One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 94: Averting Crisis and New Resolve

Chapter 94: Averting Crisis and New Resolve

The Thunder God smiled as he walked towards Issei, the Son of Odin facing the Son of Saitama - the former's arms spread wide and welcoming.

"I heard a lot about you from my sons! But I didn't expect our first meeting to be this violent! How Valhallan! Say, you mind if I introduce you to my daughter? I think you two would get along! Helheim, I shall be overjoyed if we can be brothers in Asgard!"

In return, Issei's demonic form only replied with a growl while glaring at the god before him.

"Oh? Feeling out of it, aren't ya?" Thor did not look offended in the slightest. In fact, his grin became more excited. "I see you have already grasped the essence of being an Asgardian - words are more suitable in revels and councils, yet we are on neither of them, are we?"

In return, Issei's arms shifted until he was putting up his battle stance.

"But even I can tell that your father is a poor teacher! Here, let me show you when it means to wield the fist of a god! But Odin will not like it if I ruin Alfheim this time. Here, allow me to change the venue."

Thor grasped Mjolnir from his waist and raised it to cosmic heaven.

Booming thunderclouds exploded from the hammer and drowned everything in crackling, swirling chaotic gray. Everyone covered their eyes or ears from the booming sound of thunder as a rush of electric moisture rushed past their clothes, their skin, the air damp and prickling.

Issei looked around - The surroundings have changed.

Gone was the flat platform found at the peaks of a mountain that pierced through the clouds. They stood on the clouds of a thunderstorm, as if they were standing on the clouds.

The others were curious. Azazel knelt and tapped the floor, the clouds feeling solid, rubbery even.

"Hahahahaha! I hope you like this trick!" Thor smiled as he placed Mjolnir back on his waist. "Odin forced me to learn this! Here, we can fight as much as we want! No collateral damage! No more complaints! A battlefield fit for warriors seeking to explore their limits!"

Thor entered his battle stance.

Issei squinted. Immediately, he punched the empty air with a right hook.

Within Boosted Gear, he punched away Ddraig and the other two, no longer wanting distractions, giving Thor his full attention before he entered his stance.

This one was different. He could hurt him. He must hurt it even more.

Sirzechs turned to Azazel, who shook his head at the devil, knowing that interfering was a terrible idea. Besides, the fallen kind of wanted to see what would happen next.

Issei inhaled and exhaled, summoning his Awakening Breath on instinct as his Aura conjured a jade green Touki.

Thor smirked - The clouds rumbled.

They took that as the signal to move.

And they did as their fists immediately collided.

To everyone's surprise, Thor's fist overpowered Issei's punch and struck Issei's face again, the impact sounding no different than thunder as Issei disappeared into the distance, rolling across the clouds, confused by the result.

"Holy shit" Azazel could not believe it.

The Thunder God could probably give even the likes of Shiva a run for his money. He was not even relying on his trusted hammer to deal with Issei, Saitama's influence showing.

Nonetheless, Issei recovered back to his feet, only to see Thor was already closing in with a feral grin on his face. He quickly employed his Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist to intercept the God of Thunder's incoming fist.

However, it was sloppy and uncoordinated as his mind was not as clear.

It buckled, broke under the power, Issei unable to deflect it as Thor broke through, striking his face again as more of his organic armor cracked.

Issei roared with rage as he punched Thor twice as hard, the clouds rumbling from the shockwave of the impact, yet the Thunder God only laughed as he struck Issei back.

Issei stood his ground, coughing blood as he struck Thor again in return.

Both exchanged fists as their punches evolved into a trade of blows, both punching each other rapidly at an accelerating pace, a duel of the fists to see whose might was superior.

"Good! Good!" Thor laughed merrily as he overwhelmed Issei, unaffected by Issei's punches. "Your strikes are getting stronger! You're learning!"

Then Thor struck Issei's stomach.

Issei coughed blood and lurched forward. He felt that one, the strike punching out the strength from him.

"...But it is wrong." Thor's smile fell. "This isn't your fist I'm feeling. All of that anger, it is not yours. All of that resentment isn't pure."

Thor spread both of his hands apart, then clapped Issei's head from both sides, palms infused with his Divine Lightning.

Issei felt his world falling apart as his ears rang, the mist around them partying from the thunderclap.

It hurts.

What was happening to him as his vision blurred He stumbled back as his mind unfocused.

He shook his head strange What was happening to him?

Another crack appeared around his left eye. Some light appeared in the crimson, Issei's eye showing.

"This fist of yours isn't even yours! I want to fight a warrior! Not a slave to someone else's passion!" Thor roared, his voice loud as the aspect he represents. "Son of Saitama! As the Son of Odin, the next in line, I command you to show me the true you!"

There was a divine authority in his voice.

"Show me your power! Your true fist!"


To describe Ddraig's state, he was beaten to a bloody pulp, like a helpless human ganged up by a group of thugs.

Elsha and Belzard laid beside each other, their armor and bones shattered to pieces. The three could no longer stop Issei from within anymore.

Issei did not understand. Why was this thing stronger than him in his specialty? His punches should destroy this thing, but it's much stronger than him.

It was like like the baldy in a sense

No, the baldy did not have the power to shock him. It clapped his ears as his world dulled in the ringing sound that permeated through his skull.

Then the guy resumed, his fists punching through whatever he could muster.

What should he do-?!

Something struck him from below his chin. He was flying despite not moving his wings.

The cloudy things cushioned his fall He could barely think now

Ah right How could he forget? It should have been like this


Thor laughed merrily after he uppercutted Issei's chin. He had not fought someone that could stand his playful, unserious fists for a while.

Ah, how he wished he could drag Saitama's son to Asgard at this point.

But maybe he could convince Saitama to let him after beating some sense into this one.

"Have you rested enough, boy?" Thor called out to the demon.

The demon twitched.

At this point, the others would let Thor handle Issei's recovery. They could use Asia to avoid explaining to the baldy why they had to beat the shite out of Issei.

Issei rose to his feet, stubbornly clinging to consciousness. His balance wobbled for a few seconds, one would think he was about to fall over

Only to see Issei went still and performed another Awakening Breath.

Thor perked when Issei entered his stance again.

"...Are you finally awake, boy?"

It was clean. There was no impure savagery tainting his discipline. Issei did not say anything, and the battlefield fell into a tense silence for a few seconds.

Issei's pulse drummed in his chest


Issei needed more than this to overcome this foe.

The Exploding Heart Release Fist needed his heart as the engine, the backbone of this technique.

It was not enough.

It needed to be loud like thunder.

No, it must become thunder.

Everyone could hear Issei's pulse rising in volume. His heartbeat escalated with each breath, earning them unease.

"What's he doing?" Vali asked.

Thor smiled when he saw electricity dancing across Issei's chest.

Lightning illuminating his skeleton under his demonic body.

Issei understood and accepted that he was now beyond human.

Explosive Thunder Heart Release.

So he must transcend his martial arts to beyond his already superhuman levels.

Thunder boomed, this time not from Thor - whose eyes saw a crimson streak, a dark divine spark, the first he had seen in centuries.

Everyone then saw Thor's body flying in the next second.


Azazel squawked when Issei pushed Thor back, the Thunder God tumbling across the dark thundercloud terrain.

"He's pushing him back! Oh Gods, we're so fucked!" Bikou squawking.

"Wait!" Arthur pointed at Thor.


Thor sprang to his feet and brushed off the water on his body.

He looked more excited than hurt. Hell, he was not even fazed by the upgraded Explosive Heart Release Fist.

The demon transformed into a crimson streak clawing for Thor's downfall. Yet Thor's fist greeted his violence, azure blue clashing with raging red.

Red versus blue, demon versus god.

The thunder clouds in the clouds of Alfheim showed these two colors flashing, the booming sound of thunder growing louder and spreading as the two colored lights flashed all over the firmament.

Sometimes, a silhouette of two titanic figures clashing fists could be seen among the clouds in between flashes and sounds of thunder.

The elves, the creatures that live in the wilds, those that arrived from Muspelheim and Midgard, even those that live in the sea could see the legendary figures fighting within the clouds.

