Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 182: Aegean Sea, three flowers, all teasing

  Chapter 182 Aegean Sea, Three Blossoms, All Ridiculous

  In his previous life, Roland often saw such a joke on the Internet:

Mark Zuckerberg, who is worth tens of billions, personally took his children to the supermarket to buy things, and then there were a bunch of comments about where his father went under the picture, saying that modern society is basically a widowed marriage, work, family, children, The elderly are all borne by the woman alone, and the existence of the husband becomes dispensable...

  This kind of topic touched Roland deeply, because since he was a child, the person he had the most contact with was his mother.

Dad leaves early and returns late, and sometimes he comes home late at night until he is too drunk. When he and his father had conflicts, the other party kept saying that he was busy with work. This kind of complaint was insignificant, and the relationship between the two parties became indifferent. a lot.

  It is precisely because I have witnessed what happened to my parents, as well as the similar situation of other relatives and friends, so...

  Roland no longer believed in love.

  Even after he entered the society, he realized that what his father said was true, and that many entertainments were out of control for the sake of money, but he still couldn't accept all of this, but who could be blamed for it?

  It is true that there are many fathers who are unwilling to go home and enjoy their free time outside just to avoid their responsibilities, but there are also a large part of them who really have to work overtime.

   But no matter which one it is, in Roland's eyes, it is unfair to the majority of mothers.

   But life is never fair.

  So Roland likes a sentence very much, women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong.

Because of this, in my previous life, I was watching "The Story of Strange Flowers" and listened to Xiao Xiao's comment on the song "Take You on a Travel" and said, "I want to take you to romantic Turkey, and then go to Tokyo and Paris together". When he was on the way, he felt a little disgusted.

And when I heard the other party say, "Many boys don't understand, is romance really so important, but have you ever discovered that a woman's romance comes from their work, and as a boy, the best promise to a woman That is, when he was with her, Roland could understand what the other party meant, but he didn't agree with it all.

  From the perspective of a straight man, many girls’ romantic thoughts are indeed doing things, but the so-called doing things can actually be summed up as—no time, no energy, no money, to do these things that seem to be doing things without any scruples.

  The reality lying in front of men is the root of the romance that defeats women.

  That's why Roland went to deliver clothes to Kate.

  He doesn't know what Kate wants, but he knows that he will never be able to flirt with girls like the scumbag Chen Hansheng.

  He who likes to listen to "Listen to Mom" ​​likes the lyrics in Milk Tea Lun's "Grandma"—

  ‘The adults still don’t understand that what she wants is companionship, not six hundred yuan, which is simpler than what you give’

  Under this kind of thinking, when he was in a relationship with Kate, the usual methods of the rich and handsome were naturally abandoned by him.

In addition, Kate grew up in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, and there are many conventional methods in Vanity Fair. When Roland first met her and talked about art, she could be regarded as insincere. It's natural.

What's more, the current Roland is actually the combination of Ruth's lover Jack and fiance Carl in "Titanic". He has Jack's handsomeness, time and thoughtfulness, and Carl's money and status. The amazing popularity accumulated and the impact on peers, hiss...

  Why is my special code so perfect?

  It seems that being handsome is my biggest shortcoming!

   As for introducing Kate to other people, it is actually because he needs a girlfriend now.

  This is for life, but also for career.

  In terms of life, of course, after having Kate, he can fend off many indifferent flesh and blood; and in terms of career, of course, when the upper class gathers, he can't go alone as a bachelor!

Those rich people have wives. If he goes alone, there will inevitably be a pairing of seven aunts and eight aunts. Although Kate is an actress, her family has always acted for the queen who has a long standby time. Uncle Kenneth - Branagh is also a good friend of Prince Philip. Under the recommendation of the other party, he will be knighted by the Queen in the future.

  Compared with many wealthy wives, Kate's status is not bad, even better than many people.

   It’s a bit snobbish. If you can get on with the British royal family, even if the other party is just a symbol, it will be much smoother if you do business there in the future. After all, Roland has only pursued one principle all along.

   Make friends first, then talk about business, instead of talking about business first, then making friends.

  The so-called high society, isn't it just a resource sharing conference?

  Of course, the most important thing is that the two of them see each other right now!

   In the case of having all the material foundations, liking each other is the most important thing.

   After the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival, the two only stayed in Berlin for one night, and flew to Greece early the next morning.

The reason why Kate wants to go to Santorini is because it is in the Aegean Sea. Not only that, but according to legend, the annihilation of the ancient land of Atlantis originated from the volcanic eruption on the island, and after that, the circular The island became the shape of a crescent.

  Of course, the real highlight is not the shape of the island, nor the black sand beach, but the blue-roofed church on the island.

   There are more than 3,000 blue-roofed churches in Santorini, but the most famous one is the one on the cover of National Geographic magazine. It is backed by the blue sky and the sea, and the cross on the dome seems to be able to connect the sky and the earth.

  According to the locals, its name is the Church of the Virgin Mary, but the greater significance of its existence is not actually prayer, but a bunch of people crowded there to take wedding photos.

