One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 99: Call to Action and Arrival

Chapter 99: Call to Action and Arrival

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel didn't think much of his day. His training with Robin had already been over, and he was just laying on his bed and looking at a few books, trying to study a bit more about steam engines. 

He was somewhat interested in the trains built in Water 7, as they reminded him a lot of his world's trains, but on water, which didn't make much sense to him...

But the world of One Piece was always strange to him, so it wasn't like he expected the logic and even physics of his own world to apply in all places...

Dragon had given him access to their entire library, and it was quite extensive.

Not quite as large as the one in Ohara going by Robin's words, but it was still a lot of information all gathered in one place.

Enel received a few bits and pieces of news regarding the outside world, but he tried to focus on his tasks for a bit.

Dragon seemed rather anxious about the reports he was receiving though.

A Celestial Dragon being moved over to Garp's hometown was certainly something of notice.

As Garp's son, he felt the need to mobilize a few agents nearby, just to observe the situation from a distance.

Enel didn't act when hearing the information though, thinking that the world government was likely announcing that as a way to gloat to the Marine Hero.

Enel assumed they were planning on keeping the village hostage for at least a few months, not nuking it instantly. In the first place, he didn't think they would dare to destroy it.

The World Government would really be playing with fire if they tried that.

That was the hometown of the Marine Hero, Ace, who was a commodore to the Whitebeard pirates, and Dragon, the 'world's greatest criminal' and leader of the Revolutionary Army.

That place also happened to be where Shanks and his crew stopped by a few times and befriended the locals.

Of course, Enel didn't think they'd know about all of that, but at least the parts with Garp and Dragon should've been enough to stop them from attacking.

It was as if they were starting a war. Though the war might've been started the second they tried to imprison Garp...

Enel stopped thinking about the news after a while and concentrated on his light reading material on advanced Thermodynamics.

What Enel didn't expect was to hear a familiar ringtone... Well, it was a snail making ringing sounds with its voice.

Enel had still kept his Transponder Snail, he always carried it at the bottom of his travel bag.

Even after he left the marines, he still kept it. It was still a useful tool. He could also use it to speak to Gan Fall at greater distances, so he always brought it with him.

What he didn't expect when picking up was to hear Akainu's voice.

"Enel! Good thing you picked up, you piece of shit!" It was in an angry tone, as usual. But Enel could tell that Akainu was actually glad he had picked up.

Enel blinked a few times as he wondered why Akainu would even call him. He doubted it was a mandatory health check or to speak about Marine Pension benefits...

"Didn't expect to hear your cheery voice! The hell do you want?" Enel asked as he tilted his head a bit, his tone was a bit amused as he spoke without any filter.

He didn't think he was still considered a friend to the navy, so them contacting him obviously came as a surprise.

Aokiji's situation was a lot different, as it was still him that jumped on their ship.

With Akainu, Enel was half expecting him to find a way to trace the call back to Baltigo and lead a buster call there.

'Even if they decide to attack this place, I'll just sink their ships and suggest a new base for the Revolutionary Army... On the Sky Islands, of course.'

Enel would've liked to have his allies closer to his main base, but he also couldn't just ask them to uproot everything and move to an island in the middle of the sky.

Especially not when their island was already well hidden and devoid of any government agents.

"I just felt the need to let you know... Foosha Village is most likely getting attacked currently, we intercepted a Buster Call request as well... Do what you wish with that information." 

Akainu hung up after saying that, making Enel stare at his transponder snail with a startled gaze.

'Seriously? They're actually acting already?!'

Enel quickly got up and walked outside, looking at the sky with a cold gaze.

He quickly spotted Dragon flying towards his home, he seemed to also be sporting quite a grave look in his eyes.

He had clearly received a report from his agents near Foosha Village. He was heading towards Enel's residence, as he knew Enel would reach there fastest.

"ENEL!" Dragon shouted as he the two of them stopped in Midair, Enel's lower body was made of lightning and Dragon was controlling the clouds around him to prop himself up.

"I already got the news! I'm going first, don't worry about it!" Enel then turned into a flash of light.

