Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 144: Forbes' American Dream Five Points for Urgent Project Approval

  Chapter 144 Forbes American Dream Five Urgent Projects

  Back to the big rural area of ​​Los Angeles, the first thing Roland did was to pick up the lessons he had left behind.

  He is learning fitness, accent, history and culture, and performance skills taught in traditional classes.

  There are not many explanations for fitness and accent. The former is good for the body, while the latter belongs to the fact that there are many skills without overwhelming the body. As for history and culture, it can’t be said to cultivate one’s own sentiment, but more like a sharp eye when searching for deficiencies and making up for omissions.

  Like a truck driver on Titanic, who can see that the plate is out of date.

  Roland doesn't want to be like an expert, he can answer a hundred thousand whys from the children, but at the very least, he can find obvious bugs, which is also an important part of ensuring that the audience will not play.

  Performance skills are more about collecting performance materials from different professions.

  After Hanks' guidance, he has mastered the process of entering and exiting the scene, and the rest can only be improved by himself.

  As for the column of director skills, he is really not in a hurry.

After taking turns with Chris Columbus, James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, and Robert Zemeckis, everything on the set is simply not too familiar to him. This book, the level of a normal director can still be achieved. Although there is no personal style at all, this is not urgent. In the future, there will be enough time and resources for him to slowly ponder these things, and even if he is full of craftsmanship, Lang- He can expect Howard's level.

  In addition to the four courses, he also picked up the drawing board that had not been touched for a long time.

   You could say he was practicing basic skills, or you could say it was a relaxing pastime during recess.

  As for the objects he copied, there are many. The photos from the previous outings, the cartoons in James’ room, and the various handicrafts of the otaku’s wall in the imperial capital. These are all the items he practiced.

   Just when Roland was in prison, not leaving the villa area, and being himself at ease, the outside world—

   Well, nothing major happened outside.

  The most eye-catching movie is "Plane Detective", which was released on February 4th.

   "Plane Detective" is a movie starring Jim Carrey, with an investment of 15 million and a box office of 100 million. This kind of achievement is already very profitable for a small-budget comedy.

  But apart from it, other movies are so rushing that even the dead body can't be seen.

There is no way, at the beginning of each year, basically last year’s Christmas movies continue to exert their strength, and when the award-winning movies reap the box office, any commercial films released during this period are dispensable clearance cannon fodder, which can make money, better, make money No, it doesn't matter.

   This is exactly the case, the major Hollywood lists announced by Forbes instantly became the biggest headlines in the entertainment industry.

   Roland Allen firmly sits at the top of the celebrity income list with an income of more than 80 million dollars, beating the second-ranked Harrison Ford by more than 60 million dollars! On the director's income list, the total income of the second to twenty-fifth place is no match for the first place's 280 million!

On the power list, this old man wearing glasses is firmly seated at the top, and the reason written by Forbes is very simple, "The long-term contract between Steven and Universal has finally expired"; the second position is borrowed by Roland The old man of the airplane is occupied by Forbes. The reason for choosing him is also concise and clear, "George is going to make the origin movie of "Star Wars""; and the third position is the "new" face that people have watched for four years. Forbes A note to Roland, even more clearly 'Peter Parker' than the first two...

  When everyone opened the magazine with the fragrance of ink, everyone was stunned!

   A fourteen-year-old guy made eighty million dollars just from one movie?

  A fourteen-year-old guy can jump to the third power list with just one role?

  It's just...it's just...

For the vast majority of readers, it is no surprise to them that a movie worth 280 million yuan has overwhelmed Hollywood executives to become the top of the power list. After all, in the 1970s and 1980s, this The income of two old men making a movie is hundreds of millions. The Fox executive who agreed not to pay director Lucas and leave the copyright of "Star Wars" to him was fired the day after the box office was released. ! After that, the Fox executives who got the distribution rights of the last two "Star Wars" have now been promoted to the parent company News Corporation! The one who discovered Spielberg is now the president of the parent company, and the guy who rejected "Raiders of the Lost Ark" at the beginning has already changed careers! Even the production director of MGM who almost got the other party to shoot "007" was kicked out because of the final failure, and the Warner executive who refused them to shoot "Superman" at the beginning is now engaged in finance...

