Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 168: They don't want to see you lose, and they have the ability, no

  Chapter 168 They don’t want to see you lose, but they also have the ability to prevent you from losing

   “I always felt like I didn’t get the movie.”

   "Judging from the current situation, I really didn't understand this movie."

   "Brad Pitt is a Baptist? Then you can understand why he insisted on not changing the plot!"

"The Baptist doctrine is that all believers are priests. When maintaining the absolute authority of the Bible, they firmly believe that all believers are equal. In this case, Kevin Spacey, a murderer, can kill him. wife, then he will be able to fight back. He is not refuting that everyone is guilty, but he is refuting that Catholics condemn people in the name of the Lord! And wantonly deprive others of their lives! Because Baptist doctrine Here, it supports the separation of church and state.”

Looking at the box office distribution data obtained by Sony from the North American Theater Association, and browsing the film word-of-mouth sampling survey report given by the American International Sampling Survey Company, Roland felt for the first time that Hollywood commercial films really played with human nature. The ultimate, what is satisfying to please, is just the level of popcorn movies. As long as you use the right force and hit the right people, that movie that non-believers find boring can shine infinitely in the group of believers.

The polarized word-of-mouth data will not deceive people, and the trend of the favorable rate curve is to screen out the types of moviegoers. When the movie was first released, because of the fan effect, the overwhelming positive rate reached an astonishing The number of Catholics who were attracted by "The Seven Deadly Sins" to the theaters increased significantly due to the reports from various sources. With their admission, the ratings of the ninety-somethings have dropped to the fifty-somethings, which is mixed. The situation lasted only two days. While the box office was soaring all the way, the number of movie fans who entered the theater out of curiosity increased significantly. Since the base of Protestants was there, the situation of segregation between the two heroes was no longer seen, so the one-sided praise is obvious. , when the phased report was issued, the favorable rate returned to about 70%.

Looking at the trend like a wave, Roland felt a little emotional. When the seven giants felt that he had wielded a big stick of public opinion and made a good start for the opening of the film company, only he knew that all of this was fake. Just laying on the credit book of memory and cheating, eating and drinking, if you really want him to analyze it from beginning to end, how can he know what is going on without any religious belief?

  However, is there any problem with cheating on eating and drinking?

   As long as you succeed!

   What's more, he is now receiving the teaching fee for success!

  Many times people say, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake once, just remember the pain this time, and just don’t make it again next time.

   But starting a company is not like this. Most of the time, once it hurts, your company will disappear!

Roland never thought he was a genius, that's why he handed things over to those who would. Of course, he was being lazy, but he was also learning—what should he do when he doesn't know what kind of knowledge he should learn? manage?

   Blind make-up lessons?


   This is not necessary for Roland!

  Because he can see with his own eyes how others are going to success step by step!

  Roland understands that success cannot be replicated, but he also understands that the minefield discrimination in creation can be learned!

Taking a religious class in general can only give you a rough idea, but when the "Seven Deadly Sins" hits the market, it will not only stir up the market, but also allow Roland to see the Protestants in America with more intuitive and realistic data. Horror base!

Maybe he will read some religious books after that, maybe he still can't understand it, maybe he can't understand the mutual accusations, attacks, and wars between Protestantism and Catholicism at all, but the fluctuations of interests that are closely related to him are comparable to those in history. Steven Spielberg and James Cameron were banging on the table and telling him, 'You're doing it wrong! ’, ‘You can’t please these people! ’ The straightforward preaching is ten thousand times more useful!

   For the Seven Greats, Roland made a lot of money, but for Roland—

  The most valuable thing is actually the experience that cannot be bought with a dollar!

  Experience in identifying the market!

   "Well, thank you James for helping me answer the question."

   "It's just that this guy has a bad temper."

   After pushing the data aside, Roland, who was nestled at home, leaned back on the chair and read the book brought from the truck driver's house.

In the words of the old man, what they taught Roland in the past was all about creative knowledge. As for how to make your creative ideas meet the needs of the market, this is actually a gradual process. It doesn’t matter if you can’t tell the difference now. If you read more, you will always understand. of.

What's more, the market is constantly changing, and people's needs are also constantly changing. In this big environment, computer stunts are the most popular, so Roland can read the books he gave, and Roland can read the analysis he wrote, but After reading it, just memorize the examples. For things like religion that have been quarreling for many years, just don’t touch them too often. What’s more, every time a new work is produced, it must be analyzed again according to the market. Current circumstances, unless—

   "Unless it is love that never goes out of style."


