Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 183 Divine Stitches

Kiera reached the sky, developed a massive Guided Arrow twice the size of Rein's, and spun it on her index like a basketball, leaving everyone in Immortal Skye stunned in disbelief.

Everyone held their breath, shocked, afraid, and confused by her death threat and show of power.

They looked to their leaders for help, but they were still frozen. Kaze gave her authority, and they didn't want to go against his orders.

Moreover, she sat on his lap during a meeting, which told them they shouldn't touch her, regardless. Everyone was living out a nightmare situation.

"I have a riddle for ya'll." Kiera smiled playfully, flicking around the fifteen-foot arrow, "Malta is fire; our general is ice. Crux is the darkness, and wall-cutter's the wind.

What element is your leader?"

She smiled sharply and panned the area 360 degrees to see everyone's faces before speaking.

"Air." Kiera laughed, "Normal air—something ya'll took for granted until you suddenly didn't have it!

Funny how fast anyone can die when they don't have something essential, isn't it?"

Her words made those that felt negative emotions toward him feel sick with themselves.

After all, they were praying he'd save them, making them realize they had always taken him for granted. It was a vicious cycle.

"Well, rejoice!" Kiera yelled, breaking them out of their fear-shame trance, "I don't take my leader for granted, so I'm following his orders!

So here's the score. I'll start healing people once you tell me who to prioritize. Otherwise, I'll kill the haters until people do. Got it?"

Everyone but the cabinet members and leaders gasped in surprise and nodded hesitantly. They subconsciously believed she was there to kill them and forgot she was on Kaze's orders.

"Excellent, let me [reiterate] what I said when I arrived." Kiera said snarkily, "I'll even break it into kids' steps, even you can understand.

One! Kaze sent me here to help with healing.

Two! I need to know who I need to prioritize care for.

Three! You're gonna tell me who, but because you know and I don't.

During that period, you aren't going to bitch about equality.

99% of humanity's getting skull fucked by zombies right now, and you're alive and bitching.

You're the definition of unequal, thanks to your unappreciated leader. Make sure to thank him later!"

Everyone gulped hesitantly, holding their breaths.

"Since people don't know what prioritize means, I'll give you a [Priority for Idiots 101] lesson.

There's someone dying up there who's important AF, and everyone knows who that person is.

The instant you think—that person needs healing stat—you know that you're not a priority, and they are.

Ya'll are gonna give me that person's name, as they need care [the most], and they're [more important], and you won't bitch about it this time."

Those complaining, in the beginning, smiled wryly at her words. They were getting called out savagely for starting the current nightmare and getting evil glares because of it.

"[Priority for Idiots 101] fin!" Kiera yelled, "If you get it, get me in front of those that need healing. Otherwise, shut the hell up and stay out of competent people's way."

"Being a leader is difficult, Kiera." Kylie said, walking with the other cabinet leaders to the west wall, "Everyone thinks they're smarter and more capable, and people will always dislike them. It's just how it is."

"If anyone thinks they're smarter or more capable, they're delusional and need to be locked up." Kiera replied bluntly, "And if they don't like him, they deserve to die."

"Kiera…." Kylie said in stunned confusion, "You're joking, right?"

"I'm not joking." The slang riddler said with cold eyes, "We've lost a lot of time, so let me do my job and keep your speculation and criticisms for later."

The cabinet members smiled wryly, holding back comments as they finished their walk to an area where Jake, Kane, Sandra, and Aaron lay, each badly wounded.

"Why the hell didn't anyone mention Sergeant Douche needed healing?" Kiera snapped, looking at Kane, who had bandages keeping his leg in place.

The ex-colonel gazed at her wryly, wondering when she had started hating him. Naturally, he assumed it had to do with Kaze, not the war fervor fiasco.

"By the time my team tried, the situation was too dangerous." Kane replied, looking at the teen, treating him like he was already dead, "Also, Aaron's a leader, and he's in critical condition.

He's one of the main reasons we're still alive… that we survived… until Kaze showed up."

The colonel seized when he saw the teen threatening to murder him if he gave credit to anyone but Kaze.

"Okay, point him out." Kiera said, looking at the five people lined up.

"He's the red-haired man." Kane replied, "He's probably the most wounded here."

She nodded and walked to the end, where Aaron was fighting for his life. She looked at his body from the end, the last in the row of bodies, letting her see the contrast in their conditions.

Half his stomach was open, spewing out intestines behind bandages, and his left arm was missing at the elbow. He had turned to avoid a wind blade, so it sliced through his stomach, side, and arm simultaneously. Minor healing barely made a dent.

"I'm not ready for this." The slang riddler swallowed, looking at the man nervously, "I haven't even practiced this."

"Wait, did you say that you haven't practiced!?" Veronica asked in horror.

Kiera's heart pulsed unnaturally, and she turned to the woman with crazed eyes. "No, I haven't. But Kaze sent me here trusting I could—are you questioning his judgment?"

The black-haired pixie stepped back reflexively, looking at the shocked teen with horror.

Only a moment prior, the teen was a sad mess. However, Kaze was a trigger that cut through all emotions and gave her boundless confidence!

"Just watch." Kiera demanded, turning to the man angrily, determined to prove Kaze right and the woman wrong. She closed her eyes and called the blueprint, fighting the severe anxiety of attempting something so dangerous and complicated.

