Praise the Orc

Chapter 120: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 120: The Calm Before the Storm

The troops from Mount Luclan set out first because Crockta’s wounds hadn’t fully healed yet. Crockta and his friends decided to take their time because they could easily catch up with Boro’s help.

Crockta displayed astonishing regenerative abilities akin to that of a monster. He was rapidly healing from wounds that would have taken others ages to recover from.

“Crockta has become a very important figure in the north,” said Gorit, who was supervising the Mount Luclan Alliance.

“He is a true warrior, haha,” said Kaburak.

“I can’t imagine what would have happened to the north without him,” said Gorit.

Chieftain Calmahart’s plan had failed several times because of Crockta. Without Crockta, Mount Luclan wouldn’t have survived, and they would be slaves working for the chiefdom by now.

“Father,” said Kaburak.

“What is it?”

“Calmahart wasn’t always like that. When did he become insane?”

Calmahart had always been cruel, but he wasn’t so evil that he would gladly make other tribes or species into slaves and fantasize about unifying the North to invade the continent. He was someone who followed the principle of strength like all of the other Great Warriors.

Calmahart became the chieftain because he was the largest and strongest out of all the Great Warriors, and he succeeded in defeating the previous chieftain. He was violent, but he was someone who could exercise common sense.

But out of nowhere, he became a madman, and everything changed.

Given that the chieftain held authority over all decisions within the chieftain, the chiefdom completely changed with Calmahart’s reign.

“I’m not sure, but I first realized that something was amiss when he sent an emissary to make us join the chiefdom,” replied Gorit.

“When was that?”

“About two years ago, I think.”


“The contents of the message were utter nonsense. I realized he wasn’t normal right then. He was already treating us like his slaves.”

Kaburak nodded with a serious expression on his face. “Understood.”

“Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious. Haha.”

“You aren’t much help anymore. If a fight breaks out, hide instead of getting involved and protect yourself,” warned Gorit.

“Haha. Don’t worry, Father. I have a knack for escaping.”

Despite Kaburak’s cheery attitude, Gorit had a concerned look on his face. Kaburak tapped his father’s back as if telling him not to worry about him.

He turned his eyes to the soldiers of Luclan Alliance.

The army was organized in a formation that combined the strengths of the three races.

Orc warriors were at the front and dark elves and gnomes were at the back so they could provide long-range support with arrows and crossbows. It was a more advanced formation than a unit composed solely of orcs charging with axes or dark elves shooting arrows.

However, he had an ominous feeling. If what he was worried about was true, then these soldiers and their crude weapons were useless.

I'm probably overthinking things...

He shook his head and imagined the battle that would occur soon.

Nameragon and Spinora were both vital cities to the dark elves. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that they were all that remained after the other cities were destroyed. Moreover, Spinora had the world tree.

It wouldn’t be easy for the chiefdom to capture Spinora with the World Tree there.

Kaburak was curious about the chiefdom’s next step and whether they were headed to Nameragon or Spinora. Even if they headed to Nameragon right now, the city would fall into the hands of the chiefdom.

Even with reinforcements from Spinora, they wouldn't be able to save Nameragon unless the dark elves moved the World Tree to Nameragon.

But because the dark elves were unable to give up Nameragon, a fierce battle for land would inevitably unfold.

Kaburak thought that the ideal plan for the chiefdom would be for them to crush Nameragon and then surround and seize Spinora. But...

“Where is the chiefdom headed? Are they still waiting?” asked Kaburak.

“According to the information we recently received...” Gorit scratched his head. “They seemed to have changed their direction to Spinora, but we aren’t certain yet.”

“...!” Kaburak stopped in his tracks.

“What’s wrong?”

The fact that the chiefdom was headed to Spinora instead of Nameragon meant that their target was neither the territory of dark elves nor their surrender, but the acquisition of the World Tree.

“It’s nothing...” Kaburak closed his eyes and prayed to a nameless god.


“They turned their direction toward us?” asked Zelkyan.

“Yes,” replied Zenadu.

“Understood,” replied Zelkyan with a nod.

Zenadu, an apostle of the World Tree, bowed and left.

Zelkyan was currently at the top of the World Tree. From the top, he could see all of the scenery in the distance. It was a beautiful sight only permitted to apostles, but the scenery didn’t look as beautiful to Zelkyan as it had in the past.

He borrowed the powers of the World Tree to enhance his vision and look at the faraway cities he used to enjoy watching. He checked out Nuridot, Ameranyan, and Yekatoru, but they didn’t have any signs of dark elves. Everyone had died, and everything was in ruins.

The dark elf cities that were like his children had all been destroyed.

Zelkyan felt a burning pain in his chest. “Ugh...” It was a pain coming from deep inside him. The World Tree was mourning.

All of the World Tree’s emotions were imparted to him and affected him greatly. He dropped on his knees from the pain and waited for the World Tree to calm down.

Even experiencing just a fraction of the emotions of a colossal being such as the World Tree was insufferable to mortals. Zelkyan tried to calm his breathing as he groaned in pain.

The World Tree soon calmed down.

Zelkyan kicked the huge branch he had been standing on. “Hey, calm down. I’m hurting too.”

A branch from the World Tree came up and hit Zelkyan’s leg back. The two bickered for a while.

“Anyway, it’s no joke.” Zelkyan shifted his gaze. Orcs were filling up the plains near Spinora. He was astounded that the chiefdom had managed to amass such a large army. It was several times larger than the combined forces of Spinora and Nameragon.

Moreover, the orcs were accustomed to battle. While the dark elves had enjoyed their peace with their doors shut, the chieftain had pitted orcs against each other and incited internal conflicts.

