Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 224: same plot, same classic

  Chapter 224 Same plot, same classic

   "Wait a minute!"

   Roland became more and more confused the more he listened.

"Isn't the "House of Cards" you're talking about the best-selling novel written by Mrs Thatcher's chief of staff and vice-chairman of the Conservative Party, Michael Dobbs? Isn't the Andrew Davis you're talking about the one who created " The director of Dirty Dragons, Above the Law, Hidden Dragon, and The Fugitive?"

   "When did they get involved? And a BBC miniseries House of Cards?"


  Hearing Roland's question, Kate, who wanted to introduce the BBC mini-series to the other party, was also a little confused. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, and found that their brain circuits and the other party were not on the same channel at all.

"Okay, wait a minute." Kate, who was like a cat, got up from the sofa where she was nesting, spread her left hand, and clasped her thumb with her right hand, and said, "First of all, the "House of Cards" I mentioned is indeed A BBC miniseries based on the best-selling novel written by Michael Dobbs." Then she nodded her index finger and said, "Secondly, the Andrew Davis I'm talking about is not a Hollywood one." Andrew Davies is the director, but our well-known British screenwriter."

   "Didn't I film Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" in 1995?"

   "In the same year, Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" was also made into a miniseries by the BBC, and the screenwriter was Andrew Davis."

   "The actor is Colin Firth, do you know him?"

   "It's the Colin Firth who played for my uncle Kenneth in "Mrs. Rose" in 1987."

   "Oh...Colin Firth?" Roland, whose thoughts were like complicated tangles, came to his senses, "I remembered..."

   Colin Firth, who assisted Kenneth Branagh, isn't he the guy who won the best actor with "The King's Speech" in the future?

  Special code, this turned out to be a pot with the same name!

Just like every time Professor Luo attends a class, there will be a guy named Zhang San jumping around on the edge of the law. There are too many guys with the same name and surname in the world. It's really easy to confuse thinking.

  When he heard the name Andrew Davis for the first time, the director who had worked with Harrison Ford came to Roland's mind. After all, for him, Harrison Ford was his own.

   After Kate's explanation, Roland also recalled the Andrew Davis she mentioned, who was a super well-known screenwriter.

Representative works include "BJ's Diary" series, "Nancy's Love History" in film, and BBC mini-series "Bleak House", "Little Dorrit", "Sense and Sensibility", "War and Peace", " Les Miserables".

  Yes, Roland has watched many film and television dramas written by the other party. As for what Kate said, he adapted "House of Cards"...

   Well, he has an impression too—

  BBC version of "House of Cards", Roland has not actually watched it.

  The reason is very simple, the age is too old, and high-definition resources cannot be found. As a British drama produced in the 1990s, if you use a computer screen with a decoder more than ten years later to watch the original version, the quality of the drama is scumbag.

In addition, this "House of Cards" is a little less popular than soul dramas like "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister", so in the first few batches of BBC reset the old TV series, it Refurbished to 1080P, his name was not on the list of technical modifications, and when the list finally came to it, the American version of "House of Cards" had already become popular all over the world. I watched Kevin Spacey After the performance, Roland didn't bother to look for the resources of the old version of "House of Cards".

  He didn't think it was necessary.

Even though the American version of "House of Cards" is a remake of the British version of "House of Cards", Roland doesn't think the British version is a drama. ", "2001: A Space Odyssey", and "The Shining", were refurbished at the fastest speed by the only known money-making capitalists.

   To put it bluntly, a work is not popular.

   What you are looking at is actually not the box office reputation, but the means of cashing out of the capitalists.

  The crazier the capitalists, the more fans are willing to pay for this work.

However, it doesn't matter if he hasn't watched this drama in his previous life. In this life, he can make up for this drama when the equipment and bit rate match. So, in Kate's eyes, Roland's The behavior is that after figuring out the source of the BBC mini-series "House of Cards", he ordered his assistant to buy a disc.

   Putting it into practical action, Kate felt that Roland attached great importance to this visit.

  Well, she thinks Roland is pretty good.

   And Roland...

   then put all his heart and soul into the mini-series.

   "Hey! Is the opening sentence okay—'There is nothing eternal in this world, and any party that has been in power for a long time will eventually die'? Such a spicy beginning? The scale is okay..."

   "Ian Richardson, an old man, is awesome, elegant, calm, and majestic. Is this the so-called gentleman?"

"Well... the signature commentary monologue has given Ian a dual personality. When communicating with other characters in the play, he always wears a mask and never reveals his heart, but when facing the camera, he is proud, proud and determined. , dissatisfaction, these subjective expressions all emerge, distinguishing a living person from the two aspects of rationality and sensibility..."

