her. Maria was crying uncontrollably. She was so touched and happy.

''Miss Lee''.

''Maria, what is it?''

Maria shook her head and looked at Mona Lisa saying in between her sobs ''can you please give me a hug?''

''Come here, child. Do you even need to ask?'' Mona Lisa's eyes swelled up and she pulled Maria into a tight hug.

''Is she crying because she wanted a hug?'' Calia whispered to Ad-Din and he nodded while looking at Maria in his mother's embrace.

He was now realising the gift he had that Maria didn't. he had his mother and family. He had a supportive family but Maria had nothing.

Ad-Din made a promise to himself that he was going to be everything Maria wanted and needed. He was going to be her family.

''Is okay, stop crying or this woman will be tempted to join you. Look, Calia is almost on the verge of crying''. Mona Lisa said and Maria looked at Calia and saw that the girl was really shedding tears.

''I'm sorry. Is just that. I am really touched. I am just so happy. I haven't felt this way in a long time'' Maria said.

''Don't worry. Anytime you want a hug, you can just come and find me. Ad-Din, give my number to Maria''. Mona Lisa said.

''Really? Can I really go and look for you?'' Maria asked and started sobbing again.

''Yes, you can so stop crying already''. Mona Lisa said and hugged Maria.

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