Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

152. A little scare

152. A little scare

Hearing Tomoka, both girls went to say hello. Both of them knew about Tomoka’s plan and from her tone of voice they could guess it had gone alright. Though neither of them had expected it to take so long. Tomoka had said it would take at most half an hour but here she was three hours later. All complaints went out the window as soon as their eyes landed on Tomoka, noticing the changes. 

“So… why the color change?” Nozomi asked while pointing towards Tomoka’s hair. 

“It changed color? Let me look” Using some of her chakra Tomoka willed an ice mirror to form in front of her. Even though she made it look simple it was anything but. Tomoka had been playing with her new kekkei genkai while walking. With that little practice she could do some parlor tricks though anything useful for battle was still out of her grasp. 

Looking into the mirror Tomoka felt a chill crawl down her spine. Bright red messy hair with flecks of cyan blue here and there. She couldn’t help but remember a story she had read in her past life. A fanfiction of Naruto she had read in her teen years. 

‘I look like Yuna… -sama’ She felt a sudden chill on her back before she thought the last part.   

[Who? And why does that name invoke a sense of helplessness and annoyance in me] Kurama felt creeped out. How could a simple name have such an effect on him? 

Thinking about it for a moment, Tomoka decided to stay silent regarding the subject while willing her body to change her hair back. She had a bad feeling about it and she rather preferred changing her look again than risking the attention of Yuna… -sama. 

‘No one, you never heard it from me and this conversation never happened’ Being a smart fox Kurama kept quiet and played along. After all, curiosity killed the cat and he would rather remain blissfully unaware of what made Tomoka this wary. 

Though Tomoka had willed her hair to turn completely red once again her body had other ideas. Instead the blue strands seemed to flow downwards settling at the tips of her hair. Seeing this Tomoka just shrugged while looking back towards her girls. 

“Guess the Yuki bloodline had more of an effect than expected. Do you like it?” Tomoka gave a little spin letting her hair flow all around. 

Seeing as the color changes were there to stay, the two girls began thinking about it. A moment later the two nodded towards each other as if they had a small wordless conversation. 

“Looks nice,” Nozomi said while touching a few strands. Strangely they felt slightly cool to the touch. 

“Feels nice too” Having a similar reaction to Nozomi Hinata couldn’t help but comment on the sensation. 

“Glad you two liked it” 

“That won’t save you from your punishment though” Hearing Nozomi say that with a serious face while looking her straight in the eyes made tomoka’s stomach drop. She loved the girls very much but handling them was a pain sometimes, though she wouldn’t have it any other way.  

“What did I do now?” If she was going to be punished she at least wanted to know why. 

“You said half an hour. It’s been three hours.” This time it was Hinata’s turn to answer. In reality they didn’t care that it had taken her longer to get back. The real reason behind their actions was so they could force Tomoka to spend time with them… more time. That and a small revenge for all the hellish training the girl made them go through. 

“Fine, so what's going to be this time?” With a fake exasperated sigh Tomoka surrendered to her fate. 

For their part the two girls had already planned an activity. However, seeing Tomoka’s new hair, the two had the same idea. Looking towards each other they could tell the two of them had the same idea. Nodding to each other the two answered at the same time.

““We get to play with your hair!”” Like that the rest of the day went by as Tomoka’s hair was made into different styles.  

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