It is no exaggeration to say that the American people have become accustomed to those capitalists who ruthlessly fire their employees and vent their anger on them. These two guys who can influence the choice of capital do not pay attention to those giant executives at all. And now?

  What happened when Roland jumped to third?

Although he is just behind the two of them and has no intention of making a breakthrough at all, the list behind him is either the chairman of Warner Pictures or the chairman of Universal Pictures, not the Paramount decision-making committee. The chairman is the two co-chairmen of Sony Columbia Samsung Pictures, and they, from the ranking point of view, seem to be inferior to Roland?

   "This... Forbes made a mistake, right?"

""Jurassic Park" raked in one billion box office worldwide, and the 80 million revenue is 8% of the revenue. I can understand this, but what happened to Roland's third place in the power list? What influence?"

"As a professional magazine with a history of 77 years, this kind of commercial ranking has been running for 12 years. How can such low-level mistakes still occur? If it is not recalled and revised, the credibility of this list may be directly affected. lose it?"

   Whenever people put a question mark, it's not that they have a problem, they think you have a problem.

   For those business readers who first bought Forbes magazine, this list is simply flawed!

  But their doubts are normal for those media companies who also got the news.

  NBC TV station directly discussed this matter in the evening column of the day.

"The latest issue of Forbes magazine announced the major lists related to Hollywood. Unlike last year's list, this year's list has a new face that everyone knows—Roland Allen, which has triggered a A new controversy—whether or not he should be on the big lists in Hollywood."

"According to our survey, we found that the readers who bought the magazine felt that there was no problem with Roland appearing on the income list, because the vast majority of audiences went to the movies for him, but they also felt that Roland It seems unbelievable that executives from Warner, Universal, Paramount, and Fox are ranked third on the power list."

   "To this end, we interviewed many people and obtained a lot of information. According to our collation, I discovered an amazing fact—the more movies Roland makes, the higher his status in Hollywood will be!"

   "It has a lot to do with the box office, but it has more to do with his contract!"

"According to what we learned from Fox, Roland's "Home Alone" contract has a clear stipulation that within two years after the movie is released, the producer and distributor can use his likeness to create a series of derivative products, whether it is broadcast on the TV station or not. Movies, video tapes, posters, or other products sold in audiovisual product stores are all within the scope of compliance, but if the two-year limit is exceeded, the situation will be different!"

"Two years later, the custom-made products are still in compliance, but if you want to make changes to the movie, such as re-editing, releasing the ultimate video tape, or, in other words, converting the original silent film to sound, black and white to color Same, if you publish a new product, then you have to ask him to get the authorization again!"

  "I know many people will think that technological breakthroughs cannot be so fast, but what if?"

"Now that the Internet is developed so well that emails and pictures can be transmitted, what if movies can be transmitted in the future? If that day comes, and his works can be moved to the Internet, then all imaginative companies have to submit to the Internet. He continues to pay."

"Now everyone is watching video tapes, but since 1990, seven companies including Warner, Paramount, Universal, MGM-United Artists, Sony, Disney, and Fox have drafted a wish letter, hoping that Philips and Toshiba can develop a stock disc of 135 minutes, and as far as we know, Sony and Philips will announce the latest specifications by the end of this year."

"If disc storage is really realized, then if you want to burn movies such as "Home Alone" series and "Terminator 2", you must first obtain Roland's consent, and only "Jurassic Park" that is still within the limitation period 》, temporarily dodged a catastrophe."

  "Many business people can't understand why Roland Allen ranks ahead of the executives of those big companies."

"I can tell you right now, if Steven and George hold all the copyrights of their films, and those film companies have to negotiate with them, then Roland is in charge of himself, and the film companies know that if they release a CD The edition, or the online viewing, or the commemorative edition, fans will buy the collection, and they will make a lot of money, but before that, they have to negotiate with Roland first, otherwise, no one will think about the money earn it!"

   "His current movie alone can cause headaches for Fox, Sony and Universal. Those executives must satisfy both their boss and Roland. Then what will happen?"

   "These studios wanted him to be Peter Parker, and at the same time, they had to agree to a two-year portrait license with a smile."

  "They don't have to agree, but there are many guys who can't wait to agree."

