Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 492 More Like Sisters



Jiang Meilin told Mrs Li everything that happened. Even the part were they bumped into Bai Guiren was not left out. And much to her surprise, Mrs Li was super angry at Bai Guiren.

"The nerve that that Bai Guiren has. How dare he say all those things to you? What does he think you ate a cheap stake? Argh! When next he comes across our part allow me to rip his tongue out of his mouth," she said.

"You can do as you see fit for him. I do not care one bit," Jiang Meilin said as she flicked her wrist.

"Sigh... I can't believe he showed up. He ruined the romantic air for me not to even talk of you guys. I hope your date did not fall for Bai Guiren's trap."

Jiang Meilin smiled as she remembered how things went with the words Zhao Fu said.

"He did not. In fact, he made sure to scare Bai Guiren with his intimidating body built. Then he said some things to him."

The rest was said as time passed by and Mrs Li was happy for her. Her eyes even had a little tears at their sides. She wiped them off and made a dramatic sniff.

"This man truly loves you to have waited for so long to finally have you," Mrs Li stated.

Sitting back up, Jiang Meilin exhaled sharply. "He does. I was just blinded to see the intentions of Bai Guiren and fell into his web of lies. Zhao Fu is a million times better than Bai Guiren."

"Hmm. So Zhao Fu is his name, huh?" Mrs Li pointed out.

"Yes." Jiang Meilin nodded before tucking her hair behind her ear. "Sigh... I feel better after telling you everything. Thanks Mingyu."

"Aigo! You don't have to thank me. I did not do anything. All I did was listen and dropped a few comments," Mrs Li said.

Jiang Meilin chuckled. Those few comments may be little but they meant a lot to her. But fore she knew it, Mrs Li held her hands.

"Besides, we are more like sisters now instead of in-laws. I have got your back and you got mine, right?"

"Of course."

**Back at Li Fengjin's house**

Dinner had longed been served and everyone were done with their food. Chatting a little, they retired to bed as they had decided to call it a day.

Bai Renxiang has just stepped out if the bathroom. In her hands was a towel she used to dry her hair. Little droplets of water stillntrickled down from her hair down to her neck and...

She was clad in a nude coloured silk nightgown that stopped a little bit above her mid-thigh. As innocent and fresh as she looked, Li Fengjin could not help but gulp.

To him, she looked a seductress. Her every step toward him showed of her curves and smooth thigh. At that moment, he so wished to plant little fluttering kiss all over her like their wedding night.

Just as he was drowning in his naughty thoughts, her voice pulled out and back to reality.

"What were  you watching on your phone?" Bai Renxiang asked.

She had heard the sound of a woman's cry from whatever he was watching. But due to him drooling over her, he failed to notice when the video ended.

So being curious, she just asked. Li Fengjin snapped back and looked down at his phone in his hands. He sighed and placed it on the bed beside him.

Instead of an answer she got an apology after he pulled her closer and hugged her waist. "I'm sorry."

Bai Renxiang frowned. She wondered if he was apologising was the video or something else. Or could he be that she caught him watching...?

Shaking her head, she decided to ask instead of assuming things in her own. She gently rubbed his head as if he was a pet.

He is anyway so...

"Hubby, why are you telling me that you ate sorry? What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry for not being with you during the child birth of our son. I-I saw a video clip. Mum sent it to me as one of the gifts... Everything looked painful and I just wished that I was beside you and giving you support in every way," Li Fengjin answered.

"Mum has a video of my delivery? I thought it was not allowed. That aside, why would she send you that? Why did you even watch it? " Bai Renxiang said in shock.

"She told me she got the permission from the hospital. And I was curious and asked her a few weeks before our wedding. She promised to send it as part of a wedding gift to me," he shrugged.

Li Fengjin replaced his face with his jaw on her stomach so that he would be able to look at her. "Are you angry?"

Bai Renxiang sighed while pinching the space between her brows. When she looked back at him, he was giving her that cute face that Xiaojin makes.

Her heart was shot cupid and she could not fare to be mad at him. So shaking her head, she replied with a no.

"I'm alright now. Stop feeling bad about the past when you will be there in the future and here in the present. Just be thankful to God that I did not have any complications."

"Hmm. Thank God you did not. I still want a baby girl and two other children after," Li Fengjin said with a straight face making Bai Renxiang chuckle.

"Hey, wifey," he called after she calm down from laughing.

"Yes, hubby."

"Are you still... Are you still feeling pains?" Li Fengjin asked as one of his hands had already sneaked into her nightgown and stopped just below her subtle butt.

His thumb did a little caressing that sent shivers all through her. She slowly shook her head as she knew exactly what he meant.

"Then, can we...?"

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