Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 217 The Plight Of The Bronze Members

Kiera walked into the hallway of the central mansion like a burglar, escaping with stolen treasure. She was sweating with shallow breaths, tip-toeing.

"Good~morning~!" A cheery voice called out from a room down the hall.

The nervous teen jumped like a panicked cat, crashing into a wall. "GuhhHhhHh...."

Marilyn walked into the hall with a tray, holding two cups of coffee. "I figured you two would need a pick~me~up after last night, so I brought you coffee."

Kiera turned beet red and jumped to her feet in a panic. "Look, I'm not sure if you got the wrong idea, but I'm not a soil shaper, kay? I was just...."

She stopped when she saw the secretary giggling, walking up with a warm smile. "Soil shaper? You always have the cutest way of saying 'hoe.'

Don't worry; I don't think any such thing. I was just coming to bring you coffee."

The fiery teen sighed, grateful that the conversation wouldn't get verbally awkward.

"But~" Marilyn giggled, handing a cup to the teen, making her eyes widen in panic, "Tell me... how was it?"

"W-We didn't do... that sound... that piercing, wall breaking, air-wave-liquifying sound...." Keira groaned, reminded of the day prior, hearing Kylie shriek and following her example.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." The secretary smiled warmly, capturing the teen's gaze, "All Immortal women envy those who lay with Kaze.

However, all Immortals dream of being you. You're special, you know?"

Kiera blushed, touching her cheek to test her temperature. "Special?"

"Yes, special. People call you the Immortal princess... don't make that face; it's a good thing!" Marilyn giggled, "It's not derogatory--it's literal.

Kaze treats you like the princess all women dream of being before they mature and shed such foolish dreams. You're a mythical figure here."

The slang riddler pointed to herself and pinched her cheek to confirm she was awake. "Wait, why don't I know about this?"

"Perhaps it's because you train alone ever since Kaze locked you in that cultivation tower." The brunette giggled playfully, making the teen embarrassed, "It's part of your mythos."

"It's not a tower, and it's for everyone's safety...." Keira murmured in annoyance, speaking about the cave. Naturally, she couldn't say that, as it sounded horrid.

"I know." Marilyn smiled charmingly, "Well, you're his official partner now, right? So it seems we're partners, too."

"I'm not [your] partner." Kiera growled with eyes flickering with insanity, sending icy chills crawling down the brunette's spine, "I'm Kaze's--only Kaze's.

I accept you as Kaze's partner but will never accept you as mine. Got that?"

Marilyn opened and closed her mouth in horror, staring at the cute woman, who abruptly gained the aura of a demon. It was so extreme. "I-I was--"

"Kiera's love for me is...." A hypnotic voice said from the hall's end, making both their eyes light up, "Radiant."

His fiery partner turned with a nervous expression after his sassy statement while the secretary giggled at her reaction.

"However, that's okay." Kaze smiled, hastily dressed but still drying his hair with a towel, "While she'll never touch another person sexually or emotionally, she does accept everyone.

That's all that matters. So worry not, Marilyn; others will seek deeper bonds as you do."

"Of course." Marilyn smiled, walking up and handing him his cup of coffee and bowing.

Kiera looked between the two over and over. "Wait up, she's treating you like a servant, and you're okay with that?"

He blinked twice in confusion, locking eyes with the teen. "Relationships are about satisfaction; if Marilyn wishes to serve me professionally and emotionally, why should I discourage that?"

The secretary giggled when she saw the teen's face crumble.

"Partner, girlfriend, wifey, servant." Kiera noted, "You don't see something mad weird about those things jamming together like that?"

Kaze scoffed breathlessly, turning away. "We just discussed how you wish to be in an isolated relationship with me within the group and how that's okay, yes?"

The teen blushed in confusion and turned away. "Well... yeah... isn't that normal?"

"Obviously not." He laughed breathlessly, glancing from her to Marilyn, who had just extended a warm invitation to be partners, "People are different.

Some people enjoy getting chained to walls and abandoned for long periods. While you do not understand why and may disapprove, to reject their behavior is to harm them, is it not?"

Marilyn giggled after the teen blushed furiously, turning away at the notion. Then she turned to Kaze with a warm smile. "Good luck at your elite cultivation classes today."

"Thank you, lovely." Kaze smiled, kissing her lips, catching her by surprise.

Kiera's eyes widened in horror, and she desired to murder the secretary in the most brutal way imaginable. Her manic mind churned through a hundred scenarios, searching for a way to do it without getting noticed.

