One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 88: Revolutionary Rescue and Reunion

Chapter 88: Revolutionary Rescue and Reunion

_________ POV Enel _________

I spent the following days honing my control over my new method of using Observation Haki as well as testing a few other moves using gold and other metals I managed to get my hands on.

Using metallurgy is a lot less expedient than throwing around lightning like a madman.

With that thought in mind, I decided to develop the ability more and more until it got to the point where I would be able to use it against stronger opponents.

The fact that my staff contains seastone is still a very good thing. But it wouldn't do much to weaken someone like Shanks, although it might disrupt his use of Haki momentarily.

Kaido and Big Mom would become a bit easier to deal with if I can disable their devil fruits as well as hamper their Haki.

But Shanks, and likely even Mihawk, are opponents I'm not confident that seastone would do much against.

While it can momentarily turn off their haki, it wouldn't weaken them all that much. As swordsmen, they would still be extremely dangerous.

And since my staff isn't made entirely out of seastone, both of them would likely be able to cut through any binding that I put them in.

Kaido and Big Mom could also technically break out of shackles made out of my staff, but I should be able to work around them somehow, as long as I constantly keep hindering their devil fruits...

I also developed a few decent moves using a combination of both lighting and metals, my training and rest lasted for around a week. Ending exactly when the Revolutionary Army arrived to free the slaves that were constructing the bridge.

I watched over them for a while not intervening right away, as I do want them to focus on saving the slaves and Robin for now.

Eventually, I also saw them saving Robin, she was escorted out by two special agents that seemed to be reassuring her that they were her allies.

After that, I waited a bit more, for the ship to depart. I don't want to hold them here for too long, as the Marines would likely arrive to stop the revolutionaries soon.

After 10 minutes of the ship leaving port, I decided to jump in... Just like that, my wait was over.

_________ POV Narration _________

Robin didn't quite know what to think about her time as a slave.

She did her job, but her mind constantly wandered off, thinking of the incident back on Sabaody.

Seeing her captain's terrified face as she was sent away sometimes sent shivers down her spine... Although that might've just been due to the cold weather.

Robin already knew that their crew was far from prepared to face an Admiral ever since they had met Aokiji after their excursion on the Sky Islands.

Meeting Kizaru on Sabaody was yet another reminder that someone like her would never be able to survive without strength.

She needed to get stronger, to protect not only herself but also the people that had accepted her as she was and saved her life on numerous occasions.

As much as she was determined, she was also worried, after all, she had no idea where the rest of her friends ended up or if they were doing ok for themselves...

All that pondering came to an end when the Revolutionary Army arrived.

They freed the slaves and boarded them on various ships. She was also rescued, learning that she was considered an important asset to the Revolutionary Army.

It was a bit concerning to her, but at the very least they didn't have any nefarious plans for her.

What mattered the most to her was finally learning what had happened to her crew, or more specifically, her captain.

The Revolutionary Army provided her with information about everything that happened to him. From his brother's scheduled execution to the breakout he staged in Impel Down, and even the Marineford War itself.

Robin was shocked to hear about these events, to hear that her captain had gone through so much hardship by himself... Well, she learned that he wasn't exactly alone.

'So he was a marine for a while... Huh?'

Enel. A name she had barely thought about after leaving the Sky Islands.

She had kept his story in mind, she had appreciated his determination silently. She regretted not clearing up the misunderstanding with him before leaving the Sky Islands.

By the looks of it though, Luffy had managed to do that by himself.

Enel had saved both Luffy and Ace during Marineford.

Not only that, but he had fought the entire Navy in a terrifying display of power. Saving Whitebeard and showcasing his full power to the entire world.

Robin was rather glad that her crew hadn't fought Enel on Skypea, especially after seeing the pictures taken at the war, of Enel clashing with all of the Admirals at once, including the Fleet Admiral and even the Marine Hero.

She was rather shocked when seeing the pictures. She knew Enel was strong, but she had expected him to be at the level of an admiral, after all, even that would put him at the top of the world.

But Enel was apparently now considered an actual Emperor of the Seas. A person with no crew to speak of, only personal power to back up his title.

'At least someone like him is an ally... Not an enemy.'

In the past, she had thought that meeting Enel once more would be a bit awkward, but now she figured it would be rather pleasant.

