Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 454 Games II



"Was it love at first sight or first night?"

Li Fengjin raised the shoe first. "It was both," he answered after getting a sneaky confirmation from his wife.

"Is it true?"

"I guess so. Since he fell first, normally, he knows better than I do," came her answer.

"Who is more romantic?" The next question.

"He is a hundred per cent more romantic," Bai Renxiang answered with a nod.

"Have you guys done the deed yet?"

"Jin, you answer that," Bai Renxiang blushed and quickly surrendered to him making everyone laugh again.

"The fact that we have a child together answers that," Li Fengjin said.

"Can we know where you both met?"

"At a restaurant," Bai Renxiang answered.

The next hand that was raised surprised Bai Renxiang. It was none other than Bai Ming.

"It's the evil stepsister," Bai Renxiang murmured.

Li Fengjin's sharp ears picked it up and his eyes slightly narrows at Bai Ming who was standing up to ask the next question.

"I'm not being rude, just genuinely curious," she started with her fake innocence. "Uhm, did you get married because of your child or–"

"It is basically because of our undying love. And yes, I love my child and I am proud to be his father," Li Fengjin cut her off with his reply.

Bai Renxiang was surprised at the audacity Bai Ming asked the question in a way that was presented to be harmless. No one would think of anything like she has an ulterior motive or ill intentions.

But hearing the way Li Fengjin replied and how his cold gaze stared at the questionnaire and then swept through the audience was enough to tell it was an offence in his eyes.

Also, his other statement answered whatsoever question left in the minds of the guests who were also 'curious' like Bai Ming.

Bai Renxiang sighed and whispered her words of thanks to him. The way he answered filled her heart with warmth and an assurance that he would always speak out for them at times like this one.

The hall went silent for a while before another question was thrown. A few more and they shifted to the next game. The guessing game.

The DJ hired would play a song and the first guests to answer amongst the number that participated would score a point. The person with the highest point gets a price.

For this game, it was for the guests. A total of five people came out. Two ladies and three gentlemen.

The game lasted for thirty minutes and the winner was declared and given a price. The next was a spinning wheel game. This round lasted for less than thirty minutes.

More and more games were played. Even truth and dare. Their couple had three truths and one dare each. They answered the truths and did the dare.

Li Fengjin was dared to drink ten cups of two alcoholic drinks mixed. Bai Renxiang was shocked by the dare. But she got a surprise of her life when Li Fengjin drank all ten without a stop and did not get drunk or tipsy.

The only thing was that his throat just felt hot as one of the alcohols in the mixture content was whiskey.

As for Bai Renxiang, she dared to feed Li Fengjin. At first, she was relieved, but her joy was short-lived when the dared was said in full. She was to sit on his lap and all through the feeding, she would use her mouth.

So in a larger sense, she would be kissing him so much in front of everyone.

Bai Renxiang's face burned red but there was nothing she could do. A dare is a dare. She did it and Li Fengjin became shameful.

"That was the best tasty and satisfying meal in my entire life," he said after the while feeding was done.

The hall reverberated with lots of laughing and cheering. It was hella lively.

"I see that you're having fun," Ning Xiaozhi came to the stage once more.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

They had to give it to her for coming up with such activities.

"But one thing though... I hoped no one peeped themselves because you all laughed harder than I expected," she joked.

"No. Hahaha!"

"Then I'm glad."

"We want more games of the couple," they cheered.

Ning Xiaozhi: "More?"

Everyone: "Yes."

"Well, you're all in luck because there's one last naughty game prepared for them."


*clap clap clap*

A chair was placed not on the podium this time but on the floor. No one was sitting and they made a curve with the lone chair in front of them.

"So, my dear bestie, our winter bride... Please come and do us all the honour of sitting here," Ning Xiaozhi invited.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Bai Renxiang voiced her doubt.

"Sit! Sit!" They began to chant and she obliged.

"So, Rennie, you do remember that ribbon I tied on you right?"

"The one on my thigh for good luck?" Bai Renxiang questioned back.

"Yes, that one. Is it still there?" Ning Xiaozhi asked.

"Yes because you forced me to leave it."

"Good then. So, you're gonna sit still and let your husband, our handsome winter groom 'help' you untie the ribbon... with his teeth."


"Maid of honour, you are the best game hostess." They cheered with so much glee.

"WHAT?! I definitely can't allow that," Bai Renxiang shook her head and stood up from the chair.

"You have to. Do it for the fun and our kind guests," Ning Xiaozhi said as her fellow bridesmaids held Bai Renxiang from leaving the chair.

"I can't get naked in front of... Why can't I just help myself by myself?" Bai Renxiang groaned in frustration.

"Hehehe. No can do. You won't get naked," Ye Yumi winked at her.

"Winter king, please do the honours of tying your stubborn queen with your necktie and get on with the job of taking out the ribbon," Ning Xiaozhi shamelessly instructed.

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