However, as her blood boiled and her mind created a web of possibilities, she felt her body go airborne and the sound of a giggling woman.

She looked down and blushed to the tip of her ears when she saw her lover carrying her!

"Well, I'm off." Kaze said magnetically, giving Marilyn a wink, "I need to get my charming princess off to the tower--for everyone's safety."

Marilyn giggled and waved to both of them with a bright smile. "Congratulations, my lady, my king! I'll be waiting for both of your returns!"

Between [her king's] warm embrace and Marilyn's shockingly humble and friendly demeanor, Keira's blushing face cooled, and she smiled, waving slightly to the secretary.


A few dozen people stood in the lobby of an isolated mansion within the Immortal Skye campus. Each had a metal pin on their chest that read [The Exclusive--Bronze Membership].

Their membership--awarded after reaching 25 RP--allowed them to use the Exclusive's private training range and a fenced-off cultivation space outdoors.

However, they weren't training. Instead, they quietly listened to what was happening behind a certain door.

"Shhhhhh!" A man shushed assertively, listening close to the door, "They're starting the class."

The area fell dead silent, waiting in anticipation.


"Let's start with practice; I'll allow everyone to play with this."

"Wow... that looks godly."

"Right, I feel awed just looking at it."

"If you're shy or sensitive, be careful not to touch it too long, lest you wish to make a scene."

"Wait, it's beautiful, but are you saying that's supposed to please us? It's so tiny!"

"The Emperor doesn't need something big to please women!"

"Cor~rect, Sam." While size is generally preferable, there are infinite skills a person can obtain to outshine individuals.

Hopefully, this will open your eyes to the nature of pleasure. Mary, if you will."

"Ummm... okay... just touch--AhhHH~!"

"No way!"

"As you can see, it's not very long, but with the right technique... it has profound effects."


Everyone's eyes widened when they heard a familiar man's voice inside, followed by male and female Immortals laughing.

"Wait, does the Emperor have a small Johnny?" A man asked in confusion.

"You better hope not, pal." Another laughed, patting him on the shoulder, "Because then you wouldn't have any excuses left."

Many in the hall chuckled and giggled, but a group gave them crazed eyes to remind them they needed to be quiet so they didn't get heard!

Everyone hushed down and listened again.


"Gahhh~ I don't even need cultivation, I~just~want to touch this at all times~"

"Right? It makes me feel like a woman on contact."

"Leave it to the Emperor to leave the women satisfied with something so little."


The Immortals in the lobby listened in confusion, disbelieving what they were hearing!

In their minds, Kaze Lexicon was walking around silently, letting loads of women touch his erect cock, and women were satisfied with that alone!

"I need to earn some rep, and fast." A man declared, "I'll die of jealousy if this god doesn't teach me his cultured ways."

"Right?" Another laughed in disbelief, "I'm half liable to start bowing and calling the guy my master."

"This isn't Asia, bro." A blonde giggled, "Saying you'll bow and call him master puts you halfway inside a gimp suit in my mind."

The women burst into giggles, making the skinny brown-haired man turn bright red in embarrassment.

Luckily, there was too much going on for anyone to tease him too much.


"Emperor, can I put it in my mouth? Just to try it?"

"Whoa, Beatrice! Are you seriously being that shameless right now?"

"Shameless? We know what it'll do; doesn't anyone else want to do that?"

"That's not the point! This question isn't relevant to the lesson!"

"Dual. Cultivation. Of course, it's relevant to the lesson!"

"Ladies, please. There's no reason to get heated about this.

While it is indeed possible and pleasurable to put it in your mouth, we cannot allow women to suck on it when everyone must touch it for sanitary reasons."


The men in the lobby shuddered with drooling faces, feeling like they had accidentally climaxed.

While the women would normally laugh at their expressions, they were too curious and lost in their thoughts to notice.

Whatever was happening behind that door, everyone outside was jealous, albeit with different people they were jealous of.


"Alright, now it's the men's turn."

"Wait, we get to as well!?"

"Hell yeah!"

"I knew the Emperor wouldn't leave the guys hanging!"

"Right, Marcus? I was feeling pretty jealous there for a minute."


An icy chill crawled down all the Immortal's spines in the hallway. Each prayed that whatever was happening in that room wasn't what they imagined for the first time.

One person, in particular, started trembling unnaturally, nearly crazed after what he had just heard.

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