Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 222: The drama version of "Saving Private Ryan" and the Tool Man

  Chapter 222 The drama version of "Saving Private Ryan" has the same screenwriter as the tool man

  As soon as "Saving Private Ryan" was mentioned, countless slots suddenly appeared in Roland's heart.

  In fact, when Roland got the script of "Saving Private Ryan", he was completely surprised.

   It’s not how perfect the script is, but that there is a big difference between the script and the movie in memory.

So many years have passed, even though he made a film back then, he can't recall every detail in the film, and he can't even remember the development of the film's plot. Two bright spots.

One is the weakness and helplessness of Captain Miller played by Tom Hanks when he landed on the beach. This is in stark contrast to the subsequent plot of refusing to save the little French girl. At the end of the film, the scene of leaning against the ruins and shooting tanks made Captain Miller, who wanted to complete the mission and return home, so cute.

  Although he took over the task of saving Private Ryan, he just wanted to disarm and return home to accompany his wife, but when he went to the battlefield to face righteousness, he would still give everything to resist tyranny.

  This kind of inconsistency, but it belongs to the logical thinking of a normal person, makes him flesh and blood.

  Secondly, it is naturally the plot of releasing prisoners in the film.

On the way to find Private Ryan, they encountered a machine gun position. After seeing the corpses of American soldiers nearby, Miller said that he would kill him. During the process of taking down the position, the military doctor was shot and died. They let the remaining prisoners give to the military doctor Digging the grave, and when the comrades wanted to kill the prisoners to avenge the military doctor, the interpreter accompanying the team told the Holy Mother that shooting the prisoners was a taboo on the battlefield.

Miller weighed again and again, and finally chose to let the prisoner go, but it was this choice that made the prisoner take up arms again at the final decisive moment of the film, not only killing the Jewish soldiers in the team, but also personally ending Captain Miller .

   Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

   This episode is still fresh in Roland's memory.


  The above two plots are not reflected in Steven Spielberg's script for Roland at all.

Not only that, but in the script, when the beach was landed, Captain Miller was smoking a cigar, like a ****, dissing the recruits under his hands, and the movie fell into silent tinnitus, and the plot reflecting the cruelty of the war disappeared without a trace Instead, it was a one-shot landing counterattack, and Captain Miller's godlike performance that day—

   Yes, Captain Miller in the script, that really is the king of the hill.

  Whether you are a **** or a Buddha, you will be knocked down with one blow.

In the script, when attacking the German bunker, he saw three groups of death squads sacrificed one after another in groups of six, so Captain Miller stepped forward to attract the enemy's firepower with his flesh and blood. Send out the grenade and send the Germans to heaven.

  What the fuck?

  This plot, why is it so familiar?

  The machine guns in the bunkers have already killed 18 people, but when they faced you, they missed?

   Didn’t you just turn on the dodge halo?

After that, the plot of Miller's mission to save Private Ryan was very different from the plot in Roland's memory. Captain Miller in the script was a veteran. To save a private and send an entire squad is not worth it at all, and the glibness embodied in the written words can overflow into the three-dimensional.

  In the movie, Miller played by Tom Hanks is unpretentious, extremely low-key, and he looks like a good old man.

  If it's just these, then forget it.

  When accepting the task, forming a team, and embarking on the journey of searching, the strange plot made Roland bewildered.

Captain Miller and his team drove a jeep to find Ryan from the very beginning, but in the process, their whereabouts were discovered by the enemy, they encountered a surprise attack, and their car was bombed. Captain Le thoroughly demonstrated to his teammates what it means to kill God on the battlefield—

  Special function-like detection ability, even if the distance is hundreds of meters, you can still easily find the whereabouts of the enemy;

  Pipi Shrimp-like god-level movement, using flesh and blood to attract enemy firepower without injury;

  Super leadership ability, can easily resolve various problems with words;

  The point is that the script also specifically named Captain Miller as a cat with nine lives. After years of war, he has three left, and this is the reason why he is so chic...

  When Roland saw this scene, he felt that what he was reading was not the script of "Saving Private Ryan", but an anti-war drama!

   Captain Miller gave Roland the feeling that he was a cheap version of Steve Rogers!

If you use the idea of ​​writing to understand the entire script, then the title of "Saving Private Ryan" with such a plot is obviously off topic, and if Roland were asked to name it, then he would write it like this—"The Divine Soldier From Heaven: Captain Miller" ", "Catman (Catman, "I fought the German army in Europe", "The German army spent six tragic years in World War II", "Comrades, it is the fifth year of World War II, and there is still one year to go Victory, let's persevere! "...

