Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 158 July 6th, 2032 | One Day Before The Rapture

—9:37 am, July 6th, 2032 | One Day Before the Rapture | Conference Room—

General Michaels walked into the conference room in the main mansion, joining Coronel Ryker, Chief Skeer, and the cabinet members waiting for him to finish a phone call.

The pressure in the atmosphere multiplied, making the atmosphere suffocating as everyone waited for him to speak.

"I have confirmation that all five bases have your people in motion." General Michaels announced, "Unless there are caravan issues, everyone should be at Lainwright by 8 pm.

We've received word that the official title for the civilians is [hostage], as it was necessary to ease the tension between the soldiers. It's necessary to ensure their safety."

"That's fine; good work." The emperor nodded, "Now, gentlemen. What are your plans?

I'm sure you know today is the last day you have to decide upon your and your soldiers' fates."

Both studied his vibrant green gaze, bold, decisive, and cold. They had grown accustomed to him and understood he was fair so long as they weren't threatening or rude, so they spoke their minds.

"Why didn't you warn us of the Rapture, as you call it?" General Michaels asked bluntly.

"Are you asking the obvious to solidify your viewpoints?" Kaze smiled slightly, "Or are you genuinely asking?"

"The former." The general replied dryly, unenthused by the snide remark.

"Warning Malta would have changed nothing." The emperor boldly claimed, "On July 7th, 2032, human civilization will fall.

Nothing will change something of such magnitude. So why would I request the government invade Immortal Skye for aid and asylum pointlessly?"

"I undestand." Kane affirmed, after a stunned silence, "I have to ask. Why would you train and offer offer Maltian troops citizenship then?"

"You misunderstand, Coronel." Kaze asserted arrogantly, "I didn't offer [Malta] anything.

I invited a thousand trade workers and five hundred skilled soldiers to Immortal Skye and offered them power, protection, and security because they have value. That's all."

"So you planned this from the beginning." General Michaels remarked dryly, "Do you not consider your actions a betrayal? I took you for a man of honor."

"No; I've fulfilled every obligation I made for our alliance." Kaze replied with a chilling smile.

"However, tomorrow, Malta will officially declare our guests [hostages] when their 1,000-strong military force ten miles away in Miamont mobilizes.

We're discussing terms in anticipation of that. Need we discuss this barren topic further?"

Every cabinet member winced, hearing their families would become legitimate hostages the following day, and that war was near.

Likewise, the military leaders felt fear, learning he knew of the government's contingency force.

"How long do you anticipate it will take before the military lacks the resources and desire to attack Immortal Skye?" General Michaels asked, taking a deep breath.

"Three days if you stay, two weeks if you leave for Lainwright." Kaze replied confidently.

"What makes you draw those conclusions?" The general asked.

"The government will fall the day after tomorrow." The emperor proclaimed, "The main force will attack after we deny aid and asylum to Maltian leaders. I've added two days for those seeking to negotiate."

Every cabinet member shuddered when Kane and the general nodded, confirming conflict was a guarantee.

"If you leave, you'll doubtlessly transfer to Lainwright Military Base, where our people reside." Kaze claimed mysteriously, "Thus, we'll be in conflict for two weeks until we resolve the issue.

Since we're at war, that naturally means until we annex the base, conquer it by force, or slaughter everyone because you harmed our people."

The pressure in the room multiplied, making it crushing. It was hard to believe that Kaze casually declared he'd slaughter the people before him and all the soldiers he was training.

Kane looked away in anger, and the general opened and closed his mouth, wanting to chastise the emperor but couldn't. From a practical perspective, the powerful decided right and wrong, and in one day, Immortal Skye would be the [only] world superpower.

So he took a deep breath to compose himself and spoke.

"Mr. Lexicon, this sounds like an ultimatum." General Michaels asserted, "Should we stop the pretenses and treat it as such?"

Everyone dry-swallowed nervously, waiting for the answer.

"This is not an ultimatum, General." The emperor smiled mockingly, "We already have an agreement with natural implications.

So if Malta upholds its obligations to protect our members for the next year, we'll have no issues."

The general cringed alongside the other Maltian leaders, who could only smile bitterly.

