Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 238 July 15th, 2032 | Botany Club

Sage stared at the freshly printed fliers with a satisfied expression.

═─┈─═[July Reputation Points Incentives]═─┈─═

Announcement! During the month of July, Immortals will earn double the RP found herein. Managers and teachers will also reward Immortals Exclusive vouchers, allowing them access to classes and techniques with distinction.


An Immortal can gain reputation points in four ways:


1. Seven days' worth of above-average impartially-tracked work earns Immortals (1) RP.

2. Talent or leadership distinction in cultivation, military training classes, or practice can earn Immortals up to (1) RP per class.

3. Partaking in hazardous assignments, including voluntary scavenging work, earns an Immortal (1) RP per/day with a (25) RP bonus for five work days.

4. Immortal Skye military personnel will get an additional (1) RP weekly.

5. Military or hazardous operation distinction can earn Immortals an uncapped amount of RP.

6. Daily, weekly, or monthly incentives to earn RP may become available at any time.

7. Businesses and services operating outside work hours can earn an Immortal an uncapped amount of RP.

8. Becoming skilled enough to teach will earn a person an uncapped amount of RP per lesson, course, or lecture.

9. Management members can earn an uncapped amount of RP for exceeding goals and forecasts.

10. Stopping disturbances, solving problems, and mitigating potential issues can earn an Immortal an uncapped amount of RP.

However, poor actions that worsen situations will get an Immortal fined an uncapped amount of RP.

Citing [provocation] or arguments as a cause for citizen justice will likely face punishment.

11. Management can reward RP for unofficial reasons at their discretion. However, managers must post unofficial rewards publicly on the RP shortlist to prevent favoritism.


Punishment for Negative Reputation Points

Those fined for misconduct and with less than one reputation point will move to the campgrounds and be subject to unwanted jobs unless their work position is necessary.

Punishments are removed after obtaining neutral reputation points, but their position and residence may be filled in the interim.


Preventing Favoritism and Corruption

All RP allocations will be publicly posted on the Immortal Skye boards weekly to ensure scrutiny and accountability and to prevent favoritism.

While management members can earn significantly more RP than others, they are also accountable for their decisions and will get fined a corresponding amount of RP.

Managers convicted of improper RP allocations or abusing their position will face mid-to-long-term punishment unless their assistance is vital in overcoming a crisis.


On Inequality and Value

Those talented enough to manage, teach, or run successful businesses provide the most value and will naturally become exorbitantly wealthy.

These three services are vital to Immortal Skye's well-being and its citizens' happiness, and thus all people should strive for one of the three positions.

Management members and teachers are not subjected to many Reputation Point requirements. Obtaining one of these positions is exceedingly desirable.


The Reputation Point System Is The Law

While Immortal Skye provides civil and economic liberties and strives to be fair and impartial in its laws and political and economic systems, it is not a democracy.

The Reputation Point system is not up for discussion, deliberation, or debate. It is the law enacted by Immortal Skye's leadership.

Everyone will follow it without sowing discord, or they must leave Immortal Skye.

"God damn, this is satisfying." Sage beamed with sparkling eyes, "He said he'd double enthusiasm, and he's already done it!

After he sexed people up and let them taste luxuries, I'm drowning in mercenary applications. People cannot sign up fast enough for hazardous work."

Kaze promoted the Underground Bizarre and gave everyone free money to get them hooked on pleasure and the value of RP. That same night people started turning in applications for the Scavengers to get the 1 RP a day and 25 RP week bonus.

It was proof that people enthusiastically volunteered for overtime and life-threatening work. His incentive would only make that more aggressive.

"Simply by doubling the RP this month, [everyone] will work overtime and train like their lives depended on it at this critical time!" Sage squealed uncharacteristically, "It's so satisfying.

Every person of talent will be in one of his exclusive classes to learn new techniques [immediately].

He's pulled one lever passively. Now, resources are self-allocating for maximum value, and everyone is preparing for a crisis with maximum morale. It's incredible!"

The redhead hugged one of the sheets against her chest. She loved power, rationality, and effectiveness; Kaze was all three.

Just thinking about it made her bite her lip and close her eyes.

"That man…." Sage whispered, running her fingers up her skirt, "He makes me want to be bad just in hopes he'll punish me."


"A gardening club?" A brunette with neck-length hair and a professional-looking dress asked, "I can see if there is interest, but… these clubs are fragile, Ms. Harrington.

If you incentivize people to join another club, it could be disastrous."

"Don't misunderstand, Ms. Roybock." Sage replied, shaking her head, "We need real gardeners, ideally botanists, ecologists, and science majors.

That's who we want in the botany club. Our incentives for this week's gardening operations are temporary paid work."

Francis, who went by Fey, winced, looking at another flyer. "I understand that. However, the every dishwasher will want to join this club."


═─┈─═[Botony and Gardening Club]═─┈─═

If you are interested in plants or meeting people, join the Botany Club. It is satisfying and provides lucrative career opportunities, as you can learn to grow [treasures].

Treasures are Qi-rich plants that provide miraculous benefits to those who ingest or bathe in them.

They can cleanse your system, doubling your Qi intake and output, or increase the durability of your body, making it stronger than steel.

Some treasures can even temper your body to elements, allowing you to use higher-level fire, ice, or electricity techniques that would usually kill a cultivator—like Evalyn Skye.

That's the value treasures offer and why planting, nurturing, and harvesting them will provide a rich source of RP and Skye.

The botany club has 20 available positions, which will first go to botanists, farmers, gardeners, fermenters, and science majors in that order.

So make sure to sign up immediately.

Emperor Lexicon is providing 10 RP a day to anyone who helps set up the fields for the first treasure farm.

We will meet on the north side of campus in the wooded area tomorrow, July 16th, 2032, at 5 PM. You'll know you're there, as the trees are missing everywhere else!



"You're a professor, so why can't you read?" Sage asked dryly, making the short brunette's face heat up with resentment, "It clearly states there are only 20 positions.

Are you saying that 20 people leaving your clubs, as statistically unlikely as that is, will cripple your operation?"

Fey gritted her teeth at the woman's brash behavior, knowing she couldn't talk back to a government director. "No, it's just that volunteer organizations are delicate in the beginning, and the participants are sensitive to outside influence."

"You mean like sleeping with a student?" The redhead mused mockingly, making the professor's eyes widen in horror, "That's a Maltian sex offense, but you somehow navigated that fine."

"W-Where did you learn that?" The professor stuttered, mortified.

"You, right now." Sage confirmed with a sinister smile, "There's no need to be ashamed. When the Emperor wants something, we're are liable to give it to him."

"I-I…." Fey swallowed nervously, averting her gaze, "Is that right?"

"We're all in the same boat, us women." The businesswoman smiled ominously, "As we speak, he desires immediate treasure production, and I will stop at nothing to give that to him.

So [I advise] you to accept the opportunity to lead the botany club, Ms. Roybock. The Emperor and I will reward you lavishly if you do a good job."

An icy chill crawled down the professor's spine when she heard the word [advise]. The tone behind it suggested that the alternative would be horrifying.

"I already accepted it upon Kaze… the Emperor's request." Fey said with a wry smile, "You can count on me."

"Excellent." Sage smiled sinisterly, "Well, off you go. If you want to meet your deadlines, you have your work cut out for you."

She turned around and walked away, leaving the brunette trembling, looking at the sheet.

"I'm already trying to fulfill his desires by creating these clubs." Fey whispered bitterly, "Now I'm risking failure to help this woman fulfill her asks from the emperor? That lady is evil."

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