She'd have to thank him for saving her captain too. Not only that, but she wanted to discuss Ponehlyphs with him for a while.

Robin sighed in relief with that in mind. The Revolutionary soldiers around her also seemed to be rather glad to confirm her safety.

The news also included a photo of the giant ice snake statue, their captain was in front of it, raising his arm in the air with two fingers pointed at the sky.

'Two years, huh?' Robin understood the message instantly, smiling a bit to herself as she continued to look through the information given to her.

And, just as she was about to be escorted to her room, a roar of thunder was heard from the skies, as a figure landed on their ship, shaking it a bit as he crouched down.

All of the revolutionary soldiers moved to take out their weapons, and the ones with devil fruits were prepared to use them as well.

The figure then got up, standing tall above the people present with a calm and lazy smile on his face.

He was wearing a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, it seemed to be tight around his developed muscles, and he was wearing a pair of black suit pants and formal shoes.

His hands were adorned with a set of spiky golden gauntlets, making him look like a rich man.

He was also wearing a coat over his shoulders, ripped and torn in places, a stained word written on its back, reading as 'Justice'.

All of the Revolutionary Soldiers gulped when seeing his figure, all of them recognizing him almost instantly as they also noticed his most identifying feature...

His earlobes, adorned with golden earrings and swaying in the wind.

"S-Sky King Enel..." The revolutionary soldiers seemed to take a few steps back, looking at the situation with horror in their gazes.

"Indeed! I'm glad to see that my reputation precedes me even in this place... The Revolutionaries sure keep themselves informed." Enel looked around the ship for a few seconds, the soldiers were still tense, looking at Enel with both fear and confusion.

"I don't think our Revolutionary Army has any grudges with you..."

The captain of that ship stepped forward, he was of a higher rank in the army compared to the rest of the regular soldiers, and he was tasked with rescuing the slaves and protecting them to the best of his ability.

Finding Robin was like a godsend for them, as she was one of the few people that could read poneglyphs in the entire world.

Now, if Enel was there for something, the captain was scared that he was there for Robin.

After all, Enel was still a newbie pirate, likely looking to assemble a crew.

And if he, like all other pirates, wanted to become the king, having someone that could read poneglyphs was a large advantage.

How Enel had gotten that information didn't feel important that very moment, but that was the first thing that came to the captain's mind.

"I don't mean you any harm..." Enel said that as he raised his gauntleted hands in a defensive manner, showing them that he wasn't a danger through body language.

Some of the soldiers could be seen visibly relaxing at those words, but not all of them believed Enel's words or body language instantly.

"That is reassuring to hear..." The captain specifically also didn't believe him.

"Would you mind if I asked you what your purpose is?" The captain asked as he clenched his fists and hoped for the best.

He couldn't give Robin away to him, she was too important for their cause. But he wasn't confident enough to face Enel.

'Maybe we can stall him a bit?'

They would likely have to send an emergency signal to the Revolutionary Army and hope that someone strong would come soon.

But it was unlikely that they'd get there in time... So they were basically at his mercy.

"E-Enel?!" The captain quickly turned his head as he heard the sound of high heels hitting the wooden deck of the ship.

Robin had finally caught sight of the person that had arrived on their ship, and she was visibly surprised to see him.

"Oh! Robin! Great to see a somewhat familiar face here." Enel's calming smile and relaxed manner of speaking served to calm the nerves of the Revolutionary soldiers around him, most of them sheathing their weapons when seeing that he seemed to know Robin.

"It's great to see you too! We have plenty of things to speak about now..." Robin said as she crossed her arms, giving Enel a rather serious gaze.

She extended her arm, aiming to shake Enel's hand with a grateful smile on her face.

"I'm sure there will be time for that soon... Sorry if my appearance is a bit sudden... I can tell that everyone here is stressed out. I just want to meet Dragon."

Enel scratched the back of his head as he shook her hand using one of his earlobes.

Robin was a bit weirded out by that, but she decided not to comment on it as some sweat appeared on her forehead.

At this point, all of the revolutionary soldiers that had gathered calmed down, especially when hearing him apologize.

The captain rubbed his chin a bit.

"Very well... I think Dragon would like to meet you as well." The captain ended up shrugging a bit.

'Not like we can stop him from following us...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

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