  Where is this special code "Saving Private Ryan"?

   Isn't this special code "Captain America: The First Avenger"?

   What is the difference between a book with such a structure and those dramas?

  It’s the same as shredding devils to avoid bullets!

  The same machine gunner who killed the devil with one shot from eight hundred miles away!

  To be honest, when Roland saw such a script, he really had some doubts. Was the old man deliberately fooling himself?

  If not, then could it be that the anti-war movie that was supposed to be a serious anti-war movie was turned into a drama with my own participation?

   It's a pity that the old man at that time was filming "The Tide of Broken Lock", and Roland didn't have time to talk to him at all, and when the old man came back again, the private party interfered with Roland's thoughts.

   So much so that he found time to chat with the other party on the private plane to the UK.

   And after he briefly described his doubts, Spielberg was also confused.

Carefully took a look at the script that Roland handed over, his old face suddenly darkened, and at the same time he threw the script away, he took out a manuscript that had been worn out from his bag , said with some embarrassment—

   "Uh... I gave the wrong day."

   "What you took was the final draft script finalized by the screenwriter, and this is the shooting outline after I revised it."

   "I don't have a backup here, just look at mine."

Meow meow meow?

  Roland felt countless small question marks appearing in his head.

  Holding the grass, the one just now was really a script!

With a look of surprise on his face, Roland opened Spielberg's draft of the shot. After a brief review, he was relieved by the familiar formula and familiar taste. However, he still had something to ask: "The one before that? ,what happened?"

   "Are you sure it's depicting real World War II and not Captain America?"

   "You know, after reading the script, I even suspected that you want to make a superhero movie."

   "I almost dug Captain America out of the copyright library and gave it to you."

Although Roland asked seriously, the slightly teasing words made the old man a little embarrassed. If Roland hadn't lowered his voice, he would even have raised his hand to cover the guy's mouth, and waited for Roland to beep. After finishing speaking, Spielberg said: "Accident, it's all an accident... That's just the final draft that the screenwriter gave me."

   "Compared with our shooting draft, there is still a certain discrepancy."

   Hearing what he said, Roland understood—

   After co-authoring for a long time, the original script of "Saving Private Ryan" turned out to be a drama?

   Except for South Korea, screenwriters in other places have no human rights.

   No matter how good your writing is, it is impossible to present it intact on the screen in the end.

   Even Stephen King, a great writer, is no exception.

   "The Shawshank Redemption" sells well, right?

   More than 30 places were changed by the director.

  Even if the guy who owns the copyright is Stephen King, in the entertainment industry, his right to speak is still limited.

  It is impossible for the director to shoot according to his ideas, and he does not insist on this matter.

   Of course, Stephen King made money anyway.

   And those who did not make money and were squeezed, there are even more.

  The most exaggerated one is "The Ferryman" produced by Sunglass King.

   It claims to have changed the script 118 times!

   To be a screenwriter in this kind of play, isn’t that a gunman without copyright?

  Of course, the director changes the script, the producer changes the script, the producer changes the script, these things actually have two sides...

  Or, those who master the market know what is lacking in the script, and they are making changes for the better.

  Either, they are self-righteous and think that what they like is good, and they make random changes there.

   But no matter what the reason is, it’s right that screenwriters don’t have human rights anyway.

"Saving Private Ryan" is the former. The screenwriter described Captain Miller in the play as extremely heroic, which is the key force in interpreting the American dream. In my eyes, that's just nonsense...

   After seeing Roland compare the gap between the old and new scripts, Spielberg said very casually:

   "Actually, I didn't change much. There were more than 160 pages, and I only changed 47 pages."

   "The biggest change is actually Captain Miller's character design."

   "Tom couldn't have played that oily character, so I changed Captain Miller into a good guy."

   "As for why, I think Tom has already told you the reason when he taught you how to create characters..."

   "He only plays good guys."

That's right, compared with the original version written by the screenwriter, the biggest difference between Spielberg's personally modified "Saving Private Ryan" is not that Captain Miller has lost his legendary color and transformed into a human being, but the greasy-tongued character on his body. The ** attribute has become the good person attribute that Tom Hanks has always interpreted to the public.

  Compared to those directors who keep saying that they want to pursue art, Spielberg and his group understand better than anyone else that the characters in the script are not for the plot at all, but for the audience.

