On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Thirty-Three – Three Factions Of Faith

Side Thirty-Three – Three Factions Of Faith

First - Uchida Yamato, Chosen Of Kannon? – Susanoo Faction

The flickering lights of the shrine shone golden, illuminating the great statue of Kannon. Here in the Spiritual realm it was somehow even more magnificent, and Yamato felt a surge of pride within, knowing that he had been called by his kami, the Goddess of Mercy.

The braziers that lit the abnormally large chamber, which dwarfed the true size of the Kiyomizu-Dera in the Mortal realm, were colossal, giving off a bright metallic light that no mortal lamp could shed. In the deep shadows cast by the illumination waited his golden warriors, the servants of Kannon that he could now command, six golden golems each two metres in height, their faces sculpted into expressions of pity, charity, love, hope and more…

I am one who is to save the world. I always thought I was destined for bigger things. If only the others could see that too. He frowned, remembering the clash he had with the adherents of the Amaterasu faction. It had not come to violence, in the end, but it was a close-run thing. The divine land of Kyoto, second only perhaps to the sacred mountain Fuji, it had a wealth of spiritual beings and treasures, all of which would be needed to stave off the oncoming disaster the kami had prophesised.

Yamato had backed down first, though it was with heavy heart and gritted teeth. Nothing is served fighting each other, not when there are many present threats here that challenge us. Still, to surrender to the aggression of Amaterasu is unbecoming of those of us in Susanoo faction…

The silence of the great Kiyomizu-Dera was unnerving. The temple should have been full of lesser kami, serving Kannon, yet none of them were present. Instead, Yamato had to face the trials of the Spiritual realm alone.

Alone. Ugh. He shivered, remembering the battle he had endured with a pack of yokai that made the spiritual Kyoto their home. In the end he had won, his golden servants tearing several of them apart, forcing the others to flee, yet he had suffered numerous wounds, the pain rocking his very soul. And when he had returned to the realm of mortals, his body was wounded, torn flesh and bright blood greeting him, as well as the pain.

The pain… I thought I was going to die… as he exited the temple, emerging out into the heavily-charged air of Spiritual Kyoto, he remembered his wounds. While he was now a chosen of Kannon, up until only a few scant weeks ago, he was just a student in Kyoto university. A smart and handsome one to be sure, and of a powerful bloodline, but the most fighting he had ever done was a brief skirmish over a girl in a bar, and that had only left bruises.

Even though he recovered from injuries far faster than he ever had before, it had still shaken his resolve, and it had taken a week before he had dared to venture back into the Spiritual realm. I need to be stronger, only then can the true glory of Kannon shine again in these dark times. And I shall be the new champion, who protects humanity, praised and respected by all.

The outside of the temple was also more magnificent, a towering edifice of gold and red. Great sprays of indigo light were fountaining out from the ground and spreading into the sky, raining down like shimmering snow. Breathing deeply Yamato drew in the light, feeling energy spreading through his body. Behind him came his golden warriors, forming up on either side of him, also drawing in the pure energies.

Looking out across Kyoto there were many wonders, more than could be seen in the mortal world. In addition to the many shrines and temples, all of which were more splendid and opulent than could have been imagined, there were also natural wonders, such as great surges of elemental energies, forests of living trees, and lairs of yokai only dreamt of in myth. Still, they were not what he was seeking. There. Still working well, at least…

A small collection of golden hands, each the size of a person, were gathered on the border of his spiritual sphere of influence. As he observed, a skittering creature, a cockroach the size of a large pony, slithered its way along the white-paved street. The golden hands reacted, flying out and slapping at it, and the cockroach burst apart in a spray of gore and spiritual energy, which was quickly absorbed by his area of influence, passing on some back to him, and he felt a slight strengthening.

Widening my sphere of influence would be suicidal right now, since Kyoto is crawling with such things… and those from other factions cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of us all. Why father is so concerned about the losses of our enemies is beyond me…

Still, even if such was beyond him right now, once the Conclave was held and everyone fell behind him, he would be able to draw on their support to quickly purge Kyoto of yokai, beasts and those who were standing in his way. I know it’s politics, but when irrefutable proof of my blessing is available to all, I can’t believe that we are still delaying, jockeying for benefits. Following me is the only wise path.

