Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 227 Rein’s Reflection

A massive line of 500 Immortals waited outside of the Luxe, a black, white, and gold mansion everyone had come to know intimately.

In addition to having countless items for sale, it housed all basic needs supplies, including shampoo, soap, and feminine hygiene products.

Therapy services, the salon, and essential businesses also operated in the Luxe.

As a result, everyone went there at least once a week. Kaze housed everything there as a constant reminder of the rewards of extra labor and high performance.

Now, they were in line to experience the most anticipated and infamous feature of Immortal Skye--the Underground Bizarre.

"Sup, Terry, gonna see a hooker tonight?"

"Of course not!"

"Ew, he's blushing."

"D-Don't get the wrong idea; I'm really not!"

"Then what~are you~doing? Hmmm?"

"Just clubbing."

"Yeah, clubbing dat pus~say!"

"Hey, stop laughing! I'm really going to Club Quinn!"

"Domestic violence aside, Terry, who's Quinn? Do you mean Mary?

If so, that bimbo already took a one-way train to hell. There's no reason to beat a dead cat."

"Oh! So [you~'re] seeing the hoo~ker tonight, Gabe~."

"Heh. Flipping the script is tasteless, Lisa."

"Flipping the script? Why do you know so much about hookers?"

"Bruh, Mary is slated to get trained by like... sixty people, I hear. How haven't you heard about this?"

"That's not true! She has had the second-lowest number of clients. The people who spent insane amounts of RP to sleep with her are spreading the hoe rumors."

"Oh~I~see. So [you~'re] the mystery hooker~seer, Walter~."


"You, you, you, you, and you. You're all seeing hookers tonight." An Asian man with a calm demeanor said, pointing to all the men and women talking.

The man wore a charcoal dress shirt and khakis, seemingly taking after Kaze.

"Seriously, Steve?" Lisa, a curly-haired brunette with a flustered expression, asked, "Me?"

"Yes, you, Lisa." He confirmed, "I know you're seeing Bateman Moore, don't lie."

"That's a lie! Sexual harassment much!?"

"Replay the last two minutes in your mind, chew on it, feel regret, and then say sorry to Terry and Walter." Steve countered, "Otherwise, shut up."

"I was just calling people out, not accusing them falsely!" The short brunette snapped, her face flushed red in anger.

"Okay, I'll be watching the hall then. If even one doesn't go in, I'll report you to Kaze for harassment when I turn myself in." The Asian shrugged, "Naturally, that means you can't see one of the men.

So I hope you were being honest about both."

Lisa's eyes flickered with hatred and resentment.

"Look at that face!" Gabe, a brown-haired meathead, said, "The real hoe here is Lisa hawhawha... heh...?

Yo, what's up, Steve? I thought we were anti-simping, bro."

"What part of sexually harassing a sexual harasser is anti-simping?" Steve asked dryly.

"Whatever, bro. I bet you're just hiding your embarrassment for hitting the redlight district behind your fancy logic." The meathead gruffed, "Don't deny it; I'll be watching the hall, too."

"Enjoy wasting your night then because I'm not here for a woman." The Asian chuckled with madness flickering in his eyes, "I'm here to gamble."

"Wait, I thought you were watching the rooms, you liar!" Lisa snapped.

"These two are stupid...." Steve muttered in genuine shock, looking down in real horror, "I just started shit with genuinely stupid people.... I won't be able to gamble in peace now...."

"What was that, bro!?" Gabe snapped, pulling back his hand.

Sensing the opportunity, the Asian looked around. When he caught sight of a certain fiery woman in the distance, he made a ring with his middle finger and thumb and flicked in her direction.

"AH!" Rein yelped after a pebble-sized sphere of raw Qi hit her in her lower back.

"I called you and Lisa out for sexually harassing Terry, and Walter, Gabe." Steve announced, "Then I called you out for [sexually harassing Lisa]! What's so confusing about this?"

"You're yellin', Steve. I call that [causing a disturbance]." Gabe said murderously, "It seems I have to take matters into my own hands and--GUHhHHhhHhhH!"


As the man tried to punch Steve, Rein shot to his position with lightning speed and punched him in the stomach, sending him flying across an open area and crashing into the ground.

Everyone but the Asian opened and closed their mouths dumbly, lost for words.

"Sexual harassment is not okay." Rein scoffed, turning to Lisa with a murderous glare, "Especially from women."

Lisa shuddered in fear when she saw the brunette's demonic blue eyes piercing her soul.

"Otherwise, we have to treat gambling degenerates like wise philosophers, and I'm not fucking okay with that." Rein declared, turning to Steve, standing with an innocent expression.

"It's not that bad, is it?" Steve asked with a slight smile.

"It is when they hit me in the back with Qi, you ass." She scoffed, making his smile crumble.