When the terms set five years ago were "ruthlessly" pulled out by these media, the business readers who had questioned the authenticity of the Forbes list before all shut their mouths, and under the spread of the TV media, this The rankings that should be circulated in paper form have even entered thousands of households. After more Roland fans who don't read Forbes magazine learn the news—

  The outside public opinion is even more 'tempered'.

  If there is a Google search ranking this year, the news related to Roland is probably already at the top of the list.

   "Cooool! This ranking is really cool!" A teenager who was about the same age as Roland jumped up from the bed.

   "Wow! Is Roland so good?" The little girl of the same age had staring eyes.

"So Roland's portrait authorization has always been two years? That is to say, he can get a share of the peripherals we buy in the future? I'm relieved!" A young woman grabbed the satchel on the table, Happy to go to work.

"Okay kids, the questions you care about have been answered. Now, you can go back to sleep!" The middle-aged man with his hands on his hips looked at the children on the sofa in the living room and said with a smile, "If you want to be like Roland , then you have to work **** your own. I can’t help you find projects like David Olsen, but I can help you pay the school tuition. As for what you will learn in the end, you can only rely on yourself... "

  Roland's fans don't hate the rich?

How can it be!

  Everyone will have this mental state of longing for beauty and hating the present.

  Seeing other people being extravagant and arrogant, and then looking at your own kennel buns, as long as it is a person, it will be sour.

  Just like Vulkang who donated 20,000 catties of rice, he was sprayed **** by a bunch of people.

  Because they feel that these rice are money-losing goods that Erkang cannot sell.

  You deserve to be scolded if you are rich, as if it is correct, but the whole thing is actually relative.

  Hollywood has developed for so many years, and people in America have long been aware of the **** of those big studios.

Projects that can’t make money are directly cut in half, and projects that can make money are uncles. In this case, everyone hopes that someone can jump out and give those capitalists a hard slap, because not everyone hates those who can’t make money. Money is an item, even if a movie only has a pitiful box office of hundreds of thousands, there will still be people who like it.

  Because of this, those guys who dare to challenge the producer and slap the producer severely will become angry.

  Why did Spielberg become a star director?

   Isn't it because all civilians want to be like him, do what they like, and become successful people?

  Lucas, a guy who has only made a few movies, why can he also become a star director?

  The universe of "Star Wars" has indeed influenced a generation, but the kind of behavior that I am in charge of my work and dare to tell Fox that I will stop filming is what people like about him!

  Why did Cameron become a star director?

His works have indeed influenced the world, but that is to let people know him, and what really makes people like him is not what all ordinary people yearn for-I will do whatever I like, even if I don’t have the capital, I am full of courage It is because of my persistence that I made a masterpiece, this kind of dreamy story?

   All those stars who can enjoy the world have the characteristics of ordinary people.

  And in their stories, there will always be a villain named producer.

   Peter - Jackson withstood the prejudice of the Seven and succeeded.

  David Finch resisted Fox's pressure and succeeded.

   And now Roland has only starred in four movies, and he has already 'surpassed' those producers!

   What a story of secondary school this special code is!

   Didn't anyone use their brains to think about it, when Roland was making his first movie, where did he get the right to sign a two-year authorization?

  The producer who can make such a decision is not your own father, it is a fool!

   But why do people like these stories?

  Most of the time, what people want is not reasonable at all, but to hear the stories they want to hear!

  They want to be like Bill Gates, 'do not study' can also be successful!

Because of this, regardless of whether it is Forbes' announcement or NBC and other media's publicity, for Roland, these things can only be a means to gather fans, and let those fans know that the guy he likes is also poor and useless. Yes, though—he himself really thinks that this kind of news that deceives people and fantasies is actually quite wicked.

   Doesn't this make more guys daydream?

   But he can understand.

   After all, America’s publicity is very ruthless in the aspect of ‘eating the old and relying on the old, and thunder strikes from the sky’.

  While they don't want to see too many guys climbing up, they are happy to see everyone rushing forward for their dreams.

   And these two are not contradictory.

   Encourage those young people to work alone for their dreams, won't it be over?

  In this world, how many people can succeed alone?

  So, after Forbes exposed part of his old background and NBC very tacitly described a beautiful American dream to the public again, no matter who wanted to interview him, he had no intention of speaking out.

