Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 194 Save Me.

"Would you like a drink, Emperor?" A beautiful redhead in a red cocktail dress asked, walking across a large room to a full bar, "It would seem like a waste not to use this place."

"If that's what you desire." Kaze replied, watching her grab two rock glasses from behind the counter and then look through the bottles on the backlit wall.

They were in his [harem den] after the auction, thousands of feet below the ground.

"I do." Sage smiled, reading the labels with glittering eyes, "I've never seen such a collection of high-end spirits before. It would almost be offensive to turn it down."

He smiled and walked to the bar, sitting on a leather stool, watching her make old fashions with high-quality whiskey, bitters, and orange syrup in amusement.

After she finished, she slid a drink over to him and gave him a strange smile.

"Take your time." The redhead smiled, "I'll need courage for you to strip me of sexual pleasure for life."

"Do you think I will summon Celestial-grade techniques to casually enslave you to pleasure?" Kaze mused, taking a sip of the whiskey drink, "I would do nothing of the sort to provide you base-level pleasure."

Sage's eyes lit up in fascination and strange enthusiasm, and she turned to him, letting their green eyes lock. "Do you have such techniques?"

"I do." He replied, twisting amusement, pride, and ridicule into a smile.

She placed her elbow on the bar and her chin in her palm, looking at him with a dreamy gaze. "Is that what that mountain-killing technique was?"

"No." He chuckled, "That was a sacred technique. It is a full realm below celestial techniques. If it were a celestial technique, the mountain wouldn't exist."

The redhead's confidence wavered when she heard his words, and her hand, lifting her glass to her lips, trembled, "You have such a technique?"

"Cor-rect." Kaze smiled in amusement, "And I happen to have one that could create an intense addiction to my sex. It's irreparable. Would you like to try it?"

Sage's mouth opened further as his statement continued but stopped on his question. She blinked twice to comprehend his statement and then burst into giggles. "I'll decline. How~ever."

Her eyes sharpened, and she gave him a sinister smile. "I will happily learn that technique from you."

Kaze scoffed breathlessly, looking away. "I refuse to spend a century teaching anyone a technique of that caliber, least of all someone who intends to abuse it."

"That's a shame." She said, scrunching up her face for a moment before relaxing it into a smile that sarcastically declared, [oh no, you crushed my hopes and expectations], "But I am curious--why are you confident it'd take a century? My poor prior performance?"

"Must you learn an instrument to have an idea of how long it'd take to master it?" He scoffed, responding to her loaded question while looking into her sinister eyes, "It's not an enigma.

If I unloaded a Celestial technique into your brain, you'd scream in pain for two days and potentially suffer permanent mental trauma.

If you didn't, you'd be parsing through esoteric information for centuries until you collected enough experience to use it. That's why I'm certain."

Sage smiled maliciously, hearing his statement with an ominous expression. "And you use this technique between a woman's legs?"

"Amongst other uses, yes." Kaze smiled mockingly, glancing at her breasts, ear lobes, and neck, creating a mental picture that he could use it for anything.

"How curious." She mused, "You know this enslavement technique well enough to teach someone? I'm interested--who did you practice using such a nefarious skill on?"

"Fortunate people with higher Spirit Qi fortification." He replied unwaveringly.

"I enjoy your mysteries, Emperor." Sage remarked amusedly, spinning her glass around, listening to the ice collide against the glass, "For example, what can I do to please you?

What makes a man who can fulfill every pleasure, physical and emotional, tick? What type of savagery or purity does it take to leave you satisfied?"

Kaze narrowed his eyes slightly, giving her a half-amused half-lethal smile. "Do you seek to use me, Sage Whitney Harrington? [Enslave] me to my desires like your puppets and half-whipped Scavengers?"

"Oh, how I'd love to." Sage smiled without wavering, "Perhaps in a few thousand years when I've amassed enough skill, I'll give that a shot.

Until then, you're the key to everything rich and precious, so I aim to please you in any way you wish. With an allowance, the right toys, and a little freedom, I'd even wear a collar and call you master."

Kaze gave her a mocking smile, wrenched with forced amusement. He scoffed when he couldn't quip back, laughing at the twisted absurdity of her [honest] answer.

"Your belligerent philosophies are as charming as they are vulgar." He scoffed, "I'd mourn your afflicted genius if your confidence and contentment weren't inspiring to people everywhere."

