Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 184: "Spider-Man" released

  Chapter 184 "Spider-Man" released

  For the general public, the entertainment industry in the past two years has been extremely boring.

  The social hotspots that are closely related to everyone occupy their lives. When the vital interests are seriously disturbed, entertainment, which belongs to the tertiary industry of spiritual civilization construction, is bullshit.

But the hurricane at the beginning of the year seemed to take away the dark clouds of bad luck that had hung over America for nearly two years. As the natural disasters dissipated, those disturbing problems gradually disappeared, lingering outside of people's lives. The entertainment, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, reappeared in people's field of vision, and the first to bear the brunt was Wu Baige's "Broken Arrow".

As the old-fashioned theme of the story caused by the disappearance of nuclear bombs, "Broken Arrow" follows the path of gunfight movies, and this is Wu Baige's strong point. Not only that, when the hero John Travolta appears, That cynical smile, the very charm of the smoking posture, will pretend to be the word beep, and show it vividly.

   People can't help shouting—

   Grab the grass!

   Isn’t this special guy, Brother Ma!

   And when Roland heard this kind of remarks, he laughed—

  'Wait, as soon as "Face Changing" comes out, you will find that there are two pony brothers on the screen! They're all pretending to beep! '

Although "Broken Arrow" received an investment of 50 million yuan in exchange for a box office of 70 million yuan in North America, the overseas market has also gained a lot. From the perspective of the box office, this movie is not a loss, but in terms of the disc market, it is Selling hot.

   It can be regarded as bringing the first breath of life to the entertainment industry that has been cold for a long time.

   Followed by Robin Williams' "Birdcage".

A-list That is A-list, as a **** movie, with the addition of Robin Williams, the dramatic sense of comedy made the audience in the theater laugh out loud. The acting is warm, cute, full of sunshine, and the kind of comedy talent that is integrated into the bones made this movie win a North American box office of 120 million in the garbage schedule in early March. At the same time, it also made people in the circle shout, the film and television industry, recovery up.

Of course, it is a bit biased to say that an industry has recovered just by relying on two movies, but the ratings of the Oscars at the end of March were more than 44 million, which is not bad, and the most powerful of them is Nicholas- cage.

  Because people want to know if Nicolas Cage, who asked a prostitute to act in order to make a movie, can get his wish.

  That’s right, due to a lot of bad things happening at the beginning of the year, many companies are worried that their preparations for the awards will be in vain, so they all show their talents and prove that actors are excellent, which is endless.

The most typical one is Nicolas Cage. Some media broke the news that before the filming of "Far From Casino", in order to make herself more suitable for the role, the heroine Elizabeth Shu in the film drank wildly and specially visited alcoholics. And the hero Nicolas Cage chatted with the dancers in a **** in Las Vegas, looking for that decadent feeling.

As soon as such a professional statement came out, it shocked people's attention. When the heat became popular, Fox publicly criticized the media that spread the news, saying that the news was not true. It was obviously the heroine Elizabeth Shu Xiang dancers Learning, looking for a sense of debauchery, while Nicolas Cage sticks to himself, uses alcohol to relieve his sorrows, and looks for the pain, decadence and negativity of the people in the play.

Regardless of the truth, entertainment gossip has been sold anyway, and the names of people who have dedicated their lives to movies have also been published. In this case, the sales of various "revealing" newspapers have skyrocketed, which really makes those production companies Let me breathe a sigh of relief.

  Because in the past two years, this kind of entertainment tabloid has sold far less well than social hot spots.

  When the melon-eating people who are closely related to the entertainment industry stand up again, this industry will really be saved.

Of course, for the gossip crowd, what really interests them is Roland Allen, who has returned to people's attention—by virtue of the hottest Internet industry at the moment, he was squeezed by the media to say a ' There's the word after the 'Guess who Roland likes? ’ topic directly became the only hot spot on the IMDb communication page.


  IMDb is owned by Roland himself, and it is too easy for Cole Needham and the others to be the top.

  In addition to the fact that Sony has poured some money into it, those page administrators who get Roland's salary naturally understand how they should "maliciously hold" at the juncture of the announcement of "Spider-Man".

Suspend the entry update of "Titanic" and Kate Winslet, and remove the gossip photos submitted by Sony from the pending review area, as the largest movie fan community on the Internet with more than 30 million visits per week , the background staff can click twice with the mouse to influence the discussion direction of a public opinion news.

