Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 160: The narrow-minded Roland, the upright little Li

  Chapter 160 Carey Roland, Upright Little Li

  The shooting process of "Spider-Man" is not complicated, because the shooting mode of superhero origin movies is the same.

  The first step is the emergence of contradictions, the second step is the intensification of contradictions, and the third step is the elimination of contradictions.

   To put it more generally, it is the total score that primary school Chinese teachers emphasize when writing.

  But even though it sounds simple, the final results written by different people are very different.

  The reason for this difference is that everyone has different abilities.

   "Dark Phoenix" and "Men in Black" are also in this format, but they are terrible!


  Because their narrative structure is wrong!

There are two commonly used narrative structures in superhero movies. One is the "Golden Fleece Style". There are dangers everywhere, and the protagonist has completed self-identity, value choice and psychological growth in the adventures and battles along the way.

The other is the "Oedipus style", the prototype is "Oedipus the King" by the tragedy master Sophocles. Of course, the core of this mode in commercial films is not "killing the father and marrying the mother". ', nor is it a 'three uniforms'! Instead, it focuses on describing the protagonist's continuous struggle against the tragic fate. During this process, the protagonist recognizes himself, realizes his value, and finally reaps success.

The most typical movie with the first structure is "Spider-Man: Far From Home", and the most typical movie with the second structure is "Iron Man", although the overall structure has been reduced a lot, and the two tragedies have nothing to do with business The gadgets were also cut off, but the method of creating conflicts remains the same. As for the "Star Wars" universe and the "X-Men" series, the narrative structure of Campbell's myth theory is used, so any tribute is nonsense, the world The article is a large copy, and the director and screenwriter also wrote it against the frame.

Because of this, "Spider-Man", which is also written against the framework and requires stability, cannot take the initiative to jump out of this comfort zone-nonsense, this movie is just to make money, and the brain is broken to pursue innovation. !

   Even after the open-book exam, you can’t copy the answer correctly?

   This is obviously the supremacy of capital!

   Like "Men in Black: International Wanted", holding a Dyson vacuum cleaner to deal with aliens?

  The audience will be ghosts if they don’t watch the show!

   And the awkward dance inside?

   Was Kelly Chen investing in this movie?

  Continue to dance, love is not as good as dancing?

The so-called selling points of the first part of "Spider-Man" are actually cool special effects, fancy fights and a little bit of love, all of which are based on satisfying fans' YY, so that the plot is more suitable for children. Invite these little ancestors who can drive adults to spend money to the cinema. After such a commotion in 1994, the producers who did not doubt the purchasing power of the children will not offend this group. In this way, After making up a few scenes of "the abuser" and showing the campus bullying a little bit, the crew moved to the selected campus to shoot the scene of brotherly love at the gate.

   To be honest, although Roland asked Xiao Li to invite him by name, this was the first time he met her.

  In the previous life, the channel to understand each other was the media news, but before this life—it was also the media news.

The reason why Xiao Li was invited to play Harry Osborn was that, apart from the fact that the other party was more tender and suitable in appearance, it was also a comparison of trying who was more handsome, and when Roland saw the blond figure, he hung Heart, finally put down.

  ‘Well, that’s interesting enough for cheap parents. '

  ‘A face that fascinates thousands of girls is still very popular. '

   Roland touched his sharp cheeks, thinking narcissistically.

However, when Xiao Lizi saw Roland who suddenly appeared, this man who was still struggling in the B-list coffee position came forward, wanting to say hello to the hottest superstar in the circle, black clouds overwhelmed the city and threatened to destroy it. The feeling made Roland purse his lips.

   Well, it really is a white cover all ugliness, a fat ruin everything!

  With the suppression of altitude, no matter how handsome his face is, if the two stand together, no matter how you look at him, he is inferior!


  This is unbearable!

   Absolutely unbearable!

Although at Roland's current age of ten years and sixty months, his height of five feet seven inches is already very good, and he is only about two inches short of the average height in America, but compared to Little Lizi's six feet one inch , they are almost five inches apart, which is half a head; if it is normal, it is not a big deal, but they are in the same frame...

   Isn't this a height difference between couples?

Thinking of the fact that Xiao Lizi could easily put his arm on his shoulder when he raised his arm later, and when he tilted his head, his nose could easily rub against his forehead, and when he opened his mouth, he could blurt out that concerned question. —

   Roland immediately shivered.

  He has seen Xiao Lizi's acting, the kind of staring at each other's flourishing beauty, it's too special!

   In this way, when Xiao Lizi was about to raise his right hand with a smile on his face, and wanted to get acquainted with Luo Xiaoyan Lan, he, who was struggling with the height difference, turned around and got into the nanny's car.

  That clean and unprocrastinating move stunned Li Zi, who wanted to show his affection!

  The slightly raised right hand froze in mid-air, an embarrassed smile was printed on his face, and when he turned his head and peeked around, that expression was similar to Bai Zhantang' who am I? where am I? what am i doing ’ emoticons, some of them are all together.

