President, Our Egg Is Lost

Thirty-Six: After all, he’s the other father of the little white egg.

Chapter Thirty-Six: After all, he’s the other father of the little white egg.

Ji XiaoYu’s stomach throbbed and he almost threw up the food he’d just eaten. He forced down the discomfort in his stomach and took a deep breath. A thin layer of red covered his eyes and he started to exude a murderous aura as he walked step by step towards Jin LaoSan. “You’re. Looking. For. Death.”

Cheng YuTang’s heart thumped in shock and he rushed to hold him to the front of his body. He clasped the back of his neck and rubbed gently, whispering in his ear to appease him, “Darling, don’t be impulsive, you’ll only dirty your own hands by doing this. Sweetheart, believe in me and leave it to me.”

Ji XiaoYu’s fury cooled down a little, but his heart was roiling inside like boiling water. He heard all the unbearable words that Jin LaoSan said just now, right? Does he really understand what happened? When he really knows, what will he think about it? And what will he think about me?

While he was thinking these messy thoughts, he heard Cheng YuTang’s soft voice, “Jin LaoSan, you’ve grown so big and haven’t been killed yet. That’s basically your good fortune. Unfortunately, you have provoked me by messing with my people, so your good fortune won’t be enough now.”

“Cheng Zong, what do you mean by that? Don’t scare me, LaoDi.” Jin LaoSan had a change of face, suddenly pasting on a false smile and laughing calmly. “We two are mixed up in the business world, so don’t wreck things over this thing, okay? If you don’t like to share him with others, I promise not to touch him with even a finger in the future, is that all right?”

Cheng YuTang couldn’t be bothered to keep talking nonsense with him, so he turned to ask, “Old Yang, these people are openly looking for trouble on your turf, are you going to let them run wild?”

Yang DongCheng had received an alert from the start and had led over his top ten security guards, who were waiting next to him. They had been keeping an eye on these hooligans the whole time, so at this moment, when they heard the boss’s order, they immediately rolled up their sleeves and took the initiative to rush over.

In just a few minutes, the situation in the area was obvious. Several of the thugs were beaten to the floor, looking for their teeth. Jin LaoSan’s appearance didn’t seem to have changed, but he lying on the ground in a cold sweat, unable to get up – Manager Yang had mixed it up on the streets when he was younger, so he knew the most painful ways to beat someone that wouldn’t leave a mark on their body.

The diners in the Ning Cheng Spring and Autumn were experienced and worldly. Witnessing this incident, they didn’t scream or panic. They all held their breaths without making a sound. In the patio, the only sounds to be heard where the punches and blows to the flesh and the screams of the thugs for their daddies.

Cheng YuTang had already taken Ji XiaoYu back to sit in his chair again, so he didn’t look over as he said, “Take this garbage a little farther away, don’t dirty everyone’s eyes.”

“Yes, Cheng Zong.”

Yang DongCheng made a signal. The security guards dragged several of the thugs and Jin LaoSan, who had collapsed in the mud, into the backyard and some others came in with buckets and rinsed the blood from the turquoise floor.

The girl in the costume sat down by the bridge again, and the sound of her zither sounded again in the patio, like flowing water.

In an instant, the patio had been restored to its original state. It was just like nothing had ever happened.

Yang DongCheng clapped once, attracting the attention of all the onlookers, and then he cupped his fists towards everyone around and said solemnly, “Everyone, we at Ning Cheng Spring and Autumn have always been good and law-abiding businessmen. Jin LaoSan and those ruffian thugs took the initiative to pick the fight, everyone could see that. Our restaurant has already called the police. I believe the police will handle the case fairly and impartially, to bring the wicked to justice. The restaurant will repay you fairly! Because a few bugs disturbed everyone’s dining, we are very sorry. Today, this Old Yang will treat you to make amends to everyone, so please forgive us!”

The restaurant instantly filled with excitement. There were continuous “it’s okay” being said, there were scoldings towards Jin LaoSan that he was scum who deserved to be beaten, there was clapping, whistling, and applauding; the happy guests and peaceful music blended into one beautiful sight.

So that solved it? Ji XiaoYu sat in the chair, zoned out a little, just as if he were having a dream.

Cheng YuTang got up again and pulled him up, “Come with me.”

Ji XiaoYu felt tangled up inside. He wanted to take back his hand, but Cheng YuTang was clenching it tight. He didn’t want to attract the exploring and questioning eyes of all kinds of people again, so he had to let himself be taken by Cheng YuTang through the patio, to a quiet and uninhabited tea room.