Not only was it a divine technique, requiring exponentially more skill, but it also had variable Qi consumption, which could drain all of her reserves and kill her with one usage if she wasn't careful.

Kaze had only given it to her because of their extensive Qi awareness and control training, and she knew that. That's why she was determined to prove him right.

"His confidence in me is grossly misplaced." She growled loudly, gritting her teeth in frustration, "But if it's even half of what he expects, I can do this!"

Kiera opened her eyes, looked at Aaron, and waved her hand.

A pulse of vibrant green light shot from her hand, hitting Aaron and bouncing, sending a green light to the other three bodies in a chain reaction.

Kane looked at his leg in shock. It didn't feel like healing, but it radiated light confidently, twisting in the air and interacting with Elemental Qi, proving it wasn't a mistake.

It was a beautiful sight that left everyone stunned.

Kiera read the Qi flow carefully, processing the information, which reacted with her mental blueprint. She closed her eyes and chewed through the information, trying to piece together the technique like a puzzle.

The experience left her humbled, thinking about how fast Kaze processed the healing information in his mind. However, it showcased that she could do enough, even if it were only once.

"They're coming!" A male soldier yelled, "There are crawlers, but there are also runners! They're in civilian clothes, probably from a nearby town!"

Kiera winced, feeling her concentration crack and the puzzle in her head start breaking apart.

"Then deal with it." Veronica growled, watching the green light fade, "We need time, or everyone here will die."

"B-But no one here that can handle this situation!" He cried, "The only people that can handle this are the Immortals because the soldiers don't have Qi, and we're running out of bullets! They need a leader!"

"Fine!" She yelled aggressively. The pixie understood that Kiera was motivated to do something difficult because of her presence. Still, she was the only person with enough strength and social skills to defend the perimeter. So she had to leave, which jeopardized everything.

"But if another person shows up here or complains, I'll rip their throat out!" Veronica yelled, shocking the soldier, "Let's go!"

"I'll go too. Just tell me who to yell at." Sage said dryly, getting a nod and walking away with her.

Keira's heart beat violently, listening to the pixie walking away with mixed feelings. She fought her anxiety with a desire to prove herself, and now that was gone. However, she was grateful that she had her concentration back. "The floozie's gone, but I'll fight for Kaze."

She worked through the puzzle again, analyzing the wounds. Her goal was to align the wound type with the Qi pattern necessary to heal it.

Kane, Sandra, Jake, Kylie, and two others watched in awe as the green light returned and started twisting in complex patterns. Each wound—Aaron's stomach, Jake and Sandra's arms, Kane's leg, and shoulder and chest injuries on the others—had different dances. It was a beautiful sight.

"Let's go for broke." Kiera said, gritting her teeth, "But not too broke; if I die, Kaze will hate me forever… fuck it, let's go."

She waved her hand, and all the twisting Qi shot into each wound and worked backward.

The green Qi attached itself to the intestines in Aaron's stomach and began pulling them back into his body as they healed. His dried blood also turned to liquid and shot inside the wound.

It was a fascinating and gruesome sight, watching the injuries reverse and heal from the bottom up like a 3-D printer. That wasn't all, either.


"AGghhhHHhhhHHHHhhH!" Kane screamed in pain, watching his bone rebreak from the minor healing and twist into the correct placement. It was a harrowing sound and a worse feeling.

Sandra wanted to attack Kiera for the attack, but her arm shed the infection, and the scabs cultivation hadn't gotten cleansed before her body grew skin over the wound.

"What the fuck is this?" Kylie whispered in shock, watching each person writhe in pain. She turned to the pink-haired teen, panting and sweating with a determined expression.

"It's called Divine Stitches," Kiera said coldly, "And it's pretty fucking complicated, so be a dear and fuck off, kay? Cuz I don't want to die answering pointless questions."

Kylie's cheeks puffed out at the woman's aggressive dismissal, but her emotions reversed in a violent torrent, hearing that the technique could kill the teen!

Without saying a word, she quickly walked away.

Kiera watched the scene with a conflicted expression after it got through the first stage and paused the technique. "Ya'll can now recover with Minor Healing; can I focus on other people?

I can do another ten as injured as Death Carrot. So I'd like to save lives now that the leaders are healed. Is that okay?"

All five looked down at their wounds in shock, especially Aaron, who sat up and touched his stomach. While missing an arm, he didn't even feel phantom pain at the presence!

"Please do…." He said, "Is… it okay for me to go?"

"Yeah, you're totally healed…." Kiera began before stopping, "Scratch that. You're probably anemic AF from the whole nearly dying thing. So stay around; everyone else can leave."

He smiled wryly, looking at his arm and hearing the double tap of blunt rudeness. "Okay."

Kane got up in disbelief, looking at his leg, which felt better than before. "You're… amazing… Kiera."

"That." Kiera said, turning to the man with a strange expression, "What you just did—do that to your leader when you see him next. All I've ever seen you do is look at him in frustration."

"I… it was hard not to because I worked for malta." The man replied, stunned, looking into her irritated eyes. He wanted to tell her he was frustrated about being the man's punching bag but knew she wouldn't accept that.

"Well, you no longer work for Malta, so I expect that to change." Kiera demanded, "You don't have to like him or whatever. But if Kaze gave me this, imagine what he could do.

If you don't have the pride to appreciate his leadership, you can at least admire him for his talent. Now fuck off and get me more people."

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