   "What's wrong with him?" Shaking his hands, Xiao Li, who pretended to be indifferent, asked furtively to the assistant beside him.

   "I don't know! But according to Robert (De Niro), he has a good temper." The assistant was also beeping in confusion.

   "Could it be that you think I'm more handsome than him, and are you jealous?" Xiao Lizi, who is very satisfied with his appearance, secretly guessed.

"No way?" The assistant thought it was unlikely, "The last time the Los Angeles Times conducted a survey, 78% of the interviewed women aged 10 to 28 thought he was handsome. !"

  he! ~~~tui! tui! tui!

  Although the assistant didn't say it clearly, how could Xiao Lizi not know what the other party meant?

   Why don't you let yourself cool off and stay where you are!

  As a leading actor with a cumulative box office of 2.5 billion, and all the guys who participated in movies with a cumulative box office of more than 4 billion, 78% of the interviewees think he is handsome, what does that mean!

   Doesn't that mean those guys are all his fans?

  Compared to Roland's terrifying fan base, he who has been acting in independent films thinks he looks good?

  Aren’t you narcissistic!

   Cursed his lips and sighed helplessly, while Xiao Li was confused about the situation, Roland, who had not been in the car for a long time, came back before the truck driver beat the gong to find someone.

   And this time—

   "Oh! shit!"

Seeing Roland who suddenly became about the same height as himself, the truck driver who was posing for the camera position in front of the monitor almost jumped up in fright. While cursing, he also asked in surprise: "Damnyou! Why did you suddenly change? Taller?"

   That's right, after Roland found out that his height might not be able to withstand the blow of Xiao Lizi, he took the initiative to find an assistant and put on the big killer that he always carried with him-height-enhancing shoes!

  Youdao is wearing inner heightening, chasing and chasing Yao is not a dream!

   Given that Huang Huaibo is known to be 1.7 meters tall, Huang Jiaozhu, who is wearing inner heightening, can prove that Kong Tianyi and Dayao are 1.8 meters tall!

   This special code is simply an artifact!

   "What? Is there a problem?" Seeing the truck driver with black lines all over his head, Roland stomped his feet, "The shoes are custom-made."

   "It's very comfortable to wear."

   “And without worrying about twisting your spine.”

   Who cares if you customize it or not! Who cares if you are comfortable or not! Who cares if you hurt your cervical spine?

  The truck driver had question marks all over his face, and after looking up and down suspiciously for a while, he raised his hand to touch Roland's forehead.

   "Is your child sick? Why are you talking nonsense here?"

   "Hey! Don't touch me! I'm not sick! I'm not sick!" Roland leaned back, not wanting to be caught by the old man.

  Hearing this, the truck driver immediately felt that there was something wrong with Roland's logical thinking.

   "Did you hit your head just now? If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, just say it!"

   "This is Ronald (Perelman)'s territory, I asked him to hire you the best brain doctor in New York!"

   "Oh! I'm really fine!" Facing the octopus-like truck driver, Roland's face turned dark.

   "If you are fine, why did you suddenly change into height-increasing shoes!" The truck driver didn't believe it.

   "Hey! Isn't it for the harmony of the composition!" Roland stopped pretending and had a showdown.

Hearing these words, the truck driver was stunned for a moment, stared at Roland for a few seconds, then turned around and turned his gaze to Xiao Li, who was at the side. After repeated visual inspection, the hands that were holding Roland were also released, feeling helpless , rushing to my heart, "Careful!"

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm dedicating myself to art!" Roland retorted shamelessly, "I'm half a head shorter than him, how do you let the photography shoot? I don't think it's okay to call 'Nogood' to start over after the shoot, then Isn't it a waste of film?"

   "Yeah, yeah, you're right, so what are you going to do when you're filming Reese?"

  The truck driver didn't bother to talk to Roland, and turned his attention to the scene again.

   "I'll take off my shoes at that time, won't it be over?" Roland shrugged.

  The truck driver took a deep breath, and touched his forehead with his left hand after being nearly choked to death by Roland's words.

   After holding back for a while, he said: "You are such a clever little ghost."

Although it is only a trivial matter to change the height-increasing shoes, after all, when Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, and Jason Statham take opposite close-ups again, in order to create the visual illusion of being evenly matched, Fan Guangtou and Guo Da still step on the shoes. The stool was photographed there!

   Otherwise, how could a five-foot-ten diver and a five-foot-twelve Van Bald be as tall as a six-foot-five Dwayne Johnson? Let a guy like Johnson go diving, and the Filipino fish fryers can win the championship, okay?

   But well—

  The director hasn't let Roland walk on stilts yet!

   This guy was changed!

  Tut tsk tsk...

  The truck driver had already guessed what Roland was thinking without even taking details.

   Not only that, he also wrapped his coat tightly, thinking about how to guard against Roland in the future.