  In the eyes of the Seventh University, although the "Seven Deadly Sins" method of leveraging strength is awesome, they will not copy it.

  Because religious issues are the most likely to cause radical changes, if one is not done well, it will make yourself angry.

  Roland's successful investment this time does not mean that he will still make a profit next time.

   Compared with the potential risks, the kind of retaliation that can destroy a company and a group of people is a loss they cannot afford.

not to mention…

  So what if they sold almost 50 million at the box office in ten days?

   It's already October 1st!

   One day later, that is the day when the verdict in the Simpson murder case was announced!

   Once the results come out, no matter which group of people "Seven Deadly Sins" can please, the upward trend of the curve will definitely be curbed!

  Yes, that's what the Seventh Congress thinks, or in other words, the reality before them forces them to think this way.


  Because the whole of America is waiting for the court's decision!

  The commander-in-chief pushed down the military affairs of state; the former secretary of state postponed his speech to make way for the ruling;

   Not only that, on the morning of October 3rd, Roland just ran and exercised on the trails in the villa area as usual, but the gunpowder police guarding the major intersections still made him smell the gunpowder of racial antagonism.

  Because those guys knew Roland very well, and they liked to greet Roland who was exercising during patrols on weekdays, so when faced with Roland's question, those guys gestured three fingers painfully.

  Although he didn't say it clearly, Roland could understand that there were at least three thousand more brothers in Los Angeles.

   "Are you scared?" Roland handed over a pack of cigarettes.

  Although he carries cigarettes with him, he doesn't smoke. The biggest role is to keep them from getting bored when chatting with these guys.

"I'm not afraid it's a fake." A white policeman in his forties was used to Roland chatting with him. He took the cigarette and nodded his thanks. At the same time, he also tore open the package, picked up one, and stuffed the rest to himself. "When we came out today, we were prepared for the worst. Once Simpson is found guilty, what happened in 1992 may happen again."

   "I have six spare magazines with me." Another veteran policeman pulled off his coat very familiarly, allowing Roland to see the magazines on the left and right sides. "If we really fight, there probably won't be enough."

"You'd better stay at home and don't come out. In case something happens, we will call you directly." The third young policeman jumped on the spot twice, as if he wanted to relieve the tension in his heart, "There are many bodyguards, and we will call you immediately." It's not safe outside, if there is a fight like in 1992, it's safest to leave Los Angeles, uh... don't go to Texas."

  Although their tone was calm, their words were intended to show nervousness.

   In the face of this state of preparation for war, Roland didn't provoke them too much. After asking about the situation, he went home directly.

  Of course, unlike the nervous guys, Roland, who had read the answers in advance for the open-book exam, didn't panic at all.

  Should eat, drink, study, and that TV—

  Of course, turn on the CNN channel, and leave it there!

As time passed, at 10:00 a.m. Western American time, CNN showed the scene of the verdict. With the attention of 140 million American people listening or watching, the jury announced the verdict: "Simpson has no crime."

  When this result appeared, the excited black people sang loudly, while the angry white people smashed the things at hand!

  The black people who should have marched and demonstrated took to the streets to embrace each other, while the white people who should have resisted them stayed at home without saying a word, and this behavior also turned Los Angeles into a sea of ​​black people at this moment.


  What does this have to do with Roland?

  The moment the result appeared, Roland called Sony, and after connecting, he only said one sentence.

   "According to the plan, you should complete the paving before November 3rd."

   That's right, for Roland, Simpson's innocence is just a way to make money!

  You may make a lot of money, but I will never lose money!

In order to suppress the excitement in his heart, Roland hung up the phone after finishing his orders in calm words, but it was this act of pretending not to speak to Sony at all that made the person in charge of Sony Pictures on the other end of the phone confused. up!

Because they are all white, before Roland called, they were still immersed in the state of how Simpson could win, and when Roland called and asked them to lay out the film with a very provocative tone (brain filling), they Only then did I react—

  Fuck! This little ancestor was right again!

   "Shit! "The Shawshank Redemption" can really be sold!"

   "Ohman! Why didn't we get this movie!"

"Roland is too lucky, right? "The Seven Deadly Sins" will definitely exceed 300 million at the global box office! "The Shawshank Redemption" can also be sold now! According to the public relations draft prepared before, those guys celebrating on the street, Definitely will sell this movie!"

  Where did Sony, who had come to his senses, care about whether Simpson was really innocent?

  In their view, after the fact that the jury declared Simpson innocent and released in court, the only one who can go against the current since the sudden death of the film market last year is Roland!

