Picking up Girls With My System

Chapter 222 Exploring the Dimensional Realm (4) - Tower

They took turns. Arthur cast a golem of his own and made it move towards the door in the front. After it got killed, the man from the Doom Order would do the same, and so on.

One thing they did was to mark the tiles that were safe, and the ones that they found traps in it.

“We still don’t know if the tiles are static or change. So, after we find a safe path towards the door, we shall first send another golem to test the waters.” Arthur said.

He was being careful after hearing George say those things about the power of the person who built that place. It was not someone that could be looked down on.

Arthur tracked the right path for them so that no one would perish in the first part of the strange place they were in.

After some time, the others picked up the spell as well, although it was not as good as the one Arthur and the original owner could cast.

Still, the golem was not meant for combat, but to trigger the traps. Even if it was a weaker version, it was more than enough.

They kept sending golems, activating many traps during the way, but most of these traps were blood spells that killed those golems in less than a second.

Whoever built the place put some of its spells in traps that could reactivate countless times if there was still mana in the atmosphere.

It was a fine piece of work, and the mighty of those spells was incredible, but it was not enough to stop all of them.

With the help of everyone present, they found a safe path towards the door that was in front of them. They noticed that when someone was in a 100 meters range from the door, there were no traps in it, meaning they had a safer area to stay and rest before advancing to the next room.

Arthur sent another golem to make sure the path they chose was the right one, and no traps were activated, which meant their plan worked.

One by one they followed the same path of tiles, reaching the next door without problems. Not a single one of them got hurt, but their mana diminished by a lot, and all of them could not recover it while inside that volcano.

The only person who could was Arthur. Everyone present knew that, so they saw him as their hope of getting out of that place alive, treating him with respect.

Even the two remaining members of the Doom Order who disliked him thought otherwise, acting as friendly as possible to him.

They waited in front of the door, sitting on the ground to finally rest after a life-and-death situation.

“We are alive!” Signy said.

It was only the first part, but it was already an achievement to be proud of. After resting for some time, Arthur slowly made his way towards the double-door, and opened it.

What waited for them in the next room was completely different. It was like an immense cave, with only a bridge that led to an obsidian tower.

The tower had many floors, and the top of it was touching the roof of the cave-like place.

“A tower?”

They did not expect that. It differed completely from the previous room. The first thing they did was send another golem to check if the bridge had any traps on it, just like the previous room. It did not.

“Strange. I thought this place would be filled with traps.” Rolf said.

“The real danger might be inside the tower.” Arthur said.

All of them gathered their courage and went towards the enormous tower. Nothing happened while they were on the bridge, but the feeling of someone watching still did not vanish, and it was actually getting stronger the more Arthur went towards the tower.

He was the only one that felt it. The others did not have a keen sense like him.

“George. I have a feeling that someone is watching me, and my instincts never fail me. If the owner of this place is still alive, what can we do?”

“That is impossible. If someone is truly watching you, then it is someone else and not the creator of this place.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. The creator would feel all of you the moment you entered, and would not allow you to pass through the first room.”

George was certainly the person who created that dimensional space was not around anymore, and even had another guess inside his mind, one that he shared with Arthur.

“I have a strong feeling the person made this place to share his inheritance with whoever mage is strong enough to get it. If someone is watching you, then it could be someone who got trapped in here and did not get the treasures of this place.” George said.

Arthur heard it, and it made sense, but he was still not sure if that was the truth. The creator of the dimensional realm could be hurt, hiding inside of it.

Those were all guesses, and the only thing they could do was walk towards the obsidian tower and go inside of it. The moment all of them put their feet in it, each one of them vanished.

“What happened?”

The entrance of the obsidian tower had a teleport formation, sending each one of them to a different floor of the tower. Each floor differed from each other, and the luck of one would mean if they would pass to the next stage or not.

Of course, the strength was also important. Arthur, for example, was not that scared as he was someone strong. But a small fear was still within, considering the realm he was in was created by a powerful mage that could wipe his existence with just one thought.

Arthur scanned the place he was in. It looked exactly like a normal building, and the only difference was the countless red eyes that stared at Arthur through the dark.

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