  As a holy place for honeymoon travel, there are too many lovers here.

  If the FFF regiment is stationed here, if it is swept down with a sickle, no one will be wronged.

   Roland and Kate just looked at it from a distance, and were frightened by the looking and waiting crowd. After glancing twice, the two chose to press the road. Of course, even if they passed, there was nothing to do.

   Since the Aegean Sea in February is not the peak tourist season, it is very easy to find leisure.

  Learn to step on wine in Santorini;

   Waiting for a day at the sunset restaurant in Mykonos, just to witness the moment when the dazzling sun gradually turns into an orange fireball and falls from the sea level;

  Listen to the love story of Zeus and his most touching mistress on the island of Aegina;

  Looking for Leonidas and his three hundred warriors on the island of Poros overlooking Thermopylae;

  Riding a donkey on the island of Hydra to shop for handicrafts...

  Even if a hand-painted glass bottle starts at ten pounds, Roland doesn't care!

   Just buy what you like when you see it. If money can buy happiness, it will be the greatest meaning since its birth.

   Since Kate is not planning to leave Greece before returning to Los Angeles, the schedule of the two is still very loose.

  Of course, in addition to wandering around with their preferences, painting is also a way for them to kill time.

  When Kate learned that Roland was one of the best painters in the circle, the oncoming enthusiasm threw him to the ground.

   "I want you to draw me yourself." A murmured voice sounded in Roland's ears.

   "As you wish." The gentle voice describes the most beautiful love letter.

  From February 16th to March 23rd, the two spent a full thirty-seven days, leaving their mark in Greece.

  Blue sky, sea, sunshine, beach, everything is the background.

   When Kate finished framing the 30 paintings with herself as the main body and bound them into a book, she also picked up a pen and wrote on the cover the sentence that she repeated most frequently these days:

  ‘Simba, you’re crushing my hair. — Nana'

  Looking at these words, Roland added a sentence without hesitation:

  ‘Nana, my arm is numb. —Simba'

   Found that Roland was complaining, Kate didn't show mercy, and wrote:

  ‘Simba, only my legs are allowed to rest on your lap, and your legs are not allowed to rest on mine. — Nana'

   As a result, Roland was even more dissatisfied, and added another sentence:

  ‘Nana, I don’t have a quilt in the middle of the night. —Simba'

   Seeing Roland writing more and more vigorously, Kate immediately slapped the table and pouted.

Watery eyes, staring straight at it, almost nothing written on his face - 'I'll grab your quilt, I'll take your legs, I'll just sleep on your arms, so what if you press your hair down? ? Are you complaining about a try? '


When Roland and Kate finished their trip and returned to Los Angeles, and appeared in front of the truck driver at the same time, the glorious Kate made him smile. As Kate unbuttoned his coat, Roland beside him took it and turned around to replace her. She hung it on the clothes hanger, and then sat down, and the natural flow of things made him nod his head.

  Before he opened his mouth, the two people who sat down ordered each other's food again. Listening to the truck driver who told the waiter the other's taboos in a skillful tone, and put his hands on the table, the more he watched, the more satisfied he was.

   "It seems that you guys had a good time."

   "I heard, in Berlin, you guy jumped the red carpet and sneaked into the opening of the film festival to find her?"

"Admiration! Admiration! You are the first couple in the circle who dare to openly fall in love in front of the media. When the news came back, Steven called me and asked me what was going on. He was stunned, okay? The point Yes, that group of media can't do anything about you!"

   Roland was delighted to hear the truck driver's words, but Kate felt a little embarrassed.

   Turning his wrist, he twisted Roland's waist again.

   Such actions were naturally seen by the truck driver, and he patted the table. Instead of embarrassing Roland, he took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Well, I called you over at this embarrassing time, mainly because..."

   "Roland, your contract hasn't been signed yet."

"I didn't ask you to sign before, I wanted to wait for the box office results of "Spider-Man" to see if I could talk to Fox about a few more points, and try to make you the first guy to get 20%, but now Well, since News Corp. saw your performance at the Berlin Film Festival, so...they want you to sign the contract quickly."

  That's right, Roland hasn't signed the "Titanic" contract yet.

  The purpose is the same as what the truck driver said.

  Isn't it a matter of course for one's own people to help their own people to make more money?

   But who made Roland and Kate go too far at the festival?

  News Group is not blind. As a romance film, the two of them can get bored like that offline. If it’s really filmed, if they can’t cry out a lot of young people, they will write the name of the group upside down!

   And in this case, they naturally hoped that Roland would sign as soon as possible. As for the 20-point share?

  To be honest, they really don't want to give it to a project with an investment of 200 million yuan. Eighteen points is already the limit.

Roland is not the kind of person who desperately wants money. He really doesn't care if there are two points more or two points less. Not only that, in his opinion, the media channel of News Corporation is the most useful thing, and he readily agreed to them to open it. The contract, that is the best performance of paying the protection fee - don't look at his grandeur in front of Kate, but he is clear in his heart.