  The kid who cares so much about height must also care about other things!

  He felt that he had to be careful about what he said in the future, lest this little devil would blame him for not paying attention!

  Roland naturally didn't know what the truck driver was thinking, but when he reappeared in front of Xiao Lizi, the guy who was still wondering if Roland had any opinion on him almost burst out laughing.

   Okay, so I went to change shoes!

  You said it earlier! If I had said earlier, I wouldn't be nervous!

  Although Roland has a good reputation in the industry, the projects he has participated in and the guys he has worked with have never revealed any disagreements, but there is an accident in everything!

   In the case of only receiving small-budget independent films, no actor would offend him!

   After all, offending him is the same concept as offending those producers who want to please him. People may not care, but no one can guarantee that those producers who want to invite him to appear in the project will not care!

   Just like Mel Gibson, do you really think he was banned after scolding the Jews?

  In fact, after the filming of "Braveheart", his film has been unable to attract investment.

   "Braveheart" is banned in the UK. Because the film uses the Plantagenet family and the Capet family, it offends not only the current Windsor family, but even the entire European royal family.

Although in the end "Braveheart" was released due to the issue of free speech, since then, except for some commercial films, the feature films he wanted to make could not attract investment, so he returned to his hometown of Australia, He put his own money into The Passion of the Christ, and although the movie sold well, he didn't get much money.

  The new market responsible for the distribution in North America directly divided the theaters into publicity and distribution fees.

   I won’t give you money!

   After you did "Braveheart" and "The Passion of the Christ," who would talk to you?

  You have offended all the votes in Europe, the votes in the Middle East, and the Jews in America. Even if you cry and want to file a lawsuit, will anyone care about you? The more you earn, the more money you get into our pockets!


   Come and bite me!

  I will steal your money openly!

  What can you do to me?

The dissatisfied Mel Gibson angrily accused all parties, and for Bo's attention, he directly sprayed the US-Iraq war, and when Shi Lezhi's situation appeared, at the worst time, he had to go to the police station five days out of seven days a week reports.

  Because of the other two days, the police officer responsible for helping him solve the problem needs to take time off.

  What is the use of A+list?

  Before the capital even made a move, you have already been suffocated to death by the way those younger brothers who want to show their loyalty to the capital hit your chest with small fists!

  In this place where you will be targeted if you pick up the wrong notebook, do you want to hate the air?

  You thought you were a cat? You have nine lives?

The point is, everyone in the circle knows that even the producers of the Big Six are too lazy to provoke Roland. He also has to squat.

Of course, Roland is not a devil, he just cares about the altitude, after changing his shoes, he greeted Xiao Lizi and shook his hand in a happy mood, "Hello, I didn't expect you to be a real person Prettier than the photo."

   "No, No, No, you are much more handsome than me." Xiao Li shook his head and smiled.

   Roland was delighted to hear the words from his heart, and two thoughts also appeared in his head.

  First, wherever the handsome Roland stands, he is the focus!

  Second, Xiao Lizi is sincere! He just likes to deal with this kind of straightforward boy!

   And just when Roland was thinking about having a good chat with this honest guy, the truck driver who had already adjusted the machine had already raised the guide tube and shouted loudly: "Roland! Don't chat there!"

   "Come to film! Harry Osborn met for the first time, asking and comforting Peter Parker!"

Note: ①The reason why Super British movies were approved as products on the industrialized assembly line is because all the formats remain the same. When Scorsese sprayed Marvel before, Joss Whedon stood up to support him, saying that "Reprise" Links 1 and 2 were all written by Kevin Fitch, and it also revealed that the director of "Silver Guard" Gunn was kicked out by Fitch in order to keep his own script, and that Wright, the screenwriter of "Ant-Man", wanted to Filming a generation of Ant-Man, but Feige did not allow a connecting film to tell about the origin of Ant-Man, so the script that had been prepared for ten years was taken down (Wright handed over the script to Marvel in 2003). As for "Star Wars", Lucas himself admitted that it was based on the book written by Campbell. ②All the guys who think that the second child and the third child are all suppressed. When "The Passion of the Christ" was distributed at the box office, the black Gibson of the media company changed his ways and never mentioned that the new market swallowed his share, not only that , His wife's car is stared at every day for posting tickets, and the paparazzi directly take the camera to shoot him in the face. As long as he gets angry and hits someone, he will be arrested in less than five minutes. In the end, his wife couldn't help but divorced him. In order to compensate , Gibson had no choice but to sell his own film company. Since he was at odds with the giant, he sold it to a familiar British rich man. As a result, the other party became the chairman of United International Films not long after he bought it, and called Tell Gibson he's from Paramount and Universal. It's too easy for a guy with no background to be dealt with. The methods of "Harry Potter" are all kind. If you really want to touch you, you can just grab it. No matter how you dance, no one will help you.



  (end of this chapter)

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