Cheng YuTang closed the door and put Ji XiaoYu on the floor mat. He knelt down face-to-face with him and said, “What happened last year? Can you tell me now?”

As if he had been stimulated, Ji XiaoYu suddenly lifted up his head. He furrowed his brow and asked, “What do you want to know? Knowing what that fat pig head did to me, how will you think about me?”

“I want to know everything about you,” Cheng YuTang looked at him, his tone soft and gentle, “The good and the bad, what you like and what you hate.”

Ji XiaoYu’s breath caught and his heart both ached and warmed. After a moment, he girded himself and turned his eyes away. He said slowly, “Alright, if that’s the case, then I’ll tell you. Last year I was working in Xing Cheng, as a housekeeper in a hotel. On the night of Christmas Eve, the hotel owner asked me to go to a senior suite on the 16th floor to chaperone a guest with wine, saying that after the task was completed, I would be given a big red envelope. I went there and then I saw Jin LaoSan.

“As soon as I saw Jin LaoSan, I felt that he was a bad person, so I wanted to go back and refuse the task. Jin LaoSan lied to me that I only had to have one drink. If I drank it, he would let me go, otherwise we’d have to get the hotel owner to settle the account. I drank it without thinking too much. I didn’t expect that some kind of drug had been added to the glass of wine. After I drank it, I quickly became weak and my mind became groggy. Jin LaoSan said that there was no person in the world who could handle it. He said with a bad tongue and a bad heart that he could see I was some kind of cheap goods. While saying that, he grabbed my face, wanting to kiss my mouth……”

“Stop, don’t say it!” Cheng YuTang suddenly interrupted Ji XiaoYu’s narrative, holding him in his arms.

He had overestimated his ability to bear this. He had thought that he would be able to not care about the past, but he didn’t expect that Ji XiaoYu would get through just about half of it and he’d be unable to stand it.

At this moment, if Jin LaoSan was present, he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to control himself, taking the scum’s life.

However, what was even more unacceptable to him was his previous conclusions of the subsequent development. Originally, he had thought that Ji XiaoYu was under the guidance of Han QingShi, that he had sold himself for money and deliberately drank drugged alcohol to seduce him. He didn’t expect that he himself could be so wrong. The little thing was innocent from start to finish, Ji XiaoYu was the one who had been hurt; all the others were the ones who were terrible.

The next day, Ji XiaoYu had resigned and left XinHao to return to Xiao Qing Shan. He could see how big the blow was to him that night and what a deep shadow had been left on him.

Jin LaoSan was, of course, wretched, but the role he himself played in it wasn’t very glorious.

Ji XiaoYu’s body was a little stiff and he said sullenly into his shoulder, “I’m not done yet, why do you want me to stop?”

This incident has been lingering in his mind for almost a whole year. It had hurt him so much. Like a festering, ugly wound, he had been forced to cover it up. But the moment he opened his heart, he had felt a lot more relaxed. Speaking out about it wasn’t as terrible as he thought it would be. It would be better to say that it felt so good to let that wound be completely exposed to the sun.

If Cheng YuTang couldn’t accept it, then he…..he could only acknowledge that. The one who was good was him and the one who was bad was him too. It was his inerasable past. He couldn’t delude himself into thinking it never happened.

So, he stubbornly continued with that dichotomy in mind, “Do you think that Jin LaoSan slept with me? No. I wasn’t completely out of it at the time, so I punched Jin LaoSan out with one blow and didn’t let him succeed. Then I left the suite and entered the hallway, but after a few steps, I couldn’t hold myself up. I turned into another half-open suite in my confusion and fell asleep on the bed. Later, a man came in…… ”

“XiaoYu, don’t say it, really don’t say it,” Cheng YuTang’s voice trembled. He raised his hand to cover Ji XiaoYu’s lips. “I know everything afterwards.”

Ji XiaoYu couldn’t open his mouth, so he could only widen his eyes in amazement, how does Cheng YuTang know?! I clearly didn’t say anything about this to anyone, even Grandfather Hou doesn’t know!

Cheng YuTang struggled to get out the words, “Because the man who came in later was me.”

Ji XiaoYu was shocked. He stared at him incredulously. And in his head there were with flashes of lightning and booms of thunder, landslides and tsunamis, a mess of chaos.

The man who spent most of Christmas Eve night with him was actually Cheng YuTang?