  He not only escaped the case of the century! Avoid rising prices! Dodged the financial crisis! Dodged the torrential rain and flood! Dodged the death heat wave! Escaped the sentence of the century! It’s also special to make money here from beginning to end!

  Everyone is losing money! Only Roland is making money!

  However, the excitement did not last for a month.

When everyone thought that selling the videotape of "The Shawshank Redemption" based on the enthusiasm of the Simpson case would allow Roland to make a profit within half a year, after Simpson was acquitted, on October 16, Washington suddenly 'exploded' .

  On the 16th, more than 400,000 black men gathered around the Capitol Hill in Washington.

Farahhan, the leader of the radical black "Nation of Islam", delivered a speech that lasted two and a half hours at this unprecedented rally; procession".

  Different from the grand meeting held by Martin Luther King, Farrahhan did not advocate the unity of the black and white races at all, but called on the blacks to stand on their own feet and respect themselves, to fight for the interests of the white society, and to resist at all costs.

   What they are after is not racial harmony, but a movement for black separatism.

  So in his speech that day, he accused the American society, accused the history of white supremacy in America, scolded Lincoln, scolded successive presidents, and vented the anger of black Americans!

  For the authorities, Farrahhan is a **** stick!

After Simpson was acquitted by an overwhelmingly black jury, the inner anger of white people across the country has gradually condensed into a rebounding force. After participating in the grand event, the flame of disgust burned more and more vigorously!

In order to avoid conflicts, and even to seek re-election next year, the general supported by Perelman delivered a "disinfected" speech in Dallas on the same day, calling for unity and harmony across America regardless of race, and accused Farrahhan of his remarks Extreme, and at the same time, it means that Farahhan's views on American social issues are not deep enough.

  Faced with such a sudden accident, Roland, who was still immersed in "The Shawshank Redemption" and could immediately return his capital and profit, scolded his mother directly for no other reason, purely because he didn't have such a thing in his mind!

   And precisely because he didn't know about this matter, there was a problem with the release idea he discussed with Sony!

Originally, in terms of publicity, they used the Oscars at the beginning of this year as a fuss. As a film that was selected for the Oscar for Best Picture, the black actor Morgan Freeman was selected for the Best Actor, and also won the adapted screenplay, photography, sound, and film editing. It is unscientific that a film nominated for multiple awards such as music, soundtrack, etc. has not been screened publicly!

   They hoped that after the Simpson case, black people who discovered the film would feel that "The Shawshank Redemption" was suppressed because it was speaking for them, thus stimulating video shipments.

  But now—

  If it is still released in this way, isn’t it special to call on black and white people to fight?

   If it really gets to that point, no matter whether it is Roland or Sony, they will not be able to take the blame!

  So, when the situation was wrong, Roland was directly taken into the office by Sony.

   And when they got together to discuss, the guy in the think tank suddenly said: "Why don't we... we use the banner of white people and black people to work together to regain freedom?"

"Anyway, both whites and blacks are dissatisfied with the judicial system. The whites feel that in the Simpson case, Simpson was acquitted not at all because the police obtained evidence in an illegal way, so the verdict was invalid, but the jury in the Simpson case. Many black people, their existence is the real reason why Simpson was acquitted, it is a cover-up."

   "As for the blacks, they think Simpson is innocent, but because of racial discrimination, the white police will unscrupulously use illegal methods to obtain evidence and frame them. All the charges are framed!"

  "Since the two sides may fight now, we can't provoke them, we have to calm their anger, because calming their anger is in our current interests, and it is also in the interests of the group in Washington!"

"In this way, we can use the banner of white people to be wronged and framed to try to appease those black people, and then use the content of the white warden to know the law and break the law and finally kill himself. This is not racial antagonism, but some people I don’t know who is stupid. Anyway, our purpose now is to divert racial conflicts, not to create conflicts. Morgan Freeman’s Reed and Tim Robin The friendship played by Andy in the film, the friendship between blacks and whites, and the mutual salvation between the two races are the things that can best realize our interests!"

  “We have to change the way of distribution, hide the influence of Simpson on the film, and emphasize the concept that black and white are one family!”

   "Both parties can chat, drink together, confide and listen to each other, and pursue freedom together!"

   "Anyway... Now it's not that one party is dissatisfied with the judiciary, but everyone is dissatisfied with the judiciary!"

   "Then let them carry the blame..."

   Wow grass!

