Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 181 Strange Expression

Evalyn took a deep breath to slow her beating heart, looking into Kaze's vibrant green eyes. "Yes, let's cultivate so we can return."

He smiled gently and tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "As you wish. You can initiate, as it will likely be uncomfortable to let go so abruptly."

Her eyes trembled, listening to his words. She had a boundless appreciation that he accepted her negative traits and made space for them. "I appreciate that."

The blonde dry-swallowed and began unbuttoning his light-pink button-up, doing it quickly but with dexterity, watching the world through slow motion.

When she got them undone, she put her two hands onto his chest and pushed his shirt apart, moving her hands to the tips of his shoulders. "I... want to kiss you before we get started."

"There's no need to ask." Kaze smiled gently.

She locked eyes with him and moved her lips back to his. The second their lips connected, it felt like he breathed life into her.

Kaze ran his fingers up her back, making her shudder as he moved to unbuckle her bra. She closed her eyes and let it happen, feeling his fingers glide across her skin as she kissed him.

She let her mind go, allowing herself--permitting herself--to enjoy it.

After skillfully unbuckling her bra, he removed the straps from her shoulder.

Evalyn disconnected her lips, shivering as she let the bra drop to his chest. Seeing him glance at her filled her body with positive, overwhelming emotions that sparked passion within her. "Will this be enough mental readiness to dual cultivate?"

"It's the perfect amount." Kaze replied hypnotically, "There are countless avenues of pleasure to get you into the mood for sex. So it's just about getting your mind on straight."

As he spoke, his fingers radiated in a golden light, tracing her meridian network. "Ahhh~"

His fingers weren't touching her pleasure channels, just activating her meridian network gently, but it still made her shudder in gentle pleasure.

Kaze moved his fingertips around the back of her neck like a snake, lightly teasing pleasure channels as he activated and removed his technique at key points.

To her, it felt perfect. He never let the feeling become overwhelming; it was always just enough.

"I love that control you're using." Evalyn whispered, eyes closed, "It's perfect."

The blonde smiled, feeling her body melting as she lowered her breasts onto his bare chest, feeling his warmth as he traced her pleasure channels.

"Will sex be like this?" She asked gently, embracing him, "Right now, I feel capable of expressing my feelings for you."

Kaze smiled mysteriously and chuckled a few times, looking away. "I will not mislead you with falsehoods--it couldn't get more different than this."

Her heart pulsed, and her eyes blurred, breaking out of her gentle bliss and remembering they were in a military-grade nuclear bomb shelter, lying on a frankenstitched indestructible super mattress!

"What.... will it be like, then?" She asked hesitantly.

He gave her a strange smile and let his eyes wander, trying to find the words to explain the situation. "Hmmm... I'd say... unique... visually confusing... easily misinterpreted...."

"What's going to happen, Kaze!" Evalyn cried, shooting up, straddling him with her bare chest peering down at him.

"Well, for starters, it will feel terrific." Kaze smiled charmingly, "Then you'll want to... express yourself... as if you were on rave drugs. Only its cultivation, which just so happens to be a military art form."

Her eyes could get wider, hearing him. "Did you just say I'll want to use offensive cultivation techniques on you!?"

"No... not exactly." He smiled magnetically, trying to find the words to express himself, "As I said, you'll want to express yourself--"

"Yes, rave drugs." Evalyn scoffed, "I get it; you'll turn me into one of your helpless sex kittens for the session. I'm oddly okay with that, as I've been curious and jealous... since the beginning.

I'm asking if I'll want to attack you with lethal techniques. Wait...."

A surreal thought flashed through her mind--and her emotions reversed instantly, replaced by a cathartic wave of vindication.

"Permission to be excessively petty." Evalyn requested, serious-toned but frantic.

"Permission granted." Kaze smiled in amusement, a fan of her strange ways.

"It's hard to get into the mood to turn into a sex-crazed murder machine." She chuckled breathlessly, "I've also heard your technique in action, and it sounds horrifying.

However, concerning as it sounded, hearing it at that party made me disgustingly jealous.