Awe was instilled into the elves at the sight, something their world had not experienced for many years.

For those who had experienced the War of the Nine Realms, it was like seeing two Thunder Gods duking it out in the heavens.

"Wow. He's getting excited." Saitama commented, knowing Thor when he saw one, his head craning in the sky.

"And he's fighting your son Your son has ascended to greater heights." Souji could not help but feel a bit envious in that regard.

"My, my, this is quite a spectacle. I remember there being a pantheon in Midgard that adores stories of battles between Gods in the heavens though they're obscured in many erased myths." Sinmara commented while still petting Rover.

"Shouldn't you stop them?" Oberon asked.

"Maybe." Saitama wondered. "...Honestly, I want to see how my kid is growing now. They seem to be having fun."

Saitama caught sight of something flashing in the clouds, a different shape standing in the far corners of the firmament, though when it flashed again it was gone.

"Hm?" Was it just his imagination?

The battle caught the attention of the one after the Tree of Life as Djall watched the battle up close, standing on the clouds, watching Demon and God forcing each other into a standstill.

Standing before each other face to face, their eyes met as their fists boomed as crimson and azure battled each other, Thor and Issei throwing their storms of fists at the other.

Issei fought with all he had, his heart booming with Thunder as his fusillade met, countered, and slipped through Thor's many punches, dangerous electric energy generating from their clash echoing to the spectators, the exploding sound growing louder, and louder and louder.

Azazel and the others even had to cover their ears at this point as the light show started to dye the world in a perpetual white.

Meanwhile - Issei needed more to overcome this wall. He just could not break through no matter the effort!

Thor laughed as he punched Issei back, breaking more of his armor as Issei wheezed, coughed blood as he ragdolled.

"Good! Good! I'm getting warmed up!" Thor laughed, still undamaged.

Issei grit his teeth as he plunged his hands into the thunderclouds.

Thor blinked when Issei roared as the demon started to absorb all of the lightning the thunderclouds soaked in, the energy of the battle flowing through him.

"Since when were you part thunder god?!" Thor could not help but laugh again. "I always knew Saitama is meant to be in Valhalla!"

The others could only drop their jaws at the sight of Issei becoming even stronger from this.

Crimson Demonic Lightning in one hand and Thor's Divine Azure in the other, Issei spread his spectral wings.

His possessing demonic aura took a more defined shape as the energies of the Thunder God flowed through him.

Issei could feel something stirring in him as he flew. He could feel like he could reach towards it, something important at the end of this darkness if he defeated this one.

Something that could awaken him from this nightmare.

Thunder Demon God's Obliterating Fist!

Issei flew towards Thor like a missile, azure and crimson spiraling in his right fist. He would break through him like lightning piercing through the clouds.

"Hah but all good things must come to an end."

Thor grabbed his hammer.

"I'll see you in Asgard!"

And smashed the hammer through Issei's attack and then into his skull.

The high-pitch vibration dispersed the cloud terrain as if the ripples degraded the solid properties and melted it back into vapor.

Issei's thoughts stilled as the ringing of his skull rattled his consciousness away.

Everyone watched Issei's demonic form crumble away; when he landed back at the charred terrain of Euclid's ravaged base, he was back in human form.

Everyone quickly went over to have a closer look and found Issei to be out cold.

It took one clean hit from Mjolnir to down Issei on the spot while it took all of their efforts to constrain him.

It seemed that the rankings were destined for a shift with Thor rising to the top three.

"...Oh, damn That Was awesome." Bikou could not help but comment.

Sirzechs and Grayfia could only agree with that assessment. Hell, it was Kiyome's first time seeing such a battle up close. Her Trihexa senses were going crazy every time they clashed, so much energy was generated from their blows.

So much power and action she clenched her fists. She could see it, how Issei generated the lightning into his hearts and used it to fuel his attacks.

That was the evolution of his favored martial art, the Explosive Heart Release Fist.

"Ahahahahaha! My only regret is that he didn't fight me sober!" Thor laughed as he walked towards them. "But it was a fun, worthy fight! I want to bring him to Asgard even more now!"

"Well, you might have to wait for a while." Azazel swiftly landed and knelt to touch Issei's forehead.

Azazel hoped that Issei did not get a sudden second wind and rise like the waking, vengeful dead at this point.

"...Alright, he seems stable I think." Azazel assessed. "Vali, with me. We're going to transport him to my lab before-"

Issei suddenly sprang to life and grabbed Azazel's wrist.


Azazel squawked as he turned to Issei's eyes flicked open. Negative energy flowed out of the latter as his demonic energy returned.

"Not yet I'm not done yet!" Issei's voice was warped, deep, and raging.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit! Griselda! Do the thing! Do it now!" Azazel shouted as he struggled to pry Issei's hold off him.

Griselda moved without delay and held her sword above Issei.

"Forgive me." Griselda dropped her blade and stabbed Issei between the eyes.

Her complete Excalibur Dual activated - the Ruler function invading Issei's mind.

Yet even when Issei was down, he was still going on strong.

"He's trying to reject my Excalibur!" Griselda shouted in grunts.

Everyone flinched when Issei's other hand grabbed the sword.

"Oh, shit! Back her up!" Azazel shouted.

Le Fay and Asia moved to support Griselda.

Sirzechs and Grayfia jumped in after, all four behind Griselda as they placed their hands on Griselda's back.

Griselda could feel their strength compiling, helping her override the negative energies inside him.

Bikou, Arthur, Vali, Azazel and Kiyome reached for the handle and pushed the sword back down into Issei's skull.

"He is pushing us back with one hand!" Arthur grunted.

Yet Issei's stubbornness still held on strong. He just would not yield, fighting back the combined weight and strength of everyone against his single arm.

"No! No no no!" Bikou disengaged and jumped, landing on the pommel of the sword on one foot.

"You! Will! Not! Do this to us!" Bikou used a super Mario strategy, jumping and stomping on the bottom of Griselda's sword repeatedly out of panic and desperation, pushing the sword back into his head.

Griselda recalled Issei absorbing the lightning, the crackling energy he and Thor generated from the battle.

"...I hope this will repay our debts." Griselda closed her eyes as she stopped trying to suppress Issei's negative emotions.

Instead, she willed her sword to take all of Issei's negativity, the dark energies leaving Issei as his will weakened.

Since none of those emotions came from him in the first place.

Half of her sword started to darken from the massive negativity of all of the past users that fell to Juggernaut Drive. She could feel it seeping into her.

"S-Sister Griselda!?" Asia called out in worry.

"I'm fine I'm almost there. Nnngh!" Griselda strained from resisting the dark energies. She could bear it for now as she removed her sword from Issei, breathing heavily with sweat covering her features.

Griselda then collapsed to her knees in exhaustion. Asia was about to tend to her, but the older nun stopped her and pointed to Issei's prone form on the ground. Upon a closer inspection - much to everyone's relief, the color of Issei's skin was healthier, albeit a tad pale, and the demonic aura was no longer around his frame.

Issei then slowly winked his eyes open, "Ugggggh What just happened?"

He slowly woke up and looked around groggily. He blinked upon seeing Azazel warily looking down on him.

"...What's with that face? Don't tell me you pulled off some stupid shit this time?" Issei realized he was holding Azazel's wrist tightly.

"You little you know that this is your fault, right?" Azazel remarked.

Issei stared at Azazel as he tried to recall

"Shit, my head Seriously, ow." Issei finally let Azazel go, massaging his throbbing skull. "Did I get hit by a train or something? My head is ringing"

Sighing in relief that Issei had indeed become more sober, Azazel then snorted, "Please, even a train coming at full speed wouldn't even faze you, trust me."

A teleportation circle appeared behind them.

Everyone turned to regard it to see the royalty arrive with Matthers and Souji, with Saitama in tow.

Saitama stared at Azazel, "...So is everything under control?" the former asked the latter.

Azazel knew the second meaning - Fuck up and I will punch you like I punched Michael.

"See for yourself." Azazel stepped aside, letting him see his son's condition.

He looked like he took a massive beating, swollen cheeks and a massive blue contusion on his head.