  He doesn't want to fight against interest groups, and now he can't lie to those peers with no conscience—

  ‘Hey, I’m self-made! '

   In this way, this **** will be dealt with coldly.

After the Internet is developed, there will always be perverts like "fortunately I didn't go" who have nothing to do after eating and picking up their old background, and at that time, regardless of whether he said like Bill Gates, "My mother gave me It's a big help', or like Warren Buffett said to Justin Sun, 'I think my grandson will want to inherit me in dollars', it doesn't matter...

  Because at that time, this question is meaningless.

   Just when Roland thought that the wind of Forbes would have to blow for a week, March 21st arrived.

  The academy gave the award to everyone who needed it without any suspense.

  Roland, who still occupied the attention of the public discussion that morning, was instantly squeezed out by Spielberg's double award, followed by Hanks, who got his wish, in the back...

   Well, those following them are actually those anti-discrimination groups.

  Weinstein didn’t fight for the award, Sony changed the target and let “The Wedding Banquet” compete with two guys who didn’t have a pusher, didn’t they smash them every minute? And with the winning of "The Wedding Banquet", the group who have never seen the movie but know the content of it, collectively orgasm, and they are very satisfied with the correct choice of Oscar this time.

  Of course, Roland wouldn't pay attention to these guys, and he didn't have time to get involved in this muddy water. After attending the celebration party after winning the award, he went to Disney on time to dub "The Lion King".

  Dubbing is actually quite simple, just acting in the air.

   Since there is no need to appear in public, even the third stage of the performance is not used.

   It took two weeks to revise and revise, and in mid-April, Roland officially called it a day.

   As for the salary?

The remuneration of voice actors is not high. Hanks charged a friendly price for dubbing "Toy Story", and Roland normally charged 15 million. Half an hour's face took 80 million, but considering that Disney would never be able to afford this price, they each took a step back. Roland took 5% of the entire IP channel. At the same time, he had to participate When the movie premieres, you can't just sneak around like before.

  To be honest, in Disney's view, five percent is not much.

  Five percent of 300 million is only 15 million, and with Roland's appeal in "Home Alone 2", the box office of 400 million is just around the corner. Based on this calculation, they can earn more.

  Of course, Roland thought so too. Five percent of the 850 million guarantee is actually quite a lot.

  Combined with omni-channel, it must earn more than "Jurassic Park".

  Don’t be too cruel, a dog jumps over a wall when it’s in a hurry, and a rabbit bites a person when it’s in a hurry!

   The mouse is in a hurry, that's even more serious!

   And when Roland finished dubbing the soundtrack, the truck driver who had finished filming the film and returned to Los Angeles as early as the end of March also went through the rough cut.

   After he felt that the problem was not serious and he could leave the work to others, he rushed to Roland's house in a hurry.

  The first thing he did when he kicked open the door of Roland's house was to ask, "How's the script going?"

   "Quick, quick, quick! I can't wait to officially approve the project and inject capital!"

Note: ① Hero Dream is very popular there, the most typical one is Lucas. When the "Star Wars" trilogy was filmed, he was a popular idol and the father of "Star Wars". A group of cerebral palsy, but after he worked on the prequels, he became a bunch of people cursing, and in "Raiders of the Lost Ark 4", he became a businessman who fell into the eyes of money, and the studio was beaten by directors and actors. It is something that people like to hear and see. Of course, if you make more money, they will eventually scold you. ②The portrait issue is an actual problem of the Olsen sisters, as I said before, otherwise their wealth would not be able to increase like a snowball. As for why they can sign this kind of contract, I can't find a reason. ③Hollywood Big Seven indeed called on technology companies to consider 135-minute disc storage technology in 1990, including Sony PS game consoles and Philips, Toshiba’s DVD wars were all derived from this, and HD-DVD later It was a bloodbath. Since it is not the main line, I will not write about the industry standard war involving movies and games. Anyway, Roland does not engage in this stuff, so it will become a technical article.

PS, let me add something that I didn’t finish yesterday: including now, when “Reunion 4” was released in Russia last year, it also went through the joint distribution company of Walt Disney and Sony. This company was established in 2006. On the one hand, even now that the Big Five are playing in groups, second-tier companies without a media matrix and an industrial chain can only wait to die, and they can't afford to play in the streaming media field.



  (end of this chapter)

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