Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 96: A Man’s Greatest Futility Is Being Unable to Choose One’s Parents

Chapter 96: A Man’s Greatest Futility Is Being Unable to Choose One’s Parents

Li Mo turned to Li Shili, You sure have become more awe-inspiring after ten years of clan head. Whats wrong, you wont hit me yourself this time?

Hit him, clobber him! Li Shili shrieked.

None of you are allowed to move. Li Shizhong rushed in front.

Big brother, you cant teach little Mo a lesson in front of the guests. You will bring shame to us.

Li Shilis face turned dark.

I will take little Mo inside where there are no outsiders and can talk there. Li Shizhong pulled Li Mo as he hurried forward.

Li Shili was wearing a grim expression until a guest arrived. He instantly switched to a smile at that point.

Little Mo, your father is now the head of the clan and you will only make it hard on you if you irritate him. People should lower their heads when its needed. Its nothing much. Li Shizhong advised Li Mo on their way inside.

Second Uncle, I know you care for me. I know you are a good man since ten years ago. But I am no longer the same I was back then. He will never beat me on a whim as he did before, not anymore.

You have your mothers temper Li Shizhong sighed.

Even if he is wrong, he is your father. Blood is thicker than water

Li Mo cut him off, Second Uncle, enough. We have stopped being father and son ten years ago.

Only allowed on

How can it stop just like that? Child, even if you do not want to admit it, he is still your father.

Li Shili closed his eyes and spoke vehemently, A mans greatest futility is being unable to choose his parents. Even if I could choose a thousand times, I wouldve never ever picked Li Shili.

Ten years ago, when Li Mo was six, for his ambition Li Shili married Ning clans second young miss, Ning Baihe, Li Yans mother.

If none of them ever married, the match between Li and Ning clan wouldve been perfect, but Li Shili and Li Mos mother, Shui Tingyun, were already married for six years. Only no outsider was aware of this. That is because Shui Tingyuns background was unclear and Li Shili pursued her then only because she was the prettiest in school.

Li Mo could remember that day ten years ago as if it was yesterday. Li Shili in a mask of rage abused Shui Tingyun with words, saying Li Mo wasnt his son, but was born of his mothers affair. No matter how much she explained it, Li Shili was dead set on casting her out.

I will leave but my child stays. I cannot take him!

He is not my son. You have to take him!

You were my only man, Li Shili. You only bring shame to yourself for the way you act!

I wish I could take him, but I cant, I cant

You must take him!

Li Shili, I was wrong in not listening to my parents. Blind I was in choosing you. I wish that in the next life we will never meet!

Mom, no!

Shui Tingyun jumped from the fifth floor.

Li Shili stood on the balcony cold and unfeeling. Slut, death is too good for you!

The six-year-old Li Mo went crazy and started attacking Li Shili. The latter then started to kick him without remorse. Just then, Li Mos playmate, Yu Dali, saw this and went to help, only to have Li Shili kick him away. He could only curse at the side, powerless to help Li Mo. 

Li Mo was beaten unconscious then and when he did wake up, Li Shili and Ning Baihe were already married. What he didnt know was that long before their marriage, they had a four-year-old son. 

Child, from now on you will be my son. You are from my own flesh and blood. Dont worry, I will take good care of you.

Towards Li Shizhongs consolation, Li Mos response was to shakily get out of bed and leave the Li clan. He stood at the door of the residence swearing he and Li Shili were no longer father and son. 

How could Li Mo accept that man as a father, a man that went to bed with an obedient wife for six years only to be so cold-blooded with her?

Ten years ago, if Li Mo hadnt left, Li Shizhong wouldve adopted him. The outsiders wouldnt know whose child he was but he did not want to live on anothers charity. So regardless if he was starving outside, he never returned once, nor taken a dime of their money.

Its all in the past now. Now that youre here, dont mind it so much. What matters is having a good relationship.

You may not want your father, but will you not want your little sister too? Or your second uncle? Or your grandfather?

I wouldnt have come if I did not.

Li Shizhong was speaking of his daughter, Li Weiwei, who was a year younger than Li Shizhong. Li Mo only recalled her as having a chubby face and a round body. A girl with twin tails who always pestered him to play all day long.

Weiwei will return two days later. Come, I will take you to your grandfather. Li Shizhong took Li Mo to Li Xuanyus dwelling.

Before they even entered, an aged voice came from within.

The knight jumps, the elephant moves diagonally, the chariot moves straight, the cannon captures the mountain, and the peon can only advance. How many times do I have to tell you? How is it that you cant even remember the basics?(T/N: a mnemonic for Chinese chess and how its pieces perform.)

Grandpa, its not my fault. I am too busy studying.

Too busy studying? Then let me ask you. What was your place in the last term, hmm? 307th, correct? Your school year has a total of 309 students and you only exceeded two?

Humph, dont think I dont know things. You think Im senile just because your dad says so?

Go, go out and play. Ill only get irritated looking at you.

Li Yan stormed out, bumping right into Li Shizhong and Li Mo.

Second Uncle, youre here? Eh, youre Li Mo? Li Yan recognized him at once. He investigated Li Mo the first time he went looking for him so of course he knew Li Mos appearance. 

Li Yan was furious and blocked Li Mo to mock him, I dont know whos son of a bitch you are but you have no right to enter. Beat it!


Li Mo straight out slapped him. Li Yans tender and white skin burned bright red.

You dare hit me? I will kill you!


Li Mo launched an entire barrage at the kid until the later saw stars and collapsed.

This time is a lesson for your ignorance. The next time you dare speak ill of mother, I will kill you!

Get lost!

At Li Mos killing intent filled eyes, Li Yan was scared witless, crying as he ran back inside.

Grandpa, someone hit me, wu~

He was smart enough not to curse Li Mo.

Who dares hit my grandson?

A tall and sturdy white-haired man stood up and boomed with fury.

Li Xuanyu didnt like Li Yan, but he was his grandson. He could scold him but no one could beat him, including his parents.

Grandpa, its me. Li Mo entered and kneeled.

Little Mo?

Li Xuanyu was overjoyed and rushed to help Li Mo up then hug him.

Its been so long. I missed you to death! Li Xuanyu was so happy he cried.

Li Yan stood speechless at the side. He was also bawling but Li Xuanyu ignored him.

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