Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 432 Dong Yang



As soon as Wang Tingxiao ended the call with Lisa, he dashed to his room to change out of his sleepwear to casual clothes. While he was at it, he made a call to the backup team he had for Lisa's safety and ordered them to go to the apartment he and Lisa lived in.

After that, he picked up a small travel bag that had his ammunition and placed it on the bed. He went back to his closet and took another travel bag that was much smaller than the first and empty.

He put a few of his clothes inside and stacked a few guns in the bag too. Once he was done, he kept the ammunition bag and took his car key and wallet on the bedside table before he left the room.

Wang Tingxiao did not even bother with the food he left half touched in the kitchen. He left the house properly secured before driving off to the airport. Then he called Li Fengjin.

"Hey, Tingxiao. What's up?" Li Fengjin asked in a cheerful voice.

"Fengjin, I have to go back to City X now," Wang Tingxiao went straight to the point.

Li Fengjin's brows furrowed. Whenever Wang Tingxiao would call him by his name it meant three things. It was either when they were having fun with the boys or with their family and lastly... something was wrong.

"What is the problem?" He asked. His cheerful voice had been ditched.

"It's Lisa. That Dong Yang is at my apartment again and he causing real trouble," Wang Tingxiao explained.

"Have you sent the backup team over before calling me?"


"Good. I will send more men there. Take the plane back. There is no time to start booking a flight," he said.

"Thank you. I promise to come back as soon as I have settled things there."

"Don't rush things. Stay with Lisa and only come back when she is stable. She needs you now more than ever."


"That's an order, Tingxiao. It's not a request. Don't be so dedicated to me now. Use it for Lisa," Li Fengjin cut him off.

"Alright. Thanks, man," Wang Tingxiao said.

"Anytime. Now step on that gas pedal already, will you?"

"Right on it." Wang Tingxiao ended the called and exhaled sharply. "Wait for me safely,obe. Please."

Meanwhile, Li Fengjin's call had alerted Ye Chaoxiang and Yang Chen. As soon as he removed the phone from his ear to place a call, they questioned him about it.

"What happened?"

"Something came up at Tingxiao's apartment. That bastard is back and Lisa is there," Li Fengjin said.

"That guy is either too crazy to be stupid or he has just got some psychopath's guts," Yang Chen fumed.

"I think it is both," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Me too," Li Fengjin nodded and placed his phone back on his ears.

The person he was calling had received the call and Li Fengjin dished out orders to him. After making sure his orders were being carried out, he ended the call.

"I think he is in some dangerous stuff for him to still act without fear. I mean after the warning Tingxiao gave him," Ye Chaoxiang reasoned.

"That can also be a reason for his boldness. He possibly knows that Tingxiao is not someone he should mess with and so are the people backing him," Yang Chen said.

"Well, if he knows all these and he is still trying to mess with Tingxiao's woman, then he is testing a sleeping demon," Li Fengjin tapped on the armrest of the couch he was sitting on.

"And that is not going to go well with him," Yang Chen shook his head in pity for Dong Yang.

Dong Yang was once Lisa Chen's boyfriend. But she broke up with him and left because he was being abusive to her. It was so serious that sometimes Lisa had nightmares of those traumatising days.

But even after their break up and Lisa leaving him to settle in City X, the crazy guy did not want to let her go. He was obsessed with her, was his reason. But the truth was that it was the beating he gave her that he was obsessed with and not Lisa.

He wanted a punching bag, a sex slave and a weak woman who was scared of him. And Lisa so happened to her fall into his hands and he made her fit perfectly into that type of woman.

So, since she wanted nothing to do with him anymore and summoned the courage to break their relationship and run away, Dong Yang was enraged. He tracked her down to her current location in City X and would pay her a 'visit' when he wanted to let out his anger or his sexual needs.

Lisa had reported the case to the police and had them station some men in her apartment for safety. But things remained the same and even got worse after Dong Yang dealt with the policemen who never came back to help her.

Later on, things became difficult as soon as Lisa met Wang Tingxiao and they fell for each other. Dong Yang visited one day but instead of meeting his prey alone, he met another man with her.

He turned into an angry bull but Wang Tingxiao was angrier and more animalistic than him. Dong Yang was beaten to an unrecognisable pulp and thrown out of Lisa's home.

Wang Tingxiao convinced Lisa to move in with him so that he could protect her more just in case. Days and weeks passed and there was no Dong Yang in their lives. She was relieved that he was scared of her new boyfriend and would not bother her again.

But she was wrong.

Just like a stubborn goat, Doing Yang found her again and almost raped her had Wang Tingxiao not arrived in the nick of time. The same beating, even worse transpired and Dong Yang was not heard of.

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