Saitama walked to Issei, who stared at the baldy.

Then Saitama slapped him.

"AHGH?!" Everyone squawked at the sight of the father suddenly slapping his son.

Issei's head was snapped to the side and the boy fell over to the ground, the boy groaned for a moment before he lost his consciousness.

"...What?" Saitama asked everyone. "He told me to knock him out on the way." Saitama pointed at Souji.

The Knight in question was suddenly put at the spot with eyes turning to him, which he could only reply with a shrug.

Eventually, Griselda, who had recovered well enough to get back to her feet, broke the awkward silence, "...In any case, shall we go back first? I believe Sir Issei can use a better treatment back in the palace."

A certain monster crept away from the scene.

The fight was very interesting. But he had no desire to face the one stronger than the one he feared at first sight.

His third eye could see the endless power of this man that transcended the laws of creation It made him wonder how he could reach such a level. Perhaps time and effort would tell him.

His head was pounding like someone hammered his brain.

Issei groaned as he came to he remembered the sight and smell of Alfheim architect and the unique scent of the mastercraft furnitures in this room, the softness of Light Elf silk sheets and bedding.


Issei turned to the side. He saw Saitama sitting on a chair beside him.


Issei became more awake when he recognised Asia coming to hug him.

"Ise! Ise! I'm so glad!" Asia sobbed into his chest.

"Asia" Issei immediately returned the hug, albeit awkwardly, before he noticed there were more familiar faces around.

He noticed Vali, and Azazel was standing beside Saitama.

"...Uhhhh" What caught Issei's eyes the most was Thor.

Towering over him with that big wide grin.

"...Why is he looking at me like that?" Issei with his one arm wrapped around Asia's frame, pointed at Thor. "Wait, why is he here, even?"

"Ahahahahahaha! Did you forget our spectacular duel already?!" Thor laughed merrily.

"What duel? What happened?"

"You gave us all a heart attack." Vali reminded. "Don't tell me Thor smashed your memories with that hammer?"

"What Oh." Issei's eyes slowly widened, "...Oh, fuck." Issei remembered now.

He was meditating in this room, dealing with the past users.

"...Damn it." Issei cursed. "I should've let Ersi erase them."

"What happened in there? One moment you're meditating, then next you're going ham on us." Azazel asked.

"...The past users are assholes." Issei explained with a sigh, finding himself relishing the warmth and fragrance of Asia's body. "They forcibly triggered Juggernaut Drive."

Azazel's and Vali's eyes widened.

"Fuck Don't tell me I turned into that dragon thing? But Strange"

Issei tried to remember what he did, but it was so blurry.

"Can you even remember what you did in berserker mode?" Vali asked.

"Fuck, everything's a haze. Like I was in a bad, bad place. I couldn't even think right I can only say it's like I was forced into a realm where the entire world was against me and I had to do everything I could to fight my way out."

Azazel shared a glance with Vali, "That might explain your frantic movements when you fought us. Who were you fighting in your soulscape, basically? Did the past possessors give you so much trouble?"

"No Shit, I think I fought Ddraig And Elsha and Belzard."

[Took you long enough]

Everyone heard Ddraig's voice; Issei's Boosted Gear had manifested in the process.

"...Hey" Issei smiled. "So what's the damage? I kind of remember beating the shit out of you."

[You little runt You don't deserve to be cocky after everything we've done to return you to your senses.]

"What? You mean me beating the shit out of you?" Issei remarked with a bit of humor.

[You can remember beating the shit out of me and not giving everyone else hell?]

"You're honestly the biggest thing I fought so" Issei's shoulders then sagged before he addressed Azazel, "...Did I hurt anyone?"

Vali snorted, "Did he hurt anyone, he says." the White Dragon Emperor earned a mild glare from Azazel who elbowed his side.

"If it means anything, Ise - nobody died."

Azazel began - Issei had already begun not liking where things were going.

Azazel then recounted all that he hurt - Kuroka. Surtr II. Beowulf. Bahamut. Enku.

He nearly killed them. If it were not for the efforts of Asia and Kiyome, their deaths would be on his hands.

Issei felt regret and shame filling him.

"...And you managed to crack Excalibur Ruler with your teeth." Azazel threw in to lift Issei's spirit.

"...I did what?" Issei asked. "Oh I shit, that was Ruler? I broke his sword? Really?"

Usually, legendary swords and stuff had a reputation for being nigh unbreakable. And he broke one with his jaw strength alone.

He could not help but be proud as hell.

"Arthur said you owe him a new sword." Vali remarked with a cheeky grin. "Oh, and Bikou's staff."

"Fuck Man, I was high on dad's juice."

"...What?" Saitama blinked, the others also shared his confusion.

Issei quickly amended after clearing his throat, "Err, sorry - that came out wrong."

"Ahem." Thor 'coughed' out to remind everyone of his presence.

Saitama and Thor stared at each other. Saitama sighed and conceded, letting Thor speak his piece,

"Allow me to introduce myself officially. I am Thor Odinson, the greatest champion of Asgard. You fought like a fellow thunder god! Even though you weren't yourself! Come with me to Asgard! My siblings and my children would welcome you with open arms!"

And already Thor was inviting him to Asgard.

"...Hah." Issei couldn't help but smile. "Dude. Thor, sir yeah, you're the only one I can remember clearly. Shit - man, you're strong."

"Indeed! I must train myself to surpass Eggagudin! The Egg God with my fists!" Thor raised his right fist.

Saitama simply blanched.

"Seriously, stop calling me that Caped Baldy sounds a lot better than this." He said with an exasperated tone, before he addressed his son, "Anyway, how are you feeling now?"

Issei gave a long exhale, "...Sore, and feels like the morning after I finished Azazel's alcohol stash when I was a kid with Vali. Times a hundred. Does that make sense?" He then took another deep breath to regain his bearings, "...What happens now? Actually, can I go see the others? I think I owe everyone an apology."

Issei then remembered that Asia was still latching on him - he could tell that she had been worried sick; the boy could only smiled apologetically as he placed a soft kiss on her crown, which the girl returned by tightening her hold around him.

"Yeah. Stay strong, son." Saitama smiled.


Saitama flinched at the sound of Sinmara's voice outside the door.

"...Never mind. Please, Issei, do something. I don't want to go back." Saitama's face instantly became desperate.

Issei quirked a brow at Saitama's fidgety face. It looked like his dad was on meth and was trying to hide it, how he was jittery with sweat while his eyes kept darting to the door.

Much to Saitama's dismay, however - the door was opened, revealing Sinmara and others who began to fill up the room.

Mainly Titania and Oberon and the elven princesses And Rossweisse as well.

"Apologies. It seems that your father has confirmed that you're well." Sinmara smiled at Issei as the taller woman grabbed Saitama's shoulder.

Saitama suddenly became a living corpse, drained of life as the tall ice queen dragged him out of the room with a victorious giggle.

"Oh, and congratulations on your recovery. Your battle with Thor has sparked a myth among the elves." Sinmara winked at Issei before she left.

The elven royalty smiled awkwardly.

"Your father is an interesting man." Titania could not help but comment as they followed Sinmara out.

Once they left, Thor burst with laughter.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I am starting to feel bad sending him to Surtr! But at the same time, I am not! But still - What do you say?!"

Thor smiled wide at Issei.

"...Well, I might visit Asgard one day. Honestly, I still remember how I pulled off my Thunderheart Release fist so Yeah, I'm gonna be busy for a while." Issei said.

"Oh" Thor sagged.

"But I might have some free time after Kthon and stuff. Hope Magni and Modi are doing well there. They training hard?"

"Ahahahaha! They are crying and sweating blood every day! I am good with that answer! Oh, yes! One more thing."

The Thunder God looked left and right as if wary of someone.

Thor leaned to Issei and whispered with one hand covering the side.

"Rossweisse has a crush on the Egg God."

Issei stared at Thor's expectant smile for a proper response.

"...Yeah, it's kind of obvious."

Thor's smile fell.

"...What's with that response? Shouldn't you be more amazed that our little Valkyrie is smitten by an older man?"