The golden hands were slaughtering more beasts, pure spiritual power their reward, and Yamato had to decide how to deploy his reserves. Concentrating he sent up a brief prayer to his kami, and one of the hands was enveloped in a brilliant glow, shrinking in on itself, going dormant.

Strengthening the Hands of Forgiveness takes priority. I can always expand later. Father was preparing support for him, and letting others take the risks was wise, as clearly Yamato was too valuable to lose. Once more he remembered the injuries he had taken. Yes, never again.

Still, even if he did not expand, there were benefits to be had absorbing such rich spiritual energy. Making up his mind, Yamato retreated back to the temple proper, his golden guardians silently following…


Second – Kudou Yasuhide, Master of Ryōan-ji Temple, Tsukuyomi Faction

Overlooking the impressive rock gardens of Ryōan-ji, the many visitors from both Japan and abroad enjoying the magnificent spiritual scenery, old man Kudou stroked at his long beard, the wispy white strands making him look aesthetic, his sparse and gaunt frame belying the muscles that still hid within his Buddhist robes.

To think that Uchida-san and Saionji-san are squabbling over such trivial matters in these times. The young really have little insight. Still, with the grand Shrine at Ise in his corner, with her as a priestess chosen, Saionji-san has the momentum, and it isn’t in his interest to allow opposition to crystallise against his dominance…

Still, even though he could understand it, that didn’t mean he was any more pleased with it. Others from his moderate faction had urged him to throw in with Uchida-san and force through the Conclave, claiming it should have already been done, and a unified front should be arranged, but…

Much as I sympathise with Uchida-san’s position, and I do believe that pushing back the Conclave again and again is a mistake, I find it hard to deny that with her… besides, there are other concerns only I know of… It all came down to a matter of strength, and while Uchida-san’s young pup was from a good bloodline and was apparently making solid progress, it was hard to deny that Susanoo faction was clearly the weakest currently. And of course, it isn’t just the case that we have to worry about whatever calamity the kami wish to prevent…

His musings were interrupted by the ringing of his phone, and upon seeing the caller, he quickly took the call. “Takakura-sama, I was just thinking of you. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Yes, the Nobility have the same concerns as I…

“Kudou-san, I’ve told you time and time again, there is no need for such niceties.” Takakura-sama answered, a little exasperated. “Still, I expect I am wasting my time as always. As for the reason for my call… I have an opportunity, to which I thought I would offer you first.”

“Oh, I am all ears, do tell.”

“In these unprecedented times, the Nobility are looking for closer ties with the other Pillars, especially the shrines and temples. Fujiwara-san feels that it would be wise to make sure the sons and daughters of Nobility are more comprehensively educated in the mysteries of faith. He is looking for girls of good standing, appearance and character, who are willing to transfer to the school of Nobility for girls, as well as accompany his daughters.”

“I see, that makes sense.” He nodded to himself, still stroking his beard. “I would welcome closer relations with the Nobility myself. Maximising our progress is likely to be… expensive. Still, Takakura-sama, that doesn’t explain why you came to me. Saionji-san’s faction has more Shrine Maidens active than anyone, many of them with… Imperial… manners.”

“Well, the Three Grandfathers’ feel that might be interfering too much in matters of Faith, giving too much power to one side of the scales. Better to continue to allow the temples and shrines to work things out as they always have, so long as it does not imperil Japan, of course.”

Takakura-sama spoke harshly, and he couldn’t help but agree. “I have been worried about such myself. Other countries and cultures have their own gods, and we… well, we are not universally loved, are we? I was hoping that Uchida-san and Saionji-san could come to a quick compromise, so that we could start preparing for foreign troubles, but alas, the two sides are too imbalanced. Who would have thought that the Shrine Maiden of Ise Grand Shrine would be chosen…?”

“Indeed, we only learned of this recently. It… complicates… matters.” Takakura-sama agreed. “Though I feel there is some method to the kami’s choices, as international rumours have reached us… well, no matter, that means little to us right now. So, your granddaughter… she would be perfect to guide the granddaughters of Fujiwara-san, would she not?”

