Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 440 Hypocritical



Grandma Bai was also feeling angry about the situation. How could the bride's family not get an invitation when almost the whole country had gotten?

She felt insulted.

"But mother, it's not good for his health. What if he gets high blood pressure from overthinking about this," Lin Ying said.

She has started playing the good wife.

"How can I not think about such taboo, darling? Where anywhere have you heard that the bride's family were not even told about the bride's wedding? Where, Ying? Where?" Bai Guiren questioned.

He was pacing back and forth in the living room. One hand was placed on his waist while the other moved up to the space between his brows and massage his temples once in a while.

"Daddy, maybe sister Renxiang just wanted to surprise you and that was why she has not sent a message. Or maybe she is preparing to come and invite us personally. Think about it, hmm?" Bai Ming threw in her thoughts.

Bai Guiren stopped for a minute to think bout what his daughter just said. After a while, he shook his head and continued moving.

"That can't be it. She knows that getting married to the only child of the Li family would not be taken so lightly. There is no way she would have thought of containing the news and quietly handling the invitations. I mean, who would think that?" He ruled that possibility out.

"Okay, what if she already expects us to come? We are family, right? It is only natural that we are the ones to stand beside her during the wedding. So maybe she did not give us an invitation because it was not necessary since we are automatically invited," Lin Ying explained her point.

"What your wife says is true. Back in the day, I did not give my parents an invitation to a wedding they prepared for me along with our in-laws," grandma Bai said.

"That is the point, mum. They prepared the wedding for you meaning they knew. But as for me... us... We had no idea. We did not even prepare for the wedding or get to do little roles in preparing and at the height of it all... We still did not get an invitation," Bai Guiren reasoned.

"Do you now see where the whole problem is?"

"We see it but what if it is not Renxiang's fault huh?" Lin Ying asked.

"What do you mean by that? Whose fault will it be if not hers?" Grandma Bai returned the question.

"Well, maybe it was her mother, Jiang Meilin. Maybe she wants to get back at Guiren for divorcing her," she said.

Grandpa Bai's eyes narrowed at Lin Ying's words. 'Just how shameless can this homewrecker be?' He thought.

"But it was her fault that my son divorced her. She is a slut," grandma Bai spat out those words with hate.

"Grandma," Bai Ming called out in 'shock'.

"I'm sorry, dear. Your grandma is just angry," grandma Bai apologised.

For her, her Mingming was still innocent and pure. She needed to be careful with her words so as not to taint her granddaughter's ears.

"It's alright, grandma. I know how you are feeling... But we should not get too angry at aunt Meilin and sister Renxiang. They are just angry because they have lost daddy's love and care. They would surely get over it soon," Bai Ming said.

Grandma Bai scoffed. "I doubt it. That Jiang Meilin is no good."

"That must be true. That woman must be manipulating my daughter to turn her against me," Bai Guiren's eyes widen at the realisation.

"Yes. We all know that Renxiang is a meek girl. She cannot possibly just not want to invite her own father to her wedding," Lin Ying said more.

She wanted Bai Guiren to hate Jiang Meilin more and put the blame on her.

"Oh, please," grandpa Bai finally spoke up. "Stop spouting nonsense... All of you."

Their attention finally shifted to him. He had been quiet since they had arrived. They even forgot he was there in the first place.

"What do you mean by that, dad?" Bai Guiren drowned at his father.

"Just because I have been quiet does not mean that I want to keep on listening to all your hypocritical blabbering," grandpa Bai snorted at them.

"You were the one who chased that poor girl out of your home and out of your life. You did not be the father you were supposed to be when she needed you. And now that she has hit it big with Jiang Corporation and is getting married to the richest family in the whole of China, you become her father again. You expect her to send you an invitation when you did not invite her back into your home. You expect her to regard you when you did no such thing for her in the past."

"Heh! Unfilial my foot. The only one being unfilial is all you lot, including me. As a man who fought tooth and nail with his ex-wife to have full custody of their daughter, I expected better from you, son. If you had no use of the poor girl, you should have left her with the woman you so think as a slut."

Grandpa Bai's words struck deep in their ears. They knew all he said was the truth. They knew what wrong they had done, especially Bai Guiren.

But as the saying goes, the truth is bitter and it hurts.

Grandpa Bai stood up from the couch and walked away. But he stopped after a few steps. His back still facing them.

"At least that so-call slut you all call her would have done a better job caring for her daughter than you did. At least she did not choose her image over her child. She stood by her child at her worst and that is why she is still standing with her at a great turn in Renxiang's life."

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