With a loud burst, a thunderous roar was heard across all of Baltigo as Enel's figure turned into lightning and departed.

Thankfully, Enel already knew the location of the Goa Kingdom, so all that was left was controlling his speed in order to reach it properly.

Turning into an electromagnetic wave and flowing in that general direction. Moving at light speed wasn't something that Enel could control, not even with future sight, his perception fell far behind.

But when forcing his Observation Haki and mind to its utmost limits, Enel was able to reach and almost control at least half of the maximum speed that his devil fruit could provide.

He could only go in a straight line while at that speed, as even the slightest alteration had the chance to spiral him out of the stratosphere and into space.

Such a speed was simply not usable in most situations, but when travelling a long distance in a short time, it was perfect.

And thanks to that, Enel would manage to reach the village in around 2 minutes. At least by his calculations...

He also took into account that he would have to stop and readjust his direction a few times.

He just hoped that he'd get there in time...

And while he was flying over, the situation at Foosha Village was worsening.

The High Ranking CP agent gave Momonga and Woop Slap a smug look, having crushed the buster call under his shoe and gloated to them a bit.

But he wasn't foolish enough to spare them, he quickly jumped into action. At least tried to, but his stride got interrupted...

A loud bang rang in the village as a cannon ball cut the CP agent's path.

He managed to turn his body and slice the cannonball in half, but he was momentarily distracted, which led to him almost receiving a flying slash from Momonga.

"Dadan..." Woop Slap muttered as he looked in the direction of the cannonball. Mountain Bandits rushed the village, trying their best to rescue the citizen and fight against the CP agents.

Cannons and Bazookas weren't common weapons for them, so they didn't have a lot of ammunition. But Dadan, their leader, felt the need to use them at that point.

"Mountain bandits?!" The CP agents were shocked to see that. But they weren't scared. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

The mountain bandits were quickly getting overwhelmed, and all of them didn't stand a chance against the trained government agents.

"What the hell is going on!?" Dadan asked in a loud voice, the bazooka in her hand pointed towards the high-ranking CP agent as she stared at the destroyed village with rage.

She fired another shot, this time, the CP agent simply stepped aside, also dodging a slash from Momonga in the process.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved... At least you'd have survived in that way..." Woop Slap said as he sat on the ground, his wounds bleeding slightly.

"Shut it! You ain't the boss of me!" Dadan said as her men kept trying to shoot at the CP agents. Many fell to flying slashes sent by the Agents, and their bullets did little if anything at all.

Regardless of that, the bandits were unrelenting. Trying to hold on and save as many villagers as they could.

"Boss! This ain't going well!" One of the bandits shouted as he looked at the situation from a vantage point, climbing on a ruined building.

Dadan simply scoffed. 'We can't just let everyone here die!' 

She grabbed her club and rushed at the High Ranking Agent that Momonga was fighting, having run out of ammunition, this was the best that she could do.

The CP agent only gave her a sideways glance as he kicked her torso, sending her flying into a building and breaking it rather easily.

The agent then turned to Momonga, whose injuries were already impossible to ignore. He was clearly unable to fight anymore, at least his body was no longer responding in time to his commands...

The CP agent smiled under his mask as he raised his arm, aiming to slice off Momonga's head in one sweep...

That was when they all heard it.

The sky trembled with rage, and the clouds instantly turned dark.

"El Thor..." A voice sounded out from the sky, tired, lazy, but at the same time angry.

The high-ranking CP agent only got to direct his gaze at the sky for a tenth of a second before a lightning pillar engulfed him completely.

At that moment, all of the agents looked up. All of the villagers and bandits present looked at the sky as well, confused as to why a freak storm had suddenly appeared at such a dire time...

And in the sky, sitting on a small cloud, was a man. A shirtless man with baggy pants, and draped over his back was a longsleeved white furred coat with Justice written on it.

Enel had finally arrived

1 Minute and 32 Seconds, and that was because he had to backtrack a little, as he had overshot the island by about a hundred kilometres initially.

But that was irrelevant, he had gotten to Foosha Village in record time.

Enel surveyed the island, only to find it in an even worse shape than he had expected. An absolute mess.

Villagers and Bandits were running all around.