  When the audience sees Hanks' face, they think he is a good person, and the attributes of the character must be portrayed in this way.

   In the showbiz, the so-called challenge yourself, to reach new heights in acting, is all brains.

   This is making life difficult for the audience and money.

  Many guys have never understood that an actor who created an unforgettable character has already succeeded in his life, and any transformation is just eating and having nothing to do.

  If someone really succeeds in transformation, it can only explain one thing.

  The characters he created before are actually not classic.

And when Spielberg discovered that after listening to his own explanation, Roland skipped over the first hundred pages and found the scene where he played, his face showed even more helplessness, "The lines you recited, there is no Too much change...”

   "Saving Ryan itself is the best expression of humanitarianism. The greatest significance of your role as Ryan in the film is to question the act of saving Ryan as the person involved."

   "And, you have to be moved by Miller's act of saving you. When he sacrificed, you just need to cry in front of him."

   "Like in...Spider-Man."

   "You just have to show how sad Peter Parker was when he faced his dying uncle Ben Parker..."

   "The most critical scene can be passed."

  Yes, the fundamental reason why Tom Hanks recommended Roland to Spielberg was repeated success.

   Find ways to repeat success by changing the method.

Yes, in "Saving Private Ryan", the relationship between Captain Miller and Ryan played by Hanks is very similar to the relationship between Peter Parker and Ben Parker in "Spider-Man". One point, if the reality is confused, "Saving Private Ryan" can actually be regarded by the audience as the autobiography of Ben Parker. He has experienced everything, and finally handed over his vision for the future to Ryan. This kind of spiritual inheritance, In fact, it is easier to satisfy the audience. As for what the creator wants to express?

   Haven’t all been explained clearly through Captain Miller’s choices one after another?

  The so-called theme, isn’t it advisable to save one of the seven values?

   Everyone is looking for answers, including Ryan himself.

   And death or life on the battlefield, isn’t it also a dispute over the values ​​that the director wants to express?

  Now that the theme has been conveyed, isn’t it reasonable to add business to the script?

  The bald-headed Vin Diesel got the role because of this, and Spielberg accepted Hanks's recommendation not because Roland could act well, nor because he was his student, but...

  If arranged in this way, movies can really make money.

  Since doing so will not interfere with your own creative space, but also satisfy the rules and regulations in the capital world.

   Then why not do it?

  Spielberg's greatness has never been that he has made some earth-shattering, ghost-crying movies.

   Rather he was always looking for balance.

   Find a balance between profit and creativity.

   "Okay? So where do we start?"

  Now that the doubts in his heart had been resolved, Roland relaxed.

   As for talking to the other party about the script?

  My God!

  Although the name of the movie is "Saving Private Ryan", does the whole movie really have nothing to do with Ryan?

   Roland watched it, and the scenes related to him, all of which added up, only took more than ten minutes to die.

  Using the replacement theory that Hanks gave him, he can act with his eyes closed.

  So, instead of studying characters, let’s study something else.

After listening to his words, Spielberg didn't have any objections. Since Roland doesn't need to worry about this thing, he doesn't care whether Roland is focused, "It's actually the same whether your character participates in military training or not." of."

   "If you want to participate, then go with the team. If you don't want to participate, it doesn't matter if you come back after the filming starts."

   "Oh, by the way, don't you want to play with guns?"

   "Let them bring live ammunition."

Note: ①The screenplay of "Saving Private Ryan" is indeed very magical. Captain Miller in it can do all kinds of operations that only exist in the magic movie, but in the screenplay, Captain Miller did not die in the end, and Ryan went home together. The entire script was revised by Spielberg forty-seven places, including the final battle, which was originally two small battles, but was merged into one by the old man, and the script did not find Ryan wrong, it was added by the old man himself , and Jewish soldiers showing off their identities to the German army are also his private goods. ② Captain Miller’s character design was indeed modified according to Hanks’ own image. Spielberg said in the documentary documentary released by DreamWorks that Hanks’ image to people is a good guy, so he can’t play a bad guy , the role has been slightly adjusted. This kind of creative concept is actually the most commercial. Don't try to adjust yourself. Many times people are killed by their own behavior. ③Matt Damon did not participate in the military training of the crew. In fact, it was not that the role of Ryan was not needed, but that Damon was filming "Rage of the Sky" at the time and had no time.

   PS, the last chapter was blocked last night, and it is now released after revision.



  (end of this chapter)

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