"Kind of surprised that one is how old is she again?"

"Oh, she's around your age. Eighteen."

"Eight-what?!" Issei guffawed at the number.

Thor snorted, "What, does she look that old? She's practically a baby to me."

Issei blinked and thought he was kind of stupid with that comment now, "No I mean, she looks more like nineteen instead of eighteen."

Thor raised an eyebrow, "...That's your reaction for a mere single year of age gap?"

"No no no, I'm surprised that she didn't fall for someone around her age." Issei gestured to everyone around the room.

Thor blinked a few times and glanced around before returning to Issei, "...Is this envy I'm seeing?"

Asia's whimpers could be heard as she turned to regard Issei with a teary look.

"You little I mean I've never met anyone my age that fell for someone in their forties. For good reason Unless I'm missing something." Issei groused.

It was not about Issei wanting the hot Valkyrie, it was more him being concerned for said Valkyrie because of her preferences.

"Oh, there are tales of maidens falling for a dragon many times older than them, are there not? Or maidens falling for Gods." Thor reminded.

"Dad isn't a God! He's He's" Issei paused as he tried to come up with something, only to end with a sigh, "Fuck, I still don't know what the hell he is You know what, never mind that - what are we supposed to be doing again?"

It was time for Issei to get himself out of a rabbit hole and move onto his day.

"Originally, tuning your Boosted Gear after what Djall has done." Azazel reminded, "Then you suddenly went berserk on us during your soul diving. Speaking of, how are things in there now?"

[Inspecting the damage... You tore the past users apart in your rampage. Your demonic form terrified them into submission. They lost all hope once they learned Juggernaut Drive is no longer functional and Griselda's stunt seemed to supress some of their personalities Oh, right. I need Asia here.]

"...Why Asia?"

[Because it is the first time since I was sealed that a host beat the literal shit out of me. I, Elsha, and Belzard are in terrible condition. You razed my tail, broke most of my bones, and destroyed half of my wings. I technically can heal myself, but it will take quite a long time. Asia's healing powers can speed up the process. Oh, and she needs to heal Elsha and Belzard as well if she could.]

"Wait one question. How does a soul heal compared to the physical body? Can you regenerate body or soul parts instantly or"

[I'm not a dragon famous for regeneration, unless I take a Trihexa Cell or something. And to answer your question, souls can regenerate limbs and lost organs since we are basically the ethereal reflection of our physical forms. So technically faster, but your punches did something to me. I blame the Demon Lord for that Your power over souls is sprouting; and no, I won't let you heal me. Not even if I'm on the verge of Oblivion.]

"Come on, let me try at least. No need to diss on my skills just because," Issei scoffed.

[You're no healer, partner. And I won't volunteer as your practice dummy. Do that to some other poor bastards. I know what you did to Lord Lucifuge.]

"...Bah." Issei frowned. Asia smiled at the banter.

"I can't exactly pull Asia inside Can I?"

[You shoved Lord Lucifuge's soul inside Vali's Divine Dividing. And Freed Sellzen did manage to take Muramasa out of Yuuto.]

"Try it." Azazel called out. "In fact, try and take me inside there as well. Despite all of my research, I couldn't find my way inside a Sacred Gear. My Father's security measures are too strong even for me."

Issei contemplated for a second before he shrugged, "...Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. Alright, let's do this."

Issei stretched his left hand out.

"Alright, using pure guesswork here; touch my hand and close your eyes, try to will yourself into Boosted Gear. And I'll invite you in or something."

Vali laughed, "That sounds dumb, you know?"

"Shut it. Wait, you want in on this Albion?" Issei recalled Ddraig's rivalry. "If this works, you two can have a nice face to face since centuries, you know?"

Vali blinked at the offer and looked at himself, "...What do you think, Albion?"

[...It had been ages since the last time I saw the red one face to face. Let's do this, Vali.]

Vali shrugged as he, Asia and Azazel gathered and found a spot on Issei's Boosted Gear for their palm to rest on.


It was the first time in history that a Sacred Gear wielder could invite others into their Sacred Gear.

A monumental achievement in the advancement of research on the matter for Azazel.

The Vanishing Dragon looked around the soulscape, until his eyes rested on his long-time rival.

"...You look more terrible than I remember." Albion chuckled at the sorry sight of the red dragon.

His draconic mien bore blue swelling, his right eye blue, some of his teeth missing, horn broken, and scales shattered.

"And you've let yourself go. I can see the extra weight on you." Ddraig remarked.


The first thing the dragons noticed was Asia's shrieking as she found herself completely naked, along with Azazel and Vali as well. The girl was busy covering herself while avoiding to look at her male companions, who simply blinked in a small surprise but not too bothered at their state.

"...Oh, right - this might be your first time soul-diving."

They turned to see Issei approaching them in his school uniform. The boy quickly took the blazer off and draped it over Asia's bare shoulders.

"You guys can conjure some clothes just by imagining them here, y'know?" Issei called out to Vali and Azazel while shielding Asia with his frame.

Azazel and Vali merely blinked again - as if they only remembered their detail before their usual clothes flashed into existence over them.

"You can try it out too, Asia." Issei softly told the girl, who while still flustered, managed to conjure her nun outfit.

The girl sighed in relief as Issei retrieved his blazer off her, but she could not help but cast a wary glance at Azazel and Vali who had caught a glimpse of her bare self. While Vali was pretty much indifferent, the Scapegoat noticed her gaze before he smirked.

"No offense, hun. You're hella cute, but I've seen better than some kid in her birthday suit." Azazel might try to sound casual to cheer Asia up, the girl only ended up looking away in embarrassment.

"Yeah, yeah, save your story about your sex life for another time, dirty old man. We have a job to do here, remember?" Issei decided to get things back on track.

"Now, Asia. Please undo the damage this little runt inflicted on me while I chat with my old friend." Ddraig requested.

"Old friend. I suppose that we can call each other friends at this point." Albion commented with an amused tone.

Asia immediately went to work, using her Asclepius and Twilight Healing in tandem to patch the Welsh Dragon up.

"Now that I think about it what should we discuss?" Ddraig grunted as he felt Asclepius working on him.

"Perhaps on our past users perhaps?" Albion suggested.

The two dragons were talking instead of fighting for the first time in their lives. It was awkward and cathartic in equal measure.

"Hmmm" Ddraig hummed in thought. "Who is the worst past user you ever had the displeasure of serving?"

Albion stared at Ddraig.

"I am surprised you would ask that question since we have not been reunited for years. Hmmm, it has been a while Who is the worst for you?"

"Genghis Khan." Ddraig grouched, "...You?"


Issei smiled at the sight of two dragons conversing with each other after centuries of imprisonment. He turned to Vali, but his smile fell when Vali fell to his knees and clutched his chest.

A writhing pitch darkness squirmed and spasmed within his chest with violent intent, causing Vali pain.

"Shit, Vali?!" Issei ran towards him as Vali clutched his chest.

"Don't It's just a minor setback!" Vali clenched his teeth.

It was a contest of will, the darkness within Vali almost shrieking at him with spite that nurtured throughout the thousands of years.

"Damn it! The curse found a way out since your soul is outside your body!" Azazel panicked and rushed to Vali.

"I know! And you know better than help me with this!" Vali gritted his teeth.

Then it sprouted.

The sight reminded Issei of the Monkey's Paw, how it tore Bernael, the fallen angel with wings still white, to pieces from the inside out.

Cimmerian hands darker than the blackest pitch bloomed from his chest, a twisted tree of hands reaching out, branches grasping for anything to hold.

Vali gave a strangled cry as the black hands began to claw at his sides, shoulders and neck; the one on his neck also attempted to get a hold onto his face.

Ddraig, Albion, and Asia took notice of Vali's situation.

Asia ceased her healing on the Welsh Dragon and aimed her Asclepius at Vali.

"DON'T!" Vali shouted as he grappled against the hands. "It will only get stronger if you try to purify it!"

Asia was stupefied - enough for her healing attempt to stop abruptly as she looked between Vali and Issei in confusion.

"What!? What kind of shit are you dealing with?!" Issei shouted.