CP agents were either killing the bandits and some villagers, or all encroaching into one location, where Momonga had been fighting the CP agent he had just killed.

"I-it's the Sky King!" "An Emperor of the Sea!?" People had different reactions to his appearance, but all seemed to recognize him.

But unfortunately for the CP agents, recognizing Enel only meant that they would know what killed them...

The people of Foosha village and the bandits weren't exactly relieved by his presence either, but Momonga released a tired sigh when seeing him descend.

'With him here, everything should be fine... I doubt he would harm Garp's home.'

And so, Momonga finally let himself fall to the ground, dropping his sword to the side as he took a deep breath of air.

None of the agents that had been attacking him took advantage of that though, they had far greater concerns now...

The CP agents looked at the sky with fear, but they didn't wait for death to take them.

They all instinctively knew what to do, as their leaders had already instructed everyone on a way to combat Enel, at least while on land.


The Agents quickly swiped their weapons and legs at the sky, releasing flying slashes, as many as they could.

Their efforts were shown, as they managed to part the clouds slightly, forming a small hole in the sky.

But it didn't mean much in the end...

"Sango!" (Lightning Flash!) Enel pointed his palm at the ground, and an erratic stream of lightning flowed out of his palm, parting in many ways and extending towards the village almost instantly.

The agents didn't get the time to dodge, as the lightning struck them down one by one.

Not even 5 seconds passed, and the CP agents were already down from 34, which had been all of the agents they had moved into the nearby base(minus the ones Momonga killed), to a measly 4.

The 4 had managed to somehow either hide or use the bodies of others as shields. But Enel didn't even take a second glance at that.

Surviving a casual attack wasn't something that deserved praise in Enel's eyes. The sky discharged some more lighting bolts onto them, creating small pillars of light that killed each of the agents...

Enel then landed near Momonga, who was already sprawled on the ground from exhaustion.

"Enel..." Momonga muttered as Enel turned around.

"Vice Admiral Momonga... You look worse for wear..." Enel said as he grit his teeth a bit.

He hadn't expected to see a marine defending the town, but it seemed that Sengoku and Akainu weren't exactly on good terms with the World Government.

As if that hadn't been made obvious by the fact that Akainu had called him of all people.

'I guess they won't be acting on the Buster Call... Covering it up won't be easy though. They absolutely have spies in their ranks... As well as plenty of world government fanatics...'

"I'm fine... I can still fight if I need to." Momonga said as he shakily got up. Looking at Enel with some confusion.

"Nah... They're all dead or dying now. Pretty sure Akainu stopped a buster call from coming here, so there shouldn't be more enemies."

Momonga sighed a bit when hearing that, wondering how Enel even knew about Akainu's actions. But he decided not to get into that right away.

Instead, he felt as if he was meeting an old acquaintance. A former comrade in arms even.

He may have turned coats and betrayed the marines, but Enel had never actually killed a marine in the war, so there wasn't much resentment on Momonga's part.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon after Marineford... Figured you'd be lying low for a few years." Momonga said with a bloody smile.

"Heh... I'm sure there's plenty to talk about... But let's get your wound looked at first. There's surely a medic in this village."

Enel then looked at Woop Slap, the mayor of the village. The old man was looking up at Enel without any trace of fear, he also didn't seem to be bothered by his injuries.

"Heh... I guess Garp has plenty of friends." The old mayor said as he slowly got up.

"I'll gather everyone. We'll have to leave this place if we want to live." Woop Slap said as he stood up and went over to the middle of the village, quickly calling what remained of the bandits to him.

Their group quickly started gathering as many civilians as possible, and Enel was stuck thinking of ways they could use to escape the island...

There was always the possibility of stealing a ship, but he doubted any of the people present knew how to run a ship beside him and Momonga.

'Seriously... Why did things have to go to shit so quickly?'


Hope you liked the chapter! Even longer than the last one...

And, btw, just feel the need to share this comment from Patr_eon on this chapter: 

'some random person': Imagine being WG, training the perfect human tools that will follow any order, then they get hit by spicy light once and they die.

Just felt the need to show this to more ppl :))) 

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