Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 515 Welcome To The Family



~Back to City S~

While Ning Xiaozhi and Ye Chaoxiang were busy dealing with their issue at City Z, Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin were currently in a meeting.

Only that this meeting was not the usual formal business meeting it was a meeting of family.

In a restaurant, one of the private booth was occupied by five persons. Four were adults and one, a child. They had already gotten their order.

The food was arranged finely on the round table. Different mouth watering dishes on full unstoppable display. They ate to cover up the awkward atmosphere that was building up.

No one knew what to say. Li Fengjin decided not to speak as it mainly concerns his wife and her mother.

"Ahem!" Zhao Fu cleared his throat after downing a half his glass cup of water. The silence was itching him.

"I am Zhao Fu, pleased to meet you all," he said.

Bai Renxiang showed a little smile and nodded. She dropped her spoon and wiped her lips with the white napkin on her lap.

"Pleased to meet you too, Zhao Fu. I am Little Renxiang. This is my son, Li Xiaojin andy husband which you already know by now, Li Fengjin," she introduced them.

"Of course, I know him. The almighty business king of China," Zhao Fu exclaimed.

"It's nice to meet you too," Li Fengjin nodded at him.

"So... Well, since we are already past the first basics of the purpose of this meeting, let's proceed to the next," Jiang Meilin said.


"Zhao Fu and I are... in a relationship. We have known each for long and then we met again. Days and weeks has rolled by and we... or rather I fell in love with him," she briefed.

"Does that mean that Mister Zhao Fu is grandma's boyfriend?" Li Xiaojin asked.

"Hmm. He is," Jiang Meilin nodded and smiled at him.

"So, are you going to marry him in the future?"

"Yes, she will," Zhao Fu answered before Jiang Meilin could.

She shut h a questioning look while he shrugged. It was as if he was stating the obvious.

Well, he is.

Pouting his lips, Li Xiaojin laid down his complaints. "But grandma, you said that I am your only love. What will happen to me now?"

Bai Renxiang chuckled and shook her head. "Baby, grandma still loves you. But her love for Zhao Fu is different from the love she has for you," she explained.

"Love is love. Is there a difference?" Li Xiaojin tilted his head to show his confusion of his mother's words.

"There is a difference," Li Fengjin spoke up. "The love your grandma has for you is parental love. A love of a parents to their child. But the live she has for Zhao Fu and the one I and your mother has for each other is another kind. The kind that comes from not just wanting to be with the person but also be one with the person... In spirit body and soul."

"You will understand more when you grow up, champ. But just know that grandma still loves you like before. It would not change, okay?"

"Okay," Li Xiaojin nodded. "I love grandma too and forever," he added before blowing her a kiss.

Jiang Meilin dramatically caught the imaginary air kiss into her fist. Then she placed it on her chest. Li Xiaojin clapped excitedly and giggled.

He loved it when she acted like that. It was like she was magician and it thrilled him. He then picked up his spoon and continued eating. Bai Renxiang gently rubbed his head.

Meanwhile, Zhao Fu was pondering on how a child could be so cute. Not only that, he was amazed at how Jiang Meilin accommodated his acts and played along with him.

"So, you love my mum?" Bai Renxiang brought them back to the topic as she asked Zhao Fu.

"I do and very much," Zhao Fu replied.

Bai Renxiang nodded as her eyes accessed the tall man in all black. True to her mother-in-law and her other mothers' words, Zhao Fu is indeed an intimidating man.

His stern face and bone-chilling eyes could make one sweat buckets. She would categirise that as a character he got from being a general.

As for the bodyguards he has, it was a good number if you ask her. She notice three black cars following them plus another two Li Fengjin pointed out.

Not only that, a few people at the cafe are his men. They blended in well as customers. If not for the fact that Li Fengjin fished them out and told her, she would not have known.

'He must prioritise his safety and well being. Maybe he got into a few dangerous missions during his days in the army,' were her thoughts.

The other thing she took not of, was his looks. She could in an instant tell that he must have been quite a charmer during his young teenage and youthful days.

He had manners and his elegance was top-notched. And the last but not the least, he had this tender-loving look in his eyes when he stares at Jiang Meilin.

It was pure and honest. Bai Renxiang knew that without a doubt, her mother would have been better off with him than with Bai Guiren.

But the hurtful past has already occurred and the burnt marks are healed and faded. Her mother would experience real love, loyalty and cherishing for the rest of her life.

Not a love of hidden agenda. Come to think of it, Bai Renxiang had started itching more for her revenge. First, to take back what they owned and to make the Bai family suffer.

Lastly, for that planned scandal Lin Ying and Bai Ming set up for her. She will make them have a taste of their own medicine.

"My love, are you okay?"

Li Fengjin's voice pulled her out of her train of revenge filled thoughts. Bai Renxiang blinked back the raw emotions of hate and anger to get her head straight.

"I'm fine. I just got most in some random thoughts, that's all," Bai Renxiang said with an assuring smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Very sure. So, where were we?" She quickly reverted to the main deal.

They chatted a little more before a conclusion was about to be drawn.

"In that case, you are my future stepfather now?"

Zhao Fu turned to Jiang Meilin before looking back at Bai Renxiang. He gave a small smile and nodded. "I am."

"So that means I can call you dad?" She asked again.

"If you wish. I also okay if you just address me by my name. Since we are just getting to know egg other and you might still need to adjust to have a new father... future father," Zhao Fu said and then shrugged.

Bai Renxiang's gaze trailed to her mother and the latter just smiled. She did same and returned get gaze to her supposed new father.

"There is no need for adjustment. I had no father after all. So, welcome to the family, pops," Bai Renxiang said as she held her hand out for a handshake.

Zhao Fu, although taken aback by her words still found the energy to shake her. It would be rude to let her hand hang because he was too shocked or rather overwhelmed due to her acceptance.

"Grandpa has to be good to grandma or Xiaojin will be mad at you," Li Xiaojin warned.

"True. And you may be my elder but I won't be that nice if you were to hurt my mother-in-law," Li Fengjin added.

"You will never get mad at me and don't worry... I won't give you a reason to not be nice to me," Zhao Fu promised.

"That's good to hear. I wish you both a happy and healthy relationship together."

"Thank you all for your acceptance and I blessings."


Shin and Shane has been left in charge of Jiang Meilin's grocery store now. They also had more capable hands supporting them as customers came in almost constantly.

But with the working together and even having a little fun, it made things a lot easier and enjoyable.

Today was yet another hardworking day for them. But it was less packed and occupy than all other days. As usual Shin was working at the counter when a customer came in.

She was a regular at the grocery store and they all knew her for her meek and friendly personality. But today, she did not come for vegetables or to say hi, she came for a matter of the heart.

Walking straight to the counter while adjust her scarf and beanie, she kept on chanting encouraging words to herself.

'Don't falter, Jia Liling. You can do this. You have waited for far too long now. Just try and if it doesn't work out... Then you know you at least made move. You can do this.'

Stopping before the counter were the quiet Shin was doing whatever he does, she made her presence known.

"Ahem! Hi, good afternoon," she greeted with her usual smile but this time her nervousness made her lips twitch at the sides.

Shin raised his head from what he busied himself with on the counter to see who talked. He was met with a big brown, doe-like eyes and a cute sweet smile and white teeth.

"Hello, good afternoon to you too. What did you purchase from Healthy Groceries?" He asked the usual question.

"Nothing actually. I just wanted to speak with you."

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