"Do I bother you?" Sage asked curiously, taking another drink.

"Of course not." Kaze smiled, letting his eyes glide to the left, "You're quite fascinating and more trouble than you're likely worth, but it is refreshing. However, that's not enough to corrupt me."

"I don't seek to corrupt you." She smiled, looking into his eyes, "There's nothing I can offer someone like you. Not with Evalyn and Kiera, hundreds of women and a police chief lined up.

I'm only seeking to be kind to you. Between two equally qualified people, a leader promotes the person who's nicest to them, do they not? The people they speak to... more intimately?"

He matched her seductive gaze with a slight smile. "Human nature?"

"Human nature." The redhead smiled shamelessly.

The emperor chuckled in amusement, considering her words. She declared she never planned to sleep with him for tangible gain but just a slight edge.

Her perspective wasn't wrong. Between two people equally qualified or disputed, a person would turn to the one they had a relationship with, no matter how minor.

It was a dark perspective on the world, and her unblinking acceptance of it was horrifying yet bewitching.

"If that's all, than I'll tell you what makes me [tick]." Kaze announced, taking a sip of his old-fashion, "Pleasing women. So to get the answer to your question you must answer me this--what makes you tick?"

Sage leaned in closer, giving him a strange expression. "I want you to save me."

"Hoh?" He asked in surprise, "Save you from what?"

"My depraved and sadistic ways." The redhead replied with a strange smile, "I want you to take your techniques as far [as you're willing] to enslave and make me your kitten--chained to my desire for you. That's what I want."

"You want me to be you for the night?" Kaze asked, narrowing his eyes.

"That's right." Sage smiled, finishing her drink, standing and walking behind him, moving her hands down his grey button-up, "I want to know if you can be like me, whether you'd enslave a woman upon her request.

And if you gave me something I couldn't take my mind off, it would end the other warped thoughts circling through my mind. All of those things are desirable."

"I'm a selfish man who is willing to fulfill the request of any woman, no matter how nefarious." He replied magnetically, letting the back of his head rest in her bosom, "Are you sure you'd ask me to do something like that?"

"Of course." She smiled, running her fingers through his hair, "Though I have a feeling you'll keep me free."

"And why's that?" Kaze asked in amusement.

"I'm gambling that you're bored." Sage smiled charmingly, "You make the apocalypse seem like a mundane pencil-pushing job. So I figure that you're looking for someone who's a bit on the dangerous side. Someone you can play games with."

He rested his head in his cleavage and looked into her green eyes in amusement. "Do you think you can?"

"Do what?" She asked curiously.

"Amuse me with your little games?" Kaze asked with a slight smile.

"Are you bored now?" Sage asked in amusement, nearly mockingly.

"That depends on your sincerity." He replied magnetically, lifting his head, getting down from the stool, turning, and embracing her cheek, "Within five minutes, you'll tell me the truth--all of it.

If you seek sex with me, I will bleed you dry of all the information I desire. I will expose your deepest darkest soul to see if you are who you claim to be."

"And if I am?" The redhead asked in amusement, looking into his eyes.

"Well, I'll have to decide whether I want to give you enough pleasure to make you mine or...." Kaze looked her in the eyes with a magnetic gaze, "If I want to keep you free to play this game of yours."

Sage grabbed his hand and lowered it to her knees, placing it between her legs and running his finger up her thigh, lifting the wrap from her red cocktail dress. "Don't delay.

I'm dying to figure out what type of judgment the Emperor has in store for meeeEEEee~"

The redhead's sly self-control disappeared when he activated Divine Touch on her thigh and sent a wave of pleasure shooting through her legs, making her knees shake slightly.

"Hoh?" Kaze mused, "Have you already lost that confidence of yours?"

"Oh, no, no." Sage smiled with an enraptured expression, "I'm just beyond words that I'll get to enjoy this gamble so much. I feel like I'm getting rewarded for my behavior."

She looked at him with eyes flickering with insanity. "Don't hold back or forget to [use] me. Otherwise, I'll never forgive you."

Kaze gave her a predatory gaze that matched her intensity. He couldn't remember the last time he had a challenge that only dangerous levels of brute force--or pleasure--could win with certainty.

"If that's what you wish, I will not disappoint." He smiled dangerously, "I will use you--mercilessly."

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