Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 487 Can't Afford A Bus



"I made it quite clear to you and your family that none of you should not call me so informally. So, it is Ms Jiang from now on."

Bai Guiren felt a little bit of embarrassment wash over him. But he quickly mask or with a smile. "Haha. You don't have to be so cold towards me, you know. We–"

"There is no 'we' Mr Bai," Jiang Meilin interrupted him once again. "I would advise you to be careful with the words you say and how you address me. You do not want your beloved wife to misinterpret things now or do you?"

Bai Guiren was shaken at the mention of his wife. He had not expected that Jiang Meilin would use it against him like this... In front of this intimidating man.

"What is wrong, Mr Bai? Cat got your tongue?" She tilted her head to the side a bit as she asked.

Bai Guiren was boiling inside at her audacity. He could only grit his teeth to contain himself. "Ahem! No. Anyway, Ms Jiang... Don't be too cold with me. We can still be friends even though we were happily married in the past."

He made sure to make mention that they were involved before just to make Zhao Fu jealous. From what he knew and heard, nowadays, most men would not want to get involved with a once married woman.

What if she turns out to be the sole cause of the marriage failure? She would only end up destroying her next one, right?

Those were Bai Guiren's thoughts influenced by the things he heard from his social circle. And now, he thinks that Zhao Fu is like that type of man.

However, Zhao Fu could see through Bai Guiren and knew what his intentions were. Yes, he was angry and jealous. Angry that Jiang Meilin choosed someone as bad as Bai Guiren over him.

But he could mask that perfectly behind his cold face and that anger or jealousy is was over yen years ago. Just as he was about to say something, Jiang Meilin stooped him by raising her hand.

"From what I remembered, on the day of our divorce when I begged you not to signed those papers, you clearly said that you wanted nothing to do with me. 'Not then, not now and not ever. Not in this life or in the next if there is.' Those were you exact words," Jiang Meilin quoted.

"But that was then. Can't you just overlook things like how I did? Besides, you were the one who cheated," Bai Guiren said.

'His as stupid as f*ck. He shouldn't have even opened his mouth,' Zhao Fu sighed at the shamelessness of the man.

"That is great. Since you still think that way, then we do not have to be friends or anything. I don't want anything to do with you. Not now, tomorrow or ever. Even in this life and any other life," Jiang Meilin used his own words on him.

"Let's go, Zhao Fu." Taking Zhao Fu's hand, Jiang Meilin walked away.

Seeing them walking away, Bai Guiren's anger sky rocketed. His plan to know whether they are together has not fallen through. Also, he had yet to know if he would break them apart or not.

"So he's the one you are choosing to use to get over me?" Bai Guiren's questioned stopped Jiang Meilin in her tracks.

Getting the reaction he wanted, Bai Guiren thought to say more. "Is he is the one you are with now?" Then he scoffed and puffed out his chest. "So you intend to be a lover to someone who does not even measure up to you. Look at you two... He can't even afford a bus to send you home. Did he deceive you by telling you that strolling is a romantic gesture?"

The more and more Bai Guiren spoke made both Jiang Meilin and Zhao Fu think without doubt that he is indeed a fool. An idiot to be exact.

Wanting to ignore him like he said nothing, Jiang Meilin took another step forward but she felt herself being pulled backwards. She moved again and the same thing happened.

"Zhao Fu what are you doing?" Jiang Meilin turned to ask. Then she saw his expression and mistook it for him being angry of what Bai Guiren was spouting.

"Do not mind whatever he says. He is just trying to cause trouble," she quickly said to calm him down.

Zhao Fu sighed inwardly before shaking his head. He urged on his feet no stared eye to eye at foolish man uttering nonsense. He opened his mouth to day something but stopped.

Bai Guiren mistook his actions for someone feeling ashamed to fight back against his(Bai Guiren's) words. A mocking smile appeared on his face and eyes.

But before he could continue bashing them, Zhao Fu stopped him.

"I never knew that Mei had such a bad taste in men in her past. I feel pity for her having to waste her precious youth and love on a lowlife, scumbag, *sshole like you."

"You– how dare you call me those foul names?" Bai Guiren's face turned red in anger. He pointed his trembling finger due to anger at Zhao Fu. "Who are you to talk to like that, you poor rat? I–"

*vroom vroom*

The sound of an approaching car blurred out Bai Guiren's words. Turning to see that the car was heading towards him, he quickly took a few steps back to avoid it.

The black tinted Telsa model S stopped right in front of Jiang Meilin and Zhao Fu. Bai Guiren was ready to scold the driver. But when the windows rolled down and he saw no one, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Smirking, Zhao Fu walked Jiang Meilin to the car. "I think you know by now why we aren't taking a bus," Jiang Meilin said before entering the car.

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