Omnipotent Sage

Chapter 256: Hard to be a Lord

Chapter 256: Hard to be a Lord

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Refining Weapons was a science, a matter of knowledge.

Junior Leopard had refined his weapon, Bi You, before by himself. However, after hearing some basic ways of refining weapons from the Green Lamp Spirit, Junior Leopard realized that he was inexperienced in this art.

Necromancy, including refining weapons, had prevailed in antiquity times, and all its practitioners had researched necromancy. In Junior Leopard’s previous life, he had learned Physics, Chemistry and Math at school. He knew a few theories but only enough for him to solve some equations and do one or two easy chemistry experiments. Although he could recite the theory of relativity fluently, it was still impossible for him to build an atomic bomb.

Junior Leopard thought the Green Lamp Spirit was like a high school level demon. He himself was not even a pre-schooler, let alone a first-grader. It was good enough for him to have a high school student as his teacher.

The procedure to refine a weapon was not so mysterious. In a sense, it was very similar to a chemical reaction in his previous life: different types of heaven and earth treasures mutually combined. With their power, superimposing, they mutated, and finally brought into play their various functions.

This was the basic principle of refining a weapon. Unfortunately, it was just a principle.

“After researching for several years, necromancers have summarized thousands of ways of refining celestial devices and fairy weapons. I only know a few of them,” Green Lamp Spirit said. He continued, “But you already own complete materials and they are more than sufficient for you to refine a Pure Yang Celestial Device. To refine a celestial device isn’t something you can finish in one go, you need time and patience. You should be aware, a Pure Yang Celestial Device was not designed merely to help you to kill and defend, its main purpose is to nourish your body and spirit. The cultivation method you practice belongs to the fire element. If you refine a Pure Yang Celestial Device that includes both gold and fire, its nourishing function for your body, cultivation and spirit will be significant. You cannot do this with the Telepathize Celestial Device or Mysterious Celestial Device! ”

“So what should I do? !”

“Just follow my steps. You refined the Green Lamp and we are truly going to rise and fall together. You don’t need to worry that I will trick you!”

“I don’t worry about that, but you should at least tell me your background.”

“I’m a Grand Demon. To use your words, I lived in the antiquity times. Even if I told you, you would never know where I came from, because there were plenty of grand demons at that time. By the way, I am the Green Lamp Spirit now and my past means nothing to me. You can just call me Green Spirit.”

“Well Green Spirit, this is who you really are!” Junior Leopard said with a smile and stopped digging on his past. Following the method that Green Spirit described, he took the Tusita Fire from the green lamp carefully and then blended it slowly into the Underground Fire Golden Essence.

Green Spirit said, “You need to nourish the Underground Fire Golden Essence with the Tusita Fire and the Demonic Fire from primitive Dragon Chimera. It’s a meticulous job and you can’t go too quickly. When it is almost done, I will tell you how to refine the celestial device.”

“OK, thanks.” Junior Leopard smiled. As soon as the red diamond on his fingertip sparked, Green Spirit was sent back to the space Junior Leopard divided, without a chance to say a word.

“Humph! Great Ancient Demon! No matter how big a demon you are, now you’re an Original Spirit and you’re taking orders from me. This feels so good!” Junior Leopard got up smugly and said, “I should head to my territory to see what’s going on. I have had some disputes with the Wangs, I hope they are not foolish enough to attack my place while I’m away. The experts of the Wang family are more interested in the Ancient Ruins anyway.”

Junior Leopard rode the sword light heading to the northwest.

Northern Yuan was in full swing.

Since many fiefs have been enfeoffed to the Great Jin, the masters hastened to their territories one after another.

Different people had different ways. On the prairie, after the complete collapse of an old master, a new one would move in with territory construction, just like paint on white paper.

The most enthusiastic people were those who came from the martial arts world. They had been trained in Military Camps and then enfeoffed lands. They had once earned their living in Jianghu, but now they had suddenly become masters of large territories. Although there were few people on the land, how could they not be delighted? They now had authority just slightly lower than the Emperor of Jin.