  BBC version of "House of Cards", the three seasons add up to only twelve episodes, each episode is 50 minutes long, and can be finished in ten hours.

   After Roland finished the TV series, he realized that if the British version of "House of Cards" can be described as short and concise, then the American version of "House of Cards" can be called a golden mountain.

  The overall plot is similar in both versions, but the real difference is actually the limitation brought about by the development of the times.

  That’s right, no matter what cultural work, the moment it meets the public, it will wear shackles—

  In the British version of "House of Cards", there are very few female characters, while in the American version of "House of Cards", the party whip is almost killed by a woman.

  The difference in roles created by the roles of different genders has a lot to do with the development of feminism.

In addition, Mr. Urquhart, the protagonist of the British version, gives people the impression that he is a good old man, or a smiling tiger, while the protagonist of the American version, Underwood, has the word **** engraved on his face .

  This is actually a cultural difference.

  Although the United States and Britain are both capitalist countries, the United Kingdom is an old empire after all. They know how to maintain their own face, or in other words, wearing the skin of a gentleman and doing dirty things is their favorite thing to do.

  But it’s pretty—

   Isn’t there a saying that is good, the United States is strong, in the eyes of Europe, it is a country, and the Americans are rich, in the eyes of Europeans, they are poor and only have money.

  This kind of discrimination is even more vividly reflected in cultural works.

  The third difference is public opinion.

  The reporters in the British version are more childish than those in the American version.

   No way, who let the British media be controlled by those two or three capitalists?

Compared with the separatist regime of five generations and ten countries in the United States, British journalists can only be naive. It’s not that they don’t have performance pressure, but there are many things. The journalists themselves can’t break the news, but the United States is different. become more democratic.

  In other words, not everyone has the right to free speech, but your point of view can become a means for me to attack my opponent.

   It is in this environment that the reporters in the US version are more pungent when asking questions, while the reporters in the British version obviously have invisible constraints.

   But even so, if Roland were asked to rate the two dramas, he would give nine points at the same time.

  Because from the perspective of audiences with different audiences, these two dramas are excellent.

   "Does your dad want to be in politics? Why do you like watching this kind of stuff?"

  After watching the play, Roland, who was full of surprises, pulled Kate's hair.

   Nesting on the sofa, sitting and finishing ten hours of drama at once, as long as it is an individual, it will be unbearable.

  So, in the process of supplementing the drama, Roland's hands were not honest, first he grabbed Kate into his arms, and then—

   It was a long tug-of-war that lasted several hours.

   "He wants to go into politics? Are you kidding me?" Although she changed her posture a lot, after watching the TV series for ten hours, even though Kate had Hannah's iron spirit, she still felt stuck.

   Ignoring Roland's childish behavior of playing with his own hair, he stretched his waist in sleepiness, yawned, and said in a tired tone: "He just likes this kind of drama..."

"In his words, politicians are the dirtiest actors in the world. Compared with them, the entertainment industry is as clean as a piece of white paper. The filth here is far less than one ten-thousandth of theirs, but they I still like to use gentlemanly behavior to flaunt my position, and spread news one after another that is only beneficial to them to the people who are full of hope for them..."


  It turns out that my father-in-law looked at these episodes with a critical eye!

Roland thought that the father-in-law who liked to watch dramas like "Yes, Minister", "Yes, Prime Minister" and "House of Cards" was an expert in government affairs who liked thick and black studies, but he didn't expect that when people watched these dramas, they just To better criticize parliament?



   "I know what to give your dad."

   "Huh?" Kate got up tired and wanted to go back to her room to sleep, and looked at Roland suspiciously. The blanket wrapped around her body was half-drawn and hung on her waist. Even after watching it for a year and a half, Roland was still very interested.

   "Don't tell me, you want to buy a set of "House of Cards", "The King of Shows", "The Final Chapter", and then get Michael Dobbs to sign it?"

   "Let me tell you, my dad is not interested in these things."

  “He watches these TV shows with practical significance just to be able to talk with his friends at parties.”

   "If you don't want to talk about these things with him, then don't talk about current affairs after seeing him."

  If Kate's parents hear these words, they will definitely face black.

   What's special about this is that the elbows are turned outward?

Back then, when Kate wanted to learn acting, they knew the darkness in the circle and they didn't agree with her daughter's idea. It was because Kate's grandma couldn't hold back her granddaughter and secretly signed up for her granddaughter. After that, the family members who learned about it also accepted their fate. .