The reason why the media protects him is because he has created great value for the media. Only by maintaining it all the time, they will not turn against him. Because of this, after knowing that Fox will fully invest, Roland did not think about the "Titanic" copyright.

  They can't get a satisfactory profit, why should they wipe your **** everywhere?

   Roland is not their father!

  Of course, while promising to sign the contract immediately, Roland also remembered one thing.

  The song "My Heart Is Eternal" should not have been born yet!

   After that song comes out, he must buy the copyright.

   Not only because Fox didn't make records at all, but also because "My Heart Will Go On" smashed the entire music scene in 1998!

  A single, sold sales that countless singers could never sell in their lifetime!

  When the game company releases "Warcraft", and when the film company releases "Shawshank Redemption", the record company releases "My Heart Will Go On"... Isn't that three flowers?

   His shot, that is Wang Zha!

   As for distribution—

   As long as you can communicate with the bosses of Sony, Universal, and Warner, you can share the cake with whoever you ask to do it!

   With the knife in his hand, he will cut it for whoever is useful to him!


   The day after the two parties parted was the 1996 Oscars ceremony.

Unlike the Berlin Film Festival, where only the red carpet was broadcast live, Roland really couldn't be presumptuous since the award ceremony was broadcast live on cable TV. In addition, Kate is a nominee for Best Supporting Actress. If Roland sat with her, Then make some small moves, then tomorrow morning's national headlines must be them.

I don't know if it's because Roland showed their faces before, or they all have the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal. In short, when Tim Robbins, who had contacted at the Berlin Film Festival before, When one came to the stage to host and teased that there was a glamorous English rose on the scene, every guy who came on stage after that teased Kate.

   Not only that, but even Steven Spielberg, who presented an honorary award to Kirk Douglas, was not exempt.

  The old man's words were even more explicit, "As far as I know, a kid I know thinks you are pretty."


  Kate, who was at the scene, was smiling like a flower.

   Roland, who stayed at home and watched the live broadcast, couldn't laugh or cry.

  Of course he understands that all these guys did it on purpose!

  Annual Oscars have a tradition of teasing people, but this year Roland and Kate hit their guns.

  He was also glad that he didn't go to the scene.

  If he was at the scene, then Kirk Douglas, who is also his own, must follow the old man's words and ask him what he thinks!

   "Damn, this is really bullying a good old man!"

   "Didn't I just stuff you with a mouthful of dog food? In the end, you took revenge on me at the Oscars!"

   "You guys are really scumbags!"

  Although Roland greeted them all with a smile and cursing in the tone of a Dongying Dama monkey across the TV, he could see that Kate, who was frequently taken care of by the live camera tonight, was happy all night after watching the award ceremony.

  However, people in the circle ridiculed them one after another, which was actually a good thing for Roland.

  Because social networking is far more complicated than other things. Every star falls in love, gets engaged, gets married, whether to have children after marriage, if not, when to adopt one, whether the adopted child is white or Asian, African and Latin...

   This is actually very particular.

  Even Steven Spielberg adopted a black man. This alone shows how important things like positions are in America.

  Although at Roland's age, he doesn't have to think about engagement, marriage, post-marriage and other messy things, but if he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, it won't be long before there will be rumors of being gay.

   If he's pure businessman, no problem.

   But he is not.

  Since you are in Hollywood, you must abide by the rules here and maintain your own image.

   After all, words are scary.

  Of course, while Kate was happy, Roland was also quite happy.

   Not only because IMDb was officially acquired and put the "Spiderman" ad on the front page, but also because David told him...

  Yahoo, going public.

Note: ①It’s different from ours. It’s a big taboo for celebrities to fall in love and get married. In Europe and the United States, it’s a taboo for celebrities not to fall in love, get married, or have children. Insincerity is a show, you don’t have to get married if you are engaged, but if you are engaged for a long time and have no children, you will think that you have a problem, and you will be suspicious physically and emotionally. Unless you quit this line of work, otherwise you have to express your opinion. This is the rule of the game , something that can't be helped. ②The statement about adopting children is also true. The characters we are talking about here are foodies, academic masters, talented women, etc., but in Europe and the United States, celebrities can express their political stance by adopting children. Rooney has always wanted to be an official, so he adopted orphans in the war, and then used it to give speeches at anti-war events; Spielberg adopted blacks to prove that he is not a racial person, and also donated to the LGBT Association to show that he does not discriminate. The water here is very deep. ③ In reality, "My Heart Will Go On" is not owned by Fox, the copyright is in the hands of Columbia Records. ④ I know the "Romeo and Juliet" Act, and I have also read it. Under the age of fourteen, it is definitely illegal. After the age of fourteen, as long as the older party is not a teacher, and the difference between the younger one and the younger one is not more than three years old. At the same time, in reality, this bill can still be skipped through the bill of "age over 16 years old, with the consent of parents or the judge's consent". So... they talk about it as normal in the eyes of outsiders, because nothing constitutes illegal...



  (end of this chapter)

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