Psychic Parasite

Chapter 293: Wave

Chapter 293: Wave

8:45 PM, walking through the corridor were Jyorta and Haesha, following the trails of discussions. People huddled together in groups, expressing their fright and unease, with most being restless. They were startled, even frightened at the slightest of sounds, alert beyond reason.

"Did you hear it?"

"Madam Mila got injured?"

"Is this true?"

"I feel this is just a rumour. This is Madam Mila we are talking about."

"Yeah, I feel the same. Madam Mila is a Sky Controller. They aren't titled as such without reason."

"I just obtained confirmation from a staff. The news is true."


The duo listened in on the flurry of discussions as they exited the Indigo Building, walking on the ground while heading towards the Head Office Building. Haesha pointed at a group near the Violet Building, the building closest to the Head Office Building, "I heard this news there."

"Was the one who said this news a staff?" Jyorta inquired.

"No, I heard it from a student." Haesha shook her head, "He was screaming about it there and was also accompanied by his Batchmates. It seems he overheard it from an exchange between the staff."

"Also," She took in a deep breath, "We were sceptical at first but when a staff passed through, and we inquired about this news, the staff nodded in conformation. I couldn't bear it and ran away from this place."

They soon reached the group, weaving through the crowd to find the source. When they arrived at the centre of the crowd, they were surprised to find no one who acted as the source of the news. Everyone had congregated into smaller groups, engaging in a flurry of discussions. None seemed wiser, their collective emotions spiralling towards fear.

"Jyorta, Haesha, so the two of you were here." A shout grabbed their attention. They soon noticed Ashten and Esina walk their way, relieved at their presence. They were confused, unable to get their emotions under control. But, as they were Warriors, they weren't as worse off as Haesha. To them, the thing that affected them the most was the injury to a powerhouse.

Sky Controllers were below only to the Ancestors, each figure renowned in Marble City. They were famous figures, their details ingrained in the minds of the students by the military academy.

Tier 5 beings formed the overall commanding figures of Marble City, the higher-ups responsible for everything that happened in the city. It wasn't far off to say they were the brains of the city. The Ancestors were usually busy researching and developing their Skills and abilities, trying to grow stronger to become a firmer backbone for their city. So, Tier 5 beings were the ones who truly were in charge of everything.

Moreover, thanks to their superior computational abilities, excellent memories, and overall thought capacity, Sky Controllers oversaw most of Marble City's development. An injury to a Sky Controller meant an injury to Marble City. So, it was a given the students would express their fluster.

Ashten and Esina were affected because of this reason. Esina clutched her head, mildly trembling as she expressed her worry, "What is even happening out there for Madam Mila to be injured?"

"They even delayed the construction of the Graduation Ceremony Battlefield, something attached with heavy importance here. So, something serious has definitely occurred out there." Jyorta expressed his thought, worried about the state of his sister. Considering her status, she would definitely be involved in serious issues.

Even though Heima possessed the ability to teleport, it wasn't guaranteed that she would be safe, if she was embroiled in whatever had injured Madam Mila. After all, considering Madam Mila's speed, her flight was skin to teleportation in the eyes of most foes. Even then she was injured, suffering an injury to her brain that reduced her Sync Rate.

An injury to the brain was a serious matter.

"Her defences were breached," Haesha muttered, "She possesses the Unranked Skill, Marble Sonata, the same as Psychic Ancestor Marble, using which our city walls were created."

"The strength of our walls is not something that could be easily breached, not while Psychic Ancestor Marble is overseeing the situation," Jyorta said, closing his eyes to sense his surroundings. Affected by their emotions, the students unconsciously released fragments of their aura.

Affected by their mental state, it had become an aura personification. As every student felt the same, they all unleashed a similar effect. All the various fragmented aura personification combined, fusing into a whole that served to further affect their mental and emotional state, causing a vicious loop.

It was on the verge of spiralling out of control. Jyorta glanced at the grass underneath him, directing his aura at it in the form of a weak beam. He focused the beam at various empty spots, retracting after a second from each location.