   Not only that, but on the Yahoo homepage, there is also a photo of Roland being interviewed.

  After clicking on the webpage to browse the news, they can even see the IMDb link embedded at the end of the article by the administrator of Yahoo! There is also a note at the back, which briefly describes the nature of the website.

   Regardless of whether it is movie fans who have already bought a house on IMDb, or those people who browse news on Yahoo and are finally attracted to IMDb, the entire Internet marketing process has been played into a closed loop by the same boss.

  Although Roland hates trouble, when trouble really arises, he will take the initiative to make money-making arrangements!

In this way, things like 'Roland and Reese seem to be a couple', 'Roland and Kate have no chance to date at all', 'Although I think Kate is prettier than Reese, but there is no possibility of timing', 'During filming "Spider-Man" was born because of the drama, it sounds so romantic' A series of remarks have become the mainstream views of most fans after they are hammered...

And remarks such as "Kate and Roland are more suitable", "I really want to see Roland and Kate work together", "The child Steven said is definitely Roland" were put on the same page under the operation of the mastermind behind the scenes. The lower half of the…

Because this thing is still very useful after Fox announced the lineup of "Titanic". , Holding it up!

   There is no deletion or control of comments. This kind of guidance is already very fair, right?

   With the traditional media in the same camp as Roland spreading rumors indiscriminately, and the Internet community controlled by Roland slightly intervening, "Spider-Man", which will meet with you in June, rocketed to the sky and hit the headlines at a rocket speed.

The offline business dominated by Sony is not idle either. Bus spray painting, huge advertisements for landmark buildings, pre-campaign interviews, creative statues... These publicity methods that require a lot of money are instantly attached to the streets and alleys of major cities. The online and offline two-pronged publicity method, people are also pleasantly surprised to find that the blockbuster movie that has been waiting for several years has finally appeared!

This kind of treatment of the annual masterpiece that can only be enjoyed by a son makes "Mission: Impossible" and "Tornado" in front of "Spider-Man" extremely speechless. The debut "Spider-Man" squeezed aside-but no way, who made "Spider-Man" have enough gimmicks?

  The IP of Spider-Man has its own traffic, and the starring Roland has a terrifying base of fans.

And in front of this kind of krypton gold players with their own plug-ins, Sony is also very flamboyantly stepping on the heat of Yahoo's listing and Roland's love suspicions to make announcements. When other guys pick one at random and can crush the popularity of other movie stars, only "Tornado" invested and produced by Amblin and "Mission: Impossible" led by Tom Cruise alone are really special Can't fight.

But fortunately, they did not collide with "Spider-Man". Although it is not as popular as "Spider-Man", "Tornado" still made a strong contribution to the amazing box office of over 41 million in the first weekend, and it was released 12 days later. "Mission: Impossible" hit 45 million in three days after its release. With such a result, people shouted, "Wolf is coming!"

   You know, the box office of over 40 million in the first weekend has happened three times so far.

  After "Batman Forever" cut 52 million in three days, the entire movie market is constantly pulling its hips.

   And less than a year has passed since that terrifying box office event, as if it was just yesterday!

However, the money-making behavior of "Tornado" and "Mission: Impossible" has also increased Sony and the market's expectations for "Spider-Man". Maybe they will all be pulled by Sony, but no matter what, the 53% screening rate is already the greatest support given by the North American Theater Alliance. In order to create momentum for the film, Sony also invited stars from all over the world to attend At the premiere held in New York on the 1st, besides the leading actors, there were also many stars, such as... Well, the super luxurious lineup of "Spider-Man" can move to the entire Hollywood.

Take Tom Cruise as an example. He is still there for his "Mission: Impossible" road show, and then he and "Mission: Impossible" director Brian Palmer came to "Spider-Man". "Stand up, this behavior of 'enemy' giving 'enemy' a stand, made those media who have written press releases for many years speechless.

What bothered them the most was that Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage, starring Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage, who will be released on the same day as "Spiderman", were also replaced by Francis Coppola and Steven S. Here comes Pierre Berger.

  This kind of behavior of being his own people wherever he goes, the reporters shook their heads again and again.

  You let them report like this?

   Opponent cheering for opponent?

   Isn’t this kind of behavior the same as clenching fists with a rabbit, cheering hard, and saying to Ying-chan: “Ya-chan, you have to work hard!”, it’s just as spoof!