He knew that Vali got something from Saitama before they arrived at this realm. Vali refused to elaborate no matter how much he pried.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Vali admitted as he stumbled back and forth. The hands were trying to do to Vali like what the Monkey's Paw did to Bernael from the looks of it.

"...And only I can deal with this!"

"This doesn't look like something you can handle alone!" Issei argued back.

"I want to catch up to you!" Vali shouted.

Issei stopped from heading towards Vali.

"...You have your own challenges." Vali grunted as the hands shrieked before they receded back into Vali, as if being sucked back in. "This is something I have to Take on on my own! My way of moving forward! Being free from my bloodline's shitty past! This is something only I can do! Now get back in there!"

With the last push of mental effort, Vali roared.

An haunting, ear-screeching cry erupted from the strange hands as they returned to within Vali, silenced.

Vali fell on his knees, panting from the exertion, his mien bloodshot with a struggle to keep the eldritch thing inside him.

"...Okay" Issei was wary of Vali as he watched for any symptoms. "...You going to at least tell me what that was? You look like you fucked with the Monkey's Paw or something."

"I did not! Fuck with that thing in any of the sense." Vali rasped. "And fuck you. I'm not telling you shit. When I conquer this curse, I will show you that I am still someone you'll regret looking down on"

Issei quirked a brow at Vali's breaking of his character, using more swear words than average.

"...Heh." Still, Issei could not help but scoff in amusement at Vali's attempt to solo whatever he was going through, still acting like an edgelord. "Fine, fine. I'll wait for the day you can show me my place then. Not gonna make it easy, though."

Vali grinned in response as the two dragon emperors shared a fist bump.

A celebration party began after the two Heavenly Dragons caught up after their centuries of imprisonment.

Saitama looked like his soul was sucked out of him after Sinmara finished discussing politics with Titania and Oberon, barely standing on his toes. The Muspelheim army returned to their realm as their presence was no longer needed.

Azazel got the data he needed from within Boosted Gear to refine his knowledge.

Then Issei went to apologize to everyone for the trouble.

"You owe me a bo staff, you know?"

Bikou groused when Issei - accompanied by Asia, went to him. The monkey youkai was eating Alfheim bananas, which looked like peelable yucca fruits with a translucent jelly-like filling.

Arthur and Le Fay were also there by a table full of Alfheim-style fruits and appetizers, strange insects included marinated in sauce, big enough to hold in two hands. Kiyome said those things are high in protein, and she was currently eating away more than what she usually consumes due to her Stjarna powers influence.

"...And a sword for me." Arthur gestured to his emby scabbard on his waist while swirling Alfheim fruit juice in his hand, blue in color with some small pea-like lychees in the glass.

"Yeah, I'll get Uncle Genos to make you something good. Question, any special features you want, though?"

Bikou's mind swirled with ideas on what he wanted for his future weapon. He swallowed his jelly banana as he was eager to answer, "Yeah, I got something in mind already; let me write it down and pass the note to ya."

"Just repair my sword as soon as possible. Fragment or not, Excalibur Ruler is still considered a national treasure within Great Britain." Arthur replied with a small sigh.

"Wait, didn't Griselda fuse it with her sword? Ain't that impossible now?" Issei reminded.

"A Sacred Gear still answers to its wielder. Theoretically, she should be able to separate my sword away from hers, even if it takes some time and effort." Arthur replied, "I still have my Caliburn, so I'm not in a real hurry to have my Excalibur Ruler back."

"Or she might keep it." Issei remarked.

"I sincerely prefer that she would return it." Arthur insisted.

"Ahahaha, come oooon~" Bikou wrapped an arm around Arthur's neck. "You're such a stickler traditionalist, you know? I mean, why are you against the new stuff? I mean, look at Genos. Have you seen the heat he's been packing?"

Arthur pursed his lips.

"It is a family heirloom, Bikou. You know how important it is to my family."

"But come on! Think about it! Cyber katana!" Bikou pointed to the sky at the imaginary image, trying to inspire the traditionalist.

Arthur sighed, "...You've watched too many movies, Bikou; knock it off."

"And you're boring as hell. Seriously, Issei. Give him a magic techno sword and drag him to the present." Bikou nagged.

"Kuh. Maybe a chain sword of sorts?" Issei snarked.

"Oh! Lightsaber!" Bikou suggested.

"Double bladed lightsaber." Issei threw back.

Arthur sighed again in resignation, "...Will you stop putting more strange ideas into my head if I tell you that I will consider the ideas you've given me so far?"

Issei and Bikou exchanged looks before replying, "...Maybe."

"Good. Now go apologize to Sirzechs' Peerage. You damaged them more than you did us." Arthur gestured to Sirzechs and his group.

Issei simply nodded and made his way towards the group of ultimate-class devils who were making rounds of greeting with elven dignitaries in the party.

Saitama was suffering with Sinmara dragging him around by the metaphorical leash. At least he was no longer in his hero costume, in a standard black suit for special occasions. The way that onyx crown dangled to the side of his shiny head looked funny because it did not suit him. And he was taking damage from the stress of conversing, or trying to converse with the dignified elves that did try to speak with the strongest man.

They were having fun with the bald man that took damage every time they spoke, one weakness of the invincible baldy they were exploiting.

In a rare occasion, Grayfia wore a dress instead of her usual maid outfit - a cloak of silver leaves hung on her left shoulder, silver-jeweled silk covered her breasts and waist, a long translucent, glittering sash curtaining behind her. Her silver hair was also tied into a stylish ponytail instead of her usual braids.

Sirzechs could not keep his eyes off his wife, how his eyes stole glances at her figure in their conversations, which Grayfia noticed but allowed.

The King and Queen were the ones who held the dialogue with the dignitaries, while the rest of the peerage were standing guards or mingling around and enjoying the feast.

Speaking of - as Issei approached the group, he could not help but notice that Grayfia's persona was Less stoic, compared to her usual prim and proper self when she was working; judging from how she would lean in against Sirzechs' shoulder with her arms wrapped around his, while pleasantly smiling as she conversed with the court ladies.

The light elves wore exotic dresses of silver and gleaming beige, opaque and translucent silks and stockings hugging their slender figures, illuminating them in an attractive light.

The dark elves wore darker versions, with white spider silk dresses and night-woven gowns to compliment their themes, seductive shadows luring all eyes on them like spiders waiting for their prey.

Sirzechs and Grayfia just finished talking with the elves and were about to enjoy the party themselves, when they saw the Red Dragon Emperor with Asia in tow.

"Oh, Ise and Asia." Sirzechs was the first to greet, with Grayfia nodding at him,

"Hey. Here to apologize for the shit I pulled." Issei smiled sheepishly before he bowed, "Um, thank you very much for your help. I'm sorry for the trouble."

Not to Issei's surprise, Sirzechs waved it off, "I'm just happy that you came out alright, Ise. I'd be worried about what I should tell Rias and others should anything else happen Not to mention your father." The Satan muttered the last bit in a tad nervous tone.

"Besides, what happened with you began thanks to my brother's machination - in fact, I should be the one who apologizes for what my brother has done to you." Grayfia followed with her own bow.

"No, no, please don't apologize. And frankly, it is more like my fault for deciding to spare the past users in the first place. I should get back to getting rid of them, though." Issei held his hands up to placate the Silver Queen. "Anyway.." Issei paused before asking, "...How are Surtr's arms?"

"Asia has grown into a wonderful woman," Sirzechs replied with a proud smile, "Her powers have surpassed the miracle of Phoenix Tears. Silver has good judgment in investing in her growth out of goodwill."

"N-no at all, Lord Sirzechs! Your words are too kind" Asia replied bashfully, prompting Issei to fondly caress her crown at her humility.

"Credit when credit is due, Asia. You did great there." Issei praised her in encouragement.

"What he said, Asia. You have the power to save others from any injuries. My comrades and I are forever in your debt - Surtr II is enjoying his regrown arms as we speak, by the way. Be proud, you've earned it." Sirzechs nodded in agreement.

Asia was embarrassed, albeit in a good way - her wings fluttering from the compliments. Rassei poked out of her hair and squeaked, springing his little snake body left and right with celebration.

