Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 478 Shield And Pillar



Ning Xiaozhi was all set to start filling up the beach sheet of paper with words upon words of hate, mockery, sarcasm. You name it.

She was ready to give that Lin Ying of a woman a taste of her own medicine. But this medicine will be ten fold bitter than hers(Lin Ying).

Seeing her actions, the other ladies becoming hyped. "We should make it a very long note. Maybe we should make our own book and send it to her," Ye Yumi suggested.

"I agree," Lisa seconded that.

"But would making a book not waste our precious time and the priceless ink of the pen?" Yi Changying questioned.

"Hmm... Good thinking, Changying. Let us just go with writing only in this sheet of paper."

"And then we would stuck to the book and send it back to the sender," Ning Xiaozhi and Ye Yumi said in synch.

The guys were all dumbfounded by how hyped up their women were. They all had one thought and that is the fact that women loved something like this.

Looking at them, they all looked like a bunch of kids who were given an opportunity by their mother, who now will be Bai Renxiang, to use any curse words of their choices.

Even Bai Renxiang could not help but share her head at them. She was the one those words were meant for but her friends are the one getting angry and verbally violent on her behalf.

Not saying anything else, she continued busing herself with the gifts. It was then that her hands made contact with a small box.

Picking it up, she saw that this gift was again from the Bai family but it was just grandpa Bai. The guilty expression he had on his face when she saw him at her wedding flashed through her mind.

For some reason, she could not bring herself to toss away this gift, as the person who sent it was the only one who treated her like a member of the Bai family.

Grandpa Bai was the only one who got her valuable things on her birthdays in the past. When everyone only thought of Bai Ming's birthday that was a month away, he was the only one who would remember hers.

He would even take her out for a nice meal at the restaurant and then for an ice cream treat. As her thoughts travelled to one of the very few good memories she had of her past, her hands had already worked their numbers on the wrapped item.

Although it was small, Bai Renxiang knew it must be something reasonable of not valuable. And there she saw it.

A silver necklace with the infamous ocean drop diamond in the center. There were other tiny sparkling stones on the chain too but the blue diamond stood out more. First, because of the size and second was because of the bold colour.

Bai Renxiang's fingers traces lightly like feathers on the necklace. She made sure she was so careful as if a little pressure from any of her fingers would ruin the fine jewelry.

As she did this, she did not notice Li Fengjin's eyes on her. He was carefully observing all the actions and expressions she has been making since the gift opening started.

And seeing the expression she had in now as well as her actions, he knew that she was in deep thoughts. Then it shifted to her contemplating.

"I think you should keep this one," he said I'm alive only both of them could hear as the rest were busy writing and unwrapping.

"Huh?" Bai Renxiang turned to look at him I'm confusion.

"You should not toss that one away like the other," he repeated his words.

"Why do you say so?" She asked before taking another look at the necklace in the box.

"It's because you seem to be reluctant and in deep thoughts while looking at it... unlike the rest. I just thought though. It is up to you to decide and what you want to keep and not keep," Li Fengjin quickly added the last part with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I am just confused. Although this man treated me well in the past, I still..." She paused before giving a deep breath.

"I just think that he should not behave been like the rest of them. Or rather I did not expect him to behave like the rest in terms of him believing what he hears from others," she said while her hand picked the note stick on the top cover of the box.

(I have been meaning to give you this but never got a chance to. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive this old man someday. Please take this as a wedding gift from a well-wisher and not an apology from a wrong and guilty elder.)

Bai Renxiang folded the note and kept it back into the box. A deep sigh escapes her lips again.

"I do not think I can forgive any of them from that family," she shook her head as if grandpa Bai was sitting in front of her. "But I will keep this as you said... A gift from a well-wisher like every other well-wisher."

Li Fengjin sighed inside as he watched the woman he came to love look down. She has really suffered much injustice in that Bai family.

If only he has come into her life much earlier. Then she would not have suffered the pain of heartbreak and abandonment. She would not have suffered from that degrading scandal forged against her.

All those thoughts weighed son I'm his mind like a mountain had fallen in him. But he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind.

'So what I was not there in her bad past? I am here in her good present and will be there in her future as her shield of protection and pillar of support.'

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