My granddaughter? Shiori is a good girl, to be sure, but… “Far be it from me to question your choices, but my Shiori… she’s a little… outspoken and wilful. Not a good fit for the esteemed daughters of Fujiwara-sama.” He was starting to sweat, imagining his granddaughter causing trouble for the flowers of true Nobility.

“On the contrary, I feel that is exactly what they need. We must all make sacrifices. I too…” Takakura-sama trailed off, before speaking again, his voice sour. “… since my family has long familiarity with the religions of this land, yet have no daughters in direct line, we have had to call back some… branch families.”

He nodded despite his reservations, fully aware of the difficult circumstances that the Takakura family had laboured under during the modern age. “… if you are going so far, I can hardly say no, but, I have some concerns …”

“Don’t worry about them, Fujiwara-san is more than willing to be understanding.”

With the decision made, old man Kudou felt a headache coming on, but after some more small talk he hung up. Damn, how am I going to explain this to my dear Shiori? She’ll love going to Tokyo and associating with the beautiful Noble girls, but… Pinching his nose to stop the headache he went to dial another number on his phone, only to be stopped as a gentle bell rang, the sound melodious and calming.

Her? Now? This can’t be a coincidence. Not more bad news, I hope…

The sliding door which was silk painted in the image of the three great Kami slid open, to reveal a woman wearing shrine maiden attire, her face veiled with pure white silk, obscuring her features, trailing a train of loose black hair that cascaded all the way down her back and even to the floor. “Master Kudou, my greetings. Now is a good time, yes?”

Her voice was both young and old, bright and cold, very… strange, yet compelling, almost forcing one to listen.

He bowed to her, hiding his suddenly uncharitable thought. You know it’s a good time, you always know. “Lady Diviner, of course. I could use something to take my mind off my current woes. Good news would be delightful.”

Her laugh was like the ringing of the temple bells. “Good news? In these times? Surely you jest, Master Kudou. Still, I can offer some shards of hope, I believe.”

“Shards, huh. How apt.” he smiled solemnly, preparing to listen to her foretellings. “Let us hope they don’t cut the hand we use to grasp them.” After all, it was on her instructions that we have allowed this stupid stalemate between Amaterasu and Susanoo, despite it putting us all at risk of falling behind. After all, was not delay the only way we would be able to face the twin dragons she prophesised would ravage this country, the Great Red Dragon Of The Numberless East, a billion strong, and The White Divine Dragon Of The West, that which claims to be the only Divinity. Though how weakening ourselves with such internal strife protects us, only the kami themselves know…

“So, do tell, Lady Diviner. What news from your patron, Tsukuyomi?”

“While I was meditating in the Spiritual World, honing my gifts, drawing on the wisdom of my predecessors, I received further clarity on my previous visions. The time to delay is not yet over. I see someone outside of the factions, blessed by both the kami and other, stranger beings. My vision is still clouded, but without them, the breath of destruction from the Red Dragon will burn our land to ashes. Even with him, the calamity will be terrible, but under the reflected light of the moon I see life preserved, and shoots of recovery sprouting from the charred soil.”

A moon omen. The most powerful she can see. “It seems Tsukuyomi truly loves you, Lady Diviner. Still, as your lineage is purer than any other than the Lady of Ise, I should have expected no less.” The fact that she is one of the chosen of the kami gives our faction huge sway. Even so… Saionji-san held all the advantages, but his delay was serving the Diviners’ will.

“I’ll keep stalling then. But even within Amaterasu faction, there are those that feel the Conclave should be soon. I can’t stir the pot forever. Is there anything else you can tell me?”

She nodded, her veil dancing. “I see six figures, each corresponding to a Buddhist Realm, though this may well just be a Divine conceit, not that they are such beings. I believe they are women. I cannot see all of them clearly, four are in deep, impenetrable shadows, yet I can see two. Princesses, one of Beasts and one of Humans. And grave danger approaches them both, creeping ever closer. Should they not be saved, then not only will Japan fall, but the very world…”

“Princesses? Is the Lady of Ise… no, surely not…” he pondered, but she was not done, and her strange voice continued.

“I see the first sunrise of a new year. And reality itself shudders, something breaking through. If any of these six figures has perished, then … I fear that night shall fall upon humanity.”

“And how does this tie into your pervious visions?” he asked, cursing that even with her ancestral powers strengthened by Tsukuyomi, her words were still unclear. “What can we do to forestall this?”