  When Roland finished listening to the blond girl's words, there was only one thought in his mind——

  ‘Isn’t this **** secretly changing concepts? '

  ‘The Shawshank Redemption is about white and black families? '

  ‘Isn’t Faith, Hope, Salvation and Liberty? '

  ‘Although there is friendship, it is also the friendship of men in the prison. The friendship under the high wall is more pure and clean than the friendship in the chaotic world. Besides…’


  ‘Thinking about it this way, if you have to say that whites and blacks are family members, it’s actually okay! '

  ‘Andy and Rhett help each other and save each other. '

  'And, at the end of the movie, there is a scene where the two meet, and the scene where they hug, can actually be understood as after leaving the high wall, they have faith, hope and freedom, and they are still friends? '

  Roland thought for a while, and felt that there was no big problem?

  If it is another movie that sells dog meat, he will definitely be more cautious and cautious, but "The Shawshank Redemption"...

  Since the other party can stand up again under the submergence of the times, then—

   "How high do you think the chances of this approach being successful?"

   "None of us will run away if racial conflict is aroused."

   "It's messy now, but we didn't cause it, but if the next mess is our influence, then—"

   “We will be public enemies.”

  Roland rubbed his hands. Since the incident happened suddenly, he was actually unprepared.

  In addition, in his previous life, all he knew was movies, and these things that happened in America were not even recorded in "Modern World History", so—this time, he copied no answers for him.

But in the face of Roland's inquiry, the Sony Announcement girl who proposed the concept of a black and white family family raised her hand and put her blond hair behind her ears, and explained her thoughts very seriously, "If it was Castle Rock, they would definitely hold their hands. , but you're fine."

  “A lot of the news about “The Seven Deadly Sins” was reported by those cable TV networks for us, and we didn’t spend a penny.”

   "If we go to them to buy a PR draft now, most of the guys will not refuse."

   "Because their—well, their boss will like you for a while."

   "It has not been a month since the official outbreak of "Seven Deadly Sins", and your relationship is still in the honeymoon period."

   "At the same time, "The Shawshank Redemption" is indeed an excellent movie, and its interpretation is in line with the current social environment."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the friendship between blacks and whites can be extracted, and this is what Washington wants most, and there is only one Ronald Perel between you and him." Man?"

"Ronald Perelman was a contributor to his campaign, they're looking for re-election next year, and you've got a great relationship with Ronald, and next year's 'Spiderman' is going to be his favorite. Marvel promotional video, and at this time, a movie you own the copyright to put forward the concept of a black and white family, who is this helping?"

   "This is helping Ronald! This is helping the one in Washington!"

   "This is helping them solve their problems and distracting the public!"

   "We paid for the PR draft, promoted the upcoming video, and proposed black and white friendship. At this point in time, they will be very happy, plus the villain in the movie is the warden, so..."

   "They will want to make the tape sell better than us! To be seen by more people!"

   "As for partisanship..."

   "Do you know what it would be like if a million blacks were to fight a million whites?"

   "That was more terrifying than the Los Angeles riots in 1992."

  "They will indeed fight, but no one dares to bear such a result."

   "Their ultimate goal is seats, votes, not **** up America."

  "If anyone wants to screw up America, his colleagues will kill him first."

   "If it were someone else, it might be over."

"But if you are the boss, and the bosses who have mastered the media will not interfere with you for the time being, and there are guys in Washington and Wall Street who hope that the video tape can be sold better, our publicity effect will be stronger than the previous plan. good!"

   "They don't want to see you lose..."

   "Also have the ability, I won't let you lose!"

Note: ① So far as religion is concerned, the issue of belief is too complicated. Secondly, why do Jewish bosses ask Catholic directors to make movies for Protestants? When I inherited the throne, the British Parliament promulgated a clause: 'The king of England must believe in Protestantism and cannot marry a Catholic', and this clause has been in use ever since. With it, the identity of most audiences in the UK is already defined. ②The end of the Simpson case was the beginning of the million-dollar black march. At that time, both whites and blacks felt that there was a problem with the judiciary and that they were being targeted. Published a speech of "Regardless of Race, Unity and Harmony", the white and black families were correct at the time, but the concept is not correct anymore. You must know that Clinton was forced to publicly admit the existence of racial discrimination, racism in the United States, and the worsening contradiction between black and white problem and must be resolved. The Elephant Party, which controls the Congress, was still slashing welfare benefits at the beginning, and strongly advocated the change and abolition of equal rights, but they stopped making trouble when they might fight. ③As for the point of view that no matter how much you fight, you can’t mess up the existing system in America, refer to Sanders’ nearly 20,000 pages of emails that were hacked, and this year, is the guy who lost 500 million in vain, is he really in vain? Piao, is also a question!



  (end of this chapter)

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