All I could think about was how you wouldn't please me, but you'd turn a pack of hot tub floozies into a party attraction.

So disgusting-jealousy permitting, I'd like you to do that to me--only more passionately. I won't fight against Kiera for first place, but I want to at least win decisively against random hot tub floozies."

Kaze's eyes widened in bewilderment, and he turned away, tonguing his canine with a grin. "Evalyn Skye, your wish is my command."

"You'll mean it?" Evalyn asked sharply, "You're not just going to hold back less with your techniques?"

He smiled and looked into her with a strange smile. "I won't use any more of my techniques than I was using that night.

So you can call everything you feel interest. Hurry up and accept the fate you seek."

Curious, confused, and cautious, she crawled backward until she faced his crotch and set to work on his belt, skillfully removing it from the loop, unbuckling it, and pulling it apart.

After unzipping his slacks, she grabbed his waist and pulled down, releasing his large rod, stiff and ready for her.

She immediately opened her mouth, grabbed the shaft, and inserted it, sucking without warning.

Her passion moved Kaze, who closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling, happy to let her get her desires out of the way.

After a few seconds, she released her mouth and pulled away, continuing to pull his slacks off his legs.

Once they were off, she removed her boots and pulled down her leggings and pink-striped panties in one motion. While she'd normally tease him, she felt strangely passionate.

To prevent the mood from dying, she crawled forward, reached behind her right thigh, and grabbed his shaft in a reverse grip, guiding it to her body and pushing it against her lips. "AhhhhHh~"

As it pushed passed, she realigned her body, guiding it in slowly. The feeling was surreal, having control over the situation for the first time.

Kaze watched her in a trance, closing his eyes slowly and opening them again, watching her express her pleasure. "I'll start the connection whenever you wish."

The blonde sat fully, guiding the rest of his shaft into her with a relieved expression. "I'm ready."

He closed his eyes and summoned the blueprint, analyzing her body mentally while calling it. "Listen to the sound of my voice... three... two... one....."

Evalyn tried to open her eyes to ask when he was speaking like a hypnotist or ominously counting down, but after he hit one, her entire body pulsed, and she rocked back.

She felt her soul body leave hers by a few feet, attracted to Kaze's before he pushed it back and--

"AhhhhHHHHHhhHHhHHH~!" The blonde screamed at the top of her lungs.

--it reconnected, bringing her into contact with the pleasure her body was experiencing.

Kaze's Yang Qi touched her built-up reserves and exploded, sending a network of pleasure shooting through every channel imaginable.

"Why!?" Evalyn cried in horror, "I'm not even moving, so why can I feel pleasure in my fucking knees!? Knees aren't supposed to feel pleasure!"

She gripped the mattress, trying her best not to move an inch. It felt like her entire pleasure network would shred her mind and leave her body collapsing onto him like falling confetti.

"As someone with a divine technique, your locked Qi far outstrips everyone on this campus combined, save Crux and Kiera." Kaze explained, "Therefore, your body must make a relative amount of Yin Qi to cleanse it.

That Qi has met an amount of Yang Qi that can accept all of it at once. Thus, the pleasure is unimaginable."

"T-Then what can I do!?" Evalyn cried, "This is borderline torture."

"To rid yourself of manic delirium, you must release the Elemental Qi through cultivation or release it before it hits your pleasure channels." He replied with a strange tone, "Right now, the excess is exploding and sending it into your pleasure channels."

"I can't cultivate right now." She asked in horror, feeling the desire to collapse but fearing to move, "So does that mean attacking you is the only option?"

"Only option?" Kaze laugh-scoffed, "There is enough space in this room to fit 120 people and bed space for at least twenty more, yet you'd direct your techniques at me? Are you mad?"

"GAH!" Evalyn screamed, falling forward, "I don't KNOW!"

As she fell, a wave of overwhelming pleasure assaulted her. When she felt it, she hit the bed on either side of him with her hands, and they exploded in an ice nova, freezing the bed around her. "I-I'm sorry...."

Kaze reached his left arm out, stretching it and pressing his fingers to the frozen bed.