Within half a year, most people moved their families into the territory. Of course, astute businessmen noticed that plenty of trade routes opened at the same time.

The Southland seven tribes belonging to Northern Yuan had now changed into three states of Jin, and these states naturally became the transfer station for border trading. A bustling scene was starting to appear in this sparsely populated place.

What was the best business to do in the North?

Undoubtedly, it was human trafficking.

In Jin, many restrictions were issued on human trafficking and the trafficking of the people of Jin was prohibited. You could only buy and sell slaves from Northern Yuan and barbarians from the south. Otherwise, even if the people were malicious killers or arsonists, you would be making a trip to the guillotine.

Nonetheless, the great Marx once said, if there are profits, the businessman will risk his life. At present, the profit in this business was huge. It was now or never.

Unlike the strong-arm Governor Ma Tianchang, the Governors of the three northern states turned a blind eye to human trafficking for they knew the northern prairie needed people. Besides, it gained them a few advantages and brought them no enemies.

The human trafficking business in all three states was getting bigger and bigger.

When Junior Leopard arrived, he was astounded by the growing number of people.

Before there had been at most one or two hundred people in this place, but now, the population had almost doubled. Town centralization began to take shape. A curved street winding along the Piedmont of Jilei Mountain, and two lines of simple houses were built beside the street. Hundreds of cattle and sheep fed in the prairie down the hill, giving the image of peace.

After looking over the territory, Junior Leopard landed in a secluded place and changed his clothes. He displayed the body movement of Nine Changes of Heavenly Birds and went back to the growing town under Jilei Mountain.

Junior Leopard was recognized by a servant as soon as he arrived at the log gate. The servant rapidly sent the message back so that Junior Leopard saw the happy faces of Jiang Xiao and others after just a few steps on the town street.

“My Lord, it’s so nice that you’re back!”

“Your Excellency, please allow me to express my gratitude.”

“The pleasure is mine!” Jiang Xiao bowed and said.

“Look at your joyful face, did something good happen? ”

“Your Excellency, we were mining stones to renovate the house, and we came across a refined iron mine. It tested to be Upper Grade One. The diggings are in full swing. We don’t need to worry about money anymore!”

“Great!” Junior Leopard couldn’t help being delighted after hearing this news. He was from the Wu Family and certainly knew the value of an iron mine. It would be possible for him to raise thousands of people with the mine.

“What’s more, My Lord, there were some merchant groups here recently. They not only brought us goods, but some people as well.” Jiang Xiao subconsciously came closer to Junior Leopard and said, “They are not from Northern Yuan, or South China, My Lord, they are from Great Jin. They are southern farmers who rebelled by following the Sect of Flame and were all brought to the prairie because of a collaboration among officers, soldiers, and human traders.”

“OK, I got it.” Junior Leopard nodded. As a good student who had studied Marxism from childhood, he had expected this. From now on, the business of human trafficking would thrive.

On the other hand, Junior Leopard didn’t think this type of business would truly change the situation in the prairie. Even in Northern Yuan’s heyday, the population was just a couple hundred million.

People from Northern Yuan were always living a nomadic life, finding prairies and rivers and staying a short time. Only tribes with a population of over half a million had the qualification and ability to build a city in the prairie.

What about Jin?

Only Yunzhou, under the governance of Ma Tianchang, had three hundred million people.

The lifestyle habits of Central Plains people were different from prairie people. They were used to settling down, farming, building cities, and propagating. Accomplishing this type of lifestyle required plenty of people. However, the original nomadic people of Northern Yuan had almost all been expelled, and now it was the Central Plains people who occupied the rest of prairie. In this way, the ecology of the entire prairie would certainly be changed. Junior Leopard believed that in ten years the Northern Yuan prairie would be beyond recognition. The increasing population was evidence. Under the population policy of Great Jin, the prairie population couldn’t reach its demand no matter what exceptional abilities the businessmen had.

Unless Junior Leopard’s prediction came true — a war in Jin. Then, a multitude of people would migrate to the northern prairie, as it would be a good, safe place for them. But for now, everything remained unknown.

