Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 65: Night Fight

Chapter 65: Night Fight

After we broke up, it wasnt long before he got into a car accident and entered a coma.

To save him, I have been working in a club this past year. No matter how many people wanted to pay me fortunes, I have never crossed my bottom line.

Until recently, when he suddenly woke up. I thought we were over, but who wouldve guest he didnt even recognize me. His brain was still injured, affecting his memory. And his only chance of recovery is to remove the clot in his brain. But the cost of  his operation is estimated at sixty  million.

My heart couldnt bear seeing him scream out of nowhere with that dumb look,. So Ive decided to help him, one last time.

Jiang Xiaomei sat on a chair and slowly retold her lifes story.

Li Mo was on the bed, listening patiently.

Ever since Jiang Xiaomei returned, Li Mo remained silent and she started speaking. She didnt want his sympathy, treating Li Mo only as a listener.

Her family didnt understand, her friends didnt understand, doing this every day for a boyfriend who betrayed her. Jiang Xiaomei herself found it hard to understand also.

Only allowed on

I must be so stupid, but I dont regret it. If I dont help him I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. Helping him will at least let me find peace.

Jiang Xiaomei turned to Li Mo, who had the same expression all this time, neither sad nor happy, lifeless.

Boss Li, I didnt tell you these out of sympathy. I just had to get it off my chest and talk to someone.

Get the hell out! Li Mo barked.

Jiang Xiaomei jerked. 

Did you hear what I said?

Jiang Xiaomei heard him but was feeling awkward. She was about to leave when Li Mo jumped from the bed and kicked.



The air let out a wail of pain and then a thud as something hit the floor.

Li Mo returned to sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Jiang Xiaomei was confused, B-boss Li, what just happened?

An invisible man wanted to get near you, but now Ive kicked him out.

Invisible man? Jiang Xiaomei yelped.

Li Mos words wouldve earned a disbelieving glance from her if it was yesterday. But Zhang Ding and Zhang Dings fight opened her eyes, trusting him somewhat. 

How does he look?

Average looks, around 30 years old and medium built.

Zhang Ding! Jiang Xiaomei blurted.

You know him? This startled Li Mo.

It has to be him. I just saw him and Grandmaster Zhao have a magical art duel. He used a yellow paper seal to make Grandmaster Zhao dance as if possessed.

Soul Controlling Art?

Yes, thats the name!

Jiang Xiaomei opened her dainty mouth, Boss Li, you also know magical arts? You must have. All the guests Director Hu invited have special skills. You must also!

Jiang Xiaomei looked around a few times, trembling. 

She was scared Zhang Ding would retaliate.

Relax, he wont return. At least not tonight.

Y-you hurt him?

Li Mo shook his head, Not in the least. He only left through the wall with the help of my kick.

Gone through walls! Jiang Xiaomei shrieked.

A perfect mastery of the Invisible Art would allow one to walk through walls. But this act would pose a toll on ones spiritual qi. With his cultivation, he can only do it two times before he runs out of spiritual qi.

And using the Invisible Art for too long, he can no longer control his spiritual qi. The art will be undone and he will only be able to regain control of his spiritual qi after six hours.

Jiang Xiaomeis voice quivered, Boss Li, y-you wont force me, right? She was pleading.

Of course not. You sleep on the bed and Ill sit on the floor.

Li Mo jumped off the bed.

Ah? Me, on the bed? Y-you arent with me Jiang Xiaomeis blushed.

Li Mo sat cross-legged on the floor, silent.

An hour passed and Jiang Xiaomei stole glances of Li Mo, finding them in the same position.

Boss Li, to be honest, me and my boyfriend only did it once, and not finished And I even washed before coming here. 

Li Mo didnt think much, while Jiang Xiaomei was plagued with overthinking.

Li Mos lips moved..

I checked when I went outside and know that you havent done anything to me while I fainted.

The 100 million for these two days arent yours but you are the one giving it to me. I find it a bit sorry for you to not get anything out of this.

Li Mos mouth twitched.

Y-you havent done it before?

How about I teach you? Jiang Xiaomei gathered all her courage to say this. 

Im a minor. Li Mo felt stifled, responding after a long pause.

Jiang Xiaomei blanked out for five seconds, then giggled.

Oh, I forgot to ask, how old are you?

Taking this life into account, I will be 16 in a few months.

Youre 15? Ha-ha-ha

Jiang Xiaomei covered her mouth.

Youll owe me. Li Mo snorted.

Alright, Ill owe you, and wait until youre 18? Ha-ha-ha

Jiang Xiaomei was laughing with tears.

Zhang Dings room.

The beauty Zhang Ding had with him was now sleeping from exhaustion on the bed while Zhang Ding stood in front of a mirror buck naked. 

The red mark on his left face was from Li Mos kick. If he hadnt used spiritual qi to defend himself, the hit wouldve been much more serious.

I didnt expect that bastard to have a natural mystic eye. God dammit! Zhang Ding touched his face and cursed.

Zhang Ding wanted to get Jiang Xiaomei with the Invisible Art. He never put Li Mo in his eyes from the start and now was suffering for it.

Ive never been so humiliated since I left the mountain! Damn rotten son of a she-dog!

Zhang Ding was more and more angry and couldnt stop from cursing.

Punk with the mystic eye, just you wait! I will have my revenge, or Im not surnamed Zhang!

Zhang Ding bashed the dressing table again and again.

Zhang Ding took a yellow seal from his clothes and put it on the sleeping beautys head.

Get up and dance! Zhang Ding kicked her and the girl stood like a zombie, then moved just how Zhao Zuo acted when he was possessed.

The beauties that I embrace are the colorful flowers, the clear spring, the vast lands, the green mountains. The handsome youth

The girls voice was far more pleasant however, and Zhang Ding was more enthralled the more he listened.

Ye Xiaolu, I couldnt have you when you were alive, but you think death can stop me from having you?

Zhang Ding kicked the girl and the yellow seal fell from her head. Shivering, her wits came back to her.

It hurts. Boss Zhang, what are you doing?

Nothing, go to sleep.

Zhang Ding took the fallen seal and put it in his clothes.

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