The Asian felt he was done for, but the brunette turned and walked back to her placement.

"Wait up!" He called out, "Aren't you going to at least yell at me?"

Rein turned around in exasperation. "Are you a masochist or something?"

"No, I'm not." Steve replied, shaking his head, "It's just... you're surprisingly reasonable."

"Replay that last sentence in your mind, chew on it, feel regret, and then say sorry for calling me a cunt." Rein scoffed, "Otherwise, shut up; I can hear you even if you don't raise your voice to emphasize a gender."

"So you were listening to me?" He asked with a charming grin.

"I was listening to everyone's conversation in this degenerate cesspool." She blushed slightly, averting her gaze. "Naturally, I'd listen to sexual harassment altercations."

"Pity." Steve remarked charmingly, "Well if you want to listen to me on purpose, I'll buy you a drink. What do you think?"

Everyone in line froze, including the Scavengers and Lockheed Elites. They were excited about the wild development playing out.

"I think that you shouldn't offer something that costs money when you're about to lose it all." Rein replied sassily.

"Ah, don't be like that." He smiled playfully, "You act like I can gamble RP."

"You're seriously willing to buy alcohol in RP?" The short-haired brunette asked in bafflement, "Are you stupid?"

"Come on, it's symbolic, Rein." Steve replied amusedly, reaching into his pocket, "If I thought you liked drinking, I would've offered my free drink coupons."

Rein blushed furiously, turning again after seeing five red tickets in his hand and learning he knew her name. "I'll think about it, Steve."

The Asian's lanky brown-haired friend ran out in front of everyone, pulling his elbow back. "Steeeeeeeeve Chuuuuuuuuuu--GUuuHhhHhhH! Ung."

Rein punched Larkin in the stomach unceremoniously, not even looking at her fellow mercenary as he dropped to his knees. "Sexual harassment, you prick."

Larkin Downs, desperately wheezing to save his life, gave her a thumbs up to the vibrant sound of cheering.

The short-haired brunette tried not to blush or turn around as she walked back to her group, but it was difficult with the chaos behind her.

"You know, he's not half bad." Brad smiled gently, watching her huff as she walked up.

"Did you hear his voice when he said he was gambling?" Rein scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Crazed. He's a gambling addict or addict-in-training; that's way over [half bad]."

"No, I didn't." The athlete chuckled in amusement, "We're a hundred feet away, behind 30 talking people. I doubt five people behind him could've heard what he was saying."

"I have good hearing!" Her face turned red to the tip of her ears, and she looked down, biting her lip until it drew blood. Seeing her ruse was pointless, she sighed. "It's not fair, Brad!"

"What, that there's someone that can handle yo crazy ass and he's a gambler?" Larkin grinned, walking up, "I think that's pretty fucked up, too. Inequity and shit."

Rein gave him a death glare but looked down again. "Yeah, that."

Brad shrugged with a slight smile. "Well, thanks to Kaze, he can't gamble RP--"

"Legally." She corrected dryly.

"--and he not only knew where you were but managed to shoot a bead of blunt Qi through a maze of people to hit you a hundred feet away.

Considering everything about that statement is insane, I don't think you have to worry about RP."

She blinked twice in realization, turning to see Steve but finding a wall of people instead. After listening, she could hear him ignoring people aggressively in the same location.

"See?" Brad asked in amusement, "That dude's wild, Rein. I read somewhere that all geniuses have a touch of madness; it just comes with the territory."

"Aristotle." Rein scoffed, rolling her eyes, "And I hate that quote. Geniuses don't have to be insane."

"Then what's your excuse, lady?" Larkin grinned.

"Hmmm?" She hummed, "Did I just hear you say Kaze is suffering from madness?"

"Wait, did I call Emperor Scrawn mad!?" He cried in confusion, "Woah, I guess I did--hell yeah!

Makes sense, right? He's got mad skillz, mad money, and mad bitchez--wait, no, he's got satis~fied bit--GUuuHhhHhhH! Chez...."


Larkin dropped to his knees after taking a merciless punch to his xiphoid process, dropping to the ground, clutching the area below his rib cage.

Despite the notoriously painful injury, he still managed to finish his sentence, triggering cheers and laughter.

"Seriously though, Rein." Brad said, walking forward and leaving Larkin for dead as the line moved forward, "I hear that guy's your mirror reflection."

"Reflection?" Rein scoffed, "He's always calling women out for their bullshit. That makes us the opposite."

"Yes, but you're both fair to the opposite sex, moderately crazy, and talented." He chuckled, "That means you're the same, but the opposite--a reflection.

Don't worry; I won't ask about your addictions."

"Fine, I'll do it--happy?" Rein scoffed, "I need a drink to handle you guys, anyway. I'll drop by after I finish my shift; god knows a gambler's not going home until they're broke."

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