"See? Even Rassei agrees." Issei smiled and pet Rassei, earning coos of approval.

"How is your current condition? Any complications we should be wary of?" Sirzechs asked.

"I have an appointment with the past users. Need to get rid of them for good I am thinking of evicting them from Boosted Gear since I can't destroy them without risking Boosted Gear's condition. After that, Azazel is going to analyze it with Genos to see if they could patch it up what about you? Your ability is taken by the bastard what's it like?"

"Strangely enough, not as bad as I expected." Sirzechs mused while clenching and unclenching his fist, "Perhaps because the reserve of my demonic power remains intact? I have been trying to conjure my Power of Destruction for the past few hours, but all I ended up conjuring is a ball of pure demonic power."

He demonstrated by conjuring a small ball of his demonic power on his palm. Instead of the dark flare of Power of Destruction, a crimson ball of light appeared.

"Huh so that ball of magic can't erase stuff anymore?" Issei summoned a crimson-black sphere of destruction in his hand at the same size and concentrated energy for comparison in his hand.

"Technically, it can." Sirzechs snorted in amusement as he willed his demonic power to fade away, "...But not in the way my Power of Destruction usually does. You've witnessed how they work from my sister, correct?"

Now that Sirzechs mentioned it, Issei could see his point. The demonic power from earlier destroys matter by 'incinerating' them with its immense heat - similar to a plasma. Power of Destruction, however, 'devours' the target until nothing is left.

Though the fangs of such power could be resisted and shrugged away if one knew how.

"How are you gonna announce this to everyone? You gonna hide it until you can get it back?" Issei asked the big question.

"Ideally, yes." Sirzechs sighed, "As much as I dislike hiding facts from my people, Azazel has a point that there is no point for me to announce my current condition - it will only incite panic."

"Is it bad that a part of me wants to see what the Nobles would do if they know that their powers are free for the taking?" Issei remarked with a wry smile.

"I have a feeling that Mordax already knows since Djall did take Bedeze's Hole powers" Sirzechs grimaced. "But I digress. I will find a way to overcome my absence of strength."

"And this time, I will make sure he won't slack off." Grayfia quipped. "Or else he will have someone else to fear than Saitama."

Sirzechs' smile cracked for a second while his face went a tad paler, much to Issei's amusement.

"Good luck. I'll go see Souji and the others." Issei decided to leave the married couple alone, mostly the husband to face the strict wife alone.

Regarding his stunt, his unintentional violence caused some panic among the elves, but the damage was contained to a minimum.

When the twin-moon night covered the skies, a small feast was upheld to celebrate the peace between two factions in Alfheim.

Small speeches were given, a few toasts were held, and the party went on with elves of both factions mingling and conversing with one another. Overall, things were looking up for Alfheim.

There were starting flings between the Light and Dark elves.

The Wood Elves were present as well, clothes and silk woven from nature's blessings. Their attire looked as if nature grew their clothes on them, branches and leaves crept with the colorful silk and hides on their skins.

The two elven princesses - Celiphrana and Ikala were conversing with Kiyome; half of their talk was about their newly gained powers, but otherwise they were happy with the new era of peace in Alfheim.

When Issei found Souji and the others, he saw Souji being targeted by some elves interested in his Shinsengumi garments.

He was showing his sword to some of the nobles.

The Wood Elves were intrigued by Enku and Bahamut, interested in their origins and anatomy, some even petting Enku out of curiosity of his origins as a Qilin.

Matthers attracted the attention of the Dark Elves with his occultish mien, entertaining them on the topics of magic and the arcane.

Beowulf was in the dancefield, holding the hands of a particularly pretty light elf in hand. Looks like Alfheim had claimed a descendant of a legendary figure from Midgard, prompting Issei to whistle.

Rover was surrounded by curious wood elves, being fed treats Wait, it looked like they were conversing. Somehow, barks and words were exchanged between them.


However, Issei did not pay them much mind as they seemed to be having fun, so everything was good.

"Hey Am I interrupting?"

Issei approached Souji who just received the sword he lent to the elves.

"No, Issei. Excuse me, ladies and gents." Souji pardoned himself from the elves.

"I can see that you're becoming a lady's man here. Most of them are women." Issei gestured to the elves Souji attracted.

"I suppose so. But you should participate in a Noble's Gathering. The amount of attention I receive from the opposite sex is much, much more than what I have here." Souji winked.

"Ugh, no. I'll die of boredom. And the girls I know will chew me out, and Asia will somehow guilt-trip me even when she doesn't intend to," Issei joked, prompting Asia to splutter in embarrassment.

"Cherish them well. There's only so much a man can handle. Even for Saitama." Souji gestured to the baldy being poked by the elves out of amusement, checking to see if he was a corpse.

"First time I've seen dad dying this badly. Which is funny" Issei's smile slowly fell. "...Hey. I'm sorry for the shit I pulled."

He went to the point.

The Knight sighed softly with his smile on his face, "Young man, an apology is not needed. You are young lady Rias' lover, after all; not to mention after everything we've been through for the past few days? You are one of us. I'm sure everyone else also thinks the same."

"Still" Issei felt guilty.

It was almost as heavy as the guilt he felt from injuring Vali and his mother all those years ago.

"If you must, you can repay us by being our sparring partner." Souji compromised. "We failed to serve our King dutifully. We are currently too lacking We must reclaim our honor from Orochi ourselves. And you rose to face off against Thor, who has become much much stronger than what everyone thought"

"Yeah, fuck - he's strong." Issei hissed as he could somehow remember the beating he took from the Thunder God, "...I don't think my skull can take on Mjolnir again."


As if summoned by name, Thor entered the conversation with a barrel of wine in hand, smiling that wide grin. "Did someone call for me and my hammer?!"

"Oh, uh" Issei was surprised to see him.

"Here!" Thor took Mjolnir from his hip and tossed it to Issei.

Souji stared at the legendary hammer falling into Issei's hands... And fell for a while more more despite that until Issei felt it.


Issei cursed too many times today, he realized, as he fell to his knees with so much force that the ground partially collapsed from the hammer's weight alone.


Thor, however, was intrigued at the sight, "You actually manage to hold it up, as expected of Son of Saitama! Hahaha!"

"Shit! Shit shit shit shit!" Issei added more to the swear jar as he grunted from the exertion. "This Does this thing Why is this so heavy?!"

"Why, of course!" Thor proudly said, "'Tis my own divine weapon crafted with the force of a collapsing star! No mere mortal can wield its immense power!"

"Isn't that only in the Marvel Comics?!" Issei shouted.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Thor laughed. "But I will admit that it has gotten heavier than before after my training! The hammer grows with its wielder, a trait that will never fade even when it leaves my hand for another! The genius of its makers' craft!"

So the hammer grew heavier when the wielder grew stronger - Neat.

"Okay, that's cool and all, but can you please take your hammer back? I was kind of in the middle of something!" Issei pleaded while struggling to keep the hammer from crushing his limbs.

"Ahahahaha! Oh, don't be a wimp! You can survive for a minute!"

"I will be paste in any minute!" Issei grunted as he felt his arm muscles about to tear.

Thor laughed and reached out for his hammer. Mjolnir flew back into his hands, relieving the boy of its ungodly weight.

"So? What were you lads talking about?" Thor asked while Issei massaging his sore arms.

"Some personal stuff ah, fuck" Issei could not recall the last time his arms were this sore.

And it took a Thunder God's hammer to remind him of the painful months of training he did as a beginner. Probably even worse than that.

Turns out, the small commotion had garnered the others' attention.

"Is that the great Mjolnir I see the lad trying' ta hold?" Surtr the Second came over while bringing a large wooden pint mug.

"Oh? Now that's a face I haven't seen in a while." Thor mused when he saw the clone of the Fire Giant. "You must be the clone. I heard you serve the reigning Lucifer now! Which reminds me, I should challenge The Destroyer while he's still here!"

"Unfortunately, I must speak for my King when I say, please don't. I am more than sure that he cannot withstand your Mjolnir as he is now." Surtr II stated politely before the Thunder God.

