Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

157. Howling village

157. Howling village

~Flashback no jutsu~

The next day after team Kakashi had received their C-ranked mission

“Ne, ne Kakashi-sensei what is the land of medicine like?” Hearing Naruto’s question while he nonchalantly walked backwards with his hands behind his head made Kakashi sigh. Meanwhile Yosuke couldn’t help but snort derisively.

“Well Naruto. I haven’t been there before, believe it or not. However, I do know that it is not an actual country like the land of fire. What is normally called the land of medicine is the area around the three wolves mountain range.” Hearing Kakashi’s exposition, Naruto couldn’t help but scratch his head in confusion.

“Then what country is the owner of the land?” Hearing the next question from the blond made Yosuke snort derisively again. 

“No one.” Said Yosuke without explaining further to Naruto’s frustration. Seeing his genin about to pester the client, Kakashi decided to answer instead. 

“Even though no country owns the land it doesn’t mean it has no owner. There is a village called Howling wolf village. It is the owner of the land which other nations respect for a variety of reasons” Nodding along Naruto began thinking about it and it made no sense to him. 

Like that days began going by as they traveled until finally after a week of travel they reached their destination. The land of medicine and Howling wolf village. Though, to the members of team Kakashi’s surprise and chagrin, no weapons were allowed in the village proper. Making them possible criminals if they pulled out their kunai or shuriken.

“Glasses, why would you even contract us if we aren’t allowed to use our ninja tools?!” At that moment Kakashi felt like facepalming when he heard Naruto. As for Sakura, she delivered a harsh smack to Naruto’s head.     

“Well, if you bothered to use your head you would know that I don’t need your protection within the village, outside though is another matter.” That was all Yosuke said as he moved towards his parent’s residence. Since he would travel around researching medicine and studying medical procedures he never bothered to get a place of his own.

“We will rest today and move out tomorrow.” That was all he said as he entered his parent’s house without even bothering to turn around. The ninja would need to find their own lodging. 

“Ah! Who does he think he is! To treat the future Hokage like that! You’ll see, once I become Hokage I will ban him, believe it!” Ignoring Naruto’s usual spiel, the others began searching for an inn. 

To no one's surprise Naruto became lost soon after since he hadn’t followed them due to being too focused on his rant. As for team Kakashi, they were somewhat tired from the trip, mentally at least, and didn’t even notice when Naruto was left behind until they reached the Inn. 

“Alright kids, rest well. We will be busy for the next week or two and… where is Naruto?” Kakashi narrowed his eyes while looking around searching for the trouble maker. Once he made sure he was nowhere near he sighed loudly.

‘I swear if my hair wasn’t gray it would soon turn that color from dealing with Naruto’ Thinking that Kakashi devised a new plan of action.  

“Looks like Naruto got lost. We will separate and go looking for him. I will be taking the north section while Sasuke looks through the south-east and Sakura south west. Be back here in an hour” Having said his part, Kakashi left. 

Meanwhile Naruto was walking around searching for his team when he collided with someone. Looking up he saw a man as stall as his sensei though much more muscular. His face had a scar that made him look like a thug. The fact his clothes also looked rugged didn’t help to diminish the thuggish impression. 

“Who? You want to get beat up kid!? Huh!?” The thug because at this point there was no other way to call him said with a menacing tone. 

“Drop it Kyohan we have no time to waste with a brat” Said another thug, this one skinnier than the first though very much thug-looking as well. 

“Tch, whatever.” Responded Kyohan before turning around to leave. 

Naruto wanted to respond but his mouth got covered the next instant by a gloved hand. He was about to start thrashing wildly before he noticed who the owner of the hand was.

“Would you mind explaining what you were doing? Naruto” Said Kakashi with his eye smile that sent a chill down Naruto’s spine.    

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