Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 160 War Fervor

Kaze, General Michaels, and Kane Ryker stood on the balcony of Rein's mansion, where he had given the speech about Immortal Skye becoming a country.

A sea of over two thousand Immortals and elites stood before him, awaiting his words.

"Proud citizens of Immortal Skye." Kaze boomed, capturing cheers and grandeur from his people, "We have a heavy announcement to make."

His subjects quieted down with nervousness in their hearts.

"General Michaels of the Maltian Military has informed us that the worsening situation outside is leading Malta to take drastic action." The emperor said, "It's getting worse.

For that reason, Malta plans to invade Immortal Skye to force us to house their leaders, consume our resources, and change our laws to suit them."

A stunned silence followed, everyone shocked by the news. The members didn't know how to interpret the news. However, they had a competent leader who knew how to interpret it for them.

"Will you accept that!?" Kaze asked aggressively, "Will you let Malta come into Immortal Skye and bend our way of life to their agenda!?"

"FUUUUUUUUCK THAT!" Larkin roared instantaneously with his hands wrapping around his mouth.

His response triggered a cataclysmic chain reaction with hateful words and yells that sent Icy chills crawling down the military leaders' spines.

With two questions and a single response, the peaceful young faction members who were peaceful only a week before pulsed with bloodlust and war fervor.

"Let me ask you, Immortals!" Kaze roared to the sea of his faction members, "Will you bend to the strength of any country!? Or will you embrace the power of Immortal Skye!?"

"We won't bend! We won't bend! We won't bend!" Larkin chanted with the full power of his soul.

A moment later, everyone around him started chanting as well, and soon the entire area got swept away in delirium, horrifying the military leaders.

"That's right!" The emperor roared over the chanting, "Immortal Skye bends to no one!"

"We don't bend! We don't bend! We don't bend!" Larkin followed, triggering the subtle change in the atmosphere.

"We are Immortals!" Kaze yelled passionately, "We stand above the rest!

We're monsters amongst men! Valkyries amongst women! And gods amongst humankind!"

Wild battle cries shattered the soundwaves in the area, shocking everyone present.

"Proud Immortals!" The emperor roared, "Let me introduce you to the newest Immortals, the two men that uncovered Malta's nefarious plot!

Ex-general Eddison Michaels and ex-coronel Kane Ryker!"

The war fervor twisted, dropping downward multiple decibels instantly. No one understood how the conversation would switch from their hatred of Malta to rewarding Maltians.

Everyone's bloodlust made them boil over primally, wanting the two men to suffer for their transgression. It was a horrifying phenomenon that they didn't even recognize.

"Less than a month ago, everyone here was a Maltian." Kaze reminded everyone, causing a damper on their feelings, "Yet you're here because you're special!"

Instant uncertainty.

Light conflicted cheers.

"DAMN RIGHT WE ARE!" Larkin yelled in a battle cry.

In a split second, the atmosphere exploded in hysterical battle cries, returning in full force.

"You're special for your talent and value!" The emperor yelled, "You stand above the rest and are loyal to our country! That's what makes you an Immortal!"

Chaos took over, with euphoric yelling and cheering giving the area a violent feeling of celebration.

"Now hear me!" He yelled, capturing everyone's attention, "Eddison Michaels, Kane Ryker, and their elites and trade workers are talented and valuable.

They would earn a place here immediately if not for the space issues and their despicable tie to the Maltian Military."

The military members grimaced when the sea of terrifying Immortal Skye citizens jeered them, condemning them. While they wanted to blame the emperor, they also knew it was necessary.

"However, these men helped save many of your lives!" Kaze announced, "Their loyalty and respect for you and Immortal Skye led them to expose a plot to attack us."

A wave of understanding washed over everyone present, connecting the story behind the screaming they heard and the current situation.

"Like you, these military leaders and their soldiers are Maltians defending Immortal Skye and their way of life." The emperor said, "They're special.

So while you rightfully disdain Malta for its transgression, will you sneer at the talented ex-Maltians that protected your lives?"

A wave of confused whispers spread through the crowd, uncertain how to react.

"Or will you accept their noble actions with open arms!?" Kaze roared, lifting his hands to the sky and triggering an explosive wave of cheers.

Evalyn watched with a pensive gaze, realizing how easy it was to get carried away in war fervor and evil political actions because of the euphoric atmosphere at public speeches.

It horrified her—and inspired her.

"You may wonder why a head Maltaian general would choose Immortal Skye over his country." The emperor said boldly, making the man wince, "Is it our prosperity?

Resources? Comfort? … Baller mansions and swimming pools?"

An explosion of cheers followed his cheeky statement and grin.

"No, those reasons are not why they chose Immortal Skye." Kaze roared, making everyone's heart pulse, "They chose us for our strength!

Let me introduce you to our second strongest member. Let the fear you feel be a point of pride!"

An ominous growl resounded in the distance, sending a wave of fear over the two thousand people that didn't know her. However, they kept their emotions in check.

Crack, crack, crack… Crack! Crraaaaack! CRaaaaACK!

Trees cracked in the distance as a force ran down the mountain, crushing everything that got in its way.

Before anyone could react, the massive shadow cat jumped onto the mansion's rooftop with light feet, gazing down at everyone.

Crux stood proudly. She wasn't a prop; he presented her as a warrior, and she approved of it, gracefully commanding everyone's respect as she was used to.