The ice shattered from vibrations that spread across the bed.

Evalyn thought he'd heat the bed, but he only cracked it. "What did--"

Kaze grabbed her body and flipped her over at blinking speed.


As they fell, the ice shattered in a chain reaction, his body on hers with shockwaves spreading through the area.

The blonde closed her eyes and felt--comfortable. Being on ice made her reconnect with reality, bringing her down to earth. "Thank you...."

"Don't thank me yet." Kaze smiled charmingly, "As we have yet to cultivate."

Her mouth fell open when she heard they hadn't even started cultivating. She should know that, but she couldn't think! "Then how--AaaaaaAAaahhHHHHhhhHhhh~!"

A feral scream came out of her as Kaze touched his fingers to her abdomen and activated a strange technique, forcing a pink radiant glow to wash over the room.

Then in a smooth motion, he thrust forward again.

She felt a profound difference as her cultivation eased the misfiring Qi released. It only took her one demonstration to understand that cultivating would ease her pleasure. However, it required concentration, something she lacked.

Overwhelmed, she tried adjusting herself, but she couldn't gain traction on his back! It was infuriating thinking that a human's nails could rake against steel and get a reaction, but she could use divine-level strength to claw at his back, and it'd do nothing!

"AhhhHHHHhhHHH!" Evalyn screamed, feeling overpowered. She summoned ice on her fingernails for claws to dig into his body for traction but barely touched the surface.

She moaned uncontrollably in overwhelming pleasure, wishing she could think. However, she couldn't get a grip.

Unable to do more, she placed her hand onto his back and shot ice in a two-foot diameter, freezing his back, looking to claw into the ice. She didn't even think about how wild her action was.

Kaze smiled in amusement and closed his eyes. Blue flames developed around him, turning the ice to steam.

Then he waved his hands, and the ice around them on the bed also melted. "See, there's plenty of ways to expell excess Qi."

Something about him casually melting the icy hell she accidentally turned the bed into bothered her. So in a slight enlightened moment of divine pettiness, she touched her left hand to the mattress.

The area instantly turned to ice again, freezing the water and making the ice denser.

He smiled and put his right and down and--


--Evalyn screamed in pleasure as he cycled Yang Qi into her body with a deep thrust.

At the same time, his hand touched the mattress and made it explode with violent steam and heat.

She gasped out of her pleasure and slammed the bed in a panic, sending an icy storm into the sky.

"You called my name like Riley but with far more passion and resolve." Kaze smiled, "So it seems that you've exceeded your expectations, considering that I love you giving you the win by default."

Evalyn heard his sassy remark and sent multiple blades from the ceiling at his back with an annoyed wave. It was a simple [fuck you] type of gesture.

However, he let her blades crash into his back as if nothing were unnatural back it.

"If you're going to be petty, you may as well mean it." Kaze smiled mockingly, his body radiating with a dark blue color. Her pink aura got pulled into it like a vortex, "Because if you don't, I'll take over the role and make you scream like a [winner]."


Evalyn stumbled out of a spatial rift with an embarrassing gait, trying not to look drunk and weak-kneed. For what it was worth, she had the strength to use cultivation techniques while keeping sane. However, that ensured her body was nearly broken by the end of the session.

Before Kaze could ask again if she was certain she didn't want him to heal her, his eyes widened, looking before him. "What is this nightmare?"

Another Sorrow Winds wind technique had been used, ripping the earth in the center of the campus, and new parts of the west T-Wall were missing.

In the center, countless bodies were lying in a line.

He immediately prepared to open a rift, but after another glance, his eyes deadened.

"I feel I'll have trouble chastising that woman for whatever happened here." Kaze chuckled bitterly, looking at Kiera, kicking her feet against the wall. While she looked like a relaxed kid on a swing, she was barking orders, and every person in the area was listening.

"And even if she were in the wrong, I'm having a hard time seeing how I can stymie this development in good faith." He smiled wryly, "Well, it's best to start by asking."


[A/N: The next cultivation session with Evalyn will be amazing. Right now, it was just a nightmare learning curve. You'll get a beautiful session very soon!]

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