"However, if Malta betrays Immortal Skye, then you're our enemy." Kaze declared coldly, "Then conquering or slaughtering your soldiers is natural, is it not?"

The cabinet members held their breath, shocked at the emperor's words. In their minds, he was still a college student, so it was hard to believe he'd threaten to slaughter Maltian forces.

"It would." General Michael replied in frustration, "If we leave to Lainwright and protect your members, will you leave us be?"

"Of course not." Kaze scoff-laughed, "I will slaughter everyone in Lainwright and search for survivors if you harm my people. That's the guaranteed price for betraying Immortal Skye.

I'll spare your lives if you don't and keep Lainwright to house our people if you don't. That's preordained."

Kane took a sharp breath. He wanted to condemn the emperor for setting everything up. However, he couldn't fault him for having the military protect his people or for retaliating for Malta breaking their agreement.

In truth, the emperor only anticipated what would happen. He was better at what he did, and they hated that because they were his opponent in a game of life and death.

"Then let's not waste time." General Michaels requested, "We'll join on the condition you let my and Coronel Ryker's families join us at Immortal Skye today.

If it triggers conflict or a hostage situation, we're leaving but will not attack you and will attempt to discourage hostilities. That's a risk you must [voluntarily] take without sanctions."

Kaze narrowed his eyes, hearing that the conflict could trigger conflict the day before the Rapture. "That's an audacious request."

"You've made us an audacious offer." The general replied, "We're accepting your generosity but will not abandon our families to do so. We've offered not to attack you as a concession."

"What is your plan for bringing your family here?" The emperor asked, "Let's start with your approach and move from there."

The cabinet leaders sat at the table solemnly after the military members left. Each had their families on their minds after hearing the negotiations.

"Since we lack time for these unnecessary trifling emotions, I'll inform you that your families are whole and secure in Immortal Skye bunkers with Daniels'." Kaze announced dryly.

His announcement triggered a tidal wave of overwhelming emotions and emotional gazes.

"As I mentioned, those who aid me get rewarded handsomely." The emperor reminded them, "Now that you have aided me, I have rewarded you."

Kylie's eyes lit up in overwhelmed happiness. "Thank you, Kaze! Can we see them?"

"No one will see their family before we seize Lainwright Military Base in two weeks." Kaze announced sharply, triggering bitter smiles.

"We will get attacked as early as tomorrow and cannot afford any claim of favoritism or news of the hostages to destabilize our members before the invasion."

They all felt icy shivers crawling down their spines.

"He has rewarded you; now be grateful and do your jobs." Evalyn asserted chillingly, making everyone wince, "When should we trigger the dissidents?"

"You have a trigger?" Kaze mused with a slight smile.

"We do." She confirmed straightly.

"Then do it before we break the news." He said, straightening his face again, "That way, we can present their crimes to the masses and showcase the penalties for treason.

When can you move on it?"

"I can move on it whenever." Evalyn replied, "However, I planned for 11 am."

"That's perfect." Kaze nodded, "Daniel, let the general and his lackey know we will be announcing the attack at 1 pm."

The businessman dry-swallowed and nodded hesitantly, standing and walking out the door silently.

Evalyn walked to the campgrounds holding a ballot box, a manilla envelope containing paper, and a tub full of pens. She had a frown on her face but a determined glint in her eyes.

The blonde believed in doing what was [best] over personal ethics and ideals.

If lying could save thousands, a morally righteous person was a murderer in her eyes. If a human sacrifice could save thousands, an idealist was an executioner.

That wasn't to say she would sacrifice anyone or tell any lie.

The Ice Phoenix offered those that supported her protection and a good life. Therefore, she would not sacrifice her devoted followers.

However, she had no mercy for anyone stupid enough to break the rules at Immortal Skye for any reason days after their trip to Meridian City.

That was her mindset when she walked into the campsite.

The terrified faction members stared at their Ice General with fear in their hearts, noting the contrast in her cold expression.

Her face was always cold, but they didn't realize how warm and well-meaning was until they saw the frozen expression she was making.

One glance told them the Ice General was there as the grim reaper, sent to collect sacrifices and reap their souls.

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