A second later, the aroma in the air intensified, spreading around as it was inhaled by the students. As seconds passed, their emotions were brought under control, affected by the aroma. As their moods were affected, the developing aura personification was curbed, soon vanishing.

Seeing the development, Jyorta sighed in relief. He was just about to speak when a voice resounded in his ears, "A prompt decision on your part to dissolve the negative atmosphere; 500 Credits will be awarded for your actions. Keep up the good work."

Hearing the voice, Jyorta's eyes widened as he turned around, facing the Head Office Building while bowing a little. 'So, they were observing us.'

"What happened?" Seeing his movement, Ashten inquired in confusion. Even though he was affected, he still retained enough mental strength for a level headed judgement.

Jyorta pointed at his ears, "I was complimented by Madam Mary for my action just now."

Ashten stared at him, his gaze boring into Jyorta, waiting for him to continue further. Jyorta faced the other way, muttering with a soft tone, "500."

"Dammit!" Ashten facepalmed. "I feared it might be a test. But seriously, this matter is too serious to be used as a test material."

"So, it is just a rumour made by the staff?" Esina patted her chest, relieved at the news. Haesha too behaved as if a weight had been lifted from her chest.

"The news is not fake." A voice resounded in their midst, startling them. Hearing the voice, Jyorta's mood worsened. He looked up, noticing a glowing figure positioned high up in the air. Followed by his gaze, Ashten and group too followed suit, looking up.

Seeing their actions, the others followed suit, looking up one by one. All the discussions died down, the area silent to the extent they could hear the faint wind ruffling the grass.

Madam Mary's voice resounded throughout the military academy, alerting all students, "The rumours are true, Mila Marble has suffered an injury to her brain, causing a drop in her Sync Rate. But, it is nothing to worry about. She only suffered a percent drop due to overexerting her abilities against the odds."

"As for the cause, you lot are not qualified to know. Her mission requires a high level of secrecy, so unless you are Tier 4 or above, you won't get to know the details." She glanced around, noting the expressions of the students. Hearing the news directly from her, their hopes for the rumours being fake died, their expressions morphing into fear.

She stood still, in silence for a minute, watching the students arrive on the ground. Soon, all the students had arrived, gazing at her in unison. After a double check to see if any student remained within the buildings, Madam Mary pointed at the White Building.

In the next moment, a white streak of light emerged from her hand, illuminating the sky. But, the light was gentle to the eyes, allowing the students to stare without trouble as the light arrived before the massive walls of the White Building.

The light hovered before the walls, illuminating its entirety, allowing the students to notice something different about it. The light then seeped into the walls, disappearing after a second, causing darkness to shroud the ground once again.

Just when the students wondered, the white walls emitted a bright light, blinding to the extent everyone immediately turned around, with some shrieking in pain. Madam Mary unleashed a wave of psychic energy, healing everyone while placing them at their most optimal states.

The 100-metre-tall and 400-metre-wide wall lit up, the radiance condensing into a mild hue, displaying numerous rectangular parts on it. Each rectangle was 40 metres in width and 10 metres in height, displaying different scenes.

Jyorta took a glance before inhaling a sharp breath, shocked at the cruelty depicted. Some of the weaker willed students lost the strength in their legs, barfing out their dinner.

Scenes of battles were depicted in each rectangle, recorded from various position and point of views. Some were on the ground, some from high up the city walls, some from its open sections, etc. But, one thing was common in all the rectangles, i.e. the horde of Frenzy Beasts.

Frenzy Beasts they had never witnessed or even knew of were present in droves, marching on the ground, burrowing from underneath and even flying from above. As they arrived at the city's vicinity, the soldiers positioned on the walls rained down attacks.

Guns blazed, arrows were launched, various colourful effects were unleashed; the attacks possessed devastating power. But, no difference was made to the horde of Frenzy Beasts, their numbers not dwindling in the least.

Powerful presences from within flew out, raining down attacks on the walls, concentrating on a single spot to pierce through. Espers flew out, engaging with the foes, with each attack cracking the air.

Madam Mary's solemn voice resounded throughout the academy, causing the emotions of everyone to freeze, "We are facing a Wave."

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