“For the Princess of Beasts, a great black giant is creeping closer, ready to devour her. For the Princess of Humans, she is surrounded by many false friends in masks of white, blank expressions hiding malice, hands clutching daggers dripping poison behind their backs. In the shadows I see other calamities, yet they remain veiled from my sight. The only way they can be saved is by one who holds darkness in one hand, light in the other, and twilight within. And should we not delay the Conclave, the darkness will instead slip away, vanishing….”

Darkness, Light and Twilight? Clearly a Divine metaphor. So the Conclave must still be postponed…

Seeing that the Diviner was obviously exhausted, her body language clear beneath her obscuring robes, old man Kudou rang a bell, summoning a pair of shrine maidens to assist her to her rest.

Six Realms of Buddhism? A good omen for this shrine. But a giant of darkness that devours, and blank-faced false friends of poisonous blades? I must do research. They do not remind me of anything, yet the Diviner is never wrong, less now she has been chosen…




Third – Saionji Gin – Master of Kinkaku-Ji, Amaterasu Faction

“… and that’s my report. Unfortunately it is unlikely he will survive, his wounds are too severe.”

Gin clicked his tongue, annoyed. The priest before him bowed before scuttling off, relieved to be out from his burning gaze. Drumming his fingers reflexively on the polished surface of the antique table that served as his desk, he considered the problem.

I can’t believe that one of my own faction would be so foolish as to go against me. Even that fence-sitter Kudou is giving me support, wondrously unlikely though that is. Still, not only do we have the most of the chosen in our faction, the Shrine Maiden of Ise Grand Shrine awakened, and while I cannot truly claim her as one of our own, as she is bound to remain neutral in these disputes, as the enshrined Deity there is Amaterasu, naturally her achievements reflect on us, and many consider her still in our faction.

“That damn imbecile. I warned him not to push his luck, the dangers of the Spiritual realm are not to be trifled with. It seems that we are disadvantaged as the kami of Kyoto and their servants are largely too powerful to manifest in the Spiritual realm as of yet. Slow and steady to win the race, especially since we hold all the advantages.”

The biggest one of all being the secret that Gin himself had received the call, the shining golden light that matched the golden coat of Kinkaku-Ji, the touch of Avalokiteshvara itself upon him. Keeping it from all but the most trusted members of his faction, he had been leveraging it to his advantage, using the chosen he controlled to support expanding his sphere of influence in the Spiritual realm, growing it around the magnificent golden edifice that was the Spiritual Kinkaku-Ji. Of course this means that only I am truly fit to lead the faithful in these new times. Just like Kinkaku-Ji, which was rebuilt from the flames of disaster, Japan will rise through this, stronger and better, standing above all other nations.

It was a bit disappointing that the Diviner was not under his control, but the old fox Kudou was being supportive, to an extent anyway, so it wasn’t out of the question that he could take her in… Everything was running so smoothly…

To think that one of his own would disobey him, trying to strengthen his powers while not giving Gin his due. At least his foolishness received a fair reward. Leaving the shelter of one’s shrine to raise influence outside seemed a good idea, but things lurked out there, things of dark myth and legend that were said to even rival the kami themselves. He had seen them, on occasion, when he visited the Spiritual realm in secret. That dark parade, passing through the streets, destroying anything in their path. No, to expect a fool to survive an encounter of such magnitude would be insane.

It wouldn’t be possible to keep his demise a secret, much like news of that foolish girl who had died doing the same greedy thing. That was why a firm hand was needed, lest enemies both spiritual and human take advantage of their weaknesses.

“If I delay the Conclave until a good chunk of Spiritual Kyoto is under my control, then it would be impossible not to concede to my leadership. And progress is being made to that end, even if it is slower than I would wish…” he mused. “… still, this setback is vexing.”

Surely there was some way to expedite things, as he was running out of reasons to delay, and Kudou could change his mind at any time. Wait, that’s it! Of course! Eyes straying to his phone, he reached for it, quickly dialling a number. This is a risk, a big one… but if it pays off… well, I won’t even need to buy time…

“Good afternoon. Please forgive me for calling so abruptly, but I have a very important matter to discuss….”

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