“Father Kelsang really is something. He helped us hire more than a hundred nomads and now all of them are settled down,” Jiang Xiao continued.

Junior Leopard’s eyebrows went up in doubt. “This Kelsang actually supports us with everything?!”

Jiang Xiao understood his meaning and quickly asked, “Do you think this is improper, My Lord?”

“It’s nothing. A few thousand people can’t cause any trouble, never mind hundreds. What we lack right now is people. The more the better, it doesn’t matter what we think of them. Don’t worry.”

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

“You have the right to deal with all territory matters. If you think it’s beneficial for us, you can pass by me and make a decision yourself.”

“Your Excellency, I’m afraid that’s not appropriate. Some important matters…”

“Important matters are also in your charge. I only do the violent part,” Junior Leopard waved his hands and said, “I’m in no mood for managing specific affairs.”

“Yes, Sir!” Jiang Xiao answered with his head bowed. “Your temporary mansion is all set up, Your Excellency. I’ll show you the way.”


It sounded easy to build a temporary mansion, but actually, it was not. This was the largest yard in the town center and it had just been built. Junior Leopard looked up at it towering above him. It wasn’t until Jiang Xiao brought him here that he realized the place had nine doors and dozens of rooms. The garden and pavilion prototypes had already taken shape. It wouldn’t be long before the construction was finished.

“It’s too big for me!”

“Your Excellency, this is only your temporary mansion. In the future…”

“Alright, alright, I know!” Junior Leopard waved reluctantly and went directly to his room.

Junior Leopard felt it was refreshing to live in the new mansion, but after a few days, this freshness was all gone. The construction of the mansion hadn’t finished yet. There were prototypes of yards, mountains, and pools that needed to be built. In order to live in quiet, Junior Leopard moved into the farthest yard, which was almost done. It was not that big but it was enough for him and his maidservant Renzhen Cuo.

Junior Leopard hadn’t seen her in a while. She had become white and gained weight. Junior Leopard had appointed her as maidservant so no one dared to slight her even if he wasn’t here. She was actually the one with the most authority in the yard aside from Jiang Xiao. One reason was that she was Junior Leopard’s maidservant, another was that she was the princess of the Blackwolf tribe, which didn’t exist anymore. Most of the servants in the house were former prairie herdsmen. Even though Northern Yuan’s collapse was not long ago, they had heard of the Blackwolf tribe. Surely they had a sense of awe toward her.

The air was crisp in the late autumn. The territory was located in the northwest of China which was the frozen land in the Central Plains. The temperature had dropped below zero. Junior Leopard was not cold for he had powerful cultivation. As for others, they already wore fur robes, Jiang Xiao and Renzhen Cuo being no exception.

“Your Excellency, Father Kelsang asked me to send homemade oil-tea!” Junior Leopard almost stepped out of the door when he saw Renzhen Cuo holding a big copper pot in her hand.

“Put it inside and I’ll drink it when I come back. So, have you gotten used to living here yet?”

“Yes!” Renzhen Cuo said bowing. “It’s not far away from the Blackwolf tribe. I’m familiar with the mountains, rivers, and prairies. I’ve been here before, but there were not many people back then.”

Renzhen Cuo looked wistful and seemed to be recalling her former life.

“Let bygones be bygones. It’s no use holding onto the past.” Junior Leopard looked at Renzhen Cuo as if he could see into her soul. “You are not that kind of beauty nor an expert with the cultivation of Level Nine. Maybe you owned some assets before but now you are in my hand and that means you have nothing. You can’t change a thing with your little secrets. The tribe of Northern Yuan has collapsed and your Blackwolf tribe, the strongest tribe, will not revive. Stop thinking about unrealistic things and live here in peace. Find your true love, get married in the next year or two, and have a child if you want. I may want a disciple whom I can help become a master over Level Seven!”

“Yes!” Renzhen Cuo trembled slightly. She looked down and left with the copper pot.

“The girl is nice but she is dwelling in the past. She stays with those nomads every day. How could Jiang Xiao not know her thoughts?”