"Oh, you jest! Surely the Strongest Devil can handle my full power! It's not like I'm going to smash him to pieces! Ahahahaha!" Thor laughed merrily.

Surtr II and Issei exchanged glances. The two knew that, even if Sirzechs were to go all out in his true form, he would still be hard-pressed against the Norse God of Thunder.

"Searching for a duel in the middle of a celebratory feast? You are as battle-hungry as ever, Thor."

A voice called out.

"Ah, Queen Sinmara. And"

Thor glanced at Saitama, the living corpse, who came along with Rossweisse - the Valkyrie was looking prim and proper in her dress as usual, doing her best to be Saitama's emotional support.

"...Hey." Saitama sounded more tired than usual. It was almost as if he had wrinkles now.

"Ahahaha! Brother! Fell by politics despite being invincible in battle, how so Egg-like!"

Saitama sighed.

"...Perhaps you should help dad out for a while?" Issei used this chance to send Thor away and give his dad some breathing room.

"Hah! Very well, I can use some more catching up to him, anyway." Thor then wrapped his arm around Saitama's shoulders, "I hope you don't mind me borrowing your king, Lady Sinmara?"

The Queen of Muspelheim, smiled in amusement as she nodded, "Not at all, Thor. I Also need to talk with someone." Her eyes trailed towards the clone of her late husband.

"Come, brother! Let us sample the finest elven wine and meats together and catch up!"

Thor laughed as he dragged the baldy away to the dining table with the barrel of wine still on his shoulders. Rossweisse simply sighed before she followed suit after exchanging nods with Issei.

Once Thor, Saitama and Rossweisse had left, an awkward spark tensed between the Clone of Surtr and the Wife of the Original.

"...It is strange" Sinmara said. "...You bore similar features as my late husband yet" Her icy hand reached out to touch Surtr II's face.

The giant nearly winced - not from the cold, but from the strange feeling of the queen's hand caressing his face.

"...You are not him." Sinmara finished with a melancholic tone. She smiled sadly as her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

Surtr II felt the urge that he had to say something, "Milady, I"

"Shh" Sinmara hushed softly as she closed her eyes, fighting her tears from leaking out, "...I know I won't ask more than what you can give." She bore a sad smile that Issei could not help but be mesmerized.

There was a crack in the queen's royal vanir.

When Sinmara opened her eyes again, a stray tear escaped, yet she was still smiling as she spoke more, "...How has life been treating you? Have you been eating well? Did you grow new hobbies? Did you make new friends?"

Surtr the Second stared and blinked at the questions; he could not help but snort - the questions sounded like they came from a worry-wart mother who came to visit her sole child at boarding school.

Soon Surtr II and Sinmara were engaged in a conversation - awkward as hell, but not at all unpleasant.

Issei and Asia shared a smile at the interaction, and they decided to leave the two on their own devices. Soon they found Thor, Rossweisse and Saitama relaxing on a nearby bar table - the trio had been watching as well.

Issei and Asia took seats next to Saitama, who took a sip of his ale before asking, "...How did it go between them?"

Issei took another look at Sinmara and Surtr II, the two now were giggling as they talked, "I think they're gonna be fine."

"I heard this story from Lord Odin when he discovered Surtr the Second's existence among Lord Lucifer's peerage" Rossweisse then spoke up, "Due to their opposing elements, the First Surtr and Sinmara are unable to consummate their marriage without risking harming each other in order to have children, thus they decided to use an unconventional method in creating an offspring. The details of the said method is obscured, but the result was a giant that greatly resembled Surtr while not sharing any common traits of Queen Sinmara herself, making him something more akin to a clone of the First Surtr rather than an offspring."

"Huh But the big lad we're looking at is still the result of their efforts together, no? I say he's practically their son."

The eyes turned to Thor who just spoke that line. The God of Thunder blinked at the attention given to him.


Saitama was the one to reply, "No, just Didn't expect those words to come from you."

"I can be wise if I wish. Do not forget that I am also a father of three! Oh, right! I should introduce your son to my daughter!"

"Err." Saitama blinked at the idea and turned to Issei, who subtly shook his head at him. Asia also looked panicked for some reason.

"Um If we have time, we'll see later, what do you say?" Saitama tried.

Fortunately, Thor took the answer in stride, "Well, I did not hear a 'no'!"

Saitama turned to Issei who regarded him with a flat stare, which Saitama replied with a look that screamed, 'what do you want me to do?'

"And you want me to meet your daughter because?" Issei asked as he returned to Thor.

"I wanted Saitama to bring you to Asgard once, but I forgot that mortals have a life cycle. Besides, you got along with my sons on the first day! You will like her, don't you worry!"

"I don't know how to feel about that a little. This is like with Irina but more delayed." Issei was not sure about Thor's daughter. "If I recall Her name is Thrud, right?"


"Doesn't the myth say that she serves ale in Valhalla as a Valkyrie or something?"

"Her part time work, indeed!" Thor nodded, "...But that's more like custom and tradition, if you ask me! I personally oversee her training, you see? Her punch can launch a giant flying back to Jotunheim!"

"Pretty sure only dad can do that if he's lucky enough or he'll send her to the sun or something,"

"Can he?" Thor asked.

"Well, he beat someone that did send him flying to the moon." Issei recounted one of his most favorite tales.

"Oh, I've heard about that one!" Thor pointed out, "I tried to do the same thing to him to prove myself, ahahahaha!"

Issei snorted, "You did?! Did you succeed?"

"HAH! Almost got it! Lost a bet because of it!"

Soon Thor and Issei began exchanging stories they shared with Saitama But speaking of spending time with Saitama, was not there another god who came with Thor before?

Where is Loki?

Loki hummed as he walked down the hallway.

He turned left, facing the doors of Andlang's Royal Library. He opened the door, and gazed straight at the straight path leading towards the one reading the book at lightning pace.

"Is the party not to your liking?"

Djall paused in his rummaging through the books within the Royal Archives, putting the book he was reading back to the shelf before he turned around to address the uninvited company.

"I got bored after sampling every dish. Shouldn't you belong there?"

"I'm afraid I'm not the star of the show." The Norse God of Mischief shrugged as he took in the sight.

Surrounding Djall were also bodies. Unconscious bodies of elven scholars and unlucky guards that came in on patrol, drool leaking out their lips as they were paralyzed, piled like living, groaning trash.

"That does not answer my question." Djall closed the book in his hand. A book on the fundamentals of light and life magic.

"MmmPH?! MMHPH!?"

On Djall's back was Euclid Lucifuge - Limbless, bound in Trihexa silk, tied around his back - gagged.

Honestly, the scientist looked like a wriggling bagworm stuck to the monster's back. Loki entertained the thought of Euclid being the monster's emergency food supply, the comical irony.

"Huh. You have a fine backpack." Loki was amused by the sight.

"He refused to let me bury him until I'm done with this place. Even though he'll survive it So here we are, stalker. Why are you following me?"

"Quite simple, really - curiosity." Loki stepped in further towards the infiltrator. "...And perhaps we can help each other."

"...Loki." Djall called out, recognizing the deity.

"Ah, you know my name. I am honored." Loki bowed slightly with his hand over his chest.

"Is this how you address someone that defanged your son?"

Loki pursed his lips as he contemplated for a second before he shrugged, "...Eh, Fenrir has gone through worse. His fangs can always regrow themselves."

Djall regarded the Norse Trickster before speaking again, "And I thought I would witness the parental love of a God what do you want?"

"Simple. I am in need of a sample of the very thing the bagworm on your back wants. For a project of mine."

"Don't you have access to Yggdrasil?" Djall asked, recalling his knowledge of the Norse.

"Yes, but it is too old. I don't need the end result, but the journey that leads to it, to understand the how. This is a resource that no one can get from an old world tree, just like how adult mortals no longer have the useful qualities of their children years."

The monster clicked a rhythmic tune of contemplation.

"The location is warded against Gods. Especially the Aesir." Loki continued. "You are no God, you are something new and. Terrifying. You might be able to enter but you cannot do so without knowing the location. Sycorax wouldn't tell you due to her oath as a Queen, Which is why Euclid allied with her. But I can. You're here because you can't find it, can you? No, you don't know how to open it."

