Only I Am A Reader

Chapter 368 Do You Not Seek Change?

'It's my turn again.'

Although killing the Family Head was his job because he was the only one strong enough to do it, the members' task had been more vital to the plan, and that was why he couldn't mess this up!

"Uncles and Aunts, Brothers and Sisters, do you not seek change?"

Amplifying his voice with Internal Energy, Geochin started the conversation in the most simple way he could think of.


"Isn't that…"

They were technically under armed arrest, but whispers spread around within the ranks of the Namgung Family members. Despite changing so much, almost everyone recognized Geochin due to his tragic past.

Everyone in the family was aware of the scandal initiated by the previous Family Head's daughter and the consequences that came along with it and had to eventually fall on the poor child's neck.

"I'm sure all of you recognize me. After all, I can still remember your awkward glances that ignored my suffering back then, but…"

Who would have thought that the bullied child from back then would come back this strong, and with so many people backing him at the top of that?

Everyone couldn't help shuddering at the thought that he might have returned for the sake of payback!

Some couldn't deny that they had felt sorry for him every time they saw him beaten to death, but what could normal members like them do?

They were all aware that the one behind it was the Family Head's son. Since the Family Head himself was turning a blind eye to it, acting up would be a completely useless notion!

"You do not have to worry, I didn't come back to take revenge. Well, I did get rid of the old Family Head, but I did so for a much bigger reason. So tell me, my family, do you not seek change?"

Some sighed in relief, but the majority were just perplexed by the words that he kept repeating from the very start of his speech. What was this 'change'?

"I'm surely not speaking for all of you when I say this, but I'm sure a part of you always questioned how hierarchy worked in the family. Whether it is being unable to interfere when you see someone being oppressed like the past me, or speaking up against other acts of injustice committed by the higher-ups. Do you not want to change that?"

Environment was imperative when it came to the formation of a person's character, but all creatures had their own personal beliefs.

While people might shy away from doing the right thing due to its incompatibility with the world's rules, they would still think about doing it, and how they could have changed something. And these people were exactly what Geochin needed to change this impassive world!

"Power is everything in this world, but is it easy to grasp? Talent, resources, background… Many of us were rendered powerless just because of all of these things that we had no say in. If you had none of them, then your hard work simply wouldn't make a difference."

Just because they were part of the Noble Sword House, that didn't mean that all the members lived the best lives they could.

Although it wasn't to the extent of suffering that Geochin had gone through, a lot of people had their lives reduced to nothing just because they didn't pass the right marks…

"Do you want things to stay that way forever? Not being capable of speaking up under the fear of death or dismemberment? Is it truly right for raw strength to have the final say in this world?"

In order to sit things right, Geochin wanted to completely change the settings of this world. Establishing an orderly civilization like the modern world was impossible in the matter of a day and night, but preventing the many unfortunate incidents caused by strength abuse was plausible!

"Many forces raise the Righteous Faction's banner high up to the sky, but aren't their hidden actions as bad as that of the Evil Faction, if not even worse?"

Those who had the strength casually went on with their lives, leaving a trail of corpses and cripples behind them, dictating the future of many orphaned families and children.

Did they deserve to have that strength? The answer was no!



The whispers spread out once more between those who Geochin's words managed to make them fall in doubt and those who scoffed at his hypocritic remarks, but he didn't object to this. This was what he truly needed.

"The reason that I killed the Family Head and those who resisted on the wrong side was that they were exactly the type of people that I'm trying to rid this world of. They aren't fit to lead, so I'm here to take their place and give you the choice they could never offer. Do you want to join me in this effort? To recreate a world where everything has value?"

"Don't you think you have gone too far?"

Just when Geochin's speech reached its climax, a gray-haired man stepped out of the crowd with crossed arms as he stared right into Geochin's eyes.

"You are…"

Everyone including Geochin recognized the man thanks to his impressive aura, this was a Namgung Family Elder, one of the only two elders that had strength rivaling that of the Family Head!

"To be honest, you are really speaking way out of your league even for someone who had killed that annoying guy. I would have given you a wake-up beating, but…"

Unexpectedly, however, the elder knelt down before he finished his speech.

"I have received the previous Family Head's words to give you what you truly deserved. Even if it is just to give you back what you deserve, I will support you as you attempt to accomplish that dream of yours."

Slightly raising his head in the same position, the elder foolishly smiled at Geochin, giving the impression that he was willing to follow him to the end of the world.

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