In addition to people in the entertainment circle, Ronald Perelman, who had greeted Roland before, also appeared on the red carpet with Marvel shareholder Carl Icahn, and laughed and hugged Roland and the truck driver friendly Rupert Murdoch, who had previously greeted Sony and said that he was also very interested in superhero movies, also had the cheek to come over.

  With their appearance, the atmosphere on the scene became more harmonious.

   After all, the relationship between these people is that one wants to need and the other is needed...

  As for the accompanying film critics and entertainment editors of major newspapers and magazines?

  They may not like to see a guy like Roland who catches commercial films to death, but they don't dare to show their faces.

  The pen dares to yell at the bosses, but not the father who gave them a platform to post articles.

   Of course, Kate was also at the premiere in a little black dress.

   It's just that everyone knows it well, and it's enough to say hello with a smile.

Compared with the calm creative team, the guests who just watched the excitement, and the film critics and entertainment editors who wrote reviews honestly, the children who were really happy were those who were selected—ah, no, they were selected. lucky one.

   At the premiere of almost every commercial blockbuster, there are certain vacant seats reserved for those fans. This is a common practice in business operations and a means of giving back to fans.

   Soon, when all the procedures were completed, the theater lights dimmed and the screen came on.

  As the title of the page-turning animation appeared, Roland also sat upright; although he knew that the IP of Spider-Man would not be able to hit the street no matter what, he was actually curious about the effect of this year when he watched the film for the first time.

At the beginning of the film, it is Peter Parker's self-report in the dark, and the plot that follows is no different from the final draft script of the truck driver. Fighting for him, and in this case, Harry Osborn, who was a classmate with Little Spider, also extended a caring helping hand to him... After using a series of simple shots to explain the identities of several characters and After the living environment, Roland with sharp ears heard some discussions—

   is about the little plum.

   "Leo's image is actually pretty good."

   "Yeah, no worse than Roland."

   "The acting is pretty good. If there are no accidents, I can enter the ranks of the A-list."

  That's right, this is the advantage of being handsome. Although Xiao Lizi kept saying that Roland was more handsome, but when the two stood together, no one could ignore him, and this was actually the main reason why Roland found each other.

He is already on the A+ list, and he has already touched the ceiling in the actor's profession. Unless his acting skills are improved, otherwise, if he wants to give people the same bright feeling as when he first saw "Home Alone", all he has to do is It was an opportunity to play "Titanic", and when he knew that his acting skills could not reach the level that made people tremble all over, it was he who figured out how to use external force to make the ordinary narrative plot more bright. loss.

   After all, compared with other movies, comic movies are inherently flawed in narrative.

Adaptation is not making up, creation is not creation, but any movie that breaks away from the basis of comics and writes its own plot will die miserably. In this way, when the movie project is approved, fans already know what the movie is about up.

   No way, who told the manga to spoil the main plot in advance?

  In the face of this situation, it is necessary to use other means to win people's hearts.

Of course, no matter how handsome Xiao Lizi is, he is just a supporting role in this movie to promote the plot. When he on the screen wants to help Little Spider regain his confidence and invites the whole class to visit his own Osborne Industry, Xiao Lizi The cowardice of the spider and the self-confidence of the second-generation Green Goblin, these two characters have sharp contrasts, and they stood up immediately.

  It's a pity that Little Spider wasn't a cheap and cute protagonist like Big Shit in the beginning.

  He has no poisonous tongue attribute and is dull, but from a sensory point of view, he is actually quite boring.

   But it doesn't matter, when Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, the situation is different!

  Because compared to boring narratives, superhero movies are just Boom, Boom, Boom...

  And when the little spider gained the ability to participate in the underground boxing match, the first place to show its selling point had already arrived.

  Yuan Baye designed the fighting scene, which is a powerful and unconstrained style, like Nolan's "Batman" filming of street gangsters fighting Wang Baquan, or the snow melee in "Inception", he has none of these things.

  Even if the little spider shouldn't be able to kung fu, the bullet time brought by the spider sense can always be used, right?

  The boxer punches the punch, and the fist rubs the tip of his nose and crosses the air, which is exactly the same as the scene of one person calmly watching the ax pass by in front of him when he hits the whole ax gang in "Kung Fu" by Master Xing.

   When leaning on the iron railing and using a sensitive body to avoid the boxer's attack, no matter whether the opponent is throwing a chair or swinging a baseball bat, that dexterous figure can always dodge just right.

  falling from the sky, when posing the landing POSE, the close-up of the back, and the opening chapter of "The Matrix 2", some fight.