In other words, he was the man who had startled him from the very beginning? He was the “former partner” that he had made up?

In other words, he was the other father of the little white egg?

Ah, ah, ah, ah, how could this be?!

Oh gods in heaven, descend down and wake me up, tell me that this isn’t true, that this is just a dream I made up myself!

Cheng YuTang saw that his face went pale and his eyes unfocused, so he couldn’t help but feel both guilty and distressed. He reached out and hugged him even tighter. “I’m sorry, XiaoYu, I didn’t know about the beginning, I thought someone was deliberately arranged it that night……If I could repeat that day, I wouldn’t let that happen. I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to meet you in that way. On that day, I also drank some alcohol and in a moment of drunkenness, I took advantage of the situation for my own needs…….XiaoYu, I really regret it. Can you forgive me?”

Ji XiaoYu was flustered and felt both angry and sad. There was a mess in his head, so he hardly listen to what Cheng YuTang was saying. He pushed away the hand over his mouth and whispered to himself, “No, no way…… How could you be in Xing Cheng? How could there be such a coincidence……? You recognized me a long time ago, didn’t you? And you kept it from me and didn’t tell me…… You actually thought of me as the same kind of person that Jin LaoSan did, right……? I’m so stupid, is there anyone in the world more stupid than me……”

Seeing him like this, Cheng YuTang’s heart felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible hand. It hurt so much it made it hard for him to breathe. He couldn’t hold Ji XiaoYu’s waist, he could only try to hold his hand. He said eagerly, “XiaoYu, I’m sorry, I was wrong. I didn’t intentionally hurt you or hide things from you. Please forgive me, give me a chance to fix it, okay?”

Ji XiaoYu broke his hand away strongly and then shook his head and said in a panic, “Don’t talk, I don’t want to hear it right now. I don’t want to look at you. I want to go home……”

As he was speaking, he suddenly felt the little white egg in his pants pocket move. His heart suddenly tensed. He immediately couldn’t care about anything else. He quickly took the little white egg out and opened his eyes to take a look.

Cheng YuTang’s heartstrings trembled. He held his breath without realizing, his eyes following the egg-like object.

Under the gaze of the two pairs of eyes, the little white egg laying in the palm of Ji XiaoYu’s hand let off a small glow. And then, although it was very slight, but still visible to the naked eye, it gave a little, little, tiny roll.

Ji XiaoYu was overjoyed, almost bursting into tears.

Calculating the days, he had been incubating for seven months. The chick in the egg had to be growing well and working hard for the final stage of breaking the shell!

My child, you’re the best! The men in this world are all big pig trotters, no matter whether they look good or not. You’re the only one who won’t fail Daddy, who won’t let Daddy down!

Cheng YuTang couldn’t resist reaching out his hand, trying to touch the little white egg. Ji XiaoYu quickly closed his fingers around the little white egg and put his hand behind his back. Staring at him with vigilance, he asked, “What are you doing?!”

Cheng YuTang had no idea what he wanted to do. Seeing that Ji XiaoYu was viewing him as an enemy, his heart filled with a bad taste. He whispered, “I’m not going to steal your Xiao DengPao, don’t be nervous.”

Having said that, Ji XiaoYu had said that Xiao DengPao was given to him by his former partner. Now that what happened on Christmas Eve had already come to light, the two men who had come into contact with the little thing were also clear: one was Jin LaoSan, one was himself. Was Jin LaoSan the person who gave him the little light bulb?

For a time, Cheng YuTang almost drowned in the sea of vinegar that was roiling in his heart. Knowing that this question shouldn’t be asked, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Was Xiao DengPao given to you by Jin LaoSan? He’s a rogue villain and you hate him so much, so why have you kept what he gave you? Whatever you want, I can give you too, except for this……”

Ji XiaoYu’s temper exploded and he interrupted him with a roar, “Bullshit! He didn’t give me Xiao DengPao, it was, it was……”

He repeated “it was” for a long time, but what was after “it was” couldn’t come out, jammed in his throat.

Cheng YuTang asked doubtfully, “It wasn’t him? Did you have another former partner?”

None! Except for you, who startled me, who else could be the big bastard who gave me this egg! Ji XiaoYu almost blurted it out, but luckily, he used his other hand to cover his mouth in time and he kept himself from saying it.

If I really say the truth, I’ll definitely scare this man to death on the spot!

Although I really hate him right now, I don’t want to scare him away.

After all, after all, he’s the other father of the little white egg.

?? ?? ??

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