"This is Crux a divine beast from the cultivator plane the cultivators came from!" Kaze boomed, shocking everyone, "She's a warrior and you'll treat her with respect!"

"LONG LIVE CRUX!" Larkin yelled. Having seen her multiple times, he was ecstatic and proud to have her on their side, "WE HAVE THE MOST BADASS CAT ON EARTH!"

The area exploded in violent cheers, confused and ecstatic by the terrifying sight.

"You may be wondering why Crux is here!" Kaze roared, "It's because she understands we're the winning side against the Sky Plane cultivators!"

Everyone breathed in sharply, even the military leaders, who looked at the shadow cat in disbelief.

While the two thousand regular Immortals didn't know she could speak or understand human language, the military leaders did.

As a result, when they looked at the shadow cat's face, which was only mildly conflicted, they finally grasped how terrifying the emperor truly was.

"One day, the woman you call the Ice General, Evalyn Skye, will become a great military leader!" Kaze roared, "Crux knows that!

She knows that Evalyn will conquer all enemies, protect us, and usher in peace during times of peril.

This warrior knows we're the key to prosperity and that fighting us is nothing short of suicide! Such is the factor that bonds us together!"

Confused but pleased, battle cries rocked the nighttime sky, echoing down from the mountainside.

"Now meet your general!" He yelled, "Hear from the woman who will lead you to victory!"

Evalyn broke away from the recently healed Evan and the other nine rule breakers and stood next to Kaze before he stepped back.

She gazed at everyone with her frosty blue eyes and waved her hand.

A flurry of translucent objects shot past everyone's ears, weaving through the audience at blinding speed and confusing everyone.

It wasn't until the objects circled that they saw the two hundred blades that were only an inch from their face the moment before.

As they stared at the daggers in shock, the blonde waved upward, sending the blades into the air, and clenched her fist.

All the blades shattered simultaneously, snowing down on everyone. Before they could process it, they felt flakes touch their skin, melting. It was a surreal experience.

"Tomorrow, a new influx of Qi will hit Earth." Evalyn announced boldly, shocking everyone, "As a result, Malta will invade our country. Why?

It's because they know we have the key to immortality, strength, and resources to survive. They know what we have and foolishly plan to steal it."

Everyone held their breaths, recovering from their daze to process her words.

"Well, I have a message for Malta." The Ice General said chillingly, "I won't let anyone steal from my people.

You can bring your skycruisers, summon your tanks, and bring your best—"

The military members felt icy chills crawl down their spines when she, not Kaze, threatened the world. Unlike him, she was an ordinary college woman only a month before.

"—However, prepare to die because I will show no mercy to anyone who attacks my people."

Her words weren't loud, but they carried outward until they reached the back, and all the Immortals exploded in cheers and thunderous applause.

"Immortals; if no one joins me, I will fight the Maltian Military myself." Evalyn declared boldly, "However, I ask all of you to join me.

I ask you to protect your country and those around you. I ask that you fight for your way of life."

The audience dry-swallowed nervously, taking sharp breaths before gaining the confidence to cheer.

"You may feel weak, but you're not." She proclaimed decisively, "You have only been training with military techniques for two weeks, but you're the strongest cultivators in the world. That's not speculation—that's a fact."

Everyone looked around in confusion, stunned by her bold declaration. However, they remembered that everyone had powerful techniques and were taught by the man who sold them for billions only weeks before.

After a moment of processing, Larkin let out a battle cry, and the area devolved into hysterical chaos.

She put up her hand to obtain silence and continued.

"Everyone here is strong—far stronger than the Maltian Military." The Ice General declared brazenly, "So you shouldn't fear destruction.

Follow me, and I will lead you to victory. Follow me, and I will give you strength and prosperity.

We will crush the foolish people who dare to trespass upon our domain and enjoy the lifestyle that has made us famous."

Violent cheers waved through the thousands in the area, gazing at the blonde backed by the massive panther above. She represented the essence of strength.

"Once again, I ask you to join me." Evalyn requested boldly, "Join me in protecting your home and people.

I will lead you to glory, and anyone who falls will become immortalized, becoming a legend and carving their name into history books forever!"

A crashing wave of battle cries shattered the soundwaves, making the soldiers behind the mansion shiver in fear. They had never truly grasped their mortality until that moment.

"Become my soldiers and we shall prosper." The Ice General declared, "Nothing will stand between us and total victory."

After two minutes of applause, she stood back to let Kaze continue.

"Proud Immortals, tomorrow sparks the first test we face as a nation." The emperor declared, panning their gazes, "But it will make us stronger!

You may not be soldiers, but we're not alone! Meet the reserves that will protect Immortal Skye alongside you!"

On cue, five hundred special forces soldiers walked out from behind the mansion, avoiding the gaze of the ultra-nationalistic Immortal Skye members.

"You stand amongst the soldiers previously titled Malta's elites among elites." Kaze announced, "These brave men and women are now Immortals.

With your strength and their combat experience, nothing in this world can stop you! There is no challenge we can't overcome! The world can fight us, and we'll fight back—"

He panned the audience dramatically, making eye contact with their faces as they held their breaths.

"AND SEIZE VICTORY!" The emperor roared, triggering a violent wave of cheers and battle cries.

The soldiers stared in disbelief as the waves of Immortals gazed at them with pride-filled eyes.

They realized the Immortals' support reflected Kaze Lexicon's vision, and they, the Malta Special Forces, were part of his vision.

It made them shudder, understanding the value of being part of his vision and the consequences of moving against it.

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