Although Kate has not encountered any popular projects along the way, she has also helped to find resources and relationships. Otherwise, even if she is very talented, she would not be able to win the UK's highest academy award at the age of nineteen. Best supporting actress.

  Now, your family has paid so much for you, but now you feel that your man doesn’t like topics that your family likes, so you open a back door and tell him how to avoid things you don’t like?

   It’s not that you want to reap benefits from your family, even the chat topic is so maintained, this is really...

Of course, Kate would not tell her father about these things, but Roland, he is only thinking about "House of Cards" now, and he didn't pay attention to these details at all, "Why would I send a signed book? ?”

   "When you bought gifts for David and Garnett, you were generous. If I go over, I can't do anything wrong, right?"

   "Not to mention, after watching the twelve-episode miniseries, I am quite interested in "House of Cards."

   "How about I buy the North American shooting copyright of "House of Cards", and then wait a few years to make it into a TV series?"

   "At that time, invite your dad to be a producer."

   "It's pointless to talk about it in front of friends, right? How could it be better to shoot a satirical drama by yourself?"

"When your dad goes out in the future, it's not about 'I know this, Ian Richardson played it in "House of Cards"', and it's not about 'Yes, Prime Minister' satirized the current situation, What is said there is exactly the same as our current experience, we can only watch those politicians perform like clowns', but 'this content, I filmed'..."

  Since we talked about "House of Cards", which Roland has never thought of, how could he miss it?

  Although "House of Cards" is played on Nai Fei's streaming media platform, and because of the money spent on streaming media, Nai Fei has never announced the net income of "House of Cards", but—

   It's not important, is it?

   As long as Roland knows that it is a high-quality drama, that's enough!

  Roland has never disliked many copyrights, and he is not worried that he has no money to shoot.

   After all, he is a firm believer in the 'Disney effect'.

  Although he has never experienced Disney's 1.0 and 2.0 stages, this does not prevent him from learning Disney and directly entering the 3.0 stage.

   And the 3.0 link, isn't it just a search for copyright...

   As for whether the original author will sell it or not?

   Roland is not worried about this.

  Anyway, the original author is also afraid of money.

But when he waved his hand, imitating the white-haired old man in the emoji of later generations, and commented on the future, Kate, who was half-wrapped in a blanket, was startled, and after a few seconds of sluggish expression on Roland's face, she said Only then shook his head with a wry smile.

   "Oh, now I can't imagine how excited my dad would be when he heard the news."

   "He will absolutely love this gift, absolutely..."

   "Then do you like it?" Roland asked with a smile.

   "Me?" Kate raised her eyebrows, let go of the blanket with her left hand, and stroked Roland's cheek. "Let's talk about this question in the bedroom."

  Hearing these words, Roland's face darkened, "That...that's enough for today..."

   "From eight in the morning to six in the afternoon, it's been a day of playing, let's take a shower and go out for dinner."

  Unfortunately, Kate, who was excited, didn't want to let him go. She grabbed Roland's arm and dragged him to the bedroom with a smile.

   "Trust me, you'll soon want to sleep instead of eat."

Note: ①The reason why Michael Dobbs is afraid of money is that when Naifei bought the copyright, he didn’t even know that there was such a company as Naifei in the world. He sold it to the other party simply because the price was too high. One hundred million! At that time, the buyout price of the copyright of the big fire in the market was only 50 million (data sourced from "Daily Economic News", and the interview location was the Tencent New Cultural and Creative Ecological Conference in 2018). ②The "Disney effect" written in the article has nothing to do with the "Disney effect" in economics. What is mentioned here is Disney's development ideas, version 1.0, stepping on the trend of the times to discover the first pot of gold (Part 1 Sound animation, the first full-length color animation), version 2.0, IP operation (Disney theme club, maintain user stickiness, Disneyland, IP realization), after that, in 1957, Walt Disney proposed the Disney profit The development strategy of the multiplier model, and what makes this strategy a reality is the 3.0 version, copyright maintenance and IP innovation, and IP innovation is divided into three types, the first is self-launch, and the second is crazy purchase (early Disney started to buy IP in 1961, when it bought Winnie the Pooh), and the third was the merger and acquisition company (Pixar). The Disney effect in the entertainment industry is actually talking about the three stages of Disney. This term was only proposed after the crazy appearance of the film and television IP universe. In other words, the reason why Hollywood giants fiddle with the IP universe is because they discovered Disney’s development ideas. It is the breakthrough point. Marvel's kind of leek that simply cuts readers and authors has no future.



  (end of this chapter)

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