The wind of fall was very cold now; few people appeared in the town. Junior Leopard wore plain clothes and walked aimlessly through the street.

Suddenly, he stopped and frowned.

“The Sect of Flame?!”

A slight scent of sandalwood wafted from a bunkhouse and Junior Leopard heard the sound of praying, although it was a small voice.

“Jiang Xiao told me that human traders in the three northern states were overflowing with people from both Northern Yuan and South China. Southern rabbles were sold to this frozen land, and they were coerced by the Sect of Flame whose base camp is in the south, so there is no surprise that a few Sect of Flame’s disciples are here. This is my territory. Although we say freedom of religion, the Sect of Flame is not merely a religion. It’s an expert of rebellion. I need to order Jiang Xiao to be careful next time. He better not let these sect followers root on my territory.”

Junior Leopard walked straight through the door, lost in thought. It was not worth it for him to deal with these Sects of Flame’s disciples.

It was then that he heard the small voice.

“Young Master, we have already contacted Madam. Madam and Venerable will pick you up soon. Please wait for another few days.”

“You told mother about the situation here?!”

“Yes, and Madam said she will figure something out.”

“Ok, you can go. Be careful and don’t expose us. Just act normally!”

“Yes, Young Master!”

Junior Leopard stopped as the voice disappeared.

“Young Master, Madam, Venerable!” He kept repeating these three names. “Who was that guy? The son of Sect of Flame’s Venerable? There are not many Venerables. Prince Xiaoming might be the one. This man couldn’t be Prince Xiaoming, the nancy boy, who else could it be?”

The slit of the door opened as Junior Leopard was thinking. A vigilant eye looked out and met his gaze.


The man looked at him, trembling. He seemed to lean back like he was going to close the door but he froze, thought about it and slowly opened the door.

“Your sinner Kelsang bows before the Master!”

All the people in the town were Northern Yuan convicts, so Junior Leopard was their master. Although he didn’t take himself as a master, people would call him by it when meeting him.

“Ha, sinner?!” Junior Leopard laughed and looked inside. The houses beside the street were all the same, so it was easy to see clearly. A white robed teen around the same age as Junior Leopard, held the sandalwood and kneeled before a statue of God. Just then he turned his head and looked outside with frightened eyes.

“I’m just passing by. Don’t bother. You can go.” Junior Leopard waved his hand and continued on.

The man inside couldn’t decide whether stay or go.

“Protector Cao, did he hear what we said just now?” The teen asked. He timidly walked out until Junior Leopard was far away and there wasn’t a soul in sight.

“He is an expert at Level Seven with a terrible spiritual mind, I’m afraid he heard it all!” Protector Cao looked as pale as death. “He might even hear what we are saying now!”

“What should we do now?” asked the young man urgently.

“Rest assured that you will be fine, Young Master!” Protector Cao looked back and patted his shoulders with a wry smile. “Since he didn’t catch us it means he is not watching us. Venerable and Madam will be here soon. If something happens, he will talk to the Venerable.”

This meant that both of them were not important enough to bother Junior Leopard.


“Young Master, it can’t be helped. All we can do is stay here and wait for the answer.” Protector Cao said, “This place belongs to Lord Zhou. Things need to be explained.”

“Your explanation better be good, or I will destroy you!” Junior Leopard thought, walking and listening to their conversation. “There is more than one Venerable of Sect of Flame, but it’s impossible that all of them have Level Nine as Prince Xiaoming does, and I don’t know the real strength and plan of this Venerable. Nobody wants to come to this frozen land, so why is he interested in this place? Does the Sect of Flame want a foothold in the northwest? That doesn’t make sense. If they did, why would they choose such a bad location? There are cowards all over the north, it is not a big deal for them to occupy a territory with their power!”

Walking on the withered prairie and thinking of the territory issues, Junior Leopard smiled suddenly. “F*ck, why did I come here to be a lord? Now I know why Emperors have such low cultivation. They have so much to worry about. People like me who already gave everything to Jiang Xiao, now need to be concerned about the territory. This could surely affect my practice!”

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