The clicking descended into an irritated rhythm.

"What's one more to you? It is within your power, correct?"

"...Is that it?" Djall asked wary, sensing different intent from this trickster god.

"That is all, yes." Loki simply shrugged while appearing completely harmless.


Euclid wriggled on Djall's back as if protesting.

Djall's face creased with irritation at the Bagworm's whining. He could read Euclid's screams as 'Don't trust Loki.'

"Tell me the importance of this sample and what you intend to do with it, and I'll consider it. I'll know if you're lying."

Loki sighed as he scowled in annoyance, yet he did not back down as he gave a tight smile.

"Well, if you must know"

To be Continued..

DnD Specials II

The party had gained two additional members - a Tiefling Monk and a Halfling Wizard, as they were on another quest to stop a cult of Chaos from bringing forth catastrophe through a magic ritual.

The Tiefling Monk had white skin and spiral horns twisted upwards while the Halfling Wizard was bald with an incredibly toned body.

Despite being a wizard.

"I think we found the bodies of the last adventurers" The leader of the party was a red dragonborn sorcerer draped in crimson.

Bodies of Goblins and the adventurers were littered around them in this place.

"...How does it feel to see your bodies?" The leader asked while staring at the mangled, torn corpse of the former leader, the wizard.

It was disturbing, the face peeled off, arms and legs missing, signs of intestines ripped out to be carried towards somewhere mostly to eat.

There were a few survivors that returned via resurrection magics.

"Disturbing, that's for sure." The Paladin of the group replied with a sour expression, "And begs the question, if these were our bodies, then what are these bodies that we are having? Are we gonna see more of our own corpses if we end up dying a lot?"

"You're lucky that your goddess favors you to revive you like that, Xenovia." The half-elf commented, one with brown-twintail hair and sharp ears.

"My goddess won't be offended by an intellectual curiosity." The paladin retorted.

"Still can't believe you lot died to Goblins." The silver-skinned Tiefling with spiral horns remarked. "They're weak and they're easy to kill. This will be too easy."

"Okay, hot-shot. Go ahead and be our scout. Let's see if you can back up that attitude of yours." The little barbarian quipped with an annoyed scowl.

The tiefling scoffed and took point; narrowing his eyes at the dark corridor ahead.


On the table top, Vali prepared himself for his first perception check.

"Okay, Vali - you have a racial class skill called dark vision, so you have a bonus point for your perception check. Roll the die, this should be easy enough." Black instructed as he got his manual.

The die then was casted

Issei then snorted and giggled at the number one on Vali's roll, "Whoo, way to go with your dark vision, hotshot! You surely will do your people proud!"

"Shut up, that was just a bad fluke! There's probably nothing, anyway."

"Alright, your vision has trouble adjusting to the smog in front of you as you walk. You failed to see that the texture is in fact, poison mist! Made from the goblin's special recipe using feces as the putrid stench crashed into your nostrils!" Black cackled.

"Well, we are off with a great start. Asia, purification, please." Issei requested.


Fortunately, Asia managed to cast her purification miracle successfully and saved the party from poison mist, allowing them to advance further.

"Say are we even going the right way?" The halfling wizard asked after another few minutes of walking.

"Who knows? We're heading somewhere filled with god-knows danger and traps around. Might as well explore the whole complex." Issei - the dragonborn sorcerer shrugged.

"Wait, don't you have any spells that can light up this cave or something?" Irina asked.

"It'll alert the goblins though." Issei reminded.

"This is starting to get boring" Vali sighed as they walked past a cluster of stalagmites, the spiky pillars of dark, damp cave rock pointing at the ceiling.

One of the spiky rocks stirred, causing the party to pause and see the rock's jagged surface forming a face, or at least something similar enough. Lower cracks formed into a hole resembling a mouth filled with rows of sharp fangs, with a single blood-red reptilian eye appearing above the said mouth.

Then a tentacle lashed out at Vali and wrapped him.

"What is this thing!? Get off me!"

Surprised by this thing's strength, Vali was yanked towards its mouth.

Fangs clamped onto Vali's skull before it cracked his head open like a bottlecap.

Then it slurped his brain.


"Hey, hey, hey! Hold it right there!"

Vali's voice interrupted the game, "What about my saving throw?!"

"You were Surprised. You fail that, you can't take an action or react to shit for a full round. And you're the closest one to the Urophion." Black replied with a casual shrug.

Issei was trying his best not to laugh, but his face laughed for him as Vali glared at him.

"This is bullshit! So am I dead now?"

"Pffft! Your brain got slurped, what do you think? Don't worry, I'll be sure to turn your skull into a nice bowl on your grave. Here lies Vali, the boasting Monk who lost his brain."

"Fuck off, Hyoudou; let's see if you can do better." Vali sneered before turning to Black, "Whose turn is it now?"

"Mine. I drink a potion of speed using my bonus action and then cast Fire Bolt at the thing twice." Issei declared, "How's that Urophion doing, Black?"

"Roll the twenty twice." Black requested.

Issei rolled two twenty sided dices.

"A 18 and a natural 20."

"Shit, roll damage." Black groused.

"Eight and nine."

"Shit, you struck the Urophion in the eye with the second shot, inflicting critical damage. It is now blinded, and since it is vulnerable to fucking fire, it takes two times the damage..." Black exhaled, "Congratulations, the bugger's not quite dead yet, but you surely put that twat on its last leg.

Issei then smiled smugly at the frowning Vali.

"The ceromorphed Roper let out a psychic shriek of pain. Within a hundred meters, it tried to call for reinforcements. It wanted to slurp your brains before the others, and then several arrows flew from the darkness, at your path from the front and back."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up! You're throwing in what?!" Issei called out.

"The thing is intelligent as hell, boy. Officially, it's way smarter than all of you kids combined! So of course it's gonna strategize your asses!" Black cackled, "Now, prepare yourselves as you are encountering a pack of Dekanter Goblins!"

"Um, are they different from your regular goblins?" Irina asked after raising her hand.

"No, they're still dumb. But they're tougher because they got that regeneration factor!" Black rolled three twenty-sided dices. "Oh, and the dragonborn got hit by three arrows. You take twenty damage total."

"This die is bullshit!" Issei slammed his fists on the table, earning a snicker from Vali.

"Don't break the table now, your race and class aren't well-known for their dexterity." Black chided, "Alright, Saitama. You're up."

"Okay, so, err" Saitama looked around the board, weighing his option, "I guess I will start by silencing that tentacle monster thing for good. What do I do?"

Black shrugged, "Fair enough, the roper can still attack you as long as it's still alive. Roll a D20."

Saitama played the odd-looking die for a second before he let it roll on the table.


"Shit, you get a critical. What's your action?"

"I throw my staff at it."

"Come again?" Black asked after blinking.

"I throw it, like, you know, a spear?"

Black, as well as everyone else, stared at Saitama as if he grew another head. The DM wanted to retort, but decided it was not worth it when it came to Saitama.

"Okay, somehow your staff met its mark and pierced through Uphorion's face, killing it."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Issei interrupted, "He can't do that Can he? I mean, I thought dad's a wizard?"

"His strength is maxed." Black dryly rasped with a scrunch.

Issei's face went blank for a moment, "Lemme have a look at his character sheet."

Saitama dutifully gave his papers to his son who quickly scanned them over.

"Oh, dad - what the fuck!?" Issei groaned, "Which job did you actually want to be?"

"Uh, I wanted to try out the magic thing. So"

"Why did you pour most of your stats into strength?!"

"He told me that Wizards rely on it." Saitama pointed at Black.

Issei turned to the DM who was snickering, "Black, what the hell happened with, 'strength means jack if you can't hit your target'!?"

"Sorry, not sorry - I just want to experiment on stuff, and lo and behold - it's amazing!"

"For fuck's sake!" Issei exasperatedly ran his hands over his face, "Well, here's hoping that dad won't mess up the intelligence roll for the rest of the quest"

Thus, the party moved on, ready to face the looming threat ahead.

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