The point is, unlike Hollywood’s commonly used shot editing, each attack and defense is a long shot close-up, and in this way, there is no such thing as I raised a bench and smashed it down, and the bench hasn’t touched your body Well, the close-up of the camera in the next second will become a scene of you falling to the ground. This kind of smooth camera feeling surprised everyone on the scene, because they have never shot a fight scene like this before, and the last time they saw this kind of Smooth shots, that was in the introduction film "Red Fan District" of Warcraft Film and Television at the beginning of the year!

   "Wow! Is it so cool when you just started playing?"

   "The slow-motion close-up of the fist rubbing against the nose is so handsome!"

   "How did you shoot that landing pose?"

  Listening to the exclamation from behind, Roland, who was sitting in front, smiled.

   Hollywood guys are really stiff bumpkins when it comes to pure action.

   In "The Matrix 2", the confrontation between Wrinkle Zhaolong and Keanu Reeves is regarded as a classic by them, but compared with Li Lianjie's ring fight in "Fearless", isn't the latter more handsome?

As for the scenes where Keanu Reeves played countless Hugo Weavings in "The Matrix 2", it is far less handsome than Bruce Lee's "Jing Fu Men" or Li Lianjie's "Jing Wu Heroes", And the clean and agile movements are even more enjoyable to watch!

  But there is no way, relying on action alone can only be a star, and Hollywood in this era has developed a fixed system in all aspects except for action.

   What's more, movies, just relying on fighting, wouldn't it become "Kill Bill"?

After solving the underground boxer, the plot of the uncle's death followed. When Tom Hanks, the actor of Lian Zhuang, looked at the little spider and said the line "with great power, comes great responsibility", he was not there at all. The feeling of erupting in silence and perishing in silence made movie fans empathize, but it made people in the circle purse their lips and shake their heads.

  Everyone can see that Roland, who stared at Hanks on the screen and wanted to cry but didn't want to cry, was crushed by the other party in terms of acting skills.

   It's like reading a car text, the wheels are printed on Roland's face!

   But there is no way, Hanks wants to express contagiousness in this paragraph, so he can't just take care of Roland's feelings.

   However, being able to move the audience is the same.

   As for commercial films, any method can be used to bring the audience into it!

Uncle's death is also the first step for Diaosi to transform into a superhero next door. After catching the murderer, a set of narrative montages vividly portrays the little spider's behavior of punishing evil and promoting good. At the same time, following the report of "Daily Bugle", Dr. Lizard, who was forced out by Norman Osborn, finally made his debut when the little spider was rated as a "villain outside the law".

  Industrial Light & Magic also showed its industry-leading background.

In the laboratory, due to the blockage of the circuit, the light suddenly dimmed, and the flickering lights cast a veil of horror on the mutation of Dr. Lizard. In the sudden flashes, Robert Deney on the screen Luo's body continued to twist and swell.

  It was as if the sound of muscular reorganization kept ringing, and the body that kept getting taller and bigger made everyone present hold their breath.

Although there is no close-up close-up, the flickering light still completely portrays the entire transformation process. The long shot that keeps zooming in also allows the audience to watch the entire transformation process well, and when the cold When the unexpected giant lizard roared to the sky, the unheard and never-before-seen visual effects caught everyone's attention.

  A sound of gasping for air spread throughout the movie theater—

   "FFFFFFuck... what special effect is this?"

   "Damn! Dr. Lizard's transformation is too cool, isn't it?"

"Oh! After the movie is released, I must go to the cinema to watch it again! I didn't see it clearly at all. What's going on with the transformation in this episode? This is even more handsome than the storm scene in "Tornado" !"

   Note: ①The market was not good at the beginning of 1996. Nicolas Cage and Fox really speculated on the trait of dedication. ②In 1996, there were more than 60 million Internet users worldwide, and Yahoo + IMDb already monopolized the traffic of the entire Internet.

   PS, ahhh, I regret that I wrote all the plots of the "Spider-Man" trilogy before! I wrote it for a day, deleted, deleted, and subtracted, and found that if I wrote the plot, it would be the outline I wrote before the expansion. There was a beep of water. If I didn’t write the plot, there would be nothing to write in the release, and I wanted to write it without writing the plot. What kind of special effects are described below, it reads like eating shit, this is really annoying!



  (end of this chapter)

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