They were a species where fighting was a part of their culture. From the start, the orcs’ battle experience was on another level compared to the dark elves. Zelkyan borrowed the powers of the World Tree to spot the chieftain. He was much larger than other orcs and had an intimidating aura.


Zelkyan’s chest burned again. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The World Tree was agitated. It saw that the slaves who were supporting Calmahart’s palanquin were all dark elves.

The chieftain made a small number of dark elves carry the palanquin even though there were countless slaves. He enjoyed the sight of dark elves flailing and struggling to survive. The orc soldiers behind Calmahart regularly whipped the dark elves and urged them to go faster.

The World Tree was enraged. Its anger also became Zelkyan’s. He opened his eyes again to burn the image of Calmahart’s face in his head. The World Tree saw Calmahart’s face. It would never forgive him.

Suddenly, Zelkyan locked eyes with the chieftain. “...!”

The chieftain had sensed Zelkyan’s presence. He stared back at Zelkyan and smirked. His eyes were a vivid crimson.

A red sign flashed on the chieftain’s forehead. It was a bizarrely twisted and inverted cross. The World Tree’s entire body flinched and trembled; it recognized the symbol.

The dark elves working inside the World Tree screamed at the sudden vibration.

“What was that just now?” asked Zelkyan as he withdrew his enhanced vision.

But the World Tree didn’t respond.

“He seems like an apostle. Who is it?”

The World Tree was silent. It raised a branch and moved it slowly as if it was difficult to answer.

Zelkyan shrugged. “We will fight with them soon. Are you scared?”

The World Tree struck Zelkyan's head.

Zelkyan grumbled, “This tree is so violent! Ah, stop!”

He tried to find the chieftain again, but Calmahart was nowhere to be seen. Zelkyan caressed his chin. Where could that huge beefy guy hide? The chieftain was probably an apostle like him. Who was he following?

Considering the chieftain’s appearance, there was a high chance the being was much more specialized in combat and battles compared to the World Tree. Even if they borrowed the powers of the World Tree, it wouldn't be easy to win.

The World Tree had a bad personality but wasn’t good when it came to fighting.

Zelkyan was speculating about the battle that would occur soon when the World Tree tapped on his shoulder.


The world tree pointed at the sky. Zelkyan raised his eyes.

Something was flying in their direction. Zelkyan erupted in laughter.

“What, those guys are... What are they riding?”

Crockta, Tiyo, and Anor were riding on an undead wyvern. They were charging toward Spinora through the sky. Although Crockta was covered in bandages, he seemed fine.

Zelkyan was worried about him after hearing that he had engaged in a fierce battle with the chieftain, but he looked like he was ready to fight again. He felt reassured about their prospects.

Crockta was a warrior who had shaken up the north multiple times. He had saved their cities many times from the monstrous chieftain.

Zelkyan grinned. They couldn’t do without Crockta and his friends.

For the final showdown, dark elves from all over the north had gathered in Spinora, and troops from Mount Luclan had arrived to support them. Most importantly, there was the World Tree, the being who united all dark elves.

Regardless of the kind of being the chieftain was, they wouldn’t lose. Zelkyan spread his arms wide open as if embracing all of Spinora.

Beyond it, lurked the cheifdom’s army.

“Yes, let’s see this through 'till the end.”

The World Tree trembled in response.


The orcs’ troops gathered in Spinora. The chiefdom decided to have a big showdown in Spinora.

The dark elves followed suit, and the soldiers who had been protecting Nameragon joined the forces in Spinora.

Spinora prepared its defenses with all its might. They fortified and heightened the city walls and prepared thousands of arrows. The Great Sorcerer Jamero’s magic surrounded Spinora and strengthened the defenses.

“Amazing.” Crockta had climbed on top of the city wall. He was watching everything that was happening. It was the largest-scale battle he had ever experienced in Elder Lord.

“There are so many orcs...” muttered Tiyo in a weary voice.

He was watching the scenery past the city walls on his toes. “If this was Quantes, I would have swept all of them away with the Asura Heaven-Breaking Cannon. Too bad.”

“But you have the General.”

“True, a bummer for the orcs. Haha.”

“It’s a tragedy," Crockta joked back.

It wasn’t just Tiyo and him who were waiting for battle. Driden was also slashing the air with his two scimitars.

Like an artist envisioning the composition of hiw drawing, Driden was drawing out his trajectory before the battle. He felt Crockta’s gaze on him and greeted him.

Crockta also saw Ladet who had brought his troops. He was accompanied by the leader of Nameragon’s garrison and Jamero.

Mount Luclan Alliance’s units were assigned in various spots and were preparing for battle.

Crockta glanced behind him.

The World Tree, the pillar of the world that looked down on everything, was standing gallantly in the center of Spinora. The one standing on top of its branch was probably Zelkyan. He waved. Crockta waved back.

“Crockta, are you ready?” asked Tiyo.

Crockta’s eyes followed the line of Tiyo’s sight.

The orcs who had set up bases in front of Spinora were slowly marching toward them with Calmahart leading them.

The orcs filled the plains to the brim as they advanced toward Spinora. They looked like a wave charging toward the city.

Crockta slung his Ogre Slayer over his shoulder and said, “I was born ready.”

“What? Then I was ready since I was in my mother’s womb,” clapped back Tiyo.

Crockta couldn’t help but laugh at Tiyo’s humor. Tiyo also laughed out loud.

“Crockta, I’m so glad I met you. I didn’t expect to experience a great adventure like this during my lifetime.”

“This is just the beginning. Save your amazement for later.”


Crockta grinned. “Even greater adventures await us after this war. Don’t slack off.”

“Same goes for you!” Tiyo placed the General on his shoulder.

The Great Northern War that was set in